module main;
struct ArgLooper
fn set(args: string[]) { }
fn next() string { }
fn nextOrNull() string { }
//! The entry point for the compiler.
fn main(strArgs: string[]) i32 { }
fn checkArgs(files: string[], settings: Settings) bool { }
fn handleArgs(strArgs: string[], args: Arg[], ver: VersionSet, settings: Settings) bool { }
fn getConfigLines() string[] { }
fn getLinesFromFile(file: string, lines: string[]) bool { }
fn printUsage() bool { }
fn printLicense() bool { }
module volt.arg;
class Arg
enum Conditional
enum Kind
//! -E
//! -S
//! --missing
//! --import-as-src
//! --debug
//! --release
//! --dep
//! --emit-llvm
//! --emit-bitcode (depricated)
arg: string;
condArch: i32;
condPlatform: i32;
kind: Kind;
cond: Conditional;
this(kind: Kind) { }
this(arg: string, kind: Kind) { }
fn filterArgs(args: Arg[], files: string[], ver: VersionSet, settings: Settings) { }
fn parseArch(a: string) Arch { }
fn parsePlatform(p: string, cRuntime: CRuntime) Platform { }
module volta.settings;
//! Holds a set of compiler settings.
class Settings
//! The -w argument.
warningsEnabled: bool;
//! The -S argument.
noBackend: bool;
//! The -c argument
noLink: bool;
//! The --emit-llvm argument.
emitLLVM: bool;
//! The --no-catch argument.
noCatch: bool;
//! The --no-stdlib argument.
noStdLib: bool;
//! The -E argument.
removeConditionalsOnly: bool;
//! The --simple-trace argument.
simpleTrace: bool;
//! The --internal-diff argument.
internalDiff: bool;
//! The --internal-dbg argument.
internalDebug: bool;
//! The --missing argument;
missingDeps: bool;
platform: Platform;
arch: Arch;
cRuntime: CRuntime;
//! Compiler identifier string.
identStr: string;
//! How where we launched.
execCmd: string;
//! Set on create.
execDir: string;
//! Derived from platform.
platformStr: string;
//! Derived from arch.
archStr: string;
//! The --cc argument.
cc: string;
//! Arguments to cc, the --Xcc argument(s).
xcc: string[];
//! The --ld argument.
ld: string;
//! The --Xld argument(s).
xld: string[];
//! The --link argument.
link: string;
//! The --Xlink argument(s).
xlink: string[];
//! The --clang argument.
clang: string;
//! The --Xclang argument(s).
xclang: string[];
//! The --llvm-ar argument.
llvmAr: string;
//! The --Xllvm-ar argument(s).
xllvmAr: string[];
//! The --linker argument
linker: string;
//! Arguments to the linker, the -Xlinker argument(s).
xlinker: string[];
depFile: string;
outputFile: string;
//! The --import-as-src command.
importAsSrc: string[];
//! The -I arguments.
includePaths: string[];
//! The -src-I arguments.
srcIncludePaths: string[];
//! The -L arguments.
libraryPaths: string[];
//! The -l arguments.
libraryFiles: string[];
//! The -F arguments.
frameworkPaths: string[];
//! The --framework arguments.
frameworkNames: string[];
//! The -J arguments.
stringImportPaths: string[];
//! The -jo argument.
jsonOutput: string;
//! The --perf-output argument.
perfOutput: string;
this(cmd: string, execDir: string) { }
fn processConfigs() { }
fn setStrs() { }
fn replaceMacros() { }
fn replaceEscapes(file: string) string { }
fn setDefault() { }
module volt.errors;
public import volta.errors;
fn hackTypeWarning(n: ir.Node, nt: ir.Type, ot: ir.Type) { }
fn warningAssignInCondition(loc: const(Location), warningsEnabled: bool) { }
fn warningStringCat(loc: const(Location), warningsEnabled: bool) { }
fn warningEmitBitcode() { }
fn makeEmitLLVMNoLink(file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeDefaultOnExpression(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCannotCastPointerToDelegate(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeMismatchedTemplateInstanceAndDefinition(loc: const(Location), instanceKind: ir.TemplateKind, definitionKind: ir.TemplateKind, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeRangeForeachWithIndex(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNonIntegralEnumNullAssign(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeRedefinesReservedIdentifier(loc: const(Location), ident: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeInvalidTraitsModifier(loc: const(Location), modifier: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeInvalidTraitsWord(loc: const(Location), word: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeFunctionNamedInit(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeAggregateStaticVariableNamedInit(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeExpressionForNew(loc: const(Location), name: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeMisplacedContinue(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeOverloadedFunctionsAccessMismatch(a: ir.Function, b: ir.Function) CompilerException { }
fn makeOverriddenFunctionsAccessMismatch(a: ir.Function, b: ir.Function) CompilerException { }
fn makeBadAccess(loc: const(Location), name: string, access: ir.Access, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeBadComposableType(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNonConstantCompileTimeComposable(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeArgumentCountMismatch(loc: const(Location), func: ir.Function, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeAssigningVoid(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeStructValueCall(loc: const(Location), aggName: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeStructDefaultCtor(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeStructDestructor(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeExpectedOneArgument(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeClassAsAAKey(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeMutableStructAAKey(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeExpectedCall(runexp: ir.RunExp, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNonNestedAccess(loc: const(Location), var: ir.Variable, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeMultipleMatches(loc: const(Location), name: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNoStringImportPaths(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeImportFileOpenFailure(loc: const(Location), filename: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeStringImportWrongConstant(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNoSuperCall(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeInvalidIndexValue(n: ir.Node, type: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeUnknownArch(a: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeUnknownPlatform(p: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeExpectedTypeMatch(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeIndexVarTooSmall(loc: const(Location), name: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNestedNested(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNonConstantStructLiteral(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeWrongNumberOfArgumentsToStructLiteral(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCannotDeduceStructLiteralType(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeArrayNonArrayNotCat(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCannotPickStaticFunction(loc: const(Location), name: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCannotPickStaticFunctionVia(loc: const(Location), name: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCannotPickMemberFunction(loc: const(Location), name: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeStaticViaInstance(loc: const(Location), name: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeMixingStaticMember(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNoZeroProperties(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeMultipleZeroProperties(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeUFCSAsProperty(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeUFCSAndProperty(loc: const(Location), name: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCallingUncallable(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeForeachIndexRef(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeDoNotSpecifyForeachType(loc: const(Location), varname: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNoFieldOrPropOrUFCS(postfix: ir.Postfix, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeAccessThroughWrongType(loc: const(Location), field: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeVoidReturnMarkedProperty(loc: const(Location), name: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNoFieldOrPropertyOrIsUFCSWithoutCall(loc: const(Location), value: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNoFieldOrPropertyOrUFCS(loc: const(Location), value: string, t: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeOverriddenNeedsProperty(f: ir.Function, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeOverridingFinal(f: ir.Function, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeBadBuiltin(loc: const(Location), t: ir.Type, field: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeBadMerge(a: ir.Alias, s: ir.Store, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCannotDup(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCannotSlice(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCallClass(loc: const(Location), _class: ir.Class, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeMixedSignedness(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeStaticArrayLengthMismatch(loc: const(Location), expectedLength: size_t, gotLength: size_t, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeDoesNotImplement(loc: const(Location), _class: ir.Class, iface: ir._Interface, func: ir.Function, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCaseFallsThrough(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNoNextCase(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeGotoOutsideOfSwitch(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeStrayDocComment(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCallingWithoutInstance(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeForceLabel(loc: const(Location), fun: ir.Function, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNoEscapeScope(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNoReturnScope(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeReturnValueExpected(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNoLoadBitcodeFile(filename: string, msg: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNoWriteBitcodeFile(filename: string, msg: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNoWriteObjectFile(filename: string, msg: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNoLinkModule(filename: string, msg: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeDuplicateLabel(loc: const(Location), label: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeUnmatchedLabel(loc: const(Location), label: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeDollarOutsideOfIndex(constant: ir.Constant, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeBreakOutOfLoop(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeAggregateDoesNotDefineOverload(loc: const(Location), agg: ir.Aggregate, func: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeBadWithType(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeForeachReverseOverAA(fes: ir.ForeachStatement, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeAnonymousAggregateRedefines(agg: ir.Aggregate, name: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeInvalidMainSignature(func: ir.Function, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNoValidFunction(loc: const(Location), fname: string, args: ir.Type[], file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCVaArgsOnlyOperateOnSimpleTypes(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeVaFooMustBeLValue(loc: const(Location), foo: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNonLastVariadic(var: ir.Variable, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeStaticAssert(as: ir.AssertStatement, msg: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeConstField(v: ir.Variable, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeAssignToNonStaticField(v: ir.Variable, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeSwitchBadType(node: ir.Node, type: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeSwitchDuplicateCase(node: ir.Node, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeFinalSwitchBadCoverage(node: ir.Node, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeArchNotSupported(file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeSpuriousTag(exp: ir.Exp, taggedRef: bool, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeWrongTag(exp: ir.Exp, taggedRef: bool, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNotTaggedOut(exp: ir.Exp, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNotTaggedRef(exp: ir.Exp, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeFunctionNameOutsideOfFunction(fexp: ir.TokenExp, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeMultipleValidModules(node: ir.Node, paths: string[], file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeAlreadyLoaded(m: ir.Module, filename: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCannotOverloadNested(node: ir.Node, func: ir.Function, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeUsedBeforeDeclared(node: ir.Node, var: ir.Variable, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeStructConstructorsUnsupported(node: ir.Node, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCallingStaticThroughInstance(node: ir.Node, func: ir.Function, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeMarkedOverrideDoesNotOverride(node: ir.Node, func: ir.Function, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNewAbstract(node: ir.Node, _class: ir.Class, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeSubclassFinal(child: ir.Class, parent: ir.Class, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNotAvailableInCTFE(node: ir.Node, s: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNotAvailableInCTFE(node: ir.Node, feature: ir.Node, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeMultipleDefaults(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeFinalSwitchWithDefault(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNoDefaultCase(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeTryWithoutCatch(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeMultipleOutBlocks(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNeedOverride(overrider: ir.Function, overridee: ir.Function, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeThrowOnlyThrowable(exp: ir.Exp, type: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeThrowNoInherits(exp: ir.Exp, clazz: ir.Class, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeInvalidAAKey(aa: ir.AAType, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeBadAAAssign(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeBadAANullAssign(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeError(n: ir.Node, s: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeError(loc: const(Location), s: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeUnsupported(loc: const(Location), feature: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeExpected(node: ir.Node, s: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeExpected(loc: const(Location), s: string, b: bool, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeExpected(loc: const(Location), expected: string, got: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeUnexpected(loc: const(Location), s: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeBadOperation(node: ir.Node, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeExpectedContext(node: ir.Node, node2: ir.Node, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNotReached(node: ir.Node, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeBadAggregateToPrimitive(node: ir.Node, from: ir.Type, to: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeBadImplicitCast(node: ir.Node, from: ir.Type, to: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCannotModify(node: ir.Node, type: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNotLValueButRefOut(node: ir.Node, isRef: bool, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeTypeIsNot(node: ir.Node, from: ir.Type, to: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeInvalidType(node: ir.Node, type: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeInvalidUseOfStore(node: ir.Node, store: ir.Store, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeWithCreatesAmbiguity(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeInvalidThis(node: ir.Node, was: ir.Type, expected: ir.Type, member: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNotMember(node: ir.Node, aggregate: ir.Type, member: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeNotMember(loc: const(Location), aggregate: string, member: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeFailedLookup(node: ir.Node, lookup: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeFailedEnumLookup(loc: const(Location), enumName: string, name: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeFailedLookup(loc: const(Location), lookup: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeWrongNumberOfArguments(node: ir.Node, func: ir.Function, got: size_t, expected: size_t, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeBadCall(node: ir.Node, type: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeBadPropertyCall(node: ir.Node, type: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeBadBinOp(binop: ir.BinOp, ltype: ir.Type, rtype: ir.Type, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCannotDisambiguate(node: ir.Node, functions: ir.Function[], args: ir.Type[], file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCannotDisambiguate(loc: const(Location), functions: ir.Function[], args: ir.Type[], file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCannotInfer(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeCannotLoadDynamic(node: ir.Node, func: ir.Function, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn makeMultipleFunctionsMatch(loc: const(Location), functions: ir.Function[], file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn panicOhGod(node: ir.Node, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn panic(node: ir.Node, msg: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn panic(loc: const(Location), msg: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn panic(msg: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn panicRuntimeObjectNotFound(name: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn panicUnhandled(node: ir.Node, unhandled: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn panicUnhandled(loc: const(Location), unhandled: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn panicNotMember(node: ir.Node, aggregate: string, field: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn panicExpected(loc: const(Location), msg: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) CompilerException { }
fn panicAssert(node: ir.Node, condition: bool, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn panicAssert(loc: const(Location), condition: bool, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
//! License information.
module volta.license;
//! Identifier string for this Volta.
enum ident;
//! This is the license for the volt compiler.
enum license;
global licenseArray: string[];
fn __ctor() { }
module volt.interfaces;
public import volta.interfaces;
//! Used to determine the output of the backend.
enum TargetType
//! Interface implemented by backends. Often the last stage of the compile
//! pipe that is implemented in this compiler, optimization and linking are
//! often done outside of the compiler, either invoked directly by us or a
//! build system.
interface Backend
//! Free resources.
fn close();
//! Return the supported target types.
fn supported() TargetType[];
//! Compile the given module to either a file or host result.
fn compileFile(m: ir.Module, type: TargetType, ehPersonality: ir.Function, llvmTypeidFor: ir.Function, execDir: string, currentWorkingDir: string, identStr: string) BackendFileResult;
//! Compile the given module to either a file or host result.
fn compileHost(m: ir.Module, ehPersonality: ir.Function, llvmTypeidFor: ir.Function, execDir: string, currentWorkingDir: string, identStr: string) BackendHostResult;
//! A result from a backend compilation that can be saved onto disk.
interface BackendFileResult
//! Free resources.
fn close();
//! Save the result to disk.
fn saveToFile(filename: string);
//! A JIT compiled a module that you can fetch functions from.
interface BackendHostResult
//! Return from getFunction method.
alias CompiledDg = ir.Constant delegate(ir.Constant[]);
//! Free resources.
fn close();
//! Returns a delegate that runs the given function from the module that
//! this object was compiled from.
fn getFunction(ir.Function) CompiledDg;
//! Home to logic for tying Frontend, Pass and Backend together and
//! abstracts away several IO related functions. Such as looking up module
//! files and printing error messages.
class Driver
execDir: string;
identStr: string;
internalDebug: bool;
this() { }
//! Free resources.
fn close();
//! Load a module source from file system.
fn loadModule(name: ir.QualifiedName) ir.Module;
//! Load a filename from the string import paths.
fn stringImport(loc: const(Location), filename: string) string;
//! Get the modules given on the command line.
fn getCommandLineModules() ir.Module[];
//! Returns a delegate that runs the given function from the given module.
fn hostCompile(ir.Module) BackendHostResult;
//! Centre point for all language passes.
class LanguagePass
alias DoneDg = void delegate();
errSink: ErrorSink;
driver: Driver;
ver: VersionSet;
target: TargetInfo;
settings: Settings;
frontend: Frontend;
postParse: PostParsePass;
warningsEnabled: bool;
//! Cached lookup items.
objObject: ir.Class;
//! Cached lookup items.
vaStartFunc: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
vaEndFunc: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
tiTypeInfo: ir.Class;
//! Cached lookup items.
tiClassInfo: ir.Class;
//! Cached lookup items.
tiInterfaceInfo: ir.Class;
//! Cached lookup items.
exceptThrowable: ir.Class;
//! Cached lookup items.
gcAllocDgVariable: ir.Variable;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaNew: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaDup: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaRehash: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaGetKeys: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaGetValues: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaGetLength: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaInsertPrimitive: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaInsertArray: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaInsertPtr: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaDeletePrimitive: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaDeleteArray: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaDeletePtr: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaInPrimitive: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaInArray: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaInPtr: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaInBinopPrimitive: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaInBinopArray: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
aaInBinopPtr: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
hashFunc: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
castFunc: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
memcmpFunc: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
utfDecode_u8_d: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
utfReverseDecode_u8_d: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
ehThrowFunc: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
ehRethrowFunc: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
ehThrowSliceErrorFunc: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
ehPersonalityFunc: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
ehThrowAssertErrorFunc: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
ehThrowKeyNotFoundErrorFunc: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
runMainFunc: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
llvmTypeidFor: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
llvmMemmove32: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
llvmMemmove64: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
llvmMemcpy32: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
llvmMemcpy64: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
llvmMemset32: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
llvmMemset64: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
sinkType: ir.Type;
//! Cached lookup items.
sinkStore: ir.Type;
//! Cached lookup items.
sinkInit: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
sinkGetStr: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
formatHex: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
formatI64: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
formatU64: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
formatF32: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
formatF64: ir.Function;
//! Cached lookup items.
formatDchar: ir.Function;
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
TYPE_INT: i32;
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
TYPE_AA: i32;
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
//! Type id constants for TypeInfo.
this(errSink: ErrorSink, drv: Driver, ver: VersionSet, target: TargetInfo, frontend: Frontend) { }
//! Free resources.
fn close();
//! Used by the Driver to store classes it loads from arguments.
fn addModule(mod: ir.Module);
//! Returns a already loaded module or loads it from file.
fn getModule(name: ir.QualifiedName) ir.Module;
//! Retuns all currently loaded modules.
fn getModules() ir.Module[];
//! These functions are used to assure that no circular dependancies
//! happens when resolving nodes like: Class, Function, Variables, etc.
fn startResolving(n: ir.Node) DoneDg;
//! These functions are used to assure that no circular dependancies
//! happens when resolving nodes like: Class, Function, Variables, etc.
fn startActualizing(n: ir.Node) DoneDg;
//! Resolves an Attribute, for UserAttribute usages.
fn resolve(current: ir.Scope, a: ir.Attribute);
//! Resolve a set of user attributes.
fn resolve(current: ir.Scope, userAttrs: ir.Attribute[]);
//! Resolves an ExpReference, forwarding the decl appropriately.
fn resolve(current: ir.Scope, eref: ir.ExpReference);
//! Resolves an EnumDeclaration setting its value.
fn resolve(current: ir.Scope, ed: ir.EnumDeclaration);
//! Resolves a TemplateInstance, causing it to be instantiated.
fn resolve(current: ir.Scope, ti: ir.TemplateInstance);
//! Resolves an ir.Store that is of kind Merge. Afterwards the kind is
//! changed to kind Function, since only functions can be merged.
fn resolve(ir.Store);
//! Resolves a Function making it usable externaly,
fn resolve(current: ir.Scope, func: ir.Function) { }
//! Resolves a Variable making it usable externaly.
fn resolve(current: ir.Scope, v: ir.Variable) { }
//! Resolves a unresolved alias store, the store can change type to Type,
//! either the field myAlias or type is set.
fn resolve(a: ir.Alias) { }
//! Resolves an Enum making it usable externaly, done on lookup of it.
fn resolveNamed(e: ir.Enum) { }
//! Resolves a Struct, done on lookup of it.
fn resolveNamed(s: ir.Struct) { }
//! Resolves a Union, done on lookup of it.
fn resolveNamed(u: ir.Union) { }
//! Resolves a Class, making sure the parent class is populated.
fn resolveNamed(c: ir.Class) { }
//! Resolves an Interface.
fn resolveNamed(i: ir._Interface) { }
//! Actualize a Struct, making sure all its fields and methods are
//! populated, and any embedded structs (not referenced via pointers) are
//! actualized as well. In short makes sure that the struct size is fully
//! known.
fn actualize(s: ir.Struct) { }
//! Actualize a Union, making sure all its fields and methods are
//! populated, and any embedded structs (not referenced via pointers) are
//! resolved as well.
fn actualize(u: ir.Union) { }
//! Actualize an Interface.
fn actualize(i: ir._Interface) { }
//! Actualize a Class, making sure all its fields and methods are
//! populated, Any embedded structs (not referenced via pointers) are
//! resolved as well. Parent classes are resolved to.
fn actualize(c: ir.Class) { }
//! Run all post parse passes on the given modules.
fn phase1(m: ir.Module[]);
//! Run all semantic passes on the given modules.
fn phase2(m: ir.Module[]);
//! Run all lowering passes on the given modules.
fn phase3(m: ir.Module[]);
fn doResolve(current: ir.Scope, v: ir.Variable);
fn doResolve(current: ir.Scope, func: ir.Function);
fn doResolve(a: ir.Alias);
fn doResolve(e: ir.Enum);
fn doResolve(i: ir._Interface);
fn doResolve(c: ir.Class);
fn doResolve(u: ir.Union);
fn doResolve(c: ir.Struct);
fn doActualize(i: ir._Interface);
fn doActualize(s: ir.Struct);
fn doActualize(u: ir.Union);
fn doActualize(c: ir.Class);
module volt.driver;
//! Default implementation of Driver, replace this if you wish to change
//! the basic operation of the compiler.
class VoltDriver : Driver, ErrorSink
ver: VersionSet;
target: TargetInfo;
frontend: Frontend;
languagePass: LanguagePass;
backend: Backend;
tempMan: TempfileManager;
debugVisitors: Pass[];
this(s: Settings, ver: VersionSet, target: TargetInfo, files: string[]) { }
fn onWarning(msg: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
fn onWarning(loc: const(ir.Location), msg: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
fn onError(msg: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
fn onError(loc: const(ir.Location), msg: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
fn onPanic(msg: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
fn onPanic(loc: const(ir.Location), msg: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
//! Retrieve a Module by its name. Returns null if none is found.
fn loadModule(name: ir.QualifiedName) ir.Module { }
fn stringImport(loc: const(Location), fname: string) string { }
fn getCommandLineModules() ir.Module[] { }
fn close() { }
fn addFile(file: string) { }
fn addFiles(files: string[]) { }
fn compile() i32 { }
fn hostCompile(mod: ir.Module) BackendHostResult { }
mArch: Arch;
mPlatform: Platform;
mNoLink: bool;
mNoBackend: bool;
mRemoveConditionalsOnly: bool;
mMissingDeps: bool;
mEmitLLVM: bool;
mArWithLLLVM: bool;
mOutput: string;
mDepFile: string;
//! All files used as input to this compiled.
mDepFiles: string[];
mIncludes: string[];
mSrcIncludes: string[];
mSourceFiles: string[];
mImportAsSrc: string[];
mBitcodeFiles: string[];
mObjectFiles: string[];
mStringImportPaths: string[];
mInternalDiff: bool;
mInternalDebug: bool;
mInternalNoCatch: bool;
mCommandLineModules: ir.Module[];
mDebugPassesRun: bool;
mAccumReading: Accumulator;
mAccumParsing: Accumulator;
mCompiledModules: BackendHostResult[u64];
mJsonPrinter: JsonPrinter;
mLLVMDriver: LLVMDriver;
mLLVMSettings: LLVMDriverSettings;
mRunVoltend: bool;
mRunBackend: bool;
fn writeDepFile() { }
fn pathFromQualifiedName(name: ir.QualifiedName, includes: string[], suffix: string) string { }
//! Loads a file and parses it.
fn loadAndParse(file: string) ir.Module { }
fn intCompile() i32 { }
fn intCompileVoltend() i32 { }
fn intCompileBackend() i32 { }
fn decideStuff(settings: Settings) { }
fn decideJson(settings: Settings) { }
fn decideLinker(settings: Settings) { }
fn decideOutputFile(settings: Settings) { }
fn decideCheckErrors() { }
fn decideParts() { }
fn decideBackend() { }
static fn decideMode(settings: Settings) Mode { }
fn setTargetInfo(target: TargetInfo, arch: Arch, platform: Platform, cRuntime: CRuntime, llvmIntrinsicVersion: i32) TargetInfo { }
module volt.util.path;
//! Helper class to manage temporary files.
class TempfileManager
//! Uses getTemporarySubdirectoryName to get the system temporary
//! directory.
this() { }
//! Creates a temporary file name with the given ending.
fn getTempFile(ending: string) string { }
//! Remove all tempfiles tracked by this manager.
fn removeTempfiles() { }
mSubdir: string;
mTemporaryFiles: string[];
//! Does the same as unix's "mkdir -p" command.
fn mkdirP(name: string) { }
//! Turns a qualified module name into a list of possible file paths.
fn genPossibleFilenames(dir: string, names: string[], suffix: string) string[] { }
//! Get the temporary subdirectory name for this run of the compiler.
fn getTemporarySubdirectoryName() string { }
module volt.util.perf;
class Accumulator
accum: i64;
then: i64;
below: Accumulator;
next: Accumulator;
name: string;
this(name: string) { }
fn start() { }
fn stop() { }
class Counter
name: string;
count: u64;
next: Counter;
this(name: string) { }
class GCAccumulator : Accumulator
mAllocDg: AllocDg;
this() { }
fn alloc(ti: TypeInfo, c: size_t) void* { }
//! Very simple perfing code, just gets timing info.
struct Perf
enum Mark
pos: i32;
times: i64[];
counter: Counter;
stack: Accumulator;
accum: Accumulator;
fn perfInit() { }
fn close() { }
//! Place a mark in time, allows to skip phases.
fn mark(mark: Mark) { }
fn print(file: string, name: string) { }
global perf: Perf;
module volta.interfaces;
//! Each of these listed platforms corresponds to a Version identifier.
enum CRuntime
//! Each of these listed platforms corresponds to a Version identifier.
enum Platform
//! Each of these listed architectures corresponds to a Version identifier.
enum Arch
//! What kind of exception handling should the backend implement.
enum ExceptionHandlingType
//! Interface for communicating error conditions to the user.
interface ErrorSink
fn onWarning(msg: string, file: string, line: i32);
fn onWarning(loc: const(ir.Location), msg: string, file: string, line: i32);
fn onError(msg: string, file: string, line: i32);
fn onError(loc: const(ir.Location), msg: string, file: string, line: i32);
fn onPanic(msg: string, file: string, line: i32);
fn onPanic(loc: const(ir.Location), msg: string, file: string, line: i32);
//! The part of the compiler that takes user supplied code and turns it
//! into IR.
interface Frontend
//! Free resources.
fn close();
//! Parse a module and all its children from the given source. Filename is
//! the file from which file the source was loaded from.
fn parseNewFile(source: string, filename: string) ir.Module;
//! Parse a BlockStatement from a list of tokens.
fn parseBlockStatement(tokens: ir.Token[], magicFlagD: bool) ir.BlockStatement;
//! Parse a zero or more statements from a string, does not need to start
//! with '{' or end with a '}'.
fn parseStatements(source: string, loc: Location) ir.Node[];
//! Interface implemented by transformation, debug and/or validation
//! passes.
interface Pass
//! Free resources.
fn close();
//! Run the pass on the given module.
fn transform(m: ir.Module);
//! Interface implemented by PostParse code, allows running certain
//! operations out of band from the normal transform entire module type.
interface PostParsePass
//! Resume the post-parsing process on the given Function.
fn transformChildBlocks(func: ir.Function);
//! Holds information about the target that we are compiling to.
class TargetInfo
struct Alignments
int1: size_t;
int8: size_t;
int16: size_t;
int32: size_t;
int64: size_t;
float32: size_t;
float64: size_t;
ptr: size_t;
aggregate: size_t;
arch: Arch;
platform: Platform;
cRuntime: CRuntime;
ptrSize: size_t;
alignment: Alignments;
isP64: bool;
ehType: ExceptionHandlingType;
llvmIntrinsicVersion: i32;
this() { }
//! A set of version/debug identifiers.
class VersionSet
//! These are always set
enum defaultVersions;
enum reservedVersions;
debugEnabled: bool;
this() { }
//! Throws: Exception if ident is reserved.
fn setVersionIdentifierIfNotReserved(ident: string) bool { }
//! Doesn't throw on ident reserve.
fn overwriteVersionIdentifier(ident: string) { }
//! Doesn't throw, debug identifiers can't be reserved.
fn setDebugIdentifier(ident: string) { }
//! Check if a given version identifier is set. Params: ident = the
//! identifier to check. Returns: true if set, false otherwise.
fn isVersionSet(ident: string) bool { }
//! Check if a given debug identifier is set. Params: ident = the identifier
//! to check. Returns: true if set, false otherwise.
fn isDebugSet(ident: string) bool { }
//! Set the correct version identifiers for the given arch, platform, and
//! runtime.
fn set(arch: Arch, platform: Platform, cRuntime: CRuntime, llvmIntrinsicVersion: i32) { }
//! Quick helpers to get version flags.
fn isP64() bool { }
//! Struct representing a location in a source file.
struct Location
filename: string;
line: u32;
column: u32;
length: u32;
fn toString() string { }
//! Return the line pointed to by this location.
fn errorLine() string { }
//! Return the chunk of an errorLine that this points at, or an empty
//! string.
fn errorChunk() string { }
//! Return a few lines that show where in filename this Location is
//! pointing.
fn locationGuide() string { }
//! Difference between two locations. end - begin == begin ... end
fn opSub(begin: Location) Location { }
fn spanTo(end: Location) { }
//! Difference between two locations. end - begin == begin ... end On
//! mismatch of filename or if begin is after end _default is returned.
static fn difference(end: Location, begin: Location, _default: Location) Location { }
public import;
public import;
public import;
public import;
public import;
public import;
public import;
public import;
//! Get the intrinsic version.
module volt.llvm.intrinsicVersion;
enum V1;
enum V2;
fn get() i32 { }
module volt.util.cmdgroup;
alias OsHandle = Pid.OsHandle;
//! Helper class to launch one or more processes to run along side the main
//! process.
class CmdGroup
alias DoneDg = void delegate(i32);
this(maxWaiting: u32) { }
fn run(cmd: string, args: string[], dgt: DoneDg) { }
fn waitOne() { }
fn waitAll() { }
//! Exception form and when execquting commands.
class CmdException : Exception
this(cmd: string, args: string[], reason: string) { }
module volt.exceptions;
//! Base class for compiler exceptions.
class CompilerException : Exception
loc: Location;
hasLocation: bool;
neverIgnore: bool;
more: CompilerError;
fixHint: string;
allocationLocation: string;
this(message: string, more: CompilerError, neverIgnore: bool, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
this(loc: const(Location), message: string, more: CompilerError, neverIgnore: bool, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn errorFormat() string { }
fn locationFormat() string { }
//! Exception for compiler error messages arising from source code.
class CompilerError : CompilerException
this(message: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
this(message: string, more: CompilerError, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
this(loc: const(Location), message: string, neverIgnore: bool, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
this(loc: const(Location), message: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
this(loc: const(Location), message: string, more: CompilerError, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
this(loc: const(Location), message: string, more: CompilerError, neverIgnore: bool, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
class MissingSemicolonError : CompilerError
this(loc: Location, type: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
class PairMismatchError : CompilerError
this(pairStart: Location, loc: Location, type: string, token: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
class ArgumentMismatchError : CompilerError
enum unspecified;
argNumber: ptrdiff_t;
this(loc: const(Location), message: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
this(loc: const(Location), message: string, argNumber: ptrdiff_t, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
//! Aka Internal Compiler Error, aka ICE, aka CompilerPanic.
class CompilerPanic : CompilerException
this(message: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
this(loc: const(Location), message: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn errorFormat() string { }
fn locationFormat() string { }
fn errorMessageOnly(loc: const(Location), message: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
module volta.parser.parser;
class Parser : Frontend
dumpLex: bool;
settings: Settings;
errSink: ErrorSink;
this(settings: Settings, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn parseNewFile(source: string, filename: string) ir.Module { }
fn parseBlockStatement(tokens: ir.Token[], magicFlagD: bool) ir.BlockStatement { }
fn parseStatements(source: string, loc: Location) ir.Node[] { }
fn close() { }
fn doDumpLex(ps: ParserStream) { }
fn checkError(ps: ParserStream, status: ParseStatus) { }
module volt.semantic.languagepass;
enum Mode
//! Default implementation of LanguagePass, replace this if you wish to any
//! of the semantics of the language.
class VoltLanguagePass : LanguagePass
//! Phases fields.
passes1: Pass[];
//! Phases fields.
passes2: Pass[];
//! Phases fields.
passes3: Pass[];
postParseImpl: PostParseImpl;
this(err: ErrorSink, drv: Driver, ver: VersionSet, target: TargetInfo, settings: Settings, frontend: Frontend, mode: Mode, warnings: bool) { }
fn close() { }
//! This functions sets up the pointers to the often used inbuilt classes,
//! such as object.Object and object.TypeInfo. This needs to be called
//! after the Driver is fully setup.
fn setupOneTruePointers() { }
fn addModule(m: ir.Module) { }
fn getModule(name: ir.QualifiedName) ir.Module { }
fn getModules() ir.Module[] { }
fn startResolving(n: ir.Node) DoneDg { }
fn startActualizing(n: ir.Node) DoneDg { }
fn resolve(current: ir.Scope, userAttrs: ir.Attribute[]) { }
fn resolve(current: ir.Scope, eref: ir.ExpReference) { }
fn resolve(current: ir.Scope, a: ir.Attribute) { }
fn resolve(current: ir.Scope, ti: ir.TemplateInstance) { }
fn resolve(current: ir.Scope, ed: ir.EnumDeclaration) { }
fn resolve(s: ir.Store) { }
fn phase1(m: ir.Module) { }
fn phase2(m: ir.Module) { }
fn phase3(m: ir.Module) { }
fn phase1(ms: ir.Module[]) { }
fn phase2(ms: ir.Module[]) { }
fn phase3(ms: ir.Module[]) { }
fn resolve(current: ir.Scope, members: ir.TopLevelBlock) { }
fn doResolve(current: ir.Scope, v: ir.Variable) { }
fn doResolve(current: ir.Scope, func: ir.Function) { }
fn doResolve(a: ir.Alias) { }
fn doResolve(e: ir.Enum) { }
fn doResolve(s: ir.Struct) { }
fn doResolve(u: ir.Union) { }
fn doResolve(c: ir.Class) { }
fn doResolve(i: ir._Interface) { }
fn doActualize(i: ir._Interface) { }
fn doActualize(s: ir.Struct) { }
fn doActualize(u: ir.Union) { }
fn doActualize(c: ir.Class) { }
module volt.llvm.driver;
//! Settings for LLVMDriver.
class LLVMDriverSettings
ar: string;
clang: string;
linker: string;
libFiles: string[];
libraryPaths: string[];
libraryFlags: string[];
frameworkPaths: string[];
frameworkNames: string[];
xCC: string[];
xLD: string[];
xLink: string[];
xClang: string[];
xLinker: string[];
linkWithCC: bool;
linkWithLink: bool;
this() { }
//! The beckend part of the Driver that handles the backend and running of
//! the commands.
class LLVMDriver
d: Driver;
lp: LanguagePass;
tempMan: TempfileManager;
target: TargetInfo;
backend: Backend;
ls: LLVMDriverSettings;
this(d: Driver, tm: TempfileManager, target: TargetInfo, lp: LanguagePass, backend: Backend, ls: LLVMDriverSettings) { }
//! Make a single bitcode files out of all given modules and bitcode files.
fn makeBitcode(of: string, mods: ir.Module[], bitcodeFiles: string[]) i32 { }
//! Make a single object files out of all given modules and bitcode files.
fn makeObject(of: string, mods: ir.Module[], bitcodeFiles: string[]) i32 { }
//! Make a single ar archive out of all given modules, bitcode files and
//! object files.
fn makeArchive(of: string, mods: ir.Module[], bitcodeFiles: string[], objectFiles: string[]) i32 { }
//! Run the native linker.
fn doNativeLink(of: string, mods: ir.Module[], bitcodeFiles: string[], objectFiles: string[]) i32 { }
fn turnModulesIntoResults(mods: ir.Module[], targetType: TargetType) BackendFileResult[] { }
fn turnBitcodeIntoObject(bitcodeFiles: string[]) string[] { }
fn turnResultsIntoFiles(results: BackendFileResult[], ending: string) string[] { }
fn turnBitcodesIntoObjects(bitcodeFiles: string[]) string[] { }
fn runClang(ls: LLVMDriverSettings, results: BackendFileResult[], bitcodeFiles: string[]) string[] { }
fn runAr(ar: string, of: string, objectFiles: string[]) i32 { }
fn runCC(ls: LLVMDriverSettings, of: string, objectFiles: string[]) i32 { }
fn runLink(ls: LLVMDriverSettings, of: string, objectFiles: string[]) i32 { }
fn getClangArgs(ls: LLVMDriverSettings) string[] { }
fn checkClangReturn(result: i32) { }
//! Main module for the LLVM Backend.
module volt.llvm.backend;
//! Layout strings grabbed from clang.
enum layoutWinLinux32;
//! Layout strings grabbed from clang.
enum layoutWinLinux64;
//! Layout strings grabbed from clang.
enum layoutOSX32;
//! Layout strings grabbed from clang.
enum layoutOSX64;
//! Layout strings grabbed from clang.
enum layoutAArch64Linux64;
//! Layout strings grabbed from clang.
enum layoutARMHFLinux32;
//! Bare metal layout, grabbed from clang with target "X-pc-none-elf".
enum layoutMetal32;
//! Bare metal layout, grabbed from clang with target "X-pc-none-elf".
enum layoutMetal64;
//! Main interface for the Driver to the llvm backend.
class LlvmBackend : Backend
this(lp: LanguagePass, internalDebug: bool) { }
fn close() { }
fn supported() TargetType[] { }
fn compileFile(m: ir.Module, type: TargetType, ehPersonality: ir.Function, llvmTypeidFor: ir.Function, execDir: string, currentWorkingDir: string, identStr: string) BackendFileResult { }
fn compileHost(m: ir.Module, ehPersonality: ir.Function, llvmTypeidFor: ir.Function, execDir: string, currentWorkingDir: string, identStr: string) BackendHostResult { }
fn compileState(m: ir.Module, ehPersonality: ir.Function, llvmTypeidFor: ir.Function, execDir: string, currentWorkingDir: string, identStr: string) VoltState { }
lp: LanguagePass;
target: TargetInfo;
llvmTarget: LLVMTargetRef;
llvmMachineTarget: LLVMTargetMachineRef;
mDump: bool;
//! A llvm result that saves to bitcode files.
class BitcodeResult : BackendFileResult
this(backend: LlvmBackend, state: VoltState) { }
fn close() { }
fn saveToFile(filename: string) { }
mBackend: LlvmBackend;
mContext: LLVMContextRef;
mMod: LLVMModuleRef;
//! Backend results that procudes a object file.
class ObjectResult : BitcodeResult
this(b: LlvmBackend, s: VoltState) { }
fn saveToFile(filename: string) { }
//! Load a LLVMModuleRef into memory from file.
fn loadModule(ctx: LLVMContextRef, filename: string) LLVMModuleRef { }
//! Helper function to link several LLVM modules together.
fn linkModules(output: string, inputs: string[]) { }
//! Write the given module into a bitcode file.
fn writeBitcodeFile(target: TargetInfo, output: string, mod: LLVMModuleRef) { }
//! Read a bitcode file from disk, assemble and write the given it to the
//! given filename using the given target. The assemble type and file
//! format is decided by the given target.
fn writeObjectFile(target: TargetInfo, output: string, input: string) { }
//! Assemble and write the given module to the given filename using the
//! given target. The assemble type and file format is decided by the given
//! machine.
fn writeObjectFile(machine: LLVMTargetMachineRef, output: string, mod: LLVMModuleRef) { }
//! Create a target machine.
fn createTargetMachine(target: TargetInfo) LLVMTargetMachineRef { }
//! Used to select LLVMTarget.
fn getArchTarget(target: TargetInfo) string { }
//! Returns the llvm triple string for the given target.
fn getTriple(target: TargetInfo) string { }
//! Returns the llvm layout string for the given target.
fn getLayout(target: TargetInfo) string { }
//! Holds ImageGatherer and various code for dealing with per image
//! things.
module volt.lowerer.image;
//! Collects various things that needs to emitted per image.
class ImageGatherer : NullVisitor, Pass
lp: LanguagePass;
thisModule: ir.Module;
thisModuleTorNum: u32;
emittedMain: bool;
mainVolt: ir.Function;
mainC: ir.Function;
prefix: string;
//! Array literals to be assigned to the global variables.
globalConstructors: ir.ArrayLiteral;
//! Array literals to be assigned to the global variables.
globalDestructors: ir.ArrayLiteral;
//! Array literals to be assigned to the global variables.
localConstructors: ir.ArrayLiteral;
//! Array literals to be assigned to the global variables.
localDestructors: ir.ArrayLiteral;
this(lp: LanguagePass) { }
//! Collect the tors from m and emit extern(C) main if needed.
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
//! Nothing to do.
fn close() { }
//! The emitting code is run on leave.
fn leave(m: ir.Module) Status { }
//! Collect any local/global constructors and find main function.
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status { }
//! Helper function that creates a variable and adds it to thisModule.
fn emitVariable(arr: ir.ArrayLiteral, name: string) { }
//! Sets the correct mangled name on the tor and adds it to the
//! ArrayLiteral.
fn handleTor(arr: ir.ArrayLiteral, name: string, func: ir.Function) { }
fn setLocations(loc: Location) { }
//! If func is the main function, add a C main next to it.
fn lowerCMain(lp: LanguagePass, mod: ir.Module, func: ir.Function) { }
module volt.util.mangledecoder;
//! Take the first n characters from s, advance s by n characters, and
//! return the result.
fn take(s: string, n: size_t) string { }
fn takeDigit(mangledString: string) i32 { }
fn takeNameSegment(mangledString: string, loc: Location) ir.Identifier { }
fn takeName(mangledString: string, loc: Location) ir.QualifiedName { }
fn mangledToDeclaration(mangledString: string, loc: Location) ir.Declaration { }
fn mangledToVariable(mangledString: string, loc: Location) ir.Variable { }
fn mangledToType(mangledString: string, loc: Location) ir.Type { }
fn mangleToCallable(mangledString: string, loc: Location) ir.CallableType { }
module volta.visitor.visitor;
alias VisitorStop = Visitor.Status.Stop;
alias VisitorContinue = Visitor.Status.Continue;
alias VisitorContinueParent = Visitor.Status.ContinueParent;
class Visitor
enum Status
alias Stop = Status.Stop;
alias Continue = Status.Continue;
alias ContinueParent = Status.ContinueParent;
this() { }
fn visitingError(n: ir.Node, msg: string) Status;
fn enter(m: ir.Module) Status;
fn leave(m: ir.Module) Status;
fn enter(tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock) Status;
fn leave(tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock) Status;
fn enter(i: ir.Import) Status;
fn leave(i: ir.Import) Status;
fn enter(u: ir.Unittest) Status;
fn leave(u: ir.Unittest) Status;
fn enter(c: ir.Class) Status;
fn leave(c: ir.Class) Status;
fn enter(i: ir._Interface) Status;
fn leave(i: ir._Interface) Status;
fn enter(s: ir.Struct) Status;
fn leave(s: ir.Struct) Status;
fn enter(c: ir.Union) Status;
fn leave(c: ir.Union) Status;
fn enter(d: ir.Variable) Status;
fn leave(d: ir.Variable) Status;
fn enter(fp: ir.FunctionParam) Status;
fn leave(fp: ir.FunctionParam) Status;
fn enter(e: ir.Enum) Status;
fn leave(e: ir.Enum) Status;
fn enter(c: ir.Condition) Status;
fn leave(c: ir.Condition) Status;
fn enter(ctl: ir.ConditionTopLevel) Status;
fn leave(ctl: ir.ConditionTopLevel) Status;
fn enter(mf: ir.MixinFunction) Status;
fn leave(mf: ir.MixinFunction) Status;
fn enter(mt: ir.MixinTemplate) Status;
fn leave(mt: ir.MixinTemplate) Status;
fn visit(qname: ir.QualifiedName) Status;
fn visit(name: ir.Identifier) Status;
fn enter(e: ir.ExpStatement) Status;
fn leave(e: ir.ExpStatement) Status;
fn enter(ret: ir.ReturnStatement) Status;
fn leave(ret: ir.ReturnStatement) Status;
fn enter(b: ir.BlockStatement) Status;
fn leave(b: ir.BlockStatement) Status;
fn enter(a: ir.AsmStatement) Status;
fn leave(a: ir.AsmStatement) Status;
fn enter(i: ir.IfStatement) Status;
fn leave(i: ir.IfStatement) Status;
fn enter(w: ir.WhileStatement) Status;
fn leave(w: ir.WhileStatement) Status;
fn enter(d: ir.DoStatement) Status;
fn leave(d: ir.DoStatement) Status;
fn enter(f: ir.ForStatement) Status;
fn leave(f: ir.ForStatement) Status;
fn enter(fes: ir.ForeachStatement) Status;
fn leave(fes: ir.ForeachStatement) Status;
fn enter(ls: ir.LabelStatement) Status;
fn leave(ls: ir.LabelStatement) Status;
fn enter(ss: ir.SwitchStatement) Status;
fn leave(ss: ir.SwitchStatement) Status;
fn enter(c: ir.SwitchCase) Status;
fn leave(c: ir.SwitchCase) Status;
fn enter(gs: ir.GotoStatement) Status;
fn leave(gs: ir.GotoStatement) Status;
fn enter(ws: ir.WithStatement) Status;
fn leave(ws: ir.WithStatement) Status;
fn enter(ss: ir.SynchronizedStatement) Status;
fn leave(ss: ir.SynchronizedStatement) Status;
fn enter(ts: ir.TryStatement) Status;
fn leave(ts: ir.TryStatement) Status;
fn enter(ts: ir.ThrowStatement) Status;
fn leave(ts: ir.ThrowStatement) Status;
fn enter(ss: ir.ScopeStatement) Status;
fn leave(ss: ir.ScopeStatement) Status;
fn enter(ps: ir.PragmaStatement) Status;
fn leave(ps: ir.PragmaStatement) Status;
fn enter(cs: ir.ConditionStatement) Status;
fn leave(cs: ir.ConditionStatement) Status;
fn enter(ms: ir.MixinStatement) Status;
fn leave(ms: ir.MixinStatement) Status;
fn enter(as: ir.AssertStatement) Status;
fn leave(as: ir.AssertStatement) Status;
fn visit(bs: ir.BreakStatement) Status;
fn visit(cs: ir.ContinueStatement) Status;
fn enter(pointer: ir.PointerType) Status;
fn leave(pointer: ir.PointerType) Status;
fn enter(array: ir.ArrayType) Status;
fn leave(array: ir.ArrayType) Status;
fn enter(array: ir.StaticArrayType) Status;
fn leave(array: ir.StaticArrayType) Status;
fn enter(array: ir.AAType) Status;
fn leave(array: ir.AAType) Status;
fn enter(array: ir.AmbiguousArrayType) Status;
fn leave(array: ir.AmbiguousArrayType) Status;
fn enter(func: ir.FunctionType) Status;
fn leave(func: ir.FunctionType) Status;
fn enter(func: ir.DelegateType) Status;
fn leave(func: ir.DelegateType) Status;
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status;
fn leave(func: ir.Function) Status;
fn enter(type: ir.StorageType) Status;
fn leave(type: ir.StorageType) Status;
fn enter(attr: ir.Attribute) Status;
fn leave(attr: ir.Attribute) Status;
fn enter(a: ir.Alias) Status;
fn leave(a: ir.Alias) Status;
fn enter(typeOf: ir.TypeOf) Status;
fn leave(typeOf: ir.TypeOf) Status;
fn enter(ir.EnumDeclaration) Status;
fn leave(ir.EnumDeclaration) Status;
fn enter(ir.AliasStaticIf) Status;
fn leave(ir.AliasStaticIf) Status;
fn visit(it: ir.PrimitiveType) Status;
fn visit(tr: ir.TypeReference) Status;
fn visit(nt: ir.NullType) Status;
fn visit(at: ir.AutoType) Status;
fn visit(at: ir.NoType) Status;
fn enter(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) Status;
fn leave(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) Status;
fn visit(td: ir.TemplateDefinition) Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.Postfix) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.Postfix) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.Unary) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.Unary) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.BinOp) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.BinOp) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.Ternary) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.Ternary) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.ArrayLiteral) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.ArrayLiteral) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.AssocArray) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.AssocArray) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.Assert) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.Assert) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.StringImport) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.StringImport) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.Typeid) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.Typeid) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.IsExp) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.IsExp) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.FunctionLiteral) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.FunctionLiteral) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.StructLiteral) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.StructLiteral) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.UnionLiteral) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.UnionLiteral) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.ClassLiteral) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.ClassLiteral) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.Constant) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.Constant) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.TypeExp) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.TypeExp) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.StatementExp) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.StatementExp) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.VaArgExp) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.VaArgExp) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.PropertyExp) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.PropertyExp) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.BuiltinExp) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.BuiltinExp) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.AccessExp) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.AccessExp) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.RunExp) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.RunExp) Visitor.Status;
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.ComposableString) Visitor.Status;
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.ComposableString) Visitor.Status;
fn visit(ir.Exp, ir.IdentifierExp) Visitor.Status;
fn visit(ir.Exp, ir.ExpReference) Visitor.Status;
fn visit(ir.Exp, ir.TokenExp) Visitor.Status;
fn visit(ir.Exp, ir.StoreExp) Visitor.Status;
//! A visitor that does nothing.
class NullVisitor : Visitor
this() { }
fn visitingError(n: ir.Node, msg: string) Status { }
fn enter(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn leave(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn enter(tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock) Status { }
fn leave(tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir.Import) Status { }
fn leave(i: ir.Import) Status { }
fn enter(u: ir.Unittest) Status { }
fn leave(u: ir.Unittest) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn leave(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn leave(i: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn enter(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn leave(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn enter(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn leave(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn enter(d: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn leave(d: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn enter(fp: ir.FunctionParam) Status { }
fn leave(fp: ir.FunctionParam) Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn leave(e: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.Condition) Status { }
fn leave(c: ir.Condition) Status { }
fn enter(ctl: ir.ConditionTopLevel) Status { }
fn leave(ctl: ir.ConditionTopLevel) Status { }
fn enter(mf: ir.MixinFunction) Status { }
fn leave(mf: ir.MixinFunction) Status { }
fn enter(mt: ir.MixinTemplate) Status { }
fn leave(mt: ir.MixinTemplate) Status { }
fn visit(qname: ir.QualifiedName) Status { }
fn visit(name: ir.Identifier) Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.ExpStatement) Status { }
fn leave(e: ir.ExpStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ret: ir.ReturnStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ret: ir.ReturnStatement) Status { }
fn enter(b: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn leave(b: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn enter(a: ir.AsmStatement) Status { }
fn leave(a: ir.AsmStatement) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir.IfStatement) Status { }
fn leave(i: ir.IfStatement) Status { }
fn enter(w: ir.WhileStatement) Status { }
fn leave(w: ir.WhileStatement) Status { }
fn enter(d: ir.DoStatement) Status { }
fn leave(d: ir.DoStatement) Status { }
fn enter(f: ir.ForStatement) Status { }
fn leave(f: ir.ForStatement) Status { }
fn enter(fes: ir.ForeachStatement) Status { }
fn leave(fes: ir.ForeachStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ls: ir.LabelStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ls: ir.LabelStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ss: ir.SwitchStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ss: ir.SwitchStatement) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.SwitchCase) Status { }
fn leave(c: ir.SwitchCase) Status { }
fn enter(gs: ir.GotoStatement) Status { }
fn leave(gs: ir.GotoStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ws: ir.WithStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ws: ir.WithStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ss: ir.SynchronizedStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ss: ir.SynchronizedStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ts: ir.TryStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ts: ir.TryStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ts: ir.ThrowStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ts: ir.ThrowStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ss: ir.ScopeStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ss: ir.ScopeStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ps: ir.PragmaStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ps: ir.PragmaStatement) Status { }
fn enter(cs: ir.ConditionStatement) Status { }
fn leave(cs: ir.ConditionStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ms: ir.MixinStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ms: ir.MixinStatement) Status { }
fn enter(as: ir.AssertStatement) Status { }
fn leave(as: ir.AssertStatement) Status { }
fn visit(cs: ir.ContinueStatement) Status { }
fn visit(bs: ir.BreakStatement) Status { }
fn enter(pointer: ir.PointerType) Status { }
fn leave(pointer: ir.PointerType) Status { }
fn enter(array: ir.ArrayType) Status { }
fn leave(array: ir.ArrayType) Status { }
fn enter(array: ir.StaticArrayType) Status { }
fn leave(array: ir.StaticArrayType) Status { }
fn enter(array: ir.AAType) Status { }
fn leave(array: ir.AAType) Status { }
fn enter(array: ir.AmbiguousArrayType) Status { }
fn leave(array: ir.AmbiguousArrayType) Status { }
fn enter(func: ir.FunctionType) Status { }
fn leave(func: ir.FunctionType) Status { }
fn enter(func: ir.DelegateType) Status { }
fn leave(func: ir.DelegateType) Status { }
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn leave(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(type: ir.StorageType) Status { }
fn leave(type: ir.StorageType) Status { }
fn enter(attr: ir.Attribute) Status { }
fn leave(attr: ir.Attribute) Status { }
fn enter(a: ir.Alias) Status { }
fn leave(a: ir.Alias) Status { }
fn enter(to: ir.TypeOf) Status { }
fn leave(to: ir.TypeOf) Status { }
fn enter(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration) Status { }
fn leave(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration) Status { }
fn enter(asi: ir.AliasStaticIf) Status { }
fn leave(asi: ir.AliasStaticIf) Status { }
fn enter(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) Status { }
fn leave(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) Status { }
fn visit(td: ir.TemplateDefinition) Status { }
fn visit(it: ir.PrimitiveType) Status { }
fn visit(tr: ir.TypeReference) Status { }
fn visit(nt: ir.NullType) Status { }
fn visit(at: ir.AutoType) Status { }
fn visit(at: ir.NoType) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.Postfix) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.Postfix) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.Unary) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.Unary) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.BinOp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.BinOp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.Ternary) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.Ternary) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.ArrayLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.ArrayLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.AssocArray) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.AssocArray) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.Assert) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.Assert) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.StringImport) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.StringImport) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.Typeid) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.Typeid) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.IsExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.IsExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.FunctionLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.FunctionLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.StructLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.StructLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.UnionLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.UnionLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.ClassLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.ClassLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.Constant) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.Constant) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.TypeExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.TypeExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.StatementExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.StatementExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.VaArgExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.VaArgExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.PropertyExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.PropertyExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.BuiltinExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.BuiltinExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.AccessExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.AccessExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.RunExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.RunExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ir.ComposableString) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.ComposableString) Status { }
fn visit(ir.Exp, ir.ExpReference) Status { }
fn visit(ir.Exp, ir.IdentifierExp) Status { }
fn visit(ir.Exp, ir.TokenExp) Status { }
fn visit(ir.Exp, ir.StoreExp) Status { }
//! Helper function that returns VistorContinue if @s is
//! VisitorContinueParent, used to abort a leaf node, but not the whole
//! tree.
fn parentContinue(s: Visitor.Status) Visitor.Status { }
fn accept(n: ir.Node, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptExp(exp: ir.Exp, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptModule(m: ir.Module, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptTopLevelBlock(tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptImport(i: ir.Import, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptVariable(d: ir.Variable, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptFunctionParam(fp: ir.FunctionParam, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptUnittest(u: ir.Unittest, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptClass(c: ir.Class, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptInterface(i: ir._Interface, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptStruct(s: ir.Struct, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptUnion(u: ir.Union, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptEnum(e: ir.Enum, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptCondition(c: ir.Condition, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptConditionTopLevel(ctl: ir.ConditionTopLevel, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptMixinFunction(mf: ir.MixinFunction, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptMixinTemplate(mt: ir.MixinTemplate, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptAttribute(attr: ir.Attribute, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptAlias(a: ir.Alias, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptTypeOf(typeOf: ir.TypeOf, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptStorageType(type: ir.StorageType, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptPointerType(pointer: ir.PointerType, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptArrayType(array: ir.ArrayType, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptAmbiguousArrayType(array: ir.AmbiguousArrayType, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptStaticArrayType(array: ir.StaticArrayType, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptAAType(array: ir.AAType, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptFunctionType(func: ir.FunctionType, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptDelegateType(func: ir.DelegateType, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptFunction(func: ir.Function, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptEnumDeclaration(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptAliasStaticIf(asi: ir.AliasStaticIf, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptExpStatement(e: ir.ExpStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptReturnStatement(ret: ir.ReturnStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptBlockStatement(b: ir.BlockStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptAsmStatement(a: ir.AsmStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptIfStatement(i: ir.IfStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptWhileStatement(w: ir.WhileStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptDoStatement(d: ir.DoStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptForStatement(f: ir.ForStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptForeachStatement(fes: ir.ForeachStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptLabelStatement(ls: ir.LabelStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptSwitchStatement(ss: ir.SwitchStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptSwitchCase(sc: ir.SwitchCase, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptGotoStatement(gs: ir.GotoStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptWithStatement(ws: ir.WithStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptSynchronizedStatement(ss: ir.SynchronizedStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptTryStatement(ts: ir.TryStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptThrowStatement(ts: ir.ThrowStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptScopeStatement(ss: ir.ScopeStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptPragmaStatement(ps: ir.PragmaStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptConditionStatement(cs: ir.ConditionStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptAssertStatement(as: ir.AssertStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptMixinStatement(ms: ir.MixinStatement, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptPostfix(exp: ir.Exp, postfix: ir.Postfix, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptUnary(exp: ir.Exp, unary: ir.Unary, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptBinOp(exp: ir.Exp, binop: ir.BinOp, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptTernary(exp: ir.Exp, ternary: ir.Ternary, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptArrayLiteral(exp: ir.Exp, array: ir.ArrayLiteral, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptAssocArray(exp: ir.Exp, array: ir.AssocArray, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptAssert(exp: ir.Exp, _assert: ir.Assert, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptStringImport(exp: ir.Exp, strimport: ir.StringImport, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptTypeid(exp: ir.Exp, ti: ir.Typeid, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptIsExp(exp: ir.Exp, isExp: ir.IsExp, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptFunctionLiteral(exp: ir.Exp, functionLiteral: ir.FunctionLiteral, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptStructLiteral(exp: ir.Exp, sliteral: ir.StructLiteral, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptUnionLiteral(exp: ir.Exp, uliteral: ir.UnionLiteral, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptClassLiteral(exp: ir.Exp, cliteral: ir.ClassLiteral, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptTypeExp(exp: ir.Exp, texp: ir.TypeExp, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptStoreExp(exp: ir.Exp, sexp: ir.StoreExp, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptStatementExp(exp: ir.Exp, state: ir.StatementExp, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptTokenExp(exp: ir.Exp, fexp: ir.TokenExp, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptVaArgExp(exp: ir.Exp, vaexp: ir.VaArgExp, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptPropertyExp(exp: ir.Exp, prop: ir.PropertyExp, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptBuiltinExp(exp: ir.Exp, inbuilt: ir.BuiltinExp, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptAccessExp(exp: ir.Exp, ae: ir.AccessExp, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptRunExp(exp: ir.Exp, runexp: ir.RunExp, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptComposableString(exp: ir.Exp, cs: ir.ComposableString, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptExpReference(exp: ir.Exp, expref: ir.ExpReference, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptConstant(exp: ir.Exp, constant: ir.Constant, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptIdentifierExp(exp: ir.Exp, identifier: ir.IdentifierExp, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptTemplateInstance(ti: ir.TemplateInstance, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
fn acceptTemplateDefinition(td: ir.TemplateDefinition, av: Visitor) Visitor.Status { }
module volt.visitor.prettyprinter;
class PrettyPrinter : Visitor, Pass
this(indentText: string, sink: void delegate(scope (const(scope (char)[]))) { }
fn close() { }
fn visitingError(n: ir.Node, msg: string) Status { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn transformType(t: ir.Type) { }
fn visit(i: ir.Identifier) Status { }
fn visit(qname: ir.QualifiedName) Status { }
fn enter(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn leave(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn enter(tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock) Status { }
fn leave(tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir.Import) Status { }
fn leave(i: ir.Import) Status { }
fn enter(u: ir.Unittest) Status { }
fn leave(u: ir.Unittest) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn leave(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn leave(i: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn enter(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn leave(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn enter(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn leave(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn enter(d: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn leave(d: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn enter(fp: ir.FunctionParam) Status { }
fn leave(fp: ir.FunctionParam) Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn leave(e: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn enter(attr: ir.Attribute) Status { }
fn leave(attr: ir.Attribute) Status { }
fn enter(mf: ir.MixinFunction) Status { }
fn leave(mf: ir.MixinFunction) Status { }
fn enter(mt: ir.MixinTemplate) Status { }
fn leave(mt: ir.MixinTemplate) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.Condition) Status { }
fn leave(c: ir.Condition) Status { }
fn enter(ctl: ir.ConditionTopLevel) Status { }
fn leave(ctl: ir.ConditionTopLevel) Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.ExpStatement) Status { }
fn leave(e: ir.ExpStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ret: ir.ReturnStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ret: ir.ReturnStatement) Status { }
fn enter(b: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn leave(b: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn enter(a: ir.AsmStatement) Status { }
fn leave(a: ir.AsmStatement) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir.IfStatement) Status { }
fn leave(i: ir.IfStatement) Status { }
fn enter(w: ir.WhileStatement) Status { }
fn leave(w: ir.WhileStatement) Status { }
fn enter(d: ir.DoStatement) Status { }
fn leave(d: ir.DoStatement) Status { }
fn enter(fes: ir.ForeachStatement) Status { }
fn leave(fes: ir.ForeachStatement) Status { }
fn enter(f: ir.ForStatement) Status { }
fn leave(f: ir.ForStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ss: ir.SwitchStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ss: ir.SwitchStatement) Status { }
fn enter(sc: ir.SwitchCase) Status { }
fn leave(sc: ir.SwitchCase) Status { }
fn enter(ls: ir.LabelStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ls: ir.LabelStatement) Status { }
fn visit(cs: ir.ContinueStatement) Status { }
fn visit(bs: ir.BreakStatement) Status { }
fn enter(gs: ir.GotoStatement) Status { }
fn leave(gs: ir.GotoStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ws: ir.WithStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ws: ir.WithStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ss: ir.SynchronizedStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ss: ir.SynchronizedStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ts: ir.TryStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ts: ir.TryStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ts: ir.ThrowStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ts: ir.ThrowStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ss: ir.ScopeStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ss: ir.ScopeStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ps: ir.PragmaStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ps: ir.PragmaStatement) Status { }
fn enter(cs: ir.ConditionStatement) Status { }
fn leave(cs: ir.ConditionStatement) Status { }
fn enter(as: ir.AssertStatement) Status { }
fn leave(as: ir.AssertStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ms: ir.MixinStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ms: ir.MixinStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration) Status { }
fn leave(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration) Status { }
fn enter(pointer: ir.PointerType) Status { }
fn leave(pointer: ir.PointerType) Status { }
fn visit(nullType: ir.NullType) Status { }
fn enter(array: ir.ArrayType) Status { }
fn leave(array: ir.ArrayType) Status { }
fn enter(array: ir.StaticArrayType) Status { }
fn leave(array: ir.StaticArrayType) Status { }
fn enter(array: ir.AmbiguousArrayType) Status { }
fn leave(array: ir.AmbiguousArrayType) Status { }
fn enter(array: ir.AAType) Status { }
fn enter(func: ir.FunctionType) Status { }
fn leave(func: ir.FunctionType) Status { }
fn enter(func: ir.DelegateType) Status { }
fn leave(func: ir.DelegateType) Status { }
fn leave(array: ir.AAType) Status { }
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn leave(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(type: ir.StorageType) Status { }
fn leave(type: ir.StorageType) Status { }
fn visit(at: ir.AutoType) Status { }
fn visit(at: ir.NoType) Status { }
fn enter(asi: ir.AliasStaticIf) Status { }
fn leave(asi: ir.AliasStaticIf) Status { }
fn enter(a: ir.Alias) Status { }
fn leave(a: ir.Alias) Status { }
fn enter(typeOf: ir.TypeOf) Status { }
fn leave(typeOf: ir.TypeOf) Status { }
fn enter(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) Status { }
fn leave(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) Status { }
fn visit(td: ir.TemplateDefinition) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, constant: ir.Constant) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.Constant) Status { }
fn visit(ir.Exp, identifier: ir.IdentifierExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, array: ir.ArrayLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, array: ir.ArrayLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, array: ir.AssocArray) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, array: ir.AssocArray) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, _assert: ir.Assert) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, _assert: ir.Assert) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, strimport: ir.StringImport) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, strimport: ir.StringImport) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ternary: ir.Ternary) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ternary: ir.Ternary) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, binop: ir.BinOp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, binop: ir.BinOp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, unary: ir.Unary) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, unary: ir.Unary) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, postfix: ir.Postfix) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, postfix: ir.Postfix) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, prop: ir.PropertyExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.PropertyExp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, inbuilt: ir.BuiltinExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ir.BuiltinExp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, ae: ir.AccessExp) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, ae: ir.AccessExp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, runexp: ir.RunExp) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, runexp: ir.RunExp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, cs: ir.ComposableString) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, cs: ir.ComposableString) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, ti: ir.Typeid) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, ti: ir.Typeid) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, isExp: ir.IsExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, isExp: ir.IsExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, functionLiteral: ir.FunctionLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, functionLiteral: ir.FunctionLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, sliteral: ir.StructLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, sliteral: ir.StructLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, sliteral: ir.UnionLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, sliteral: ir.UnionLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, cliteral: ir.ClassLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, cliteral: ir.ClassLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, texp: ir.TypeExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, texp: ir.TypeExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, statExp: ir.StatementExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, state: ir.StatementExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, vaexp: ir.VaArgExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, vaexp: ir.VaArgExp) Status { }
fn visit(ir.Exp, e: ir.ExpReference) Status { }
fn visit(ir.Exp, fexp: ir.TokenExp) Status { }
fn visit(ir.Exp, e: ir.StoreExp) Status { }
fn visit(type: ir.PrimitiveType) Status { }
fn visit(tr: ir.TypeReference) Status { }
mFilename: string;
mStream: OutputStream;
mSink: void delegate(scope (const(scope (char)[]));
mIndent: i32;
mIndentText: string;
mPrintingTemplateDefinition: i32;
fn internalPrintBlock(bs: ir.BlockStatement) { }
fn wf(qn: ir.QualifiedName) { }
fn t() { }
fn twf(strings: string[]) { }
fn twfln(strings: string[]) { }
fn wf(strings: string[]) { }
fn wf(i: i32) { }
fn wf(i: u32) { }
fn wf(l: i64) { }
fn wf(i: u64) { }
fn wfln(str: string) { }
fn ln() { }
//! Print storage types.
fn wStorageTypes(t: ir.Type) { }
fn wAfterStorageTypes(t: ir.Type) { }
fn prettyPrinter(m: ir.Module) { }
module volt.visitor.debugprinter;
class DebugMarker : Pass
this(text: string) { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn close() { }
mText: string;
class DebugPrinter : Visitor, Pass
this(indentText: string, sink: void delegate(scope (const(scope (char)[]))) { }
fn visitingError(n: ir.Node, msg: string) Status { }
fn close() { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn transformExp(exp: ir.Exp) { }
fn transformNode(n: ir.Node) { }
fn leave(n: ir.Module) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.TopLevelBlock) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.TopLevelBlock) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Import) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.Import) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Unittest) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.Unittest) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Class) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.Class) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Union) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.Union) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.FunctionParam) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.FunctionParam) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Condition) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.Condition) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.ConditionTopLevel) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.ConditionTopLevel) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.MixinFunction) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.MixinTemplate) Status { }
fn visit(n: ir.QualifiedName) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Module) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.MixinFunction) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.MixinTemplate) Status { }
fn visit(n: ir.Identifier) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.ExpStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.ExpStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.ReturnStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.ReturnStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.AsmStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.AsmStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.IfStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.IfStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.WhileStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.WhileStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.DoStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.DoStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.ForStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.ForStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.ForeachStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.ForeachStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.LabelStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.LabelStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.SwitchStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.SwitchStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.SwitchCase) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.SwitchCase) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.GotoStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.GotoStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.WithStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.WithStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.SynchronizedStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.SynchronizedStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.TryStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.TryStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.ThrowStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.ThrowStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.ScopeStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.ScopeStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.PragmaStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.PragmaStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.ConditionStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.ConditionStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.MixinStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.MixinStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.AssertStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.AssertStatement) Status { }
fn visit(n: ir.ContinueStatement) Status { }
fn visit(n: ir.BreakStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.PointerType) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.PointerType) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.ArrayType) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.ArrayType) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.StaticArrayType) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.StaticArrayType) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.AmbiguousArrayType) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.AmbiguousArrayType) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.AAType) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.AAType) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.FunctionType) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.FunctionType) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.DelegateType) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.DelegateType) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Function) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.StorageType) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.StorageType) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Attribute) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.Attribute) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Alias) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.Alias) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.TypeOf) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.TypeOf) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.EnumDeclaration) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.EnumDeclaration) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.AliasStaticIf) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.AliasStaticIf) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.TemplateInstance) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.TemplateInstance) Status { }
fn visit(n: ir.TemplateDefinition) Status { }
fn visit(n: ir.NullType) Status { }
fn visit(n: ir.PrimitiveType) Status { }
fn visit(n: ir.TypeReference) Status { }
fn visit(n: ir.AutoType) Status { }
fn visit(n: ir.NoType) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.Postfix) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.Postfix) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.Unary) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.Unary) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.BinOp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.BinOp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.Ternary) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.Ternary) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.ArrayLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.ArrayLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.AssocArray) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.AssocArray) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.Assert) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.Assert) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.StringImport) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.StringImport) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.Typeid) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.Typeid) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.IsExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.IsExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.FunctionLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.FunctionLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.StructLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.StructLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.UnionLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.UnionLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.ClassLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.ClassLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.Constant) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.Constant) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.TypeExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.TypeExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.StatementExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.StatementExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.VaArgExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.VaArgExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.PropertyExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.PropertyExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.BuiltinExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.BuiltinExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.AccessExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.AccessExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.RunExp) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.RunExp) Status { }
fn enter(ir.Exp, n: ir.ComposableString) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Exp, n: ir.ComposableString) Status { }
fn visit(ir.Exp, n: ir.ExpReference) Status { }
fn visit(ir.Exp, n: ir.TokenExp) Status { }
fn visit(ir.Exp, n: ir.StoreExp) Status { }
fn visit(ir.Exp, n: ir.IdentifierExp) Status { }
mFilename: string;
mStream: OutputStream;
mSink: void delegate(scope (const(scope (char)[]));
mIndent: i32;
mLastIndent: i32;
mIndentText: string;
fn enterNode(node: ir.Node) { }
fn enterNode(node: ir.Node, extra: string) { }
fn printTypeFields(node: ir.Node) { }
fn leaveNode(node: ir.Node) { }
fn visitRef(node: ir.Node, r: ir.Node) { }
fn visitNamed(n: ir.Node) { }
fn visitNames(name: string, mangledName: string) { }
fn visitName(name: string) { }
fn visitNode(node: ir.Node) { }
fn twf(strings: scope (scope (string)[])) { }
fn twfln(strings: scope (scope (string)[])) { }
fn wf(strings: scope (scope (string)[])) { }
fn wf(i: size_t) { }
fn wfln(str: string) { }
fn ln() { }
fn debugPrinter(m: ir.Module) { }
fn debugPrintNode(n: ir.Node) { }
module volt.visitor.jsonprinter;
class JsonPrinter : NullVisitor
this(filename: string) { }
fn transform(target: TargetInfo, mods: ir.Module[]) { }
fn enter(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn enter(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn enter(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn enter(ifc: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn enter(a: ir.Alias) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir.Import) Status { }
fn enter(f: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(v: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn enter(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Module) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Struct) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Union) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Class) Status { }
fn leave(ir.Enum) Status { }
fn leave(ir._Interface) Status { }
fn writeTargetInfo(target: TargetInfo) { }
fn writeAlignments(alignment: TargetInfo.Alignments) { }
fn writeNamedTyped(kind: string, name: string, doc: string, type: ir.Type) { }
fn startObject() { }
fn startObject(name: string) { }
fn startList(name: string) { }
fn endObject() { }
fn endList() { }
fn endListAndObject() { }
fn tag(tag: scope (SinkArg), value: scope (SinkArg)) { }
fn tag(tag: scope (SinkArg), value: bool) { }
fn tag(tag: scope (SinkArg), n: size_t) { }
//! Add quotes to s and make it a JSON string (w/ escaping etc).
fn wq(s: scope (SinkArg)) { }
fn wMaybeComma() { }
fn w(s: scope (SinkArg)) { }
//! Module containing the MissingDeps class.
module volta.postparse.missing;
alias GetMod = ir.Module delegate(ir.QualifiedName);
//! Looks for missing dependancies via imports.
class MissingDeps : ScopeManager, Pass
this(errSink: ErrorSink, getMod: GetMod) { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module, func: ir.Function, bs: ir.BlockStatement) { }
fn close() { }
fn getMissing() string[] { }
fn enter(i: ir.Import) Status { }
fn printType(type: ir.Type, alwaysGlossed: bool) string { }
fn write(sink: scope (Sink), type: ir.Type, alwaysGlossed: bool) { }
fn write(sink: scope (Sink), s: ir.Scope) { }
fn binopToString(op: ir.BinOp.Op) string { }
module volta.errors;
public import volta.util.errormessages;
fn panic(es: ErrorSink, message: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
fn panic(es: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), message: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
fn panic(es: ErrorSink, n: ir.Node, message: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
fn passert(es: ErrorSink, n: ir.Node, condition: bool, file: string, line: i32) bool { }
fn errorMsg(es: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), message: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
fn errorMsg(es: ErrorSink, n: ir.Node, message: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
fn errorExpected(es: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), expected: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
fn errorExpected(es: ErrorSink, n: ir.Node, expected: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
fn errorRedefine(es: ErrorSink, newDef: const(Location), oldDef: const(Location), name: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
fn warning(loc: const(Location), message: string) { }
fn warning(es: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), message: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
fn warning(es: ErrorSink, n: ir.Node, message: string, file: string, line: i32) { }
fn warningAssignToSelf(loc: const(Location), name: string, warningsEnabled: bool) { }
fn warningOldStyleVariable(loc: const(Location), magicFlagD: bool, settings: Settings) { }
fn warningOldStyleFunction(loc: const(Location), magicFlagD: bool, settings: Settings) { }
fn warningOldStyleFunctionPtr(loc: const(Location), magicFlagD: bool, settings: Settings) { }
fn warningOldStyleDelegateType(loc: const(Location), magicFlagD: bool, settings: Settings) { }
fn warningOldStyleHexTypeSuffix(loc: const(Location), magicFlagD: bool, settings: Settings) { }
fn warningShadowsField(newDecl: const(Location), oldDecl: const(Location), name: string, warningsEnabled: bool) { }
enum _tokenToString;
enum TokenType
//! Symbols.
//! Holds the type, the actual string and location within the source file.
struct Token
type: TokenType;
value: string;
loc: Location;
fn tokenToString(token: TokenType) string { }
fn isStorageTypeToken(token: TokenType) bool { }
fn isPrimitiveTypeToken(token: TokenType) bool { }
//! Go from a string identifier to a TokenType.
fn identifierType(ident: string) TokenType { }
public import;
public import;
//! Each concrete class derived from ir.Node has a value in this
//! enumeration. The value for the type is stored in ir.Node.nodeType by
//! the constructor. While using type tags is not very OOP, it is extremely
//! convenient. For example, during debugging you can simply inspect
//! ir.Node.nodeType to find out the actual type of the object.
enum NodeType
//! Common access levels used on declared functions, methods, classes,
//! interfaces, structs, enums and variables.
enum Access
//! Controls the calling convention and how symbols are mangled.
enum Linkage
//! Used by ScopeStatement and other nodes.
enum ScopeKind
//! Type used for node unique ids.
alias NodeID = size_t;
//! Base class for all IR nodes.
class Node
loc: Location;
docComment: string;
//! Retrieve the NodeType for this Node.
fn nodeType() NodeType { }
//! Retrieve the unique id of this node.
fn uniqueId() size_t { }
fn toIdentifierFast() Identifier { }
fn toIdentifierChecked() Identifier { }
fn toQualifiedNameFast() QualifiedName { }
fn toQualifiedNameChecked() QualifiedName { }
fn toModuleFast() Module { }
fn toModuleChecked() Module { }
fn toTopLevelBlockFast() TopLevelBlock { }
fn toTopLevelBlockChecked() TopLevelBlock { }
fn toImportFast() Import { }
fn toImportChecked() Import { }
fn toUnittestFast() Unittest { }
fn toUnittestChecked() Unittest { }
fn toStructFast() Struct { }
fn toStructChecked() Struct { }
fn toClassFast() Class { }
fn toClassChecked() Class { }
fn toInterfaceFast() _Interface { }
fn toInterfaceChecked() _Interface { }
fn toUnionFast() Union { }
fn toUnionChecked() Union { }
fn toEnumFast() Enum { }
fn toEnumChecked() Enum { }
fn toAttributeFast() Attribute { }
fn toAttributeChecked() Attribute { }
fn toConditionFast() Condition { }
fn toConditionChecked() Condition { }
fn toConditionTopLevelFast() ConditionTopLevel { }
fn toConditionTopLevelChecked() ConditionTopLevel { }
fn toMixinFunctionFast() MixinFunction { }
fn toMixinFunctionChecked() MixinFunction { }
fn toMixinTemplateFast() MixinTemplate { }
fn toMixinTemplateChecked() MixinTemplate { }
fn toTypeFast() Type { }
fn toTypeChecked() Type { }
fn toPrimitiveTypeFast() PrimitiveType { }
fn toPrimitiveTypeChecked() PrimitiveType { }
fn toTypeReferenceFast() TypeReference { }
fn toTypeReferenceChecked() TypeReference { }
fn toPointerTypeFast() PointerType { }
fn toPointerTypeChecked() PointerType { }
fn toArrayTypeFast() ArrayType { }
fn toArrayTypeChecked() ArrayType { }
fn toAmbiguousArrayTypeFast() AmbiguousArrayType { }
fn toAmbiguousArrayTypeChecked() AmbiguousArrayType { }
fn toStaticArrayTypeFast() StaticArrayType { }
fn toStaticArrayTypeChecked() StaticArrayType { }
fn toAATypeFast() AAType { }
fn toAATypeChecked() AAType { }
fn toAAPairFast() AAPair { }
fn toAAPairChecked() AAPair { }
fn toFunctionTypeFast() FunctionType { }
fn toFunctionTypeChecked() FunctionType { }
fn toDelegateTypeFast() DelegateType { }
fn toDelegateTypeChecked() DelegateType { }
fn toFunctionSetTypeFast() FunctionSetType { }
fn toFunctionSetTypeChecked() FunctionSetType { }
fn toStorageTypeFast() StorageType { }
fn toStorageTypeChecked() StorageType { }
fn toTypeOfFast() TypeOf { }
fn toTypeOfChecked() TypeOf { }
fn toNullTypeFast() NullType { }
fn toNullTypeChecked() NullType { }
fn toAutoTypeFast() AutoType { }
fn toAutoTypeChecked() AutoType { }
fn toNoTypeFast() NoType { }
fn toNoTypeChecked() NoType { }
fn toAliasStaticIfFast() AliasStaticIf { }
fn toAliasStaticIfChecked() AliasStaticIf { }
fn toCallableTypeFast() CallableType { }
fn toCallableTypeChecked() CallableType { }
fn toVariableFast() Variable { }
fn toVariableChecked() Variable { }
fn toAliasFast() Alias { }
fn toAliasChecked() Alias { }
fn toFunctionFast() Function { }
fn toFunctionChecked() Function { }
fn toFunctionParamFast() FunctionParam { }
fn toFunctionParamChecked() FunctionParam { }
fn toFunctionSetFast() FunctionSet { }
fn toFunctionSetChecked() FunctionSet { }
fn toEnumDeclarationFast() EnumDeclaration { }
fn toEnumDeclarationChecked() EnumDeclaration { }
fn toReturnStatementFast() ReturnStatement { }
fn toReturnStatementChecked() ReturnStatement { }
fn toBlockStatementFast() BlockStatement { }
fn toBlockStatementChecked() BlockStatement { }
fn toAsmStatementFast() AsmStatement { }
fn toAsmStatementChecked() AsmStatement { }
fn toIfStatementFast() IfStatement { }
fn toIfStatementChecked() IfStatement { }
fn toWhileStatementFast() WhileStatement { }
fn toWhileStatementChecked() WhileStatement { }
fn toDoStatementFast() DoStatement { }
fn toDoStatementChecked() DoStatement { }
fn toForStatementFast() ForStatement { }
fn toForStatementChecked() ForStatement { }
fn toForeachStatementFast() ForeachStatement { }
fn toForeachStatementChecked() ForeachStatement { }
fn toLabelStatementFast() LabelStatement { }
fn toLabelStatementChecked() LabelStatement { }
fn toExpStatementFast() ExpStatement { }
fn toExpStatementChecked() ExpStatement { }
fn toSwitchStatementFast() SwitchStatement { }
fn toSwitchStatementChecked() SwitchStatement { }
fn toSwitchCaseFast() SwitchCase { }
fn toSwitchCaseChecked() SwitchCase { }
fn toContinueStatementFast() ContinueStatement { }
fn toContinueStatementChecked() ContinueStatement { }
fn toBreakStatementFast() BreakStatement { }
fn toBreakStatementChecked() BreakStatement { }
fn toGotoStatementFast() GotoStatement { }
fn toGotoStatementChecked() GotoStatement { }
fn toWithStatementFast() WithStatement { }
fn toWithStatementChecked() WithStatement { }
fn toSynchronizedStatementFast() SynchronizedStatement { }
fn toSynchronizedStatementChecked() SynchronizedStatement { }
fn toTryStatementFast() TryStatement { }
fn toTryStatementChecked() TryStatement { }
fn toThrowStatementFast() ThrowStatement { }
fn toThrowStatementChecked() ThrowStatement { }
fn toScopeStatementFast() ScopeStatement { }
fn toScopeStatementChecked() ScopeStatement { }
fn toPragmaStatementFast() PragmaStatement { }
fn toPragmaStatementChecked() PragmaStatement { }
fn toConditionStatementFast() ConditionStatement { }
fn toConditionStatementChecked() ConditionStatement { }
fn toMixinStatementFast() MixinStatement { }
fn toMixinStatementChecked() MixinStatement { }
fn toAssertStatementFast() AssertStatement { }
fn toAssertStatementChecked() AssertStatement { }
fn toConstantFast() Constant { }
fn toConstantChecked() Constant { }
fn toBinOpFast() BinOp { }
fn toBinOpChecked() BinOp { }
fn toTernaryFast() Ternary { }
fn toTernaryChecked() Ternary { }
fn toUnaryFast() Unary { }
fn toUnaryChecked() Unary { }
fn toPostfixFast() Postfix { }
fn toPostfixChecked() Postfix { }
fn toArrayLiteralFast() ArrayLiteral { }
fn toArrayLiteralChecked() ArrayLiteral { }
fn toAssocArrayFast() AssocArray { }
fn toAssocArrayChecked() AssocArray { }
fn toIdentifierExpFast() IdentifierExp { }
fn toIdentifierExpChecked() IdentifierExp { }
fn toAssertFast() Assert { }
fn toAssertChecked() Assert { }
fn toStringImportFast() StringImport { }
fn toStringImportChecked() StringImport { }
fn toTypeidFast() Typeid { }
fn toTypeidChecked() Typeid { }
fn toIsExpFast() IsExp { }
fn toIsExpChecked() IsExp { }
fn toFunctionLiteralFast() FunctionLiteral { }
fn toFunctionLiteralChecked() FunctionLiteral { }
fn toExpReferenceFast() ExpReference { }
fn toExpReferenceChecked() ExpReference { }
fn toStructLiteralFast() StructLiteral { }
fn toStructLiteralChecked() StructLiteral { }
fn toUnionLiteralFast() UnionLiteral { }
fn toUnionLiteralChecked() UnionLiteral { }
fn toClassLiteralFast() ClassLiteral { }
fn toClassLiteralChecked() ClassLiteral { }
fn toTypeExpFast() TypeExp { }
fn toTypeExpChecked() TypeExp { }
fn toStoreExpFast() StoreExp { }
fn toStoreExpChecked() StoreExp { }
fn toStatementExpFast() StatementExp { }
fn toStatementExpChecked() StatementExp { }
fn toTokenExpFast() TokenExp { }
fn toTokenExpChecked() TokenExp { }
fn toVaArgExpFast() VaArgExp { }
fn toVaArgExpChecked() VaArgExp { }
fn toPropertyExpFast() PropertyExp { }
fn toPropertyExpChecked() PropertyExp { }
fn toBuiltinExpFast() BuiltinExp { }
fn toBuiltinExpChecked() BuiltinExp { }
fn toAccessExpFast() AccessExp { }
fn toAccessExpChecked() AccessExp { }
fn toRunExpFast() RunExp { }
fn toRunExpChecked() RunExp { }
fn toComposableStringFast() ComposableString { }
fn toComposableStringChecked() ComposableString { }
fn toTemplateInstanceFast() TemplateInstance { }
fn toTemplateInstanceChecked() TemplateInstance { }
fn toTemplateDefinitionFast() TemplateDefinition { }
fn toTemplateDefinitionChecked() TemplateDefinition { }
//! A series of identifiers and dots referring to a declared item.
class QualifiedName : Node
identifiers: Identifier[];
leadingDot: bool;
this() { }
this(old: QualifiedName) { }
fn toString() string { }
fn strings() string[] { }
fn equals(qname: QualifiedName) bool { }
//! A single string that could be a part of an ir.QualifiedName or
//! stand-alone node inside of the ir, referencing a declared item.
class Identifier : Node
value: string;
this() { }
this(s: string) { }
this(old: Identifier) { }
fn equals(ident: Identifier) bool { }
//! Return the given Access as a string.
fn accessToString(access: Access) string { }
//! Return the given Linkage as a string.
fn linkageToString(linkage: Linkage) string { }
//! Returns a string representing the node's nodeType.
fn nodeToString(node: Node) string { }
//! Returns a string representing the nodeType.
fn nodeToString(nodeType: NodeType) string { }
//! For debugging helpers.
fn getNodeAddressString(node: Node) string { }
//! For debugging helpers.
fn getNodeUniqueString(node: Node) string { }
//! Base class for all types.
class Type : Node
//! Filled in with a pass.
mangledName: string;
//! StorageType flags.
isConst: bool;
//! StorageType flags.
isImmutable: bool;
//! StorageType flags.
isScope: bool;
glossedName: string;
//! PrimitiveTypes are types that are entirely well known to the compiler
//! ahead of time. Consisting mostly of integral types, the only abstract
//! one is Void, which indicates no type or (in the case of arrays and
//! pointers) any type.
class PrimitiveType : Type
enum Kind
type: Kind;
//! Used for printing both 'int' and 'i32', etc.
originalToken: Token;
this() { }
this(kind: Kind) { }
this(old: PrimitiveType) { }
//! A TypeReference is generated for user defined types, and a pass fills
//! in the information so it can act as a cache, and not require multiple
//! lookups.
class TypeReference : Type
//! What Type this refers to. Filled in after parsing sometime.
type: Type;
//! The name of the Type. Filled in the initial parsing.
id: QualifiedName;
this() { }
this(old: TypeReference) { }
//! TypeOf is generated for typeof(expression), anywhere a type could be
//! used. This is then used as if the type of the expression had been
//! written out by hand.
class TypeOf : Type
//! The expression to get the type of.
exp: Exp;
this() { }
this(old: TypeOf) { }
//! A pointer is an abstraction of an address. You can dereference a
//! pointer (get the thing it's pointing to), perform pointer arithmetic
//! (move to the next possible address that could contain the same type),
//! or reseat a pointer (change what it points to). You can also slice a
//! pointer to get an array.
class PointerType : Type
base: Type;
isReference: bool;
this() { }
this(loc: const(Location), base: Type) { }
this(old: PointerType) { }
//! The NullType represents the Type of a null.
class NullType : Type
this() { }
this(old: NullType) { }
//! An ArrayType represents a slice of memory. It contains a pointer, that
//! contains elements of the base type, and a length, which says how many
//! elements this slice shows. This is lowered into a struct before the
//! backend gets it.
class ArrayType : Type
base: Type;
this() { }
this(loc: const(Location), base: Type) { }
this(old: ArrayType) { }
//! A type that is either an AAType or a StaticArrayType, but we cannot
//! tell which yet.
class AmbiguousArrayType : Type
base: Type;
child: Exp;
this() { }
this(old: AmbiguousArrayType) { }
//! A StaticArray is a list of elements of type base with a statically
//! (known at compile time) number of elements. Unlike C, these are passed
//! by value to functions.
class StaticArrayType : Type
base: Type;
length: size_t;
this() { }
this(old: StaticArrayType) { }
//! An AAType is an associative array -- it associates keys with values.
class AAType : Type
value: Type;
key: Type;
this() { }
this(old: AAType) { }
//! The common ancestor of DelegateTypes and FunctionTypes.
class CallableType : Type
linkage: Linkage;
ret: Type;
params: Type[];
isArgRef: bool[];
isArgOut: bool[];
hiddenParameter: bool;
hasVarArgs: bool;
varArgsProcessed: bool;
varArgsTypeids: Variable;
varArgsArgs: Variable;
isProperty: bool;
homogenousVariadic: bool;
forceLabel: bool;
//! When the backend needs a TypeInfo for varargs and such.
typeInfo: Class;
abiModified: bool;
abiData: void*[][];
this(nt: NodeType) { }
this(nt: NodeType, old: CallableType) { }
//! Exists as a proxy for a FunctionSet.
class FunctionSetType : Type
set: FunctionSet;
//! For use in typer.
isFromCreateDelegate: bool;
this() { }
this(set: FunctionSet) { }
this(old: FunctionSetType) { }
//! A FunctionType represents the form of a function, and defines how it is
//! called. It has a return type and a number of parameters.
class FunctionType : CallableType
this() { }
this(old: CallableType) { }
//! A DelegateType is a function pointer with an additional context
//! pointer.
class DelegateType : CallableType
this() { }
this(old: CallableType) { }
//! A StorageType changes how a Type behaves.
class StorageType : Type
//! For bitfields.
enum Kind
type: Kind;
base: Type;
this() { }
this(old: StorageType) { }
//! For representing inferred types. auto a = 3; const b = 2;
class AutoType : Type
//! The explicit type to replace this with.
explicitType: Type;
isForeachRef: bool;
this() { }
this(old: AutoType) { }
//! For constructs that have no type, used to avoid nulls in the IR.
class NoType : Type
this() { }
this(old: NoType) { }
//! A special kind of type that allows an alias to have multiple
//! configurations.
class AliasStaticIf : Type
conditions: Exp[];
types: Type[];
this() { }
this(old: AliasStaticIf) { }
enum Status
//! A container class for a various things that can be stored in a Scope.
class Store
//! Class specifier.
enum Kind
name: string;
parent: Scope;
kind: Kind;
node: Node;
originalNodes: Node[];
myScope: Scope;
scopes: Scope[];
functions: Function[];
aliases: Alias[];
templateInstances: TemplateInstance[];
myAlias: Store;
importBindAccess: Access;
importAlias: bool;
fromImplicitContextChain: bool;
//! Used for Alias, Value, Type and Scope stores. Not really intended for
//! general consumption but are instead called from the add members in
//! Scope.
this(s: Scope, n: Node, name: string, kind: Kind) { }
//! Used for functions. Not really intended for general consumption but are
//! instead called from the addFunction member in Scope.
this(s: Scope, func: Function, name: string) { }
//! As above but for multiple functions at once. Internal use only.
this(s: Scope, func: Function[], name: string) { }
//! Used for enums. The name will usually be the name of the enum
//! declaration. Not really intended for general consumption, but called
//! from the addEnumDeclaration member in Scope.
this(parent: Scope, ed: EnumDeclaration, name: string) { }
this(parent: Scope, ti: TemplateInstance) { }
//! Construct an invalid Store. Used for copying Stores for CTFE, do not
//! use for anything else.
this() { }
//! Retrieve the unique id of this node.
fn uniqueId() size_t { }
fn addTemplateInstance(templateInstance: TemplateInstance) { }
fn markAliasResolved(s: Store) { }
fn markAliasResolved(t: Type) { }
//! A single scope containing declared items and their identifiers.
class Scope
anon: u32;
name: string;
node: Node;
parent: Scope;
symbols: Store[string];
multibindScopes: Scope[];
importedModules: Module[];
importedAccess: Access[];
nestedDepth: i32;
//! For toplevel modules.
this(m: Module, name: string) { }
//! For named imports, classes, structs and unions.
this(parent: Scope, node: Node, name: string, nestedDepth: i32) { }
//! Create a scope that represents multiple scopes.
this(scopes: Scope[]) { }
//! Create an invalid Scope. Internal use only.
this() { }
fn remove(name: string) { }
fn genAnonIdent() string { }
//! Reserve a identifier in this scope.
fn reserveId(n: Node, name: string) Store { }
//! Add an unresolved Alias to this scope. The scope that the alias is
//! resolved to is defaulted to this scope, but this can be changed with
//! the look argument, used by import rebinds.
fn addAlias(n: Alias, name: string, status: Status) Store { }
//! Add a named scope, @n is the node which introduced this scope, must not
//! be null.
fn addScope(n: Node, s: Scope, name: string, status: Status) Store { }
//! Add a named multiscope, n is the node which introduced this scope and
//! must not be null.
fn addMultiScope(n: Node, s: Scope[], name: string, status: Status) Store { }
//! Add a user defined type.
fn addType(n: Node, name: string, status: Status) Store { }
//! Add a value like a constant or a function variable.
fn addValue(n: Node, name: string, status: Status) Store { }
//! Add a function to this scope, will append function if one of declared
//! function of the same name is found.
fn addFunction(func: Function, name: string, status: Status) Store { }
//! Add a user defined template.
fn addTemplate(n: Node, name: string, status: Status) Store { }
//! Add a template instance to the scope.
fn addTemplateInstance(ti: TemplateInstance, status: Status) Store { }
//! Add a named expression to the scope.
fn addEnumDeclaration(e: EnumDeclaration, status: Status) Store { }
//! Doesn't look in parent scopes, just this Store.
fn getStore(name: string) Store { }
//! Get all Variables in the Scope the have Nested storage.
fn getNestedDeclarations() Declaration[] { }
//! The toplevelest node.
class Module : Node
//! Name used for mangling.
name: QualifiedName;
//! Toplevel nodes.
children: TopLevelBlock;
//! Auto generated module name, unimportable.
isAnonymous: bool;
globalDocComments: string[];
myScope: Scope;
hasPhase1: bool;
hasPhase2: bool;
magicFlagD: bool;
forceNoDebug: bool;
gathered: bool;
this() { }
this(old: Module) { }
//! Get a unique number for this module.
fn getId() size_t { }
//! A TopLevelBlock contains a series of nodes, appropriate for things like
//! modules, classes, structs, and so on.
class TopLevelBlock : Node
nodes: Node[];
this() { }
this(old: TopLevelBlock) { }
//! An Import adds a module to the search path of identifiers inside the
//! module it's in.
class Import : Node
access: Access;
isStatic: bool;
names: QualifiedName[];
bind: Identifier;
aliases: Identifier[][];
targetModules: Module[];
this() { }
this(old: Import) { }
//! Attributes apply different behaviours and access levels to one or more
//! top level nodes. These are lowered onto the object by the attribremoval
//! pass.
class Attribute : Node
//! Used to specify the exact sort of attribute.
enum Kind
kind: Kind;
members: TopLevelBlock;
//! for "public abstract:"
chain: Attribute;
//! If kind == Annotation or MangledName.
arguments: Exp[];
alignAmount: i32;
this() { }
this(old: Attribute) { }
//! Named is a base class for named types, like Enum, Struct, Class and so
//! on. This is slightly different from Aggregate since Enum is not a
//! Aggregate, but is a named type.
class Named : Type
isResolved: bool;
access: Access;
//! Unmangled name of the NamedType.
name: string;
//! Context for this NamedType.
myScope: Scope;
//! Filled in by the semantic pass.
typeInfo: Variable;
this(nt: NodeType) { }
this(nt: NodeType, old: Named) { }
//! Aggregate is a base class for Struct, Union & Class.
class Aggregate : Named
anonymousAggregates: Aggregate[];
anonymousVars: Variable[];
//! Toplevel nodes.
members: TopLevelBlock;
isActualized: bool;
this(nt: NodeType) { }
this(nt: NodeType, old: Aggregate) { }
//! Plain Old Data aggregates. Struct and Union, basically.
class PODAggregate : Aggregate
constructors: Function[];
this(nt: NodeType) { }
this(nt: NodeType, old: PODAggregate) { }
//! Java style class declaration. Classes enable polymorphism, and are
//! always accessed through opaque references (to prevent slicing -- look
//! it up!)
class Class : Aggregate
//! Optional.
parent: QualifiedName;
//! Optional.
interfaces: QualifiedName[];
userConstructors: Function[];
vtableVariable: Variable;
classinfoVariable: Variable;
ifaceVariables: Variable[];
initVariable: Variable;
//! Filled in by the typeverifier.
parentClass: Class;
//! Filled in by the typeverifier.
parentInterfaces: _Interface[];
//! Filled in by the typeverifier.
interfaceOffsets: size_t[];
//! Filled in by the classresolver.
methodsCache: Function[][];
layoutStruct: Struct;
isObject: bool;
isAbstract: bool;
isFinal: bool;
this() { }
this(old: Class) { }
//! Java style interface declaration. An interface defines multiple
//! functions that an implementing class must define. A class can inherit
//! from multiple interfaces, and can be treated as an instance of any one
//! of them.
class _Interface : Aggregate
//! Super interfaces to this.
interfaces: QualifiedName[];
//! Filled in by the typeverifier.
parentInterfaces: _Interface[];
layoutStruct: Struct;
this() { }
this(old: _Interface) { }
//! C style union. Structs are a POD data type, and should be binary
//! compatible with the same union as defined by your friendly
//! neighbourhood C compiler.
class Union : PODAggregate
totalSize: size_t;
this() { }
this(old: Union) { }
//! C style struct. Structs are a POD data type, and should be binary
//! compatible with the same struct as defined by your friendly
//! neighbourhood C compiler.
class Struct : PODAggregate
//! If not null, this struct was lowered from this.
loweredNode: Node;
this() { }
this(old: Struct) { }
//! C style Enum. Enums create symbols that are associated with compile time
//! constants. By default, they are enumerated with ascending numbers,
//! hence the name.
class Enum : Named
//! At least one.
members: EnumDeclaration[];
base: Type;
toSink: Function;
this() { }
this(old: Enum) { }
//! Unittest code to be run on if selected by user.
class Unittest : Node
//! Contains statements.
_body: BlockStatement;
this() { }
this(old: Unittest) { }
//! Node represention a compile time conditional compilation.
class Condition : Node
//! Used to specify the exact sort of condition.
enum Kind
//! version (identifier) {}
//! debug {}, debug (identifier) {}
//! static if (exp) {}
kind: Kind;
exp: Exp;
this() { }
this(old: Condition) { }
//! Node represention a compile time conditional compilation, at the
//! toplevel. Uses Condition to specify the if it should be compiled.
class ConditionTopLevel : Node
condition: Condition;
elsePresent: bool;
members: TopLevelBlock;
_else: TopLevelBlock;
this() { }
this(old: ConditionTopLevel) { }
//! Node represention of a function mixin.
class MixinFunction : Node
//! Not optional.
name: string;
raw: BlockStatement;
this() { }
this(old: MixinFunction) { }
//! Node represention of a template mixin.
class MixinTemplate : Node
name: string;
raw: TopLevelBlock;
this() { }
this(old: MixinTemplate) { }
//! Base class for all statements.
class Statement : Node
this(nt: NodeType) { }
this(nt: NodeType, old: Statement) { }
//! A block statement is a group of zero or more statements. Why these
//! exist depends on where they live.
class BlockStatement : Statement
statements: Node[];
myScope: Scope;
this() { }
this(old: BlockStatement) { }
//! The return statement returns execution to the caller of the current
//! function, and optionally returns a value.
class ReturnStatement : Statement
exp: Exp;
this() { }
this(old: ReturnStatement) { }
//! The asm statement contains inline assembly. It's a list of tokens so
//! different backends can parse it however they want. It all still has to
//! lex as valid Volt, of course.
class AsmStatement : Statement
tokens: Token[];
this() { }
this(old: AsmStatement) { }
//! The assert statement aborts if condition is flase, optionally
//! displaying message. isStatic determines whether condition is checked at
//! compile time or not.
class AssertStatement : Statement
condition: Exp;
message: Exp;
isStatic: bool;
this() { }
this(old: AssertStatement) { }
//! If exp is true, execution flows to thenState. If exp is false,
//! execution flows to elseState, if it exists, otherwise it skips to the
//! end of the if statement.
class IfStatement : Statement
exp: Exp;
thenState: BlockStatement;
elseState: BlockStatement;
autoName: string;
this() { }
this(old: IfStatement) { }
//! The while statement keeps executing the statements in block, as long as
//! condition evaluates in true.
class WhileStatement : Statement
condition: Exp;
block: BlockStatement;
this() { }
this(old: WhileStatement) { }
//! Like a while statement, executes block while condition is true. Unlike
//! the while statement, at least one execution of block is guaranteed.
class DoStatement : Statement
block: BlockStatement;
condition: Exp;
this() { }
this(old: DoStatement) { }
//! The for statement is a while statement that evaluates init first
//! (optionally introducing Variables into the for's scope), and running
//! increment at the end of each block's execution. Other than that, it
//! keeps executing block while test evaluates to true.
class ForStatement : Statement
initVars: Variable[];
initExps: Exp[];
test: Exp;
increments: Exp[];
block: BlockStatement;
this() { }
this(old: ForStatement) { }
//! The foreach statement loops over elements in an aggregate. Arrays and
//! AAs have builtin support, but users can define iteration solutions for
//! their own types too.
class ForeachStatement : Statement
reverse: bool;
itervars: Variable[];
refvars: bool[];
aggregate: Exp;
beginIntegerRange: Exp;
endIntegerRange: Exp;
block: BlockStatement;
opApplyType: Named;
decodeFunction: Function;
this() { }
this(old: ForeachStatement) { }
//! A label statement associates a string with a position in the statement
//! stream. Goto can then be used to jump to that position and anger
//! Dijkstra.
class LabelStatement : Statement
label: string;
childStatement: Node[];
this() { }
this(old: LabelStatement) { }
//! An ExpStatement wraps an Expression in a Statement.
class ExpStatement : Statement
exp: Exp;
this() { }
this(old: ExpStatement) { }
//! Represents a case in a switch statement.
class SwitchCase : Node
firstExp: Exp;
originalFirstExp: Exp;
secondExp: Exp;
originalSecondExp: Exp;
exps: Exp[];
originalExps: Exp[];
isDefault: bool;
statements: BlockStatement;
this() { }
this(old: SwitchCase) { }
//! A switch statement jumps to various case labels depending on the value
//! of its condition.
class SwitchStatement : Statement
isFinal: bool;
condition: Exp;
cases: SwitchCase[];
withs: Exp[];
condVar: Variable;
this() { }
this(old: SwitchStatement) { }
//! The continue statement restarts a loop (while, dowhile, for, foreach).
class ContinueStatement : Statement
label: string;
this() { }
this(old: ContinueStatement) { }
//! The break statement halts execution of a loop or a switch statement.
class BreakStatement : Statement
label: string;
this() { }
this(old: BreakStatement) { }
//! The goto statement jumps to a label, or controls flow inside a switch
//! statement.
class GotoStatement : Statement
label: string;
isDefault: bool;
isCase: bool;
exp: Exp;
this() { }
this(old: GotoStatement) { }
//! All lookups inside of a WithStatement first check exp before performing
//! a regular lookup. Ambiguities are still errors.
class WithStatement : Statement
exp: Exp;
block: BlockStatement;
this() { }
this(old: WithStatement) { }
//! A synchronized statement ensures that only one thread of execution can
//! enter its block. An explicit mutex may be provided.
class SynchronizedStatement : Statement
exp: Exp;
block: BlockStatement;
this() { }
this(old: SynchronizedStatement) { }
//! The try statement allows the resolution of throw statements, by
//! rerouting thrown exceptions into various catch blocks.
class TryStatement : Statement
tryBlock: BlockStatement;
catchVars: Variable[];
catchBlocks: BlockStatement[];
finallyBlock: BlockStatement;
this() { }
this(old: TryStatement) { }
//! A throw statements halts the current functions execution and unwinds
//! the stack until it hits a try statement with an appropriate catch
//! statement or, failing that, it halts execution of the entire program.
class ThrowStatement : Statement
exp: Exp;
this() { }
this(old: ThrowStatement) { }
//! ScopeStatements are executed on various conditions. Exits are always
//! executed when the given scope is left. Successes are executed when the
//! scope is left normally. Failures are executed when the scope is left by
//! way of an Exception.
class ScopeStatement : Statement
kind: ScopeKind;
block: BlockStatement;
this() { }
this(old: ScopeStatement) { }
//! Pragma statements do magical things. pragma(lib, "SDL"), for instance,
//! tells the compiler to link with SDL without the user having to specify
//! it on the command line. What pragmas are supported vary from compiler
//! to compiler, the only thing specified is that complying implementations
//! must die on unknown pragmas by default.
class PragmaStatement : Statement
type: string;
arguments: Exp[];
block: BlockStatement;
this() { }
this(old: PragmaStatement) { }
//! A ConditionStatement provides for conditional compilation of
//! statements. If condition is true, then it is as if block was where the
//! ConditionStatement was. Otherwise, the _else block replaces it (if
//! present).
class ConditionStatement : Statement
condition: Condition;
block: BlockStatement;
_else: BlockStatement;
this() { }
this(old: ConditionStatement) { }
//! The mixin statement mixes in a mixin function, mixin template or a
//! string.
class MixinStatement : Statement
//! Not optional for mixin("string").
stringExp: Exp;
//! Not optional for mixin .my.Ident!(...)
id: QualifiedName;
resolved: BlockStatement;
this() { }
this(old: MixinStatement) { }
//! Base class for all expressions.
class Exp : Node
//! Base class for literal expressions.
class LiteralExp : Exp
exps: Exp[];
type: Type;
//! A ternary expression is a shorthand if statement in the form of an
//! expression.
class Ternary : Exp
//! The condition to test.
condition: Exp;
//! Evaluate and return this if condition is true.
ifTrue: Exp;
//! Evaluate and return this if condition is false.
ifFalse: Exp;
this() { }
this(old: Ternary) { }
//! A BinOp is an operation the operates on two expressions with a given
//! operation.
class BinOp : Exp
enum Op
//! The operation to perform.
op: Op;
//! The left hand side of the expression.
left: Exp;
//! The right hand side of the expression.
right: Exp;
//! Is an assignment generated for passing context to a closure.
isInternalNestedAssign: bool;
this() { }
this(old: BinOp) { }
static fn opToString(op: Op) string { }
//! A Unary operation is prepended to the back of an expression.
class Unary : Exp
enum Op
op: Op;
value: Exp;
hasArgumentList: bool;
type: Type;
argumentList: Exp[];
argumentTags: Postfix.TagKind[];
argumentLabels: string[];
//! The constructor to call.
ctor: Function;
dupBeginning: Exp;
dupEnd: Exp;
fullShorthand: bool;
this() { }
this(n: Type, e: Exp) { }
this(old: Unary) { }
//! A postfix operation is appended to an expression.
class Postfix : Exp
enum Op
//! T.default -- default initialiser of T
enum TagKind
op: Op;
child: Exp;
arguments: Exp[];
argumentTags: TagKind[];
argumentLabels: string[];
identifier: Identifier;
memberFunction: ExpReference;
templateInstance: Exp;
isImplicitPropertyCall: bool;
supressVtableLookup: bool;
this() { }
this(old: Postfix) { }
static fn opToString(op: Op) string { }
//! A looked up postfix operation is appended to an expression.
class PropertyExp : Exp
child: Exp;
//! For property get.
getFn: Function;
//! For property sets.
setFns: Function[];
identifier: Identifier;
this() { }
this(old: PropertyExp) { }
//! A Constant is a literal value of a given type.
class Constant : Exp
union U
_byte: i8;
_ubyte: u8;
_short: i16;
_ushort: u16;
_int: i32;
_uint: u32;
_long: i64;
_ulong: u64;
_float: f32;
_double: f64;
_bool: bool;
_pointer: void*;
u: U;
_string: string;
isNull: bool;
arrayData: immutable(void)[];
type: Type;
fromEnum: Enum;
this() { }
this(old: Constant) { }
//! Represents an array literal. Contains a list of expressions with (if
//! semantically sound) a common type.
class ArrayLiteral : LiteralExp
this() { }
this(old: ArrayLiteral) { }
class AAPair : Node
key: Exp;
value: Exp;
this() { }
this(key: Exp, value: Exp) { }
this(old: AAPair) { }
//! Represents an associative array literal -- a list of key/value pairs.
class AssocArray : Exp
pairs: AAPair[];
//! The type of the associative array.
type: Type;
this() { }
this(old: AssocArray) { }
//! Represents a single identifier. Replaced with ExpReference in a pass.
class IdentifierExp : Exp
globalLookup: bool;
value: string;
this() { }
this(s: string) { }
this(old: IdentifierExp) { }
//! An Assert checks that a condition is true, and dies with an optional
//! message if not.
class Assert : Exp
condition: Exp;
message: Exp;
this() { }
this(old: Assert) { }
//! A StringImport creates a string literal from a file on disk at compile
//! time.
class StringImport : Exp
filename: Exp;
this() { }
this(old: StringImport) { }
//! The typeid expression returns the typeinfo of a given type or
//! expression.
class Typeid : Exp
exp: Exp;
type: Type;
tinfoType: Type;
this() { }
this(old: Typeid) { }
//! The is expression is a bit of a swiss army knife. It can be simply used
//! to determine whether a given type is well-formed, or if a given type is
//! a certain other type, or can be converted into another type.
class IsExp : Exp
enum Specialisation
enum Comparison
type: Type;
specialisation: Specialisation;
specType: Type;
compType: Comparison;
traitsWord: string;
traitsModifier: string;
this() { }
this(old: IsExp) { }
class FunctionParameter : Node
type: Type;
name: string;
this() { }
this(old: FunctionParameter) { }
//! A function literal can define a normal function, or a delegate (a
//! function with context). There are multiple ways to define these but the
//! long hand way is int function(int a, int b) { return a + b; } Defines a
//! function that takes two integers and returns them added up. int
//! delegate(int a, int b) { return a + b + c; } Is the same, except it has
//! access to the outer scope's variables.
class FunctionLiteral : Exp
isDelegate: bool;
returnType: Type;
params: FunctionParameter[];
block: BlockStatement;
singleLambdaParam: string;
lambdaExp: Exp;
this() { }
this(old: FunctionLiteral) { }
//! An ExpReference replaces chained postfix look ups with the result of
//! the lookup. A cache that is inserted later, in other words.
class ExpReference : Exp
idents: string[];
decl: Declaration;
//! A raw get to a function to bypass @property.
rawReference: bool;
doNotRewriteAsNestedLookup: bool;
isSuperOrThisCall: bool;
this() { }
this(old: ExpReference) { }
//! A StructLiteral is an expression form of a struct.
class StructLiteral : LiteralExp
this() { }
this(old: StructLiteral) { }
//! A UnionLiteral is a compiler internal expression form of a struct
class UnionLiteral : LiteralExp
this() { }
this(old: UnionLiteral) { }
//! A ClassLiteral is a compiler internal expression form of a class.
class ClassLiteral : LiteralExp
useBaseStorage: bool;
this() { }
this(old: ClassLiteral) { }
//! A TypeExp is used when a primitive type is used in an expression. This
//! is currently limited to .max/min and (void*).max/min.
class TypeExp : Exp
type: Type;
this() { }
this(old: TypeExp) { }
//! A StoreExp is used when a NamedType is used in an expression within a
//! WithStatement, like so: with (Class.Enum) { int val = DeclInEnum; }.
class StoreExp : Exp
idents: string[];
store: Store;
this() { }
this(old: StoreExp) { }
//! A StatementExp is a internal expression for inserting statements into a
//! expression. Note that this is not a function and executes the
//! statements just as if they where inserted in the BlockStatement that
//! the StatementExp is in. Meaning any ReturnStatement will return the
//! current function not this StatementExp.
class StatementExp : Exp
//! A list of statements to be executed.
statements: Node[];
//! The value of the StatementExp
exp: Exp;
//! If this was lowered from something, the original will go here.
originalExp: Exp;
this() { }
this(old: StatementExp) { }
//! Expression that corresponds to what was once special tokens. FUNCTION,
class TokenExp : Exp
enum Type
//! Just the function name. (e.g. math.add)
//! Full signature. (e.g. int math.add(int a, int b))
//! Current file. (e.g. foo.volt)
//! Current line number. (e.g. 32)
//! Current file loc. (e.g. expression.d:933
type: Type;
this(type: TokenExp.Type) { }
this(old: TokenExp) { }
//! Expression that assists in working with varargs.
class VaArgExp : Exp
arg: Exp;
type: Type;
this() { }
this(old: VaArgExp) { }
//! Representing a expression that is working on inbuilt types.
class BuiltinExp : Exp
enum Kind
//! Invalid.
//! arr.ptr
//! arr.length
//! new arr[..]
//! aa.length
//! aa.keys
//! aa.values
//! aa.rehash
//! aa.get
//! aa.remove
//! "foo" in aa
//! new aa[..]
//! '(exp).func'()
//! obj.classinfo
//! s := StructName(structArg)
//! va_start(vl)
//! va_arg!i32(vl)
//! va_end(vl)
//! Build a class vtable.
//! The body of a toSink(sink, enum) function.
//! What kind of builtin is this.
kind: Kind;
//! The type of this exp, helps keeping the typer simple.
type: Type;
//! Common child exp.
children: Exp[];
//! For UFCS, PODCtor, EnumMembers, and VaArg.
functions: Function[];
//! For BuildVtable.
_class: Class;
//! For BuildVtable.
functionSink: FunctionSink;
//! For EnumMembers
_enum: Enum;
this(kind: Kind, type: Type, children: Exp[]) { }
this(kind: Kind, type: Type, _class: Class, functionSink: FunctionSink) { }
this(old: BuiltinExp) { }
//! An expression that represents a simple identifier.identifier lookup.
class AccessExp : Exp
//! The instance we're looking up. (instance).field
child: Exp;
//! The field we're looking up. instance.(field)
field: Variable;
//! Cached instance type.
aggregate: Type;
this() { }
this(old: AccessExp) { }
//! An expression that forces the compiler to evaluate another expression
//! at compile time.
class RunExp : Exp
//! The expression to run.
child: Exp;
this() { }
this(old: RunExp) { }
//! A string that contains expressions to be formatted inline.
class ComposableString : Exp
//! True if it wasn't prefixed by 'new'.
compileTimeOnly: bool;
//! The components for the string, those that were contained in ${}.
components: Exp[];
this() { }
this(old: ComposableString) { }
//! Base class for all declarations.
class Declaration : Node
enum Kind
annotations: Attribute[];
this(nt: NodeType) { }
this(nt: NodeType, old: Declaration) { }
fn declKind() Kind { }
//! Represents an instance of a type.
class Variable : Declaration
enum Storage
//! Member of a struct/class.
//! Variable in a function.
//! Accessed in a nested function.
//! Stored in TLS.
//! Stored in the global data segment.
isResolved: bool;
access: Access;
type: Type;
name: string;
mangledName: string;
assign: Exp;
storage: Storage;
linkage: Linkage;
isMergable: bool;
//! Only for global variables.
isExtern: bool;
//! The type will be a ref storage type if this is set.
isOut: bool;
//! Has this variable been declared yet? (only useful in extyper)
hasBeenDeclared: bool;
useBaseStorage: bool;
specialInitValue: bool;
noInitialise: bool;
this() { }
//! Construct a Variable with a given type and name.
this(t: Type, name: string) { }
this(old: Variable) { }
static fn storageToString(s: Storage) string { }
//! An Alias associates names with a Type. Once declared, using that name
//! is as using that Type directly.
class Alias : Node
isResolved: bool;
access: Access;
name: string;
//! Non null type.
externAttr: Attribute;
type: Type;
id: QualifiedName;
staticIf: AliasStaticIf;
//! Where are we looking for the symbol.
lookScope: Scope;
//! Where are we looking for the symbol.
lookModule: Module;
store: Store;
//! Not with id. Optional.
templateInstance: Exp;
this() { }
this(old: Alias) { }
//! A function is a block of code that takes parameters, and may return a
//! value. There may be additional implied context, depending on where it's
//! defined.
class Function : Declaration
//! Used to specify function type.
enum Kind
//! foo()
//! auto foo = new Clazz()
//! delete foo
//! local this() {}
//! local ~this() {}
//! global this() {}
//! global ~this() {}
//! void aFunction() { void foo() {} }
//! void aFunction() { global void foo() {} }
isResolved: bool;
isActualized: bool;
access: Access;
//! Needed for params
myScope: Scope;
//! What kind of function.
kind: Kind;
//! Prototype.
type: FunctionType;
params: FunctionParam[];
nestedFunctions: Function[];
//! The various scope (exit/success/failures) turned into inline
//! functions.
scopeSuccesses: Function[];
//! The various scope (exit/success/failures) turned into inline
//! functions.
scopeExits: Function[];
//! The various scope (exit/success/failures) turned into inline
//! functions.
scopeFailures: Function[];
//! Pre mangling.
name: string;
mangledName: string;
outParameter: string;
//! Optional in contract.
parsedIn: BlockStatement;
//! Optional out contract.
parsedOut: BlockStatement;
//! Optional body.
parsedBody: BlockStatement;
//! Optional lazy parsed in contract.
tokensIn: Token[];
//! Optional lazy parsed out contract.
tokensOut: Token[];
//! Optional lazy parsed body.
tokensBody: Token[];
thisHiddenParameter: Variable;
nestedHiddenParameter: Variable;
nestedVariable: Variable;
composableSinkVariable: Variable;
nestStruct: Struct;
isMergable: bool;
//! If this is a member function, where in the vtable does it live?
vtableIndex: i32;
loadDynamic: bool;
isMarkedOverride: bool;
isOverridingInterface: bool;
isAbstract: bool;
isFinal: bool;
isAutoReturn: bool;
//! Is this a function a lowered construct, like scope.
isLoweredScopeExit: bool;
//! Is this a function a lowered construct, like scope.
isLoweredScopeFailure: bool;
//! Is this a function a lowered construct, like scope.
isLoweredScopeSuccess: bool;
templateName: string;
templateType: Type;
this() { }
this(old: Function) { }
fn hasBody() bool { }
fn hasInContract() bool { }
fn hasOutContract() bool { }
class EnumDeclaration : Declaration
type: Type;
assign: Exp;
name: string;
prevEnum: EnumDeclaration;
resolved: bool;
access: Access;
isStandalone: bool;
this() { }
this(old: EnumDeclaration) { }
//! Represents multiple functions associated with a single name.
class FunctionSet : Declaration
functions: Function[];
//! For assigning an overloaded function to a delegate.
reference: ExpReference;
this() { }
this(old: FunctionSet) { }
fn type() FunctionSetType { }
//! Update reference to indicate function set has been resolved. Returns
//! the function passed to it.
fn resolved(func: Function) Function { }
//! Represents a parameter to a function.
class FunctionParam : Declaration
func: Function;
index: size_t;
assign: Exp;
name: string;
//! Has this parameter been nested into a nested context struct?
hasBeenNested: bool;
this() { }
this(old: FunctionParam) { }
fn type() Type { }
enum TemplateKind
//! Creates a concrete instance of a template.
class TemplateInstance : Node
kind: TemplateKind;
definitionName: QualifiedName;
instanceName: string;
explicitMixin: bool;
arguments: Node[];
names: string[];
myScope: Scope;
oldParent: Scope;
_struct: Struct;
_function: Function;
_class: Class;
_union: Union;
_interface: _Interface;
this() { }
this(old: TemplateInstance) { }
class TemplateDefinition : Node
struct Parameter
type: Type;
name: string;
kind: TemplateKind;
name: string;
parameters: Parameter[];
//! Filled in by the gatherer.
typeReferences: TypeReference[];
//! Filled in by the gatherer.
myScope: Scope;
//! Only one of these fields will be non-null, depending on kind.
_struct: Struct;
//! Only one of these fields will be non-null, depending on kind.
_union: Union;
//! Only one of these fields will be non-null, depending on kind.
_interface: _Interface;
//! Only one of these fields will be non-null, depending on kind.
_class: Class;
//! Only one of these fields will be non-null, depending on kind.
_function: Function;
this() { }
this(old: TemplateDefinition) { }
module volta.token.lexer;
//! Tokenizes a source file.
fn lex(source: Source) TokenWriter { }
module volta.token.source;
alias Mark = size_t;
//! Class for handling reading of Volt source code.
class Source
source: string;
loc: Location;
eof: bool;
errSink: ErrorSink;
//! Sets the source to string and the current location and validate it as a
//! utf8 source.
this(s: string, filename: string, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Copy contructor, same as dup.
this(src: Source) { }
//! Validate that the current start of source has a valid utf8 BOM.
fn checkBOM() { }
//! Set the loc to newFilename(line:1).
fn changeCurrentLocation(newFilename: string, newLine: u32) { }
//! Used to skip the first script line in D sources.
fn skipScriptLine() { }
//! Used to skip whitespace in the source file, as defined by
//! watt.text.ascii.isWhite.
fn skipWhitespace() { }
//! Skips till character after next end of line or eof.
fn skipEndOfLine() { }
fn decodeChar() dchar { }
fn decodeChar(index: size_t) dchar { }
//! Get the next unicode character.
fn next() dchar { }
//! Returns the current utf8 char.
fn current() dchar { }
//! Return the unicode character n chars forwards. lookaheadEOF set to true
//! if we reached EOF, otherwise false.
fn lookahead(n: size_t, lookaheadEOF: bool) dchar { }
//! Returns a index for the current loc.
fn save() Mark { }
//! Get a slice from the current token to mark. mark must before current
//! token.
fn sliceFrom(mark: Mark) string { }
//! Synchronise this source with a duplicated one.
fn sync(src: Source) { }
module volta.parser.base;
public import;
enum ParseStatus
alias Succeeded = ParseStatus.Succeeded;
alias Failed = ParseStatus.Failed;
//! Just for convenience.
alias NodeSinkDg = void delegate(ir.Node);
//! Used as a sink for functions that return multiple nodes.
class NodeSink
this() { }
fn push(n: ir.Node) { }
fn pushNodes(nodes: ir.Node[]) { }
fn array() ir.Node[] { }
class ParserStream : TokenStream
parserErrors: ParserError[];
neverIgnoreError: bool;
lastDocComment: Token;
//! For backwards doc comments (like this one).
retroComment: ir.Node;
multiDepth: i32;
settings: Settings;
globalDocComments: string[];
magicFlagD: bool;
setExpLocationVisitor: SetExpLocationVisitor;
this(tokens: Token[], settings: Settings, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn eof() bool { }
fn eofIndex(i: size_t) bool { }
//! Get the current token and advances the stream to the next token.
fn get() Token { }
fn saveTokens() size_t { }
fn doneSavingTokens(startIndex: size_t) Token[] { }
fn resetErrors() { }
fn pushCommentLevel() { }
fn popCommentLevel() { }
//! Add a comment to the current comment level.
fn addComment(comment: Token) { }
//! Retrieve and clear the current comment.
fn comment() string { }
//! True if we found @ { on its own, so apply the last doccomment multiple
//! times, until we see a matching number of @ }s.
fn inMultiCommentBlock() bool { }
fn parsePanic(ps: ParserStream, loc: const(Location), nodeType: ir.NodeType, message: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
fn unexpectedToken(ps: ParserStream, ntype: ir.NodeType, file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
fn unexpectedToken(ps: ParserStream, n: ir.Node, file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
fn wrongToken(ps: ParserStream, ntype: ir.NodeType, found: Token, expected: TokenType, file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
fn parseFailed(ps: ParserStream, ntype: ir.NodeType, file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
fn parseFailed(ps: ParserStream, n: ir.Node, file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
fn parseFailed(ps: ParserStream, ntype: ir.NodeType, ntype2: ir.NodeType, file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
fn unsupportedFeature(ps: ParserStream, n: ir.Node, s: string, file: string, l: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
fn invalidIntegerLiteral(ps: ParserStream, loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
fn parseExpected(ps: ParserStream, loc: const(Location), nodeType: ir.NodeType, message: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
fn parseExpected(ps: ParserStream, loc: const(Location), n: ir.Node, message: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
fn allArgumentsMustBeLabelled(ps: ParserStream, loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
fn docCommentMultiple(ps: ParserStream, loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
fn strayDocComment(ps: ParserStream, loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
fn badComposable(ps: ParserStream, loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
fn badMultiBind(ps: ParserStream, loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
//! Match the current token on the parserstream @ps against @type. Does not
//! advance the parserstream.
fn checkToken(ps: ParserStream, ntype: ir.NodeType, type: TokenType, file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
//! Match the current token on the parserstream @ps against @type. Does not
//! advance the parserstream.
fn checkTokens(ps: ParserStream, ntype: ir.NodeType, types: scope (const(scope (TokenType)[]), file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
//! Match the current Token on the ParserStream @ps against @type.
fn match(ps: ParserStream, ntype: ir.NodeType, type: TokenType, file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
//! Match the current token on the parserstream @ps against @type.
fn match(ps: ParserStream, node: ir.Node, type: TokenType, file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
//! Match the current tokens on the parserstream @ps against @types.
fn match(ps: ParserStream, ntype: ir.NodeType, types: scope (const(scope (TokenType)[]), file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
//! Match the current token on the parserstream @ps against @type.
fn match(ps: ParserStream, n: ir.Node, type: TokenType, tok: Token, file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
//! Match the current token on the parserstream @ps against @type.
fn match(ps: ParserStream, nodeType: ir.NodeType, type: TokenType, tok: Token, file: string, line: const(i32)) ParseStatus { }
//! Matches the current token on the parserstream @ps against @type and if
//! they matches gets it from the stream.
fn matchIf(ps: ParserStream, type: TokenType) bool { }
//! Add all doccomment tokens to the current comment level.
fn eatComments(ps: ParserStream) ParseStatus { }
//! Parse a QualifiedName, leadingDot optinal.
fn parseQualifiedName(ps: ParserStream, name: ir.QualifiedName, allowLeadingDot: bool) ParseStatus { }
//! Parse a single Identifier.
fn parseIdentifier(ps: ParserStream, i: ir.Identifier) ParseStatus { }
//! Returns true if the ParserStream is in a state where there is a colon
//! (along with optional identifiers and commas) before a semicolon.
//! Basically, returns true if we're at a new-style (a : i32) variable
//! declaration.
fn isColonDeclaration(ps: ParserStream) bool { }
module volta.parser.errors;
//! Describes a parse failure.
class ParserError
enum Kind
//! No error.
//! The parser has made an error.
//! A token wasn't where we expected it to be.
//! Wrong token was found.
//! A parse failed. That failure will be i-1 on parseErrors.
//! A feature was used that is unsupported.
//! An invalid integer literal was supplied.
//! We expected something and didn't get it.
//! All arguments must be labelled.
//! Doc comment applies to multiple nodes.
//! Start doc comment in token stream.
//! new "string without component"
//! Only bind imports can use multibind.
//! Every error type uses at least these three. type: The type of error
//! that occurred. location: Where the error occurred. nodeType: The node
//! that was being parsed when the error occured.
kind: Kind;
//! Every error type uses at least these three. type: The type of error
//! that occurred. location: Where the error occurred. nodeType: The node
//! that was being parsed when the error occured.
loc: Location;
//! Every error type uses at least these three. type: The type of error
//! that occurred. location: Where the error occurred. nodeType: The node
//! that was being parsed when the error occured.
nodeType: NodeType;
//! Keeps track of where the error was raised. For internal debug.
raiseFile: string;
//! Keeps track of where the error was raised. For internal debug.
raiseLine: i32;
this(kind: Kind, loc: Location, nodeType: NodeType, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn errorMessage() string;
class ParserPanic : ParserError
//! The panic error message.
message: string;
this(loc: const(Location), nodeType: NodeType, message: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn errorMessage() string { }
class ParserUnexpectedToken : ParserError
found: string;
this(loc: const(Location), nodeType: NodeType, found: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn errorMessage() string { }
class ParserWrongToken : ParserError
found: TokenType;
expected: TokenType;
this(loc: const(Location), nodeType: NodeType, found: TokenType, expected: TokenType, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn errorMessage() string { }
class ParserParseFailed : ParserError
otherNodeType: NodeType;
this(loc: const(Location), nodeType: NodeType, otherNodeType: NodeType, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn errorMessage() string { }
class ParserUnsupportedFeature : ParserError
description: string;
this(loc: const(Location), nodeType: NodeType, description: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn errorMessage() string { }
class ParserInvalidIntegerLiteral : ParserError
this(loc: const(Location), nodeType: NodeType, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn errorMessage() string { }
class ParserAllArgumentsMustBeLabelled : ParserError
this(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn errorMessage() string { }
class ParserExpected : ParserError
//! What was expected.
message: string;
this(loc: const(Location), nodeType: NodeType, message: string, file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn errorMessage() string { }
class ParserDocMultiple : ParserError
this(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn errorMessage() string { }
class ParserStrayDocComment : ParserError
this(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn errorMessage() string { }
class ParserNotAComposableString : ParserError
this(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn errorMessage() string { }
class ParserBadMultiBind : ParserError
this(loc: const(Location), file: string, line: const(i32)) { }
fn errorMessage() string { }
module volta.parser.toplevel;
public import volta.parser.statements;
fn parseModule(ps: ParserStream, mod: ir.Module) ParseStatus { }
fn createImport(loc: const(Location), names: scope (scope (string)[])) ir.Node { }
fn parseOneTopLevelBlock(ps: ParserStream, tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock) ParseStatus { }
fn ifDocCommentsUntilEndThenSkip(ps: ParserStream) bool { }
fn parseTopLevelBlock(ps: ParserStream, tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock, end: TokenType) ParseStatus { }
fn parseImport(ps: ParserStream, _import: ir.Import) ParseStatus { }
fn parseUnittest(ps: ParserStream, u: ir.Unittest) ParseStatus { }
fn parseConstructor(ps: ParserStream, c: ir.Function) ParseStatus { }
fn parseDestructor(ps: ParserStream, d: ir.Function) ParseStatus { }
fn parseClass(ps: ParserStream, c: ir.Class, templateName: string) ParseStatus { }
fn parseInterface(ps: ParserStream, i: ir._Interface, templateName: string) ParseStatus { }
fn parseUnion(ps: ParserStream, u: ir.Union, templateName: string) ParseStatus { }
fn parseStruct(ps: ParserStream, s: ir.Struct, templateName: string) ParseStatus { }
fn parseEnum(ps: ParserStream, output: ir.Node[]) ParseStatus { }
fn parseMixinFunction(ps: ParserStream, m: ir.MixinFunction) ParseStatus { }
fn parseMixinTemplate(ps: ParserStream, m: ir.MixinTemplate) ParseStatus { }
fn parseAttribute(ps: ParserStream, attr: ir.Attribute, noTopLevel: bool) ParseStatus { }
fn parseCondition(ps: ParserStream, condition: ir.Condition) ParseStatus { }
fn parseConditionTopLevel(ps: ParserStream, ctl: ir.ConditionTopLevel) ParseStatus { }
module volta.parser.statements;
fn parseStatement(ps: ParserStream, dgt: NodeSinkDg) ParseStatus { }
fn parseVariableOrExpression(ps: ParserStream, dgt: NodeSinkDg) ParseStatus { }
fn parseAssertStatement(ps: ParserStream, as: ir.AssertStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseExpStatement(ps: ParserStream, e: ir.ExpStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseReturnStatement(ps: ParserStream, r: ir.ReturnStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseBlockStatement(ps: ParserStream, bs: ir.BlockStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseAsmStatement(ps: ParserStream, as: ir.AsmStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseIfStatement(ps: ParserStream, i: ir.IfStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseWhileStatement(ps: ParserStream, w: ir.WhileStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseDoStatement(ps: ParserStream, d: ir.DoStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseForeachStatement(ps: ParserStream, f: ir.ForeachStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseForStatement(ps: ParserStream, f: ir.ForStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseLabelStatement(ps: ParserStream, ls: ir.LabelStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseSwitchStatement(ps: ParserStream, ss: ir.SwitchStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseContinueStatement(ps: ParserStream, cs: ir.ContinueStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseBreakStatement(ps: ParserStream, bs: ir.BreakStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseGotoStatement(ps: ParserStream, gs: ir.GotoStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseWithStatement(ps: ParserStream, ws: ir.WithStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseSynchronizedStatement(ps: ParserStream, ss: ir.SynchronizedStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseTryStatement(ps: ParserStream, t: ir.TryStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseThrowStatement(ps: ParserStream, t: ir.ThrowStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseScopeStatement(ps: ParserStream, ss: ir.ScopeStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parsePragmaStatement(ps: ParserStream, prs: ir.PragmaStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseConditionStatement(ps: ParserStream, cs: ir.ConditionStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseMixinStatement(ps: ParserStream, ms: ir.MixinStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseStaticIs(ps: ParserStream, as: ir.AssertStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseColonAssign(ps: ParserStream, dgt: NodeSinkDg) ParseStatus { }
fn parseColonDeclaration(ps: ParserStream, comment: string, idents: Token[], dgt: NodeSinkDg) ParseStatus { }
module volta.parser.declaration;
fn parseVariable(ps: ParserStream, dgt: NodeSinkDg) ParseStatus { }
fn parseJustVariable(ps: ParserStream, dgt: NodeSinkDg) ParseStatus { }
fn parseAlias(ps: ParserStream, a: ir.Alias) ParseStatus { }
fn parseAliasStaticIf(ps: ParserStream, asi: ir.AliasStaticIf) ParseStatus { }
fn reallyParseVariable(ps: ParserStream, base: ir.Type, dgt: NodeSinkDg) ParseStatus { }
fn parseType(ps: ParserStream, base: ir.Type) ParseStatus { }
fn parseTypeOf(ps: ParserStream, typeOf: ir.TypeOf) ParseStatus { }
fn parseTypeReference(ps: ParserStream, typeReference: ir.TypeReference) ParseStatus { }
fn parseStorageType(ps: ParserStream, storageType: ir.StorageType) ParseStatus { }
fn parseNewFunctionParams(ps: ParserStream, func: ir.CallableType) ParseStatus { }
fn parseNewFunctionType(ps: ParserStream, func: ir.CallableType) ParseStatus { }
fn parseFunctionType(ps: ParserStream, func: ir.FunctionType, base: ir.Type) ParseStatus { }
fn parseDelegateType(ps: ParserStream, func: ir.DelegateType, base: ir.Type) ParseStatus { }
fn parseParameterListFPtr(ps: ParserStream, types: ir.Type[], parentCallable: ir.CallableType) ParseStatus { }
fn parseParameterList(ps: ParserStream, vars: ir.Variable[], parentCallable: ir.CallableType) ParseStatus { }
fn parseParameter(ps: ParserStream, p: ir.Variable) ParseStatus { }
fn isUnambiguouslyAA(ps: ParserStream) bool { }
fn parseTypeSigils(ps: ParserStream, outType: ir.Type, origin: Location, base: ir.Type) ParseStatus { }
fn parsePrimitiveType(ps: ParserStream) ir.Type { }
fn parseNewFunction(ps: ParserStream, func: ir.Function, templateName: string) ParseStatus { }
fn parseBraceCountedTokenList(ps: ParserStream, tokens: ir.Token[], owner: ir.Node) ParseStatus { }
fn parseFunction(ps: ParserStream, func: ir.Function, base: ir.Type) ParseStatus { }
//! This parses a function block, different from BlockStatement.
fn parseBlock(ps: ParserStream, bs: ir.BlockStatement) ParseStatus { }
fn parseEnumDeclaration(ps: ParserStream, edecl: ir.EnumDeclaration, standalone: bool) ParseStatus { }
module volta.util.copy;
fn copy(old: ir.AccessExp) ir.AccessExp { }
fn copy(cnst: ir.Constant) ir.Constant { }
fn copy(bs: ir.BlockStatement) ir.BlockStatement { }
fn copy(rs: ir.ReturnStatement) ir.ReturnStatement { }
fn copy(bo: ir.BinOp) ir.BinOp { }
fn copy(ie: ir.IdentifierExp) ir.IdentifierExp { }
fn copy(te: ir.TokenExp) ir.TokenExp { }
fn copy(te: ir.TypeExp) ir.TypeExp { }
fn copy(se: ir.StoreExp) ir.StoreExp { }
fn copy(ar: ir.ArrayLiteral) ir.ArrayLiteral { }
fn copy(er: ir.ExpReference) ir.ExpReference { }
fn copy(ident: ir.Identifier) ir.Identifier { }
fn copy(pfix: ir.Postfix) ir.Postfix { }
fn copy(unary: ir.Unary) ir.Unary { }
fn copy(old: ir.PropertyExp) ir.PropertyExp { }
fn copy(old: ir.PrimitiveType) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn copy(old: ir.PointerType) ir.PointerType { }
fn copy(old: ir.ArrayType) ir.ArrayType { }
fn copy(old: ir.StaticArrayType) ir.StaticArrayType { }
fn copy(old: ir.AAType) ir.AAType { }
fn copy(old: ir.FunctionType) ir.FunctionType { }
fn copy(old: ir.DelegateType) ir.DelegateType { }
fn copy(old: ir.StorageType) ir.StorageType { }
fn copy(old: ir.TypeReference) ir.TypeReference { }
fn copy(old: ir.NullType) ir.NullType { }
fn copy(old: ir.Typeid) ir.Typeid { }
fn copy(old: ir.AutoType) ir.AutoType { }
fn copy(old: ir.BuiltinExp) ir.BuiltinExp { }
fn copy(old: ir.RunExp) ir.RunExp { }
fn copy(old: ir.ComposableString) ir.ComposableString { }
fn copy(old: ir.StatementExp) ir.StatementExp { }
fn copy(old: ir.Ternary) ir.Ternary { }
fn copy(old: ir.QualifiedName) ir.QualifiedName { }
//! Helper function that takes care of up casting the return from copyDeep.
fn copyType(t: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
//! Helper function that takes care of up casting the return from copyDeep.
fn copyExp(exp: ir.Exp) ir.Exp { }
fn copyExp(loc: const(Location), exp: ir.Exp) ir.Exp { }
//! Copies a node and all its children nodes.
fn copyNode(n: ir.Node) ir.Node { }
module volta.util.util;
//! Builds an identifier exp from a string.
fn buildIdentifierExp(loc: const(Location), value: string, isGlobal: bool) ir.IdentifierExp { }
//! Builds a QualifiedName from an array.
fn buildQualifiedName(loc: const(Location), value: scope (scope (string)[])) ir.QualifiedName { }
//! Builds a QualifiedName from a Identifier.
fn buildQualifiedNameSmart(i: ir.Identifier) ir.QualifiedName { }
//! Return the scope from the given type if it is, a aggregate or a
//! derivative from one.
fn getScopeFromType(type: ir.Type) ir.Scope { }
//! For the given store get the scope that it introduces.
fn getScopeFromStore(store: ir.Store) ir.Scope { }
//! Does a smart copy of a type.
fn copyTypeSmart(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
fn buildTypeReference(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, names: scope (scope (string)[])) ir.TypeReference { }
fn buildTypeReference(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, id: ir.QualifiedName) ir.TypeReference { }
fn buildStorageType(loc: const(Location), kind: ir.StorageType.Kind, base: ir.Type) ir.StorageType { }
//! Build a PrimitiveType.
fn buildPrimitiveType(loc: const(Location), kind: ir.PrimitiveType.Kind) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildArrayType(loc: const(Location), base: ir.Type) ir.ArrayType { }
fn buildArrayTypeSmart(loc: const(Location), base: ir.Type) ir.ArrayType { }
fn buildVoid(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildBool(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildChar(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildDchar(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildWchar(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildByte(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildUbyte(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildShort(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildUshort(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildInt(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildUint(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildLong(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildUlong(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildFloat(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildDouble(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildReal(loc: const(Location)) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn buildSizeT(loc: const(Location), target: TargetInfo) ir.PrimitiveType { }
//! Build a string (immutable(char)[]) type.
fn buildString(loc: const(Location)) ir.ArrayType { }
fn buildStringArray(loc: const(Location)) ir.ArrayType { }
//! Build a void* type.
fn buildVoidPtr(loc: const(Location)) ir.PointerType { }
//! Build a void[] type.
fn buildVoidArray(loc: const(Location)) ir.ArrayType { }
fn buildPtrSmart(loc: const(Location), base: ir.Type) ir.PointerType { }
fn buildPtr(loc: const(Location), base: ir.Type) ir.PointerType { }
fn buildArrayLiteralSmart(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, exps: scope (scope (ir.Exp)[])) ir.ArrayLiteral { }
fn buildStructLiteralSmart(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, exps: scope (scope (ir.Exp)[])) ir.StructLiteral { }
fn buildUnionLiteralSmart(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, exps: scope (scope (ir.Exp)[])) ir.UnionLiteral { }
//! Add a Variable to the BlockStatement scope and either to its statement
//! or if StatementExp given to it instead.
fn addVariable(errSink: ErrorSink, b: ir.BlockStatement, statExp: ir.StatementExp, var: ir.Variable) { }
//! Build a Variable, while not being smart about its type.
fn buildVariable(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, st: ir.Variable.Storage, name: string, assign: ir.Exp) ir.Variable { }
//! Build a Variable with an anon. name and insert it into the
//! BlockStatement or StatementExp if given. Note even if you want the
//! Variable to end up in the StatementExp you must give it the
//! BlockStatement that the StatementExp lives in as the variable will be
//! added to its scope and generated a uniqe name from its context.
fn buildVariableAnonSmart(errSink: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), b: ir.BlockStatement, statExp: ir.StatementExp, type: ir.Type, assign: ir.Exp) ir.Variable { }
//! Build a variable and add it to the top of a block statement.
fn buildVariableAnonSmartAtTop(errSink: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), b: ir.BlockStatement, type: ir.Type, assign: ir.Exp) ir.Variable { }
//! Create an anonymous variable for a statementexp without a block
//! statement.
fn buildVariableAnonSmart(errSink: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), current: ir.Scope, statExp: ir.StatementExp, type: ir.Type, assign: ir.Exp) ir.Variable { }
//! Copy a Variable, while being smart about its type, does not copy the
//! the assign exp on the Variable.
fn copyVariableSmart(loc: const(Location), right: ir.Variable) ir.Variable { }
fn copyVariablesSmart(loc: const(Location), vars: ir.Variable[]) ir.Variable[] { }
//! Get ExpReferences from a list of variables.
fn getExpRefs(loc: const(Location), vars: ir.FunctionParam[]) ir.Exp[] { }
//! Build a Variable, while being smart about its type.
fn buildVariableSmart(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, st: ir.Variable.Storage, name: string) ir.Variable { }
//! Builds a usable ExpReference.
fn buildExpReference(loc: const(Location), decl: ir.Declaration, names: scope (scope (string)[])) ir.ExpReference { }
fn buildExpReference(loc: const(Location), func: ir.Function) ir.ExpReference { }
//! Builds a constant double.
fn buildConstantDouble(loc: const(Location), value: f64) ir.Constant { }
//! Builds a constant float.
fn buildConstantFloat(loc: const(Location), value: f32) ir.Constant { }
//! Builds a constant int.
fn buildConstantInt(loc: const(Location), value: i32) ir.Constant { }
fn buildConstantUint(loc: const(Location), value: u32) ir.Constant { }
fn buildConstantLong(loc: const(Location), value: i64) ir.Constant { }
fn buildConstantUlong(loc: const(Location), value: u64) ir.Constant { }
fn buildConstantByte(loc: const(Location), value: i8) ir.Constant { }
fn buildConstantUbyte(loc: const(Location), value: u8) ir.Constant { }
fn buildConstantShort(loc: const(Location), value: i16) ir.Constant { }
fn buildConstantUshort(loc: const(Location), value: u16) ir.Constant { }
//! Builds a constant bool.
fn buildConstantBool(loc: const(Location), val: bool) ir.Constant { }
fn buildConstantNull(loc: const(Location), base: ir.Type) ir.Constant { }
//! Gets a size_t Constant and fills it with a value.
fn buildConstantSizeT(loc: const(Location), target: TargetInfo, val: size_t) ir.Constant { }
//! Builds a constant string.
fn buildConstantString(errSink: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), val: string, escape: bool) ir.Constant { }
fn buildConstantStringNoEscape(loc: const(Location), val: string) ir.Constant { }
//! Builds a constant 'c' string.
fn buildConstantCString(errSink: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), val: string, escape: bool) ir.Exp { }
//! Build a constant to insert to the IR from a resolved EnumDeclaration.
fn buildConstantEnum(loc: const(Location), ed: ir.EnumDeclaration) ir.Constant { }
fn buildEnumDeclaration(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, assign: ir.Exp, name: string) ir.EnumDeclaration { }
fn buildConstantTrue(loc: const(Location)) ir.Constant { }
fn buildConstantFalse(loc: const(Location)) ir.Constant { }
//! Build a cast and sets the loc, does not call copyTypeSmart.
fn buildCast(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, exp: ir.Exp) ir.Unary { }
//! Build a cast, sets the loc and calling copyTypeSmart on the type, to
//! avoid duplicate nodes.
fn buildCastSmart(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, exp: ir.Exp) ir.Unary { }
fn buildCastToBool(loc: const(Location), exp: ir.Exp) ir.Unary { }
fn buildCastToVoidPtr(loc: const(Location), exp: ir.Exp) ir.Unary { }
//! Builds a not expression.
fn buildNot(loc: const(Location), exp: ir.Exp) ir.Unary { }
//! Builds an AddrOf expression.
fn buildAddrOf(loc: const(Location), exp: ir.Exp) ir.Unary { }
//! Builds a ExpReference and a AddrOf from a Variable.
fn buildAddrOf(loc: const(Location), var: ir.Variable, names: scope (scope (string)[])) ir.Unary { }
//! Builds a dereference expression.
fn buildDeref(loc: const(Location), exp: ir.Exp) ir.Unary { }
//! Builds an expression that dereferences a variable.
fn buildDeref(loc: const(Location), var: ir.Variable) ir.Unary { }
//! Builds a New expression.
fn buildNew(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, name: string, arguments: scope (scope (ir.Exp)[])) ir.Unary { }
fn buildNewSmart(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, arguments: scope (scope (ir.Exp)[])) ir.Unary { }
//! Builds a typeid with type smartly.
fn buildTypeidSmart(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type) ir.Typeid { }
//! Build a typeid casting if needed.
fn buildTypeidSmart(loc: const(Location), typeInfoClass: ir.Class, type: ir.Type) ir.Exp { }
//! Builds a BuiltinExp of ArrayPtr type. Make sure the type you pass in is
//! the base of the array and that the child exp is not a pointer to an
//! array.
fn buildArrayPtr(loc: const(Location), base: ir.Type, child: ir.Exp) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Builds a BuiltinExp of BuildVtable type.
fn buildBuildVtable(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, _class: ir.Class, functionSink: FunctionSink) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Builds a BuiltinExp of EnumMembers type.
fn buildEnumMembers(loc: const(Location), _enum: ir.Enum, enumRef: ir.Exp, sinkRef: ir.Exp) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Builds a BuiltinExp of ArrayLength type. Make sure the child exp is not
//! a pointer to an array.
fn buildArrayLength(loc: const(Location), target: TargetInfo, child: ir.Exp) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Builds an ArrayDup BuiltinExp.
fn buildArrayDup(loc: const(Location), t: ir.Type, children: ir.Exp[]) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Builds a BuiltinExp of AALength type.
fn buildAALength(loc: const(Location), target: TargetInfo, child: ir.Exp[]) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Builds a BuiltinExp of AAKeys type.
fn buildAAKeys(loc: const(Location), aa: ir.AAType, child: ir.Exp[]) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Builds a BuiltinExp of AAValues type.
fn buildAAValues(loc: const(Location), aa: ir.AAType, child: ir.Exp[]) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Builds a BuiltinExp of AARehash type.
fn buildAARehash(loc: const(Location), child: ir.Exp[]) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Builds a BuiltinExp of AAGet type.
fn buildAAGet(loc: const(Location), aa: ir.AAType, child: ir.Exp[]) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Builds a BuiltinExp of AARemove type.
fn buildAARemove(loc: const(Location), child: ir.Exp[]) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Builds a BuiltinExp of AARemove type.
fn buildUFCS(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, child: ir.Exp, funcs: ir.Function[]) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Builds a BuiltinExp of Classinfo type.
fn buildClassinfo(loc: const(Location), type: ir.Type, child: ir.Exp) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Builds a BuiltinExp of AARemove type.
fn buildAAIn(loc: const(Location), aa: ir.AAType, child: ir.Exp[]) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Builds a BuiltinExp of AADup type.
fn buildAADup(loc: const(Location), aa: ir.AAType, child: ir.Exp[]) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Builds a BuiltinExp of PODCtor type.
fn buildPODCtor(loc: const(Location), pod: ir.PODAggregate, postfix: ir.Postfix, ctor: ir.Function) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Build a postfix Identifier expression.
fn buildPostfixIdentifier(loc: const(Location), exp: ir.Exp, name: string) ir.Postfix { }
fn buildAccessExp(loc: const(Location), child: ir.Exp, field: ir.Variable) ir.AccessExp { }
//! Builds a chain of postfix lookups from a QualifiedName. These are only
//! useful before the extyper runs.
fn buildPostfixIdentifier(loc: const(Location), qname: ir.QualifiedName, name: string) ir.Postfix { }
//! Builds a postfix slice.
fn buildSlice(loc: const(Location), child: ir.Exp, args: scope (scope (ir.Exp)[])) ir.Postfix { }
//! Builds a postfix increment.
fn buildIncrement(loc: const(Location), child: ir.Exp) ir.Postfix { }
//! Builds a postfix decrement.
fn buildDecrement(loc: const(Location), child: ir.Exp) ir.Postfix { }
//! Builds a postfix index.
fn buildIndex(loc: const(Location), child: ir.Exp, arg: ir.Exp) ir.Postfix { }
//! Builds a postfix call.
fn buildCall(loc: const(Location), child: ir.Exp, args: ir.Exp[]) ir.Postfix { }
//! Builds a call to a function.
fn buildCall(loc: const(Location), func: ir.Function, args: ir.Exp[]) ir.Postfix { }
fn buildMemberCall(loc: const(Location), child: ir.Exp, func: ir.ExpReference, name: string, args: ir.Exp[]) ir.Postfix { }
fn buildCreateDelegate(loc: const(Location), child: ir.Exp, func: ir.ExpReference) ir.Postfix { }
fn buildProperty(loc: const(Location), name: string, child: ir.Exp, getFn: ir.Function, setFns: ir.Function[]) ir.PropertyExp { }
//! Builds a postfix call.
fn buildCall(loc: const(Location), decl: ir.Declaration, args: ir.Exp[], names: scope (scope (string)[])) ir.Postfix { }
//! Builds an add BinOp.
fn buildAdd(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds a subtraction BinOp.
fn buildSub(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds a multiplication BinOp.
fn buildMul(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds a division BinOp.
fn buildDiv(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds a modulo BinOp.
fn buildMod(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds a bitwise and Binop
fn buildAnd(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds a bitwise or Binop
fn buildOr(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds a bitwise xor binop.
fn buildXor(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds a concatenate BinOp.
fn buildCat(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds a LS BinOp.
fn buildLS(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds a SRS BinOp.
fn buildSRS(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds an RS BinOp.
fn buildRS(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds a Pow BinOp.
fn buildPow(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds an assign BinOp.
fn buildAssign(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds an assign BinOp to a given variable.
fn buildAssign(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Variable, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds an assign BinOp to a given variable from a given variable.
fn buildAssign(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Variable, right: ir.Variable) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds an add-assign BinOp.
fn buildAddAssign(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds a cat-assign BinOp.
fn buildCatAssign(loc: const(Location), left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
//! Builds an BinOp.
fn buildBinOp(loc: const(Location), op: ir.BinOp.Op, left: ir.Exp, right: ir.Exp) ir.BinOp { }
fn buildStatementExp(loc: const(Location)) ir.StatementExp { }
fn buildStatementExp(loc: const(Location), stats: ir.Node[], exp: ir.Exp) ir.StatementExp { }
fn buildFunctionParam(loc: const(Location), index: size_t, name: string, func: ir.Function) ir.FunctionParam { }
//! Adds a variable argument to a function, also adds it to the scope.
fn addParam(errSink: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), func: ir.Function, type: ir.Type, name: string) ir.FunctionParam { }
//! Adds a variable argument to a function, also adds it to the scope.
fn addParamSmart(errSink: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), func: ir.Function, type: ir.Type, name: string) ir.FunctionParam { }
//! Builds a variable statement smartly, inserting at the end of the block
//! statements and inserting it in the scope.
fn buildVarStatSmart(errSink: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), block: ir.BlockStatement, _scope: ir.Scope, type: ir.Type, name: string) ir.Variable { }
//! Add an Exp to a StatementExp.
fn buildExpStat(loc: const(Location), stat: ir.StatementExp, exp: ir.Exp) ir.ExpStatement { }
fn buildThrowStatement(loc: const(Location), exp: ir.Exp) ir.ThrowStatement { }
fn buildVaArgStart(loc: const(Location), vlexp: ir.Exp, argexp: ir.Exp) ir.BuiltinExp { }
fn buildVaArgEnd(loc: const(Location), vlexp: ir.Exp) ir.BuiltinExp { }
fn buildVaArg(loc: const(Location), vaexp: ir.VaArgExp) ir.BuiltinExp { }
//! Build a Ternary expression.
fn buildTernary(loc: const(Location), condition: ir.Exp, l: ir.Exp, r: ir.Exp) ir.Ternary { }
fn buildInternalArrayLiteralSmart(errSink: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), atype: ir.Type, exps: ir.Exp[]) ir.StatementExp { }
fn buildInternalStaticArrayLiteralSmart(errSink: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), atype: ir.Type, exps: ir.Exp[]) ir.StatementExp { }
//! Build an exp statement and add it to a block.
fn buildExpStat(loc: const(Location), block: ir.BlockStatement, exp: ir.Exp) ir.ExpStatement { }
//! Build an exp statement without inserting it anywhere.
fn buildExpStat(loc: const(Location), exp: ir.Exp) ir.ExpStatement { }
//! Build a switch statement.
fn buildSwitchStat(loc: const(Location), condition: ir.Exp) ir.SwitchStatement { }
//! Build a simple switch case.
fn buildSwitchCase(loc: const(Location), caseExp: ir.Exp) ir.SwitchCase { }
//! Build an assert(false) statement.
fn buildAssertFalse(loc: const(Location)) ir.AssertStatement { }
//! Build a simple default switch case.
fn buildSwitchDefault(loc: const(Location)) ir.SwitchCase { }
//! Build an if statement.
fn buildIfStat(loc: const(Location), exp: ir.Exp, thenState: ir.BlockStatement, elseState: ir.BlockStatement, autoName: string) ir.IfStatement { }
//! Build an if statement using an if statement as the else statement.
fn buildIfElseIfStat(loc: const(Location), exp: ir.Exp, thenState: ir.BlockStatement, elseState: ir.IfStatement) ir.IfStatement { }
//! Build an if statement.
fn buildIfStat(loc: const(Location), block: ir.BlockStatement, exp: ir.Exp, thenState: ir.BlockStatement, elseState: ir.BlockStatement, autoName: string) ir.IfStatement { }
//! Build an if statement.
fn buildIfStat(loc: const(Location), statExp: ir.StatementExp, exp: ir.Exp, thenState: ir.BlockStatement, elseState: ir.BlockStatement, autoName: string) ir.IfStatement { }
//! Build a block statement.
fn buildBlockStat(loc: const(Location), introducingNode: ir.Node, _scope: ir.Scope, statements: scope (scope (ir.Node)[])) ir.BlockStatement { }
//! Build a return statement.
fn buildReturnStat(loc: const(Location), block: ir.BlockStatement, exp: ir.Exp) ir.ReturnStatement { }
fn buildFunctionTypeSmart(loc: const(Location), ret: ir.Type, args: scope (scope (ir.Type)[])) ir.FunctionType { }
//! Builds a function without inserting it anywhere.
fn buildFunction(loc: const(Location), _scope: ir.Scope, name: string, buildBody: bool) ir.Function { }
//! Builds a function with a given type.
fn buildFunction(loc: const(Location), _scope: ir.Scope, name: string, ftype: ir.FunctionType) ir.Function { }
//! Builds a completely useable Function and insert it into the various
//! places it needs to be inserted.
fn buildFunction(errSink: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock, _scope: ir.Scope, name: string, buildBody: bool) ir.Function { }
fn buildGlobalConstructor(errSink: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock, _scope: ir.Scope, name: string, buildBody: bool) ir.Function { }
//! Builds a alias from a string and a Identifier.
fn buildAliasSmart(loc: const(Location), name: string, i: ir.Identifier) ir.Alias { }
//! Builds a alias from two strings.
fn buildAlias(loc: const(Location), name: string, from: string) ir.Alias { }
//! Builds a completely useable struct and insert it into the various
//! places it needs to be inserted.
fn buildStruct(errSink: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock, _scope: ir.Scope, name: string, members: scope (scope (ir.Variable)[])) ir.Struct { }
//! Builds an IR complete, but semantically unfinished struct. i.e. it has
//! no scope and isn't inserted anywhere. The members list is used directly
//! in the new struct; be wary not to duplicate IR nodes.
fn buildStruct(loc: const(Location), name: string, members: scope (scope (ir.Variable)[])) ir.Struct { }
//! Add a variable to a pre-built struct.
fn addVarToStructSmart(errSink: ErrorSink, _struct: ir.Struct, var: ir.Variable) ir.Variable { }
//! If t is a class, or a typereference to a class, returns the class.
//! Otherwise, returns null.
fn getClass(t: ir.Type) ir.Class { }
fn buildStaticArrayTypeSmart(loc: const(Location), length: size_t, base: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
fn buildAATypeSmart(loc: const(Location), key: ir.Type, value: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
fn buildCastSmart(type: ir.Type, exp: ir.Exp) ir.Unary { }
fn buildAddrOf(exp: ir.Exp) ir.Unary { }
fn buildCastToBool(exp: ir.Exp) ir.Unary { }
fn buildSetType(loc: const(Location), functions: ir.Function[]) ir.Type { }
fn buildSet(loc: const(Location), functions: ir.Function[], eref: ir.ExpReference) ir.Declaration { }
fn stripStorage(type: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
fn deepStripStorage(type: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
//! Returns the base of consecutive pointers. e.g. 'int***' returns 'int'.
fn realBase(ptr: ir.PointerType) ir.Type { }
//! Build a with statement that has no block.
fn buildWithStatement(loc: const(Location), exp: ir.Exp) ir.WithStatement { }
fn buildTokenExp(loc: const(Location), type: ir.TokenExp.Type) ir.TokenExp { }
//! Build a simple index for loop. for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
fn buildForStatement(loc: const(Location), target: TargetInfo, parent: ir.Scope, length: ir.Exp, forStatement: ir.ForStatement, ivar: ir.Variable) { }
fn addStorageIgnoreNamed(dest: ir.Type, src: ir.Type) { }
fn addStorage(dest: ir.Type, src: ir.Type) { }
fn insertInPlace(list: ir.Node[], index: size_t, node: ir.Node) { }
fn buildStoreExp(loc: const(Location), store: ir.Store, idents: scope (scope (string)[])) ir.StoreExp { }
fn buildAutoType(loc: const(Location)) ir.AutoType { }
fn buildNoType(loc: const(Location)) ir.NoType { }
fn buildNullType(loc: const(Location)) ir.NullType { }
//! Build a cast to a TypeInfo.
fn buildTypeInfoCast(typeInfoClass: ir.Class, e: ir.Exp) ir.Exp { }
fn buildBreakStatement(loc: const(Location)) ir.BreakStatement { }
fn buildGotoDefault(loc: const(Location)) ir.GotoStatement { }
fn buildGotoCase(loc: const(Location)) ir.GotoStatement { }
//! Home of ExpReferenceReplacer.
module volt.visitor.nodereplace;
class ExpReferenceReplacer : NullVisitor
fromDecl: ir.Declaration;
toExp: ir.Exp;
this(decl: ir.Declaration, exp: ir.Exp) { }
fn visit(exp: ir.Exp, eref: ir.ExpReference) Status { }
module volt.lowerer.array;
fn getLlvmMemMove(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass) ir.Function { }
fn getLlvmMemCopy(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass) ir.Function { }
fn getArrayAppendFunction(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, ltype: ir.ArrayType, rtype: ir.Type, isAssignment: bool) ir.Function { }
fn getArrayPrependFunction(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, ltype: ir.ArrayType, rtype: ir.Type) ir.Function { }
fn getArrayCopyFunction(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, type: ir.ArrayType) ir.Function { }
fn getArrayConcatFunction(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, type: ir.ArrayType, isAssignment: bool) ir.Function { }
fn getArrayCmpFunction(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, type: ir.ArrayType) ir.Function { }
module volt.semantic.util;
//! Turn a [|w|d]char into [ubyte|ushort|uint] type.
fn charToInteger(pt: ir.PrimitiveType) ir.PrimitiveType { }
//! Remove the given types storage modifiers. Only the given type is
//! modified, any sub types are left unchanged. If no modification is made
//! returns the given type. Will do a deep copy if modification is needed.
fn removeStorageFields(t: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
//! Resolves AutoType to the given type.
fn flattenAuto(atype: ir.AutoType, type: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
//! Turn stype into a flag, and attach it to type.
fn flattenOneStorage(stype: ir.StorageType, type: ir.Type, ct: ir.CallableType, ctIndex: size_t) { }
//! Implicitly convert types to bools in conditional statements, or error.
fn implicitlyCastToBool(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp) { }
//! Return a array of postfixes from a tree of postfixes, starting with the
//! innermost child.
fn collectPostfixes(postfix: ir.Postfix) ir.Postfix[] { }
//! Get a Store or Type from the child of a pre-proceassed postfix chain.
fn getIfStoreOrTypeExp(exp: ir.Exp, store: ir.Store, type: ir.Type) bool { }
fn propagateStorage(type: ir.Type) { }
//! Given a type, return a type that will have every storage flag that are
//! nested within it, by going into array and pointer bases, etc.
fn accumulateStorage(toType: ir.Type, seed: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
//! This handles implicitly typing null. Generic function used by assign
//! and other functions.
fn handleIfNull(ctx: Context, left: ir.Type, right: ir.Exp) bool { }
fn handleNull(ctx: Context, left: ir.Type, right: ir.Exp, rightType: ir.Type) { }
//! Get the this variable for this function.
fn getThisVarNotNull(n: ir.Node, ctx: Context) ir.Variable { }
fn getThisVarNotNull(n: ir.Node, ctx: Context, func: ir.Function) ir.Variable { }
//! Returns a expression that is the this variable, safely handles nested
//! functions as well.
fn getThisReferenceNotNull(n: ir.Node, ctx: Context, thisVar: ir.Variable) ir.Exp { }
fn addVarArgsVarsIfNeeded(lp: LanguagePass, func: ir.Function) { }
fn expsToTypes(exps: ir.Exp[]) ir.Type[] { }
//! Gets a default value (The .default -- 0, or null, usually) for a given
//! type.
fn getDefaultInit(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, t: ir.Type) ir.Exp { }
//! Handles ., like 'int.min' and the like.
fn typeLookup(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, type: ir.Type) bool { }
fn ifTypeRefDeRef(t: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
fn getSizeOf(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, type: ir.Type) ir.AccessExp { }
fn getCommonSubtype(loc: const(Location), types: ir.Type[]) ir.Type { }
//! Given a Node, if it's a Struct or a Union, resolve it.
fn resolveChildStructsAndUnions(lp: LanguagePass, rt: ir.Type) { }
fn stripEnumIfEnum(e: ir.Exp, wasEnum: bool) ir.Exp { }
//! Routines to retrieve the types of expressions.
module volt.semantic.typer;
//! Get the type of a given expression.
fn getExpType(exp: ir.Exp) ir.Type { }
//! Retrieve the type of the given expression.
fn getExpTypeImpl(exp: ir.Exp) ir.Type { }
fn getVaArgType(vaexp: ir.VaArgExp) ir.Type { }
fn getTokenExpType(texp: ir.TokenExp) ir.Type { }
fn getStatementExpType(se: ir.StatementExp) ir.Type { }
fn getTypeExpType(te: ir.TypeExp) ir.Type { }
fn getStoreExpType(se: ir.StoreExp) ir.Type { }
fn getStructLiteralType(slit: ir.StructLiteral) ir.Type { }
fn getUnionLiteralType(ulit: ir.UnionLiteral) ir.Type { }
fn getClassLiteralType(classlit: ir.ClassLiteral) ir.Type { }
fn getExpReferenceType(expref: ir.ExpReference) ir.Type { }
fn getBinOpType(bin: ir.BinOp) ir.Type { }
fn getTypeidType(_typeid: ir.Typeid) ir.Type { }
fn getConstantType(constant: ir.Constant) ir.Type { }
fn getArrayLiteralType(al: ir.ArrayLiteral) ir.Type { }
fn getAssocArrayType(aa: ir.AssocArray) ir.Type { }
fn getPostfixType(postfix: ir.Postfix) ir.Type { }
fn getPostfixSliceType(postfix: ir.Postfix) ir.Type { }
fn getPropertyExpType(prop: ir.PropertyExp) ir.Type { }
fn getPostfixCreateDelegateType(postfix: ir.Postfix) ir.Type { }
fn retrieveScope(tt: ir.Node, postfix: ir.Postfix, _scope: ir.Scope, _class: ir.Class, emsg: string) { }
fn getPostfixIncDecType(postfix: ir.Postfix) ir.Type { }
fn getPostfixIndexType(postfix: ir.Postfix) ir.Type { }
fn getPostfixCallType(postfix: ir.Postfix) ir.Type { }
fn getTernaryType(ternary: ir.Ternary) ir.Type { }
fn getUnaryType(unary: ir.Unary) ir.Type { }
fn getUnaryIncDecType(unary: ir.Unary) ir.Type { }
fn getUnaryComplementType(unary: ir.Unary) ir.Type { }
fn getUnaryNotType(unary: ir.Unary) ir.Type { }
fn getUnaryCastType(unary: ir.Unary) ir.Type { }
fn getUnaryDerefType(unary: ir.Unary) ir.Type { }
fn getUnaryAddrOfType(unary: ir.Unary) ir.Type { }
fn getUnaryNewType(unary: ir.Unary) ir.Type { }
fn getUnarySubAddType(unary: ir.Unary) ir.Type { }
module volt.semantic.mangle;
//! Mangle the name of type if not set mangled.
fn ensureMangled(t: ir.Type) { }
//! Mangle a type.
fn mangle(t: ir.Type) string { }
//! Mangle a Variable.
fn mangle(names: string[], v: ir.Variable) string { }
//! Mangle a function.
fn mangle(names: string[], func: ir.Function) string { }
//! Functions that encode the semantic code for looking up symbols.
module volt.semantic.lookup;
//! Look up an identifier in a scope and its parent scopes. Returns the
//! store or null if no match was found.
fn lookup(lp: LanguagePass, _scope: ir.Scope, loc: const(Location), name: string) ir.Store { }
//! Look up a QualifiedName chain, the first identifier is looked up
//! globaly, and the result is treated as a scope to lookup the next one
//! should there be more identifiers.
fn lookup(lp: LanguagePass, _scope: ir.Scope, qn: ir.QualifiedName) ir.Store { }
//! Look up an identifier in the given scope only. Doesn't check parent
//! scopes, parent classes, imports, or anywhere else but the given scope.
fn lookupInGivenScopeOnly(lp: LanguagePass, _scope: ir.Scope, loc: const(Location), name: string) ir.Store { }
//! Look up an identifier in this scope, in parent scopes (in the case of
//! classes), and in any imports for this scope.
fn lookupAsThisScope(lp: LanguagePass, _scope: ir.Scope, loc: const(Location), name: string, current: ir.Scope) ir.Store { }
//! Lookup in this scope and parent class scopes, if any.
fn lookupOnlyThisScopeAndClassParents(lp: LanguagePass, _scope: ir.Scope, loc: const(Location), name: string) ir.Store { }
//! Lookup up as identifier in this scope, and any public imports.
fn lookupAsImportScope(lp: LanguagePass, _scope: ir.Scope, loc: const(Location), name: string) ir.Store { }
//! Lookup an identifier in multiple scopes, as import scopes.
fn lookupAsImportScopes(lp: LanguagePass, scopes: ir.Scope[], loc: const(Location), name: string) ir.Store { }
//! This function is used to retrive cached versions of helper functions.
fn lookupFunction(lp: LanguagePass, _scope: ir.Scope, loc: const(Location), name: string) ir.Function { }
//! Helper functions that looksup a type and throws compiler errors if it
//! is not found or the found identifier is not a type.
fn lookupType(lp: LanguagePass, _scope: ir.Scope, id: ir.QualifiedName) ir.Type { }
fn lookupType(lp: LanguagePass, _scope: ir.Scope, id: ir.QualifiedName, store: ir.Store) ir.Type { }
//! Resolves a store making sure the node it points to is resolved, the
//! function returns the store that a alias is pointing to. Not the alias
//! itself.
fn ensureResolved(lp: LanguagePass, s: ir.Store) ir.Store { }
//! Get the module in the bottom of the given _scope chain.
fn getModuleFromScope(loc: const(Location), _scope: ir.Scope) ir.Module { }
//! Return the first class scope and the class going down the chain of
//! containing scopes (_scope.parent field).
fn getFirstClass(_scope: ir.Scope, outScope: ir.Scope, outClass: ir.Class) bool { }
module volt.semantic.nested;
//! This module contains utility functions for dealing with nested
//! functions; 'functions within functions'.
fn nestExtyperTagVariable(loc: const(Location), ctx: Context, var: ir.Variable, store: ir.Store) { }
//! Add a child function to the list of nested functions in a parent
//! function.
fn nestExtyperFunction(parent: ir.Function, func: ir.Function) { }
//! Add the context struct to a nested function.
fn nestLowererFunction(lp: LanguagePass, parent: ir.Function, func: ir.Function) { }
//! Replace nested Variable declarations with assign expressions.
fn insertBinOpAssignsForNestedVariableAssigns(lp: LanguagePass, bs: ir.BlockStatement) { }
//! If the current function is a nested one, replace a given ExpReference
//! with an expression that will retrieve the correct value from the nested
//! struct.
fn replaceNested(lp: LanguagePass, exp: ir.Exp, eref: ir.ExpReference, currentFunction: ir.Function) bool { }
module volt.semantic.classify;
//! Making the code more readable.
enum IgnoreStorage;
//! Returns the size of a given ir.PrimitiveType in bytes.
fn size(kind: ir.PrimitiveType.Kind) size_t { }
//! Returns the size of a given ir.Type in bytes.
fn size(target: TargetInfo, node: ir.Node) size_t { }
//! Returns the size of a given ir.Struct in bytes.
fn structSize(target: TargetInfo, s: ir.Struct) size_t { }
//! Returns the size of a given ir.Union in bytes.
fn unionSize(target: TargetInfo, u: ir.Union) size_t { }
//! Returns the offset adjusted to alignment.
fn calcAlignment(a: size_t, offset: size_t) size_t { }
//! Returns the offset adjusted to alignment of type.
fn calcAlignment(target: TargetInfo, t: ir.Type, offset: size_t) size_t { }
fn alignment(target: TargetInfo, kind: ir.PrimitiveType.Kind) size_t { }
fn alignment(target: TargetInfo, node: ir.Type) size_t { }
//! Returns the size of a given ir.Struct in bytes.
fn structAlignment(target: TargetInfo, s: ir.Struct) size_t { }
//! Returns the size of a given ir.Union in bytes.
fn unionAlignment(target: TargetInfo, u: ir.Union) size_t { }
fn isValidWithExp(exp: ir.Exp) bool { }
//! Remove types masking a type (e.g. enum).
fn realType(t: ir.Type, stripEnum: bool) ir.Type { }
//! struct Struct { ... } a := Struct(12); // isValueExp() == false b :=
//! a(12); // isValueExp() == true, despite the same type.
fn isValueExp(exp: ir.Exp) bool { }
//! A type without mutable indirection is a pure value type -- it cannot
//! mutate any other memory than its own, or is composed of the above. This
//! is useful for making const and friends more user friendly.
fn mutableIndirection(t: ir.Type) bool { }
fn isAuto(t: ir.Type) bool { }
fn isBool(t: ir.Type) bool { }
//! Is this an array of characters?
fn isString(t: ir.Type) bool { }
//! Is this type a character type?
fn isChar(t: ir.Type) bool { }
fn isArray(t: ir.Type) bool { }
fn isStaticArray(t: ir.Type) bool { }
fn effectivelyConst(type: ir.Type) bool { }
fn isPointer(t: ir.Type) bool { }
fn isDelegate(t: ir.Type) bool { }
fn isIntegral(t: ir.Type) bool { }
fn isIntegralOrBool(t: ir.Type) bool { }
fn isIntegral(kind: ir.PrimitiveType.Kind) bool { }
fn isIntegralOrBool(kind: ir.PrimitiveType.Kind) bool { }
fn isFloatingPoint(t: ir.Type) bool { }
fn isF32(t: ir.Type) bool { }
fn isFloatingPoint(kind: ir.PrimitiveType.Kind) bool { }
fn isUnsigned(kind: ir.PrimitiveType.Kind) bool { }
fn isOkayForPointerArithmetic(kind: ir.PrimitiveType.Kind) bool { }
fn isBitsType(type: ir.Type) bool { }
fn isAggregate(type: ir.Type) bool { }
fn isInt(type: ir.Type) bool { }
fn isVoid(type: ir.Type) bool { }
//! Determines whether the two given types are the same.
fn typesEqual(a: ir.Type, b: ir.Type, ignoreStorage: bool) bool { }
fn typeToRuntimeConstant(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, type: ir.Type) i32 { }
//! Does the given property need to have child set?
fn isMember(prop: ir.PropertyExp) bool { }
//! Is the given exp a backend constant, this is the minimum that a backend
//! needs to implement in order to fully support Volt.
fn isBackendConstant(exp: ir.Exp) bool { }
fn isAssign(exp: ir.Exp) bool { }
fn isAssign(op: ir.BinOp.Op) bool { }
fn isAssignable(exp: ir.Exp) bool { }
fn isLValue(exp: ir.Exp) bool { }
fn isLValueOrAssignable(exp: ir.Exp, assign: bool) bool { }
fn isRefVar(exp: ir.Exp) bool { }
fn isComparison(t: ir.BinOp.Op) bool { }
fn isConstant(e: ir.Exp) bool { }
fn isValidPointerArithmeticOperation(t: ir.BinOp.Op) bool { }
fn isImplicitlyConvertable(from: ir.Type, to: ir.Type) bool { }
fn fitsInPrimitive(target: TargetInfo, t: ir.PrimitiveType, e: ir.Exp) bool { }
//! If the given scope is in a function, return it. Otherwise, return
//! null.
fn getParentFunction(current: ir.Scope) ir.Function { }
fn isInFunction(ctx: Context) bool { }
fn isFunctionMemberOrConstructor(func: ir.Function) bool { }
fn isFunctionStatic(func: ir.Function) bool { }
fn isVariableStatic(var: ir.Variable) bool { }
fn isNull(e: ir.Exp) bool { }
fn isNested(s: ir.Variable.Storage) bool { }
//! Returns true if one of fns's types match fnToMatch. False
//! otherwise.(If fns is empty, this function returns false).
fn containsMatchingFunction(fns: ir.Function[], fnToMatch: ir.Function) bool { }
fn isNested(func: ir.Function) bool { }
//! Used to determine whether a store is local to a function and therefore
//! can not be shadowed by a with statement.
fn isStoreLocal(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, store: ir.Store) bool { }
//! Retrieves the types of Variables in _struct, in the order they appear.
fn getStructFieldTypes(_struct: ir.Struct) ir.Type[] { }
//! Retrieves the Variables in _struct, in the order they appear.
fn getAggregateFieldVars(_struct: ir.Aggregate) ir.Variable[] { }
fn getStructFunctions(_struct: ir.Struct) ir.Function[] { }
fn getClassFunctions(_class: ir.Class) ir.Function[] { }
//! If the given scope is a function, and that function has a this
//! reference that is a class, or is a static function in a class, return
//! true and set theClass to that class. Otherwise, return false.
fn getMethodParent(_scope: ir.Scope, theClass: ir.Class) bool { }
//! Returns: true if child is a child of parent.
fn inheritsFrom(child: ir.Class, parent: ir.Class) bool { }
fn isOrInheritsFrom(a: ir.Class, b: ir.Class) bool { }
fn isPointerToClass(t: ir.Type) bool { }
//! How far removed from Object is this class?
fn distanceFromObject(_class: ir.Class) size_t { }
//! Given two classes, return their closest relative.
fn commonParent(a: ir.Class, b: ir.Class) ir.Class { }
fn opOverloadableOrNull(t: ir.Type) ir.Aggregate { }
fn overloadName(op: ir.BinOp.Op) string { }
fn overloadPostfixName(op: ir.Postfix.Op) string { }
fn overloadPostfixAssignName(oldname: string) string { }
fn overloadUnaryMinusName() string { }
fn overloadDollarName() string { }
module volt.semantic.classresolver;
fn actualizeInterface(lp: LanguagePass, i: ir._Interface) { }
fn actualizeClass(lp: LanguagePass, c: ir.Class) { }
fn rewriteThis(ctx: Context, e: ir.Exp, ident: ir.IdentifierExp, isCall: bool) ir.Type { }
fn rewriteThisCall(ctx: Context, e: ir.Exp, ident: ir.IdentifierExp, thisVar: ir.Variable, thisRef: ir.Exp) ir.Type { }
fn rewriteSuper(ctx: Context, e: ir.Exp, ident: ir.IdentifierExp, isCall: bool, isIdentifier: bool) ir.Type { }
fn rewriteSuperIdentifier(e: ir.Exp, _class: ir.Class) ir.Type { }
fn rewriteSuperCall(ctx: Context, e: ir.Exp, _class: ir.Class) ir.Type { }
//! Fills in _Interface.layoutStruct.
fn fillInInterfaceLayoutIfNeeded(lp: LanguagePass, i: ir._Interface) { }
//! Fills in Class.layoutStruct and Class.vtableStruct.
fn fillInClassLayoutIfNeeded(lp: LanguagePass, c: ir.Class) { }
fn fillInParentIfNeeded(lp: LanguagePass, c: ir.Class) { }
fn fillInInterfacesIfNeeded(lp: LanguagePass, c: ir.Class) { }
fn getClassFields(lp: LanguagePass, _class: ir.Class, offset: size_t) ir.Variable[] { }
fn generateDefaultConstructor(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, _class: ir.Class) ir.Function { }
//! Get all the functions in an inheritance chain -- ignore overloading.
fn getClassMethods(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, _class: ir.Class) ir.Function[][] { }
fn appendClassMethods(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, _class: ir.Class, methods: FunctionArraySink) { }
fn appendInterfaceMethods(lp: LanguagePass, iface: ir._Interface, functions: FunctionSink) { }
fn appendClassMethodFunctions(lp: LanguagePass, _class: ir.Class, outMethods: FunctionSink) { }
//! Returns all functions in functions that have the same name as
//! considerFunction.
fn appendPotentialOverrideFunctions(functions: ir.Function[], considerFunction: ir.Function, _out: FunctionSink) { }
fn appendPotentialOverrideFunctions(functions: FunctionSink, considerFunction: ir.Function, _out: FunctionSink) { }
fn appendPotentialOverrideFunctions(func: ir.Function, considerFunction: ir.Function, _out: FunctionSink) { }
//! Replace an overriden function in parentSet with childFunction if
//! appropriate. Returns true if a function is replaced, false otherwise.
fn overrideFunctionsIfNeeded(lp: LanguagePass, childFunction: ir.Function, parentSet: FunctionSink) bool { }
fn getClassMethodTypeVariables(lp: LanguagePass, _class: ir.Class) ir.Variable[] { }
fn getInterfaceLayoutStruct(iface: ir._Interface, lp: LanguagePass) ir.Struct { }
fn getClassLayoutStruct(_class: ir.Class, lp: LanguagePass) ir.Struct { }
//! Given a class, return a family list of classes, with the given class as
//! the last member, and Object as the first.
fn getInheritanceChain(_class: ir.Class) ir.Class[] { }
fn getTypeInfos(classes: ir.Class[]) ir.Exp[] { }
//! For a given interface, return every function that needs to be
//! implemented by an implementor.
fn appendInterfaceFunctions(lp: LanguagePass, iface: ir._Interface, _out: FunctionSink) { }
//! Get a struct literal with an implementation of an interface from a
//! given class.
fn getInterfaceStructAssign(lp: LanguagePass, _class: ir.Class, _scope: ir.Scope, iface: ir._Interface, ifaceIndex: size_t) ir.Exp { }
fn buildInstanceVariable(lp: LanguagePass, _class: ir.Class) { }
fn emitVtableVariable(lp: LanguagePass, _class: ir.Class) { }
module volt.semantic.evaluate;
fn fold(exp: ir.Exp, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
//! Given two expressions, returns true if they are two constant array
//! literals that are equal.
fn areEqualConstantArrays(l: ir.Exp, r: ir.Exp, target: TargetInfo) bool { }
fn fold(exp: ir.Exp, needCopy: bool, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
//! Fold a composable string.
fn getConstantComposableString(target: TargetInfo, cs: ir.ComposableString) string { }
//! Add a components value to a composable string being folded.
fn addConstantComposableStringComponent(target: TargetInfo, sink: scope (Sink), e: ir.Exp) { }
//! Add a string component to an in progress composable string parse.
fn addConstantComposableStringComponent(sink: scope (Sink), c: ir.Constant) { }
//! Add a primitive type component to a composable string.
fn addConstantComposableStringComponent(sink: scope (Sink), c: ir.Constant, pt: ir.PrimitiveType) { }
fn foldTernary(exp: ir.Exp, ternary: ir.Ternary, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldAccessExp(exp: ir.Exp, accessExp: ir.AccessExp, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldTypeIdSize(exp: ir.Exp, tid: ir.Typeid, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldTypeIdMutableIndirection(exp: ir.Exp, tid: ir.Typeid, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOp(exp: ir.Exp, binop: ir.BinOp, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldUnary(exp: ir.Exp, unary: ir.Unary, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOp(exp: ir.Exp, op: ir.BinOp.Op, cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldUnary(exp: ir.Exp, u: ir.Unary, c: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpOrOr(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpAndAnd(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpOr(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpXor(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpAnd(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpEqual(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpNotEqual(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpLess(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpLessEqual(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpGreaterEqual(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpGreater(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpLS(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpSRS(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpRS(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpAdd(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpSub(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, targert: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpMul(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpDiv(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpMod(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldBinOpPow(cl: ir.Constant, cr: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldUnaryCast(c: ir.Constant, t: ir.Type, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldUnaryMinus(c: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldUnaryPlus(c: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldUnaryNot(c: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn foldUnaryComplement(c: ir.Constant, target: TargetInfo) ir.Constant { }
fn evaluateOrNull(target: TargetInfo, exp: ir.Exp) ir.Constant { }
fn evaluateOrNull(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, exp: ir.Exp) ir.Constant { }
fn evaluate(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, exp: ir.Exp) ir.Constant { }
fn needsEvaluation(exp: ir.Exp) bool { }
module volt.semantic.overload;
//! Okay, so here's a rough description of how function overload
//! resolution is supposed to work. No doubt there will be discrepancies
//! between this description and the implementation proper. We in the
//! business call those 'bugs'.
enum ThrowOnError;
enum DoNotThrow;
fn selectFunction(target: TargetInfo, functions: ir.Function[], arguments: ir.Exp[], loc: const(Location), throwOnError: bool) ir.Function { }
fn selectFunction(target: TargetInfo, fset: ir.FunctionSet, arguments: ir.Exp[], loc: const(Location), throwOnError: bool) ir.Function { }
fn selectFunction(target: TargetInfo, fset: ir.FunctionSet, arguments: ir.Variable[], loc: const(Location), throwOnError: bool) ir.Function { }
fn selectFunction(target: TargetInfo, functions: ir.Function[], arguments: ir.Variable[], loc: const(Location), throwOnError: bool) ir.Function { }
fn matchLevel(target: TargetInfo, homogenous: bool, argument: ir.Type, parameter: ir.Type, exp: ir.Exp) i32 { }
fn specialisationComparison(ao: Object, bo: Object) bool { }
fn selectFunction(target: TargetInfo, fset: ir.FunctionSet, arguments: ir.Type[], loc: const(Location), throwOnError: bool) ir.Function { }
fn selectFunction(target: TargetInfo, fset: ir.FunctionSet, arguments: ir.Type[], exps: ir.Exp[], loc: const(Location), throwOnError: bool) ir.Function { }
fn selectFunction(target: TargetInfo, functions: ir.Function[], arguments: ir.Type[], loc: const(Location), throwOnError: bool) ir.Function { }
fn selectFunction(target: TargetInfo, functions: FunctionSink, arguments: ir.Type[], loc: const(Location), throwOnError: bool) ir.Function { }
fn selectFunction(target: TargetInfo, functions: scope (scope (ir.Function)[]), arguments: ir.Type[], exps: ir.Exp[], loc: const(Location), throwOnError: bool) ir.Function { }
module volta.postparse.pass;
class PostParseImpl : vi.NullVisitor, PostParsePass
missing: MissingDeps;
this(err: ErrorSink, vs: VersionSet, target: TargetInfo, warningsEnabled: bool, removalOnly: bool, doMissing: bool, getMod: GetMod) { }
fn transform(mod: ir.Module) { }
fn transformChildBlocks(func: ir.Function) { }
fn close() { }
fn transform(mod: ir.Module, func: ir.Function, bs: ir.BlockStatement) { }
fn enter(tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock) Status { }
fn enter(bs: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn enter(a: ir.Attribute) Status { }
fn visit(td: ir.TemplateDefinition) Status { }
fn manip(nodes: ir.Node[]) ir.Node[] { }
fn handle(ns: NodeSink, nodes: ir.Node[]) { }
fn handle(ns: NodeSink, n: ir.Node, ret: ir.Node[]) bool { }
mErr: ErrorSink;
mCond: ConditionalRemoval;
mPasses: Pass[];
mScope: ScopeReplacer;
mAttrib: AttribRemoval;
mGatherer: Gatherer;
module volta.util.dup;
fn dup(arr: bool[]) bool[] { }
fn dup(arr: string[]) string[] { }
fn dup(arr: size_t[]) size_t[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.Exp[]) ir.Exp[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.Node[]) ir.Node[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.Type[]) ir.Type[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.Token[]) ir.Token[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.AAPair[]) ir.AAPair[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.Module[]) ir.Module[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.Variable[]) ir.Variable[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.Function[]) ir.Function[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.Attribute[]) ir.Attribute[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.Function[][]) ir.Function[][] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.SwitchCase[]) ir.SwitchCase[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir._Interface[]) ir._Interface[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.Identifier[]) ir.Identifier[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.Identifier[][]) ir.Identifier[][] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.FunctionParam[]) ir.FunctionParam[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.TypeReference[]) ir.TypeReference[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.QualifiedName[]) ir.QualifiedName[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.BlockStatement[]) ir.BlockStatement[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.Postfix.TagKind[]) ir.Postfix.TagKind[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.EnumDeclaration[]) ir.EnumDeclaration[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.FunctionParameter[]) ir.FunctionParameter[] { }
fn dup(arr: ir.TemplateDefinition.Parameter[]) ir.TemplateDefinition.Parameter[] { }
fn idup(arr: const(void)[]) immutable(void)[] { }
module volt.util.worktracker;
class Work
enum Action
node: ir.Node;
action: Action;
this(wt: WorkTracker, n: ir.Node, action: Action) { }
fn done() { }
fn description() string { }
fn key() u64 { }
class WorkTracker
this() { }
fn add(n: ir.Node, action: Work.Action) Work { }
fn remove(w: Work) { }
module volt.lowerer.llvmlowerer;
//! Used by the composable string lowering code.
alias NodeConsumer = void delegate(ir.Node);
//! Calls the correct functions where they need to be called to lower a
//! module.
class LlvmLowerer : ScopeManager, Pass
lp: LanguagePass;
thisModule: ir.Module;
V_P64: bool;
this(lp: LanguagePass) { }
//! Perform all lower operations on a given module.
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn close() { }
fn enter(bs: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn leave(t: ir.ThrowStatement) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, binOp: ir.BinOp) Status { }
fn enter(var: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, binOp: ir.BinOp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, builtin: ir.BuiltinExp) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, al: ir.ArrayLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, assocArray: ir.AssocArray) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, uexp: ir.Unary) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, postfix: ir.Postfix) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, prop: ir.PropertyExp) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, cs: ir.ComposableString) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, literal: ir.StructLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, ae: ir.AccessExp) Status { }
fn visit(exp: ir.Exp, eref: ir.ExpReference) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, simport: ir.StringImport) Status { }
//! Next stop, backend! The LlvmLowerer visitor (and supporting functions)
//! have a fairly simple job to describe -- change any structure that the
//! backend doesn't handle into something composed of things the backend
//! DOES know how to deal with. This can involve turning keywords into
//! function calls into the runtime, changing foreach statements to for
//! statements, and so on.
fn lowerAAInsert(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, current: ir.Scope, statExp: ir.StatementExp, aa: ir.AAType, var: ir.Variable, key: ir.Exp, value: ir.Exp, lowerer: LlvmLowerer, buildif: bool, aaIsPointer: bool) { }
//! Build code to lookup a key in an AA and add it to a StatementExp.
fn lowerAALookup(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, current: ir.Scope, statExp: ir.StatementExp, aa: ir.AAType, var: ir.Variable, key: ir.Exp, store: ir.Exp, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) { }
//! Given an AA key, cast in such a way that it could be given to a
//! runtime AA function.
fn lowerAAKeyCast(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, current: ir.Scope, key: ir.Exp, aa: ir.AAType, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) ir.Exp { }
fn lowerAAValueCast(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, current: ir.Scope, key: ir.Exp, aa: ir.AAType, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) ir.Exp { }
fn lowerAACast(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, current: ir.Scope, key: ir.Exp, t: ir.Type, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) ir.Exp { }
fn lowerAggregateAACast(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, current: ir.Scope, key: ir.Exp, st: ir.Aggregate) ir.Exp { }
//! Given an AA key that is a struct or an array, cast it in such a way
//! that it could be given to a runtime AA function.
fn lowerStructOrArrayAACast(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, current: ir.Scope, key: ir.Exp, t: ir.Type, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) ir.Exp { }
//! Turn a PropertyExp into a call or member call as appropriate.
fn lowerProperty(lp: LanguagePass, exp: ir.Exp, prop: ir.PropertyExp) { }
//! Lower a composable string, either at compile time, or calling
//! formatting functions with a sink.
fn lowerComposableString(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, func: ir.Function, exp: ir.Exp, cs: ir.ComposableString, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) { }
//! Dispatch a composable string component to the right function.
fn lowerComposableStringComponent(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, e: ir.Exp, sexp: ir.StatementExp, sinkVar: ir.Variable, dgt: NodeConsumer, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) { }
//! Lower a primitive type component of a composable string.
fn lowerComposableStringPrimitiveComponent(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, e: ir.Exp, pt: ir.PrimitiveType, sexp: ir.StatementExp, sinkVar: ir.Variable, dgt: NodeConsumer) { }
//! Lower an associative array component of a composable string.
fn lowerComposableStringAAComponent(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, e: ir.Exp, aatype: ir.AAType, sexp: ir.StatementExp, sinkVar: ir.Variable, dgt: NodeConsumer, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) { }
//! Lower an array component of a composable string.
fn lowerComposableStringArrayComponent(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, e: ir.Exp, sexp: ir.StatementExp, sinkVar: ir.Variable, dgt: NodeConsumer, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) { }
//! Lower a pointer component of a composable string.
fn lowerComposableStringPointerComponent(lp: LanguagePass, e: ir.Exp, sexp: ir.StatementExp, sinkVar: ir.Variable, dgt: NodeConsumer) { }
//! Lower an enum component of a composable string.
fn lowerComposableStringEnumComponent(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, _enum: ir.Enum, e: ir.Exp, sexp: ir.StatementExp, sinkVar: ir.Variable, dgt: NodeConsumer) { }
//! Generate the function that fills in the toSink field on an Enum.
fn generateToSink(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, _enum: ir.Enum) ir.Function { }
//! Lower a string component of a composable string.
fn lowerComposableStringStringComponent(e: ir.Exp, sexp: ir.StatementExp, sinkVar: ir.Variable) { }
//! Lower a string component of a composable string.
fn lowerComposableStringStringComponent(e: ir.Exp, sexp: ir.StatementExp, sinkVar: ir.Variable, dgt: NodeConsumer) { }
//! Build an if statement based on a runtime assert.
fn lowerAssertIf(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, as: ir.AssertStatement) ir.IfStatement { }
//! Given a throw statement, turn its expression into a call into the RT.
fn lowerThrow(lp: LanguagePass, t: ir.ThrowStatement) { }
//! Replace a StringImport with the string in the file it points at, or
//! error.
fn lowerStringImport(driver: Driver, exp: ir.Exp, simport: ir.StringImport) { }
//! Turn Struct a = {1, "banana"}; into Struct a; a.firstField = 1;
//! b.secondField = "banana";.
fn lowerStructLiteral(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, exp: ir.Exp, literal: ir.StructLiteral) { }
//! Lower a postfix index expression.
fn lowerIndex(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, thisModule: ir.Module, exp: ir.Exp, postfix: ir.Postfix, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) { }
//! Lower a postfix index expression that operates on an AA.
fn lowerIndexAA(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, thisModule: ir.Module, exp: ir.Exp, postfix: ir.Postfix, aa: ir.AAType, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) { }
//! Lower an assign if it needs it.
fn lowerAssign(lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, exp: ir.Exp, binOp: ir.BinOp) { }
//! Lower an assign to an array if it's being modified by a postfix.
fn lowerAssignArray(lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, exp: ir.Exp, binOp: ir.BinOp, asPostfix: ir.Postfix, leftType: ir.ArrayType) { }
//! Lower an assign to an AA.
fn lowerAssignAA(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, thisModule: ir.Module, exp: ir.Exp, binOp: ir.BinOp, asPostfix: ir.Postfix, aa: ir.AAType, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) { }
//! Lower a +=, *=, etc assign to an AA.
fn lowerOpAssignAA(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, thisModule: ir.Module, exp: ir.Exp, binOp: ir.BinOp, asPostfix: ir.Postfix, aa: ir.AAType, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) { }
//! Lower a concatenation operation. (A ~ B)
fn lowerCat(lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, exp: ir.Exp, binOp: ir.BinOp) { }
//! Lower a concatenation assign operation. (A ~= B)
fn lowerCatAssign(lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, exp: ir.Exp, binOp: ir.BinOp) { }
//! Lower a comparison operation, if it needs it.
fn lowerCmp(lp: LanguagePass, thisModule: ir.Module, exp: ir.Exp, binOp: ir.BinOp) { }
//! Lower an expression that casts to an interface.
fn lowerInterfaceCast(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, uexp: ir.Unary, exp: ir.Exp) { }
//! Lower an expression that casts to an array.
fn lowerArrayCast(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, uexp: ir.Unary, exp: ir.Exp) { }
//! Is a given postfix an interface pointer? If so, which one?
fn isInterfacePointer(lp: LanguagePass, pfix: ir.Postfix, current: ir.Scope, iface: ir._Interface) bool { }
//! If a postfix operates directly on a struct via a function call, put it
//! in a variable first.
fn lowerStructLookupViaFunctionCall(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, exp: ir.Exp, ae: ir.AccessExp, type: ir.Type) { }
//! Rewrites a given foreach statement (fes) into a for statement.
fn lowerForeach(fes: ir.ForeachStatement, lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope) ir.ForStatement { }
//! Lower an array literal to an internal array literal.
fn lowerArrayLiteral(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, exp: ir.Exp, al: ir.ArrayLiteral) { }
//! Lower a builtin expression.
fn lowerBuiltin(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, exp: ir.Exp, builtin: ir.BuiltinExp, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) { }
fn lowerVaArg(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, vaexp: ir.VaArgExp) ir.StatementExp { }
//! Lower an ExpReference, if needed.
fn lowerExpReference(functionStack: ir.Function[], exp: ir.Exp, eref: ir.ExpReference, func: ir.Function) { }
//! Lower a Postfix, if needed.
fn lowerPostfix(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, thisModule: ir.Module, exp: ir.Exp, parentFunc: ir.Function, postfix: ir.Postfix, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) { }
//! Lower a call to a varargs function.
fn lowerVarargCall(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, postfix: ir.Postfix, func: ir.Function, exp: ir.Exp) { }
fn lowerGlobalAALiteral(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, mod: ir.Module, var: ir.Variable) { }
//! If postfix is slicing a static array from a non-lvalue expression,
//! lower it into a statement exp.
fn lowerStaticArraySliceNonLValue(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, postfix: ir.Postfix, exp: ir.Exp) { }
//! Lower an AA literal.
fn lowerAA(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, thisModule: ir.Module, exp: ir.Exp, assocArray: ir.AssocArray, lowerer: LlvmLowerer) { }
//! Rewrite Struct(args) to call their constructors.
fn lowerStructUnionConstructor(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, exp: ir.Exp, builtin: ir.BuiltinExp) { }
fn zeroVariableIfNeeded(lp: LanguagePass, var: ir.Variable) ir.Exp { }
fn zeroVariablesIfNeeded(lp: LanguagePass, bs: ir.BlockStatement) { }
module volt.lowerer.newreplacer;
class NewReplacer : ScopeManager, Pass
lp: LanguagePass;
thisModule: ir.Module;
this(lp: LanguagePass) { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn close() { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, unary: ir.Unary) Status { }
fn handleArrayNew(exp: ir.Exp, unary: ir.Unary, array: ir.ArrayType) Status { }
fn handleArrayCopy(exp: ir.Exp, unary: ir.Unary, array: ir.ArrayType) Status { }
fn handleClass(exp: ir.Exp, unary: ir.Unary, clazz: ir.Class) Status { }
fn handleOther(exp: ir.Exp, unary: ir.Unary) Status { }
fn createArrayAlloc(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, baseScope: ir.Scope, atype: ir.ArrayType, sizeArg: ir.Exp) ir.Exp { }
fn buildClassConstructionWrapper(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, _class: ir.Class, constructor: ir.Function, exps: ir.Exp[]) ir.StatementExp { }
module volt.lowerer.manglewriter;
//! Apply mangle symbols to Types and Functions.
class MangleWriter : NullVisitor, Pass
parentNames: StringStack;
functionDepth: i32;
aggregateDepth: i32;
this() { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn close() { }
fn push(name: string) { }
fn pop(name: string) { }
fn enter(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn leave(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn enter(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn leave(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn leave(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn visit(pt: ir.PrimitiveType) Status { }
fn enter(at: ir.ArrayType) Status { }
fn enter(sat: ir.StaticArrayType) Status { }
fn enter(pt: ir.PointerType) Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn enter(ft: ir.FunctionType) Status { }
fn enter(dt: ir.DelegateType) Status { }
fn visit(tr: ir.TypeReference) Status { }
fn enter(aat: ir.AAType) Status { }
fn visit(nt: ir.NullType) Status { }
fn enter(array: ir.AmbiguousArrayType) Status { }
fn enter(attr: ir.Attribute) Status { }
fn enter(typeOf: ir.TypeOf) Status { }
fn enter(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration) Status { }
fn visit(at: ir.AutoType) Status { }
fn visit(at: ir.NoType) Status { }
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(fp: ir.FunctionParam) Status { }
fn leave(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(a: ir.Alias) Status { }
fn enter(v: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn mangleType(n: ir.Node) { }
module volt.lowerer.typeidreplacer;
//! Replaces typeid(...) expressions with a call to the TypeInfo's
//! constructor.
class TypeidReplacer : NullVisitor, Pass
lp: LanguagePass;
typeinfoVtable: ir.Struct;
thisModule: ir.Module;
this(lp: LanguagePass) { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn close() { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, _typeid: ir.Typeid) Status { }
module volt.semantic.cfg;
//! A single node in the execution graph.
class Block
//! Where execution could come from.
parents: Block[];
children: Block[];
//! For handling super calls in ctors.
superCall: bool;
//! Running this block ends execution of its function (e.g. return).
terminates: bool;
//! For handling switches, did this case have a goto or break?
_goto: bool;
_break: bool;
//! For loop bodies; did a break block occur while this was the top of the
//! breakBlock stack?
broken: bool;
this() { }
this(parent: Block) { }
this(parents: Block[]) { }
fn addParent(parent: Block) { }
fn addChild(child: Block) { }
fn addParents(parents: Block[]) { }
fn canReachEntry() bool { }
fn canReachWithoutBreakGoto() bool { }
fn canReachWithoutSuper() bool { }
fn hitsBreakBeforeTarget(target: Block) bool { }
//! Builds and checks CFGs on Functions.
class CFGBuilder : ScopeManager, Pass
lp: LanguagePass;
blocks: BlockStack;
breakBlocks: BlockStack;
currentSwitchStatement: ir.SwitchStatement;
currentSwitchBlocks: Block[];
currentCaseIndex: i32;
classStack: ClassStack;
this(lp: LanguagePass) { }
fn block(b: Block) Block { }
//! Returns the last block added.
fn block() Block { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn close() { }
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn leave(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(rs: ir.ReturnStatement) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, se: ir.StatementExp) Status { }
fn enter(es: ir.ExpStatement) Status { }
fn visit(exp: ir.Exp, eref: ir.ExpReference) Status { }
//! Generate blocks from an if statement.
fn enter(ifs: ir.IfStatement) Status { }
fn enter(fs: ir.ForStatement) Status { }
fn enter(fes: ir.ForeachStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ws: ir.WhileStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ds: ir.DoStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ls: ir.LabelStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ss: ir.SwitchStatement) Status { }
fn visit(cs: ir.ContinueStatement) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn leave(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn enter(gs: ir.GotoStatement) Status { }
//! Generate blocks from a try statement.
fn enter(ts: ir.TryStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ts: ir.ThrowStatement) Status { }
fn enter(as: ir.AssertStatement) Status { }
fn visit(bs: ir.BreakStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ws: ir.WhileStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ds: ir.DoStatement) Status { }
fn leave(fs: ir.ForStatement) Status { }
fn leave(fs: ir.ForeachStatement) Status { }
struct BlockStack
enum MaxSize;
fn length() size_t { }
fn push(val: T) { }
fn pop() T { }
fn peek() T { }
fn clear() { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
//! Returns true if the given block can reach the entry without dgt
//! returning true.
fn canReachWithout(block: Block, dgt: bool delegate(Block)) bool { }
fn canReachChildBefore(block: Block, dgt: bool delegate(Block), target: Block) bool { }
module volt.semantic.folder;
//! Folds any expressions into Constants.
class ExpFolder : NullVisitor, Pass
target: TargetInfo;
this(target: TargetInfo) { }
fn transform(mod: ir.Module) { }
fn close() { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, binop: ir.BinOp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, unary: ir.Unary) Status { }
module volt.semantic.lifter;
//! IR Lifter, aka Liftertron3000, copies and does transformations on IR.
class SemanticLifter : Lifter
lp: LanguagePass;
this(lp: LanguagePass) { }
//! Resets the lifter and clears all cached functions and modules.
fn reset() { }
//! Completes the module and returns it for consumption.
fn completeModule() ir.Module { }
//! Lift or returns a cached copy of the given function.
fn lift(func: ir.Function) ir.Function { }
//! Lift or returns a cached copy of the given variable.
fn lift(var: ir.Variable) ir.Variable { }
//! Lift or returns a cached copy of the given function.
fn lift(fp: ir.FunctionParam) ir.FunctionParam { }
//! Get a lifted node or panic.
fn liftedOrPanic(node: ir.Node, msg: string) ir.Node { }
fn lift(old: ir.Class) ir.Class { }
fn lift(old: ir.Union) ir.Union { }
fn lift(old: ir.Enum) ir.Enum { }
fn lift(old: ir.Struct) ir.Struct { }
fn lift(old: ir._Interface) ir._Interface { }
fn lift(old: ir.TopLevelBlock) ir.TopLevelBlock { }
fn lift(old: ir.Alias) ir.Alias { }
//! Create a new module to store functions in.
fn newModule(loc: Location) { }
//! Implemented by child classes, copies the function or variable into the
//! current module mMod and applies error checking and transformation
//! needed for that specific lifter.
fn doLift(n: ir.Function) ir.Function { }
fn doLift(n: ir.Variable) ir.Variable { }
fn doLift(n: ir.FunctionParam) ir.FunctionParam { }
class CTFELifter : SemanticLifter
this(lp: LanguagePass) { }
fn doLift(old: ir.Function) ir.Function { }
fn doLift(old: ir.Variable) ir.Variable { }
module volt.semantic.extyper;
enum Parent
enum StoreSource
class GotoReplacer : NullVisitor
exp: ir.Exp;
originalExp: ir.Exp;
ctx: Context;
ss: ir.SwitchStatement;
isArraySwitch: bool;
this(ctx: Context, ss: ir.SwitchStatement, isArraySwitch: bool) { }
fn enter(gs: ir.GotoStatement) Status { }
fn enter(bs: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
//! If type casting were to be strict, type T could only go to type T
//! without an explicit cast. Implicit casts are places where the language
//! deems automatic conversion safe enough to insert casts for the user.
class ExTyper : NullVisitor, Pass
ctx: Context;
this(lp: LanguagePass) { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn close() { }
//! For out of band checking of Variables.
fn resolve(current: ir.Scope, v: ir.Variable) { }
//! For out of band checking of Functions.
fn resolve(current: ir.Scope, func: ir.Function) { }
fn transform(current: ir.Scope, ti: ir.TemplateInstance) { }
fn transform(current: ir.Scope, a: ir.Attribute) { }
fn transform(current: ir.Scope, ed: ir.EnumDeclaration) { }
fn resolve(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration, prevExp: ir.Exp) { }
fn enter(tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock) Status { }
fn enter(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn leave(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn enter(a: ir.Alias) Status { }
fn enter(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn leave(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn leave(i: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn enter(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn leave(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn leave(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn leave(e: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn enter(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration) Status { }
fn enter(v: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.AssertStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) Status { }
fn leave(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.FunctionParam) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.FunctionParam) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.TypeOf) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.TypeOf) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.IfStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.IfStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.DoStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.DoStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.ForStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.ForStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.TryStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.TryStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.ExpStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.ExpStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.WithStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.WithStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.GotoStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.GotoStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.ThrowStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.ThrowStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.WhileStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.WhileStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.SwitchStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.SwitchStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.AssertStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.ReturnStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.ReturnStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.ForeachStatement) Status { }
fn leave(n: ir.ForeachStatement) Status { }
fn visit(n: ir.BreakStatement) Status { }
fn visit(n: ir.ContinueStatement) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, ir.IsExp) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, ir.IsExp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, ir.BinOp) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, ir.BinOp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, ir.Unary) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, ir.Unary) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, ir.Typeid) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, ir.Typeid) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, ir.Postfix) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, ir.Postfix) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, ir.Ternary) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, ir.Ternary) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, ir.TypeExp) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, ir.TypeExp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, ir.VaArgExp) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, ir.VaArgExp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, ir.Constant) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, ir.Constant) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, ir.AssocArray) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, ir.AssocArray) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, ir.ArrayLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, ir.ArrayLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, ir.StructLiteral) Status { }
fn leave(exp: ir.Exp, ir.StructLiteral) Status { }
fn visit(exp: ir.Exp, ir.TokenExp) Status { }
fn visit(exp: ir.Exp, ir.ExpReference) Status { }
fn visit(exp: ir.Exp, ir.IdentifierExp) Status { }
struct ArrayCase
originalExps: ir.Exp[];
_case: ir.SwitchCase;
lastIf: ir.IfStatement;
lastI: size_t;
//! Does what the name implies.
fn appendDefaultArguments(ctx: Context, loc: ir.Location, arguments: ir.Exp[], func: ir.Function) { }
fn classifyRelationship(child: ir.Exp, parent: ir.Exp) Parent { }
fn handleStore(ctx: Context, ident: string, exp: ir.Exp, store: ir.Store, child: ir.Exp, parent: Parent, via: StoreSource) ir.Type { }
fn handleFunctionStore(ctx: Context, ident: string, exp: ir.Exp, store: ir.Store, child: ir.Exp, parent: Parent, via: StoreSource) ir.Type { }
fn handleValueStore(ctx: Context, ident: string, exp: ir.Exp, store: ir.Store, child: ir.Exp, via: StoreSource) ir.Type { }
fn handleFunctionParamStore(ctx: Context, ident: string, exp: ir.Exp, store: ir.Store, child: ir.Exp, parent: Parent, via: StoreSource) ir.Type { }
fn handleEnumDeclarationStore(ctx: Context, ident: string, exp: ir.Exp, store: ir.Store, child: ir.Exp, parent: Parent, via: StoreSource) ir.Type { }
fn handleTypeStore(ctx: Context, ident: string, exp: ir.Exp, store: ir.Store, child: ir.Exp, parent: Parent, via: StoreSource) ir.Type { }
fn handleScopeStore(ctx: Context, ident: string, exp: ir.Exp, store: ir.Store, child: ir.Exp, parent: Parent, via: StoreSource) ir.Type { }
//! If qname has a child of name leaf, returns an expression looking it
//! up. Otherwise, null is returned.
fn withLookup(ctx: Context, withExp: ir.Exp, leaf: string) ir.Exp { }
//! Replace IdentifierExps with another exp, often ExpReference.
fn extypeIdentifierExp(ctx: Context, e: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn replaceAAPostfixesIfNeeded(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, postfix: ir.Postfix) ir.Type { }
fn handleArgumentLabelsIfNeeded(ctx: Context, arguments: ir.Exp[], argumentLabels: string[], argumentTags: ir.Postfix.TagKind[], func: ir.Function, exp: ir.Exp) { }
//! Turns identifier postfixes into CreateDelegates, and resolves property
//! function calls in postfixes, type safe varargs, and explicit
//! constructor calls.
fn extypePostfixLeave(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, postfix: ir.Postfix, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypePostfixCall(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, postfix: ir.Postfix) { }
fn checkCallRefOutTags(ctx: Context, ftype: ir.CallableType, arguments: ir.Exp[], argumentTags: ir.Postfix.TagKind[]) { }
//! This function acts as a extyperExpReference function would do, but it
//! also takes a extra type context which is used for the cases when
//! looking up Member variables via Types.
fn replaceExpReferenceIfNeeded(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, eRef: ir.ExpReference) { }
//! Turn identifier postfixes into .ident.
fn consumeIdentsIfScopesOrTypes(ctx: Context, postfixes: ir.Postfix[], exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypePostfixIndex(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, postfix: ir.Postfix) { }
//! This function will check for ufcs functions on a Identifier postfix, it
//! assumes we have already looked for a field and not found anything.
fn postfixIdentifierUFCS(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, postfix: ir.Postfix, parent: Parent) { }
fn builtInField(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, child: ir.Exp, type: ir.Type, field: string) ir.Type { }
//! Rewrite exp if the store contains any property functions, works for
//! both PostfixExp and IdentifierExp.
fn rewriteIfPropertyStore(exp: ir.Exp, child: ir.Exp, name: string, parent: Parent, funcs: ir.Function[]) bool { }
//! Handling cases:
fn extypePostfixIdentifier(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, postfix: ir.Postfix, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypePostfix(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
//! Stops casting to an overloaded function name, casting from null, and
//! wires up some runtime magic needed for classes.
fn extypeUnaryCastTo(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, unary: ir.Unary) { }
//! Type new expressions.
fn extypeUnaryNew(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, _unary: ir.Unary) { }
//! Lower 'new foo[0 .. $]' expressions to BuiltinExps.
fn extypeUnaryDup(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, _unary: ir.Unary) { }
fn extypeUnary(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
//! Everyone's favourite: integer promotion! :D! In general, converts to
//! the largest type needed in a binary expression.
fn extypeBinOp(ctx: Context, bin: ir.BinOp, lprim: ir.PrimitiveType, rprim: ir.PrimitiveType) ir.Type { }
fn rewriteCall(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, func: ir.Function, args: ir.Exp[], left: ir.Exp) { }
//! Given the name of an overloaded operator, rewrite it to a function
//! call.. extypePostfixCall is called on the rewritten expression. 'left'
//! is an expression of which the function will be a member. Returns the
//! function that was called, or null if nothing was rewritten.
fn rewriteOperator(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, overloadName: string, left: ir.Exp, args: ir.Exp[]) ir.Function { }
fn maybeInvertCmp(op: ir.BinOp.Op, invert: bool) ir.BinOp.Op { }
//! If the given binop is working on an aggregate that overloads that
//! operator, rewrite a call to that overload.
fn opOverloadRewrite(ctx: Context, binop: ir.BinOp, exp: ir.Exp) ir.Type { }
//! If this postfix operates on an aggregate with a postfix operator
//! overload, rewrite it.
fn opOverloadRewritePostfix(ctx: Context, pfix: ir.Postfix, exp: ir.Exp) ir.Type { }
//! If this unary is a Minus, and it's operating on an aggregate that has
//! opNeg, rewrite it.
fn opOverloadRewriteUnary(ctx: Context, unary: ir.Unary, exp: ir.Exp) ir.Type { }
fn extypeBinOpPropertyAssign(ctx: Context, binop: ir.BinOp, exp: ir.Exp) ir.Type { }
//! Ensure concatentation is sound.
fn extypeCat(ctx: Context, lexp: ir.Exp, rexp: ir.Exp, left: ir.ArrayType, right: ir.Type) { }
fn rewriteOpIndexAssign(ctx: Context, binop: ir.BinOp, exp: ir.Exp) bool { }
//! If exp is an AccessExp that is effectively const, or an AccessExp with
//! an effectively const AccessExp ancestor, return true. Otherwise, return
//! false.
fn effectiveConstAccessExp(exp: ir.Exp) bool { }
//! Handles logical operators (making a && b result in a bool), binary of
//! storage types, otherwise forwards to assign or primitive specific
//! functions.
fn extypeBinOp(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn evaluateIsExp(ctx: Context, isExp: ir.IsExp) ir.Constant { }
fn evaluateTraitsWord(ctx: Context, isExp: ir.IsExp, type: ir.Type) ir.Constant { }
fn extypeIsExp(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeTernary(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeStructLiteral(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeConstant(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeTypeExp(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeAssocArray(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeVaArgExp(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeExpReference(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeArrayLiteral(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeTypeid(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeTokenExp(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeStringImport(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeStoreExp(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeRunExp(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
//! Check the types of a composable string, error if bad.
fn extypeComposableString(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypePropertyExp(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeBuiltinExp(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeAccessExp(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeAssert(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeStatementExp(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeFunctionLiteral(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeUnionLiteral(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeClassLiteral(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extype(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeUnchecked(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, parent: Parent) ir.Type { }
fn extypeBlockStatement(ctx: Context, bs: ir.BlockStatement) { }
//! Ensure that a thrown type inherits from Throwable.
fn extypeThrowStatement(ctx: Context, n: ir.Node) { }
fn extypeTemplateInstance(ctx: Context, ti: ir.TemplateInstance) { }
//! Some extypeSwitchStatment utility functions.
fn addExp(ctx: Context, ss: ir.SwitchStatement, element: ir.Exp, exp: ir.Exp, sz: size_t, intArrayData: u32[], longArrayData: u64[]) { }
//! Some extypeSwitchStatment utility functions.
fn getExpHash(ctx: Context, ss: ir.SwitchStatement, exp: ir.Exp) u32 { }
//! Some extypeSwitchStatment utility functions.
fn replaceWithHashIfNeeded(ctx: Context, ss: ir.SwitchStatement, _case: ir.SwitchCase, arrayCases: ArrayCase[u32], i: size_t, condVar: ir.Variable, toRemove: size_t[], exp: ir.Exp) { }
//! Same as the above function, but handle the multi-case case.
fn replaceExpsWithHashIfNeeded(ctx: Context, ss: ir.SwitchStatement, _case: ir.SwitchCase, arrayCases: ArrayCase[u32], i: size_t, condVar: ir.Variable, exps: ir.Exp[]) { }
//! Ensure that a given switch statement is semantically sound. Errors on
//! bad final switches (doesn't cover all enum members, not on an enum at
//! all), and checks for doubled up cases.
fn extypeSwitchStatement(ctx: Context, n: ir.Node) { }
fn extypeConditionStatement(ctx: Context, n: ir.Node) { }
//! Merge with below function.
fn extypeForeachStatement(ctx: Context, n: ir.Node) { }
//! Process the types and expressions on a foreach. Foreaches become for
//! loops before the backend sees them, but they still need to be made
//! valid by the extyper.
fn processForeach(ctx: Context, fes: ir.ForeachStatement) { }
fn extypeWithStatement(ctx: Context, n: ir.Node) { }
fn extypeReturnStatement(ctx: Context, n: ir.Node) { }
fn extypeIfStatement(ctx: Context, n: ir.Node) { }
fn extypeForStatement(ctx: Context, n: ir.Node) { }
fn extypeWhileStatement(ctx: Context, n: ir.Node) { }
fn extypeDoStatement(ctx: Context, n: ir.Node) { }
fn extypeAssertStatement(ctx: Context, n: ir.Node) { }
fn extypeTryStatement(ctx: Context, n: ir.Node) { }
fn extypeGotoStatement(ctx: Context, n: ir.Node) { }
fn actualizeFunction(ctx: Context, func: ir.Function) { }
//! Helper function to call into the ExTyper version.
fn resolveType(lp: LanguagePass, current: ir.Scope, type: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
//! Flattens storage types, ensure that there are no unresolved
//! TypeRefences in the given type and in general ensures that the type is
//! ready to be consumed.
fn resolveType(ctx: Context, type: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
fn doResolveType(ctx: Context, type: ir.Type, ct: ir.CallableType, ctIndex: size_t) { }
fn doResolveAmbiguousArrayType(ctx: Context, type: ir.Type) { }
fn doResolveAA(ctx: Context, type: ir.Type) { }
//! Resolves an alias, either setting the myalias field or turning it into
//! a type.
fn resolveAlias(lp: LanguagePass, a: ir.Alias) { }
//! Will make sure that the Enum's type is set, and as such will resolve
//! the first member since it decides the type of the rest of the enum.
fn resolveEnum(lp: LanguagePass, e: ir.Enum) { }
//! Check that a non integral enum is valid.
fn checkNonIntegralEnum(lp: LanguagePass, e: ir.Enum) { }
//! Resolves a Variable.
fn resolveVariable(ctx: Context, v: ir.Variable) { }
fn lazyParseBlock(ctx: Context, current: ir.Scope, tokens: ir.Token[], blockStatement: ir.BlockStatement) { }
fn resolveFunction(ctx: Context, func: ir.Function) { }
fn resolveStruct(lp: LanguagePass, s: ir.Struct) { }
fn resolveUnion(lp: LanguagePass, u: ir.Union) { }
//! Check a if a given aggregate contains an erroneous default constructor
//! or destructor.
fn checkDefaultFootors(ctx: Context, agg: ir.Aggregate) { }
//! Check a given Aggregate's anonymous structs/unions (if any) for name
//! collisions.
fn checkAnonymousVariables(ctx: Context, agg: ir.Aggregate) { }
fn isInternalVariable(c: ir.Class, v: ir.Variable) bool { }
fn writeVariableAssignsIntoCtors(ctx: Context, _class: ir.Class) { }
//! Given a expression and a type, if the expression is a literal, tag it
//! (and its subexpressions) with the type.
fn tagLiteralType(exp: ir.Exp, type: ir.Type) { }
//! Given a switch statement, replace 'goto case' with an explicit jump to
//! the next case, or hash the expression if needed.
fn replaceGotoCase(ctx: Context, ss: ir.SwitchStatement, arraySwitch: bool) { }
module volt.semantic.typeinfo;
//! Makes the mangledName for the Variable holding the TypeInfo instance.
fn getTypeInfoVarName(type: ir.Type) string { }
//! Returns the type info for type, builds a complete TypeInfo if needed.
fn getTypeInfo(lp: LanguagePass, mod: ir.Module, type: ir.Type) ir.Variable { }
//! Fills in the TypeInfo Variable on a Aggregate.
fn createAggregateVar(lp: LanguagePass, aggr: ir.Aggregate) { }
//! Fills in the TypeInfo Variable assign, completing it.
fn fillInAggregateVar(lp: LanguagePass, aggr: ir.Aggregate) { }
module volt.semantic.irverifier;
//! This verifier is design to catch faulty IR (from the view of the
//! backends) that the LanguagePass generate.
class IrVerifier : ScopeManager, Pass
this(errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn close() { }
fn enter(v: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn enter(st: ir.StorageType) Status { }
fn visit(tr: ir.TypeReference) Status { }
fn enter(ct: ir.FunctionType) Status { }
fn enter(ct: ir.DelegateType) Status { }
fn enter(tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock) Status { }
fn enter(bs: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn visit(exp: ir.Exp, ie: ir.IdentifierExp) Status { }
fn leave(tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock) Status { }
fn leave(bs: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Class) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Union) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn enter(n: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn check(a: ir.Aggregate) { }
fn checkStorage(t: ir.Type) { }
fn checkDepth(_scope: ir.Scope) { }
fn checkNode(n: ir.Node) Status { }
fn enter(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir.Import) Status { }
fn enter(u: ir.Unittest) Status { }
fn enter(fp: ir.FunctionParam) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.Condition) Status { }
fn enter(ctl: ir.ConditionTopLevel) Status { }
fn enter(mf: ir.MixinFunction) Status { }
fn enter(mt: ir.MixinTemplate) Status { }
fn visit(qname: ir.QualifiedName) Status { }
fn visit(name: ir.Identifier) Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.ExpStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ret: ir.ReturnStatement) Status { }
fn enter(a: ir.AsmStatement) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir.IfStatement) Status { }
fn enter(w: ir.WhileStatement) Status { }
fn enter(d: ir.DoStatement) Status { }
fn enter(f: ir.ForStatement) Status { }
fn enter(fes: ir.ForeachStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ls: ir.LabelStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ss: ir.SwitchStatement) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.SwitchCase) Status { }
fn enter(gs: ir.GotoStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ws: ir.WithStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ss: ir.SynchronizedStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ts: ir.TryStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ts: ir.ThrowStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ss: ir.ScopeStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ps: ir.PragmaStatement) Status { }
fn enter(cs: ir.ConditionStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ms: ir.MixinStatement) Status { }
fn enter(as: ir.AssertStatement) Status { }
fn visit(bs: ir.BreakStatement) Status { }
fn visit(cs: ir.ContinueStatement) Status { }
fn enter(pointer: ir.PointerType) Status { }
fn enter(array: ir.ArrayType) Status { }
fn enter(array: ir.StaticArrayType) Status { }
fn enter(array: ir.AmbiguousArrayType) Status { }
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(attr: ir.Attribute) Status { }
fn enter(a: ir.Alias) Status { }
fn enter(typeOf: ir.TypeOf) Status { }
fn enter(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration) Status { }
fn visit(it: ir.PrimitiveType) Status { }
fn visit(nt: ir.NullType) Status { }
fn visit(at: ir.AutoType) Status { }
fn visit(at: ir.NoType) Status { }
fn visit(td: ir.TemplateDefinition) Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.Postfix) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.Unary) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.BinOp) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.Ternary) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.ArrayLiteral) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.AssocArray) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.Assert) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.StringImport) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.Typeid) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.IsExp) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.FunctionLiteral) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.StructLiteral) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.UnionLiteral) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.ClassLiteral) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.Constant) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.TypeExp) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.StatementExp) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.VaArgExp) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.PropertyExp) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.BuiltinExp) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.AccessExp) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.RunExp) Visitor.Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Exp, ir.ComposableString) Visitor.Status { }
fn visit(e: ir.Exp, ir.ExpReference) Visitor.Status { }
fn visit(e: ir.Exp, ir.TokenExp) Visitor.Status { }
fn visit(e: ir.Exp, ir.StoreExp) Visitor.Status { }
//! Module that deals with gatherering symbols into scopes.
module volta.postparse.gatherer;
//! Used to keep track of which level a symbol was found.
enum Where
//! Populate the scopes with Variables, Aliases, Functions, and Types. Adds
//! Scopes where needed as well.
class Gatherer : NullVisitor, Pass
this(warningsEnabled: bool, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn close() { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module, func: ir.Function, bs: ir.BlockStatement) { }
fn push(s: ir.Scope, thisType: ir.Type) { }
fn pop(thisType: ir.Type) { }
fn push(func: ir.Function) { }
fn pop(func: ir.Function) { }
fn push(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) { }
fn pop(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) { }
fn pushScopesWithParents(current: ir.Scope) { }
fn popScopesWithParents(current: ir.Scope) { }
fn where() Where { }
fn current() ir.Scope { }
fn thisType() ir.Type { }
fn enter(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn enter(a: ir.Alias) Status { }
fn enter(v: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn enter(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn enter(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) Status { }
fn enter(fes: ir.ForeachStatement) Status { }
fn enter(fs: ir.ForStatement) Status { }
fn enter(bs: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn enter(mf: ir.MixinFunction) Status { }
fn enter(mt: ir.MixinTemplate) Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.EnumDeclaration) Status { }
fn visit(td: ir.TemplateDefinition) Status { }
fn leave(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn leave(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn leave(i: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn leave(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn leave(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn leave(e: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn leave(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn leave(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) Status { }
fn leave(bs: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
mWhere: Where[];
mWhereStack: WhereSink;
mScopeStack: ScopeSink;
mTypeStack: TypeSink;
mFunctionStack: FunctionSink;
mModule: ir.Module;
mWarningsEnabled: bool;
mErrSink: ErrorSink;
struct WhereSink
enum MaxSize;
alias Sink = void delegate(scope (SinkArg));
alias SinkArg = scope (scope (T)[]);
fn length() size_t { }
fn sink(type: T) { }
fn append(arr: scope (scope (T)[])) { }
fn append(s: SinkStruct) { }
fn popLast() T { }
fn getLast() T { }
fn get(i: size_t) T { }
fn set(i: size_t, n: T) { }
fn setLast(i: T) { }
fn toSink(sink: Sink) { }
fn toArray() T[] { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
fn reset() { }
fn findShadowed(_scope: ir.Scope, loc: const(Location), name: string, warningsEnabled: bool) ir.Store { }
fn isValidAccess(access: ir.Access) bool { }
fn gather(current: ir.Scope, e: ir.EnumDeclaration, where: Where, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn gather(current: ir.Scope, a: ir.Alias, where: Where, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! If name is reserved in current, generate an error pointing at n's
//! location.
fn checkInvalid(current: ir.Scope, n: ir.Node, name: string, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn checkTemplateRedefinition(current: ir.Scope, name: string, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn gather(current: ir.Scope, v: ir.Variable, where: Where, warningsEnabled: bool, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn gather(current: ir.Scope, func: ir.Function, where: Where, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn gather(current: ir.Scope, s: ir.Struct, where: Where, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn gather(current: ir.Scope, u: ir.Union, where: Where, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn gather(current: ir.Scope, c: ir.Class, where: Where, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn gather(current: ir.Scope, e: ir.Enum, where: Where, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn gather(current: ir.Scope, i: ir._Interface, where: Where, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn gather(current: ir.Scope, mf: ir.MixinFunction, where: Where, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn gather(current: ir.Scope, mt: ir.MixinTemplate, where: Where, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn gather(current: ir.Scope, td: ir.TemplateDefinition, where: Where, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn gather(current: ir.Scope, ti: ir.TemplateInstance, where: Where, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn addScope(m: ir.Module) { }
fn addScope(current: ir.Scope, func: ir.Function, thisType: ir.Type, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn addScope(current: ir.Scope, bs: ir.BlockStatement) { }
fn addScope(current: ir.Scope, td: ir.TemplateDefinition, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn addScope(current: ir.Scope, s: ir.Struct, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn addScope(current: ir.Scope, u: ir.Union, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn addScope(current: ir.Scope, e: ir.Enum, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn addScope(current: ir.Scope, c: ir.Class, where: Where, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn addScope(current: ir.Scope, i: ir._Interface, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn addScope(current: ir.Scope, ti: ir.TemplateInstance, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
module volta.util.string;
//! Convert a CRuntime to lower case string.
fn cRuntimeToString(cRuntime: CRuntime) string { }
//! Convert Platform to lower case string.
fn platformToString(platform: Platform) string { }
//! Convert Arch to lower case string.
fn archToString(arch: Arch) string { }
fn isHex(d: dchar) bool { }
fn unescapeString(errSink: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), s: const(char)[]) immutable(void)[] { }
//! Generate a hash. djb2 algorithm stolen from
fn hash(array: u8[]) u32 { }
//! Returns a string that is s, with all '' removed. "134_hello" =>
//! "134hello" "" => ""
fn removeUnderscores(s: string) string { }
module volta.visitor.scopemanager;
class ScopeManager : NullVisitor
current: ir.Scope;
functionStack: FunctionStack;
this(errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn enter(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn leave(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn visit(td: ir.TemplateDefinition) Status { }
fn enter(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn leave(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn enter(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn leave(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn leave(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn leave(i: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn leave(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(bs: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn leave(bs: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn leave(e: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn enter(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) Status { }
fn leave(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) Status { }
mThisModule: ir.Module;
mErr: ErrorSink;
//! Code for getting a module from a scope.
module volta.util.moduleFromScope;
fn getModuleFromScope(loc: const(Location), _scope: ir.Scope, errSink: ErrorSink) ir.Module { }
//! Code for generating error message strings.
module volta.util.errormessages;
fn badAbstractMsg() string { }
fn badFinalMsg() string { }
fn shadowsDeclarationMsg(node: ir.Node) string { }
fn abstractHasToBeMemberMsg(func: ir.Function) string { }
fn anonymousAggregateAtTopLevelMsg() string { }
fn abstractBodyNotEmptyMsg(func: ir.Function) string { }
fn nonTopLevelImportMsg() string { }
fn cannotImportMsg(name: string) string { }
fn cannotImportAnonymousMsg(name: string) string { }
fn redefinesSymbolMsg(name: string, loc: const(Location)) string { }
fn overloadFunctionAccessMismatchMsg(importAccess: ir.Access, a: ir.Alias, b: ir.Function) string { }
fn scopeOutsideFunctionMsg() string { }
fn returnInsideScopeMsg() string { }
fn scopeInsideScopeMsg() string { }
//! This file imports the regular C api of LLVM but also extends it with
//! simple wrappers that works on native arrays instead of C pointer plus
//! length arrays as well as string wrappers.
module lib.llvm.core;
public import lib.llvm.c.Core;
enum llvmLicense;
alias LLVMSetTarget = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMSetTarget;
alias LLVMSetDataLayout = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMSetDataLayout;
alias LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext;
alias LLVMFunctionType = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMFunctionType;
alias LLVMStructCreateNamed = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMStructCreateNamed;
alias LLVMGetStructNamez = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMGetStructName;
alias LLVMStructSetBody = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMStructSetBody;
alias LLVMConstNamedStruct = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMConstNamedStruct;
alias LLVMConstStringInContext = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMConstStringInContext;
alias LLVMConstArray = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMConstArray;
alias LLVMConstInBoundsGEP = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMConstInBoundsGEP;
alias LLVMAddFunction = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMAddFunction;
alias LLVMBuildCall = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMBuildCall;
alias LLVMBuildInvoke = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMBuildInvoke;
alias LLVMBuildAlloca = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMBuildAlloca;
alias LLVMAddGlobal = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMAddGlobal;
alias LLVMBuildGEP = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMBuildGEP;
alias LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP;
alias LLVMStructTypeInContext = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMStructTypeInContext;
alias LLVMAddIncoming = lib.llvm.c.Core.LLVMAddIncoming;
fn LLVMSetTarget(mod: LLVMModuleRef, str: string) { }
fn LLVMSetDataLayout(mod: LLVMModuleRef, str: string) { }
fn LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext(name: string, c: LLVMContextRef) LLVMModuleRef { }
fn LLVMFunctionType(ret: LLVMTypeRef, args: LLVMTypeRef[], vararg: bool) LLVMTypeRef { }
fn LLVMStructTypeInContext(c: LLVMContextRef, types: LLVMTypeRef[], packed: LLVMBool) LLVMTypeRef { }
fn LLVMStructCreateNamed(c: LLVMContextRef, name: string) LLVMTypeRef { }
fn LLVMConstNamedStruct(structType: LLVMTypeRef, constantVals: LLVMValueRef[]) LLVMValueRef { }
fn LLVMGetStructName(t: LLVMTypeRef) string { }
fn LLVMStructSetBody(t: LLVMTypeRef, types: LLVMTypeRef[], packed: LLVMBool) { }
fn LLVMConstStringInContext(c: LLVMContextRef, str: const(char)[], nullTerminate: bool) LLVMValueRef { }
fn LLVMConstArray(type: LLVMTypeRef, vals: LLVMValueRef[]) LLVMValueRef { }
fn LLVMConstInBoundsGEP(val: LLVMValueRef, indices: LLVMValueRef[]) LLVMValueRef { }
fn LLVMAddFunction(mod: LLVMModuleRef, name: string, type: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef { }
fn LLVMBuildCall(b: LLVMBuilderRef, func: LLVMValueRef, args: LLVMValueRef[]) LLVMValueRef { }
fn LLVMBuildInvoke(b: LLVMBuilderRef, func: LLVMValueRef, args: LLVMValueRef[], then: LLVMBasicBlockRef, pad: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMValueRef { }
fn LLVMBuildAlloca(b: LLVMBuilderRef, type: LLVMTypeRef, name: string) LLVMValueRef { }
fn LLVMAddGlobal(mod: LLVMModuleRef, type: LLVMTypeRef, name: string) LLVMValueRef { }
fn LLVMBuildGEP(b: LLVMBuilderRef, ptr: LLVMValueRef, i: LLVMValueRef[], name: string) LLVMValueRef { }
fn LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP(b: LLVMBuilderRef, ptr: LLVMValueRef, i: LLVMValueRef[], name: string) LLVMValueRef { }
fn LLVMAddIncoming(phi: LLVMValueRef, iv: LLVMValueRef[], ib: LLVMBasicBlockRef[]) { }
fn nullTerminate(stack: char[], str: string) const(char)* { }
fn handleAndDisposeMessage(msg: const(char)**) string { }
fn __ctor() { }
module lib.llvm.analysis;
public import lib.llvm.c.Analysis;
alias LLVMVerifyModule = lib.llvm.c.Analysis.LLVMVerifyModule;
fn LLVMVerifyModule(mod: LLVMModuleRef) bool { }
fn LLVMVerifyModule(mod: LLVMModuleRef, ret: string) bool { }
module lib.llvm.bitreader;
public import lib.llvm.c.BitReader;
fn LLVMModuleFromFileInContext(ctx: LLVMContextRef, filename: string, outMsg: string) LLVMModuleRef { }
module lib.llvm.bitwriter;
public import lib.llvm.c.BitWriter;
fn LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(mod: LLVMModuleRef, filename: string) bool { }
module lib.llvm.targetmachine;
public import lib.llvm.c.TargetMachine;
alias LLVMGetTargetFromName = lib.llvm.c.TargetMachine.LLVMGetTargetFromName;
alias LLVMGetTargetFromTriple = lib.llvm.c.TargetMachine.LLVMGetTargetFromTriple;
alias LLVMCreateTargetMachine = lib.llvm.c.TargetMachine.LLVMCreateTargetMachine;
alias LLVMTargetMachineEmitToFile = lib.llvm.c.TargetMachine.LLVMTargetMachineEmitToFile;
alias LLVMTargetMachineEmitToMemoryBuffer = lib.llvm.c.TargetMachine.LLVMTargetMachineEmitToMemoryBuffer;
fn LLVMGetTargetFromName(name: string) LLVMTargetRef { }
fn LLVMGetTargetFromTriple(triple: string, outTarget: LLVMTargetRef*, errorMessage: string) bool { }
fn LLVMGetTargetName(target: LLVMTargetRef) string { }
fn LLVMGetTargetDescription(target: LLVMTargetRef) string { }
fn LLVMGetTargetMachineTriple(machine: LLVMTargetMachineRef) string { }
fn LLVMGetTargetMachineCPU(machine: LLVMTargetMachineRef) string { }
fn LLVMGetTargetMachineFeatureString(machine: LLVMTargetMachineRef) string { }
fn LLVMCreateTargetMachine(target: LLVMTargetRef, triple: string, cpu: string, feature: string, level: LLVMCodeGenOptLevel, reloc: LLVMRelocMode, codeModel: LLVMCodeModel) LLVMTargetMachineRef { }
fn LLVMTargetMachineEmitToFile(machine: LLVMTargetMachineRef, mod: LLVMModuleRef, filename: string, codegen: LLVMCodeGenFileType, errorMessage: string) bool { }
fn LLVMTargetMachineEmitToMemoryBuffer(machine: LLVMTargetMachineRef, mod: LLVMModuleRef, codegen: LLVMCodeGenFileType, errorMessage: string, outMemBuf: LLVMMemoryBufferRef*) bool { }
module lib.llvm.executionengine;
public import lib.llvm.c.ExecutionEngine;
alias LLVMCreateExecutionEngineForModule = lib.llvm.c.ExecutionEngine.LLVMCreateExecutionEngineForModule;
alias LLVMCreateMCJITCompilerForModule = lib.llvm.c.ExecutionEngine.LLVMCreateMCJITCompilerForModule;
alias LLVMRemoveModule = lib.llvm.c.ExecutionEngine.LLVMRemoveModule;
alias LLVMRunFunction = lib.llvm.c.ExecutionEngine.LLVMRunFunction;
fn LLVMCreateExecutionEngineForModule(outEE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef*, mod: LLVMModuleRef, error: string) LLVMBool { }
fn LLVMCreateMCJITCompilerForModule(outJIT: LLVMExecutionEngineRef*, mod: LLVMModuleRef, options: LLVMMCJITCompilerOptions, error: string) LLVMBool { }
fn LLVMCreateMCJITCompilerForModule(outJIT: LLVMExecutionEngineRef*, mod: LLVMModuleRef, options: LLVMMCJITCompilerOptions*, optionsSize: size_t, error: string) LLVMBool { }
fn LLVMRemoveModule(ee: LLVMExecutionEngineRef, mod: LLVMModuleRef, outMod: LLVMModuleRef*, error: string) LLVMBool { }
fn LLVMRunFunction(ee: LLVMExecutionEngineRef, name: string, args: LLVMGenericValueRef[]) LLVMGenericValueRef { }
module lib.llvm.c.Target;
enum LLVMByteOrdering
alias LLVMTargetDataRef = LLVMTargetData*;
alias LLVMTargetLibraryInfoRef = LLVMTargetLibraryInfo*;
struct LLVMTargetData
struct LLVMTargetLibraryInfo
fn LLVMInitializeX86TargetInfo();
fn LLVMInitializeX86Target();
fn LLVMInitializeX86TargetMC();
fn LLVMInitializeX86AsmPrinter();
fn LLVMInitializeX86AsmParser();
fn LLVMInitializeX86Disassembler();
fn LLVMInitializeARMTargetInfo();
fn LLVMInitializeARMTarget();
fn LLVMInitializeARMTargetMC();
fn LLVMInitializeARMAsmPrinter();
fn LLVMInitializeARMAsmParser();
fn LLVMInitializeARMDisassembler();
fn LLVMInitializeAArch64TargetInfo();
fn LLVMInitializeAArch64Target();
fn LLVMInitializeAArch64TargetMC();
fn LLVMInitializeAArch64AsmPrinter();
fn LLVMInitializeAArch64AsmParser();
fn LLVMInitializeAArch64Disassembler();
fn LLVMCreateTargetData(StringRep: const(char)*) LLVMTargetDataRef;
fn LLVMAddTargetData(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef, PM: LLVMPassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddTargetLibraryInfo(TLI: LLVMTargetLibraryInfoRef, PM: LLVMPassManagerRef);
fn LLVMCopyStringRepOfTargetData(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMByteOrder(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef) LLVMByteOrdering;
fn LLVMPointerSize(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef) u32;
fn LLVMPointerSizeForAS(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef, AS: u32) u32;
fn LLVMIntPtrType(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMIntPtrTypeForAS(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef, AS: u32) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMIntPtrTypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef, TD: LLVMTargetDataRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMIntPtrTypeForASInContext(C: LLVMContextRef, TD: LLVMTargetDataRef, AS: u32) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMSizeOfTypeInBits(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef) u64;
fn LLVMStoreSizeOfType(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef) u64;
fn LLVMABISizeOfType(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef) u64;
fn LLVMABIAlignmentOfType(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef) u32;
fn LLVMCallFrameAlignmentOfType(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef) u32;
fn LLVMPreferredAlignmentOfType(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef) u32;
fn LLVMPreferredAlignmentOfGlobal(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef, GlobalVar: LLVMValueRef) u32;
fn LLVMElementAtOffset(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef, StructTy: LLVMTypeRef, Offset: u64) u32;
fn LLVMOffsetOfElement(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef, StructTy: LLVMTypeRef, Element: u32) u64;
fn LLVMDisposeTargetData(TD: LLVMTargetDataRef);
module lib.llvm.c.Linker;
enum LLVMLinkerMode
fn LLVMLinkModules(Dest: LLVMModuleRef, Src: LLVMModuleRef, Unused: LLVMLinkerMode, OutMessage: const(char)**) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMLinkModules2(Dest: LLVMModuleRef, Src: LLVMModuleRef) LLVMBool;
module lib.llvm.c.Initialization;
fn LLVMInitializeTransformUtils(R: LLVMPassRegistryRef);
fn LLVMInitializeScalarOpts(R: LLVMPassRegistryRef);
fn LLVMInitializeVectorization(R: LLVMPassRegistryRef);
fn LLVMInitializeInstCombine(R: LLVMPassRegistryRef);
fn LLVMInitializeIPO(R: LLVMPassRegistryRef);
fn LLVMInitializeInstrumentation(R: LLVMPassRegistryRef);
fn LLVMInitializeAnalysis(R: LLVMPassRegistryRef);
fn LLVMInitializeIPA(R: LLVMPassRegistryRef);
fn LLVMInitializeCodeGen(R: LLVMPassRegistryRef);
fn LLVMInitializeTarget(R: LLVMPassRegistryRef);
//! Host or JIT compilation code.
class HostResult : BackendHostResult
this(state: VoltState) { }
fn getFunction(func: ir.Function) BackendHostResult.CompiledDg { }
fn close() { }
state: VoltState;
ee: LLVMExecutionEngineRef;
mCompiledFunctions: BackendHostResult.CompiledDg[u64];
mModules: LLVMModuleRef[];
fn createAndTrackModule(name: string) LLVMModuleRef { }
class SpringBoard
loc: Location;
dgt: BackendHostResult.CompiledDg;
this(host: HostResult, func: ir.Function) { }
fn buildSpringBoard(host: HostResult, name: string, type: ir.FunctionType) { }
fn callFvZi(ir.Constant[]) ir.Constant { }
fn callFviZi(a: ir.Constant[]) ir.Constant { }
fn callSpring(a: ir.Constant[]) ir.Constant { }
alias FvZi = fn () (i32);
alias FviZi = fn (i32) (i32);
alias Call = fn (void*) (void);
mPtr: void*;
mSpring: Call;
mArgs: void*;
mPos: size_t[];
mRetType: ir.Type;
fn writeConstantToPtr(constant: ir.Constant, ptr: void*) { }
fn getConstantFromPtr(loc: Location, type: ir.Type, ptr: void*) ir.Constant { }
//! Implementation of the State class.
module volt.llvm.state;
//! Collection of objects used by pretty much all of the translation code.
//! It isn't called Module, Context or Builder because it will collide in
//! meaning with language concepts.
class VoltState : State
this(lp: LanguagePass, irMod: ir.Module, ehPersonality: ir.Function, llvmTypeidFor: ir.Function, execDir: string, currentWorkingDir: string, identStr: string) { }
fn close() { }
fn compile(m: ir.Module) { }
fn evaluateStatement(node: ir.Node) { }
fn getValueAnyForm(exp: ir.Exp, result: Value) { }
fn getConstant(exp: ir.Exp) LLVMValueRef { }
fn getConstantValueAnyForm(exp: ir.Exp, result: Value) { }
fn llvmTrap() LLVMValueRef { }
fn ehPersonalityFunc() LLVMValueRef { }
fn ehTypeIdFunc() LLVMValueRef { }
fn ehLandingType() LLVMTypeRef { }
fn ehIndexVar() LLVMValueRef { }
fn ehExceptionVar() LLVMValueRef { }
fn ehResumeBlock() LLVMBasicBlockRef { }
fn ehExitBlock() LLVMBasicBlockRef { }
fn buildCallNeverInvoke(loc: Location, argFunc: LLVMValueRef, args: LLVMValueRef[]) LLVMValueRef { }
fn buildCallOrInvoke(loc: Location, argFunc: LLVMValueRef, args: LLVMValueRef[]) LLVMValueRef { }
fn buildCallOrInvoke(loc: Location, argFunc: LLVMValueRef, args: LLVMValueRef[], landingBlock: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMValueRef { }
fn onFunctionClose() { }
//! Return the LLVMValueRef for the given Function.
fn getFunctionValue(argFunc: ir.Function, type: Type) LLVMValueRef { }
//! Return the LLVMValueRef for the given Variable.
fn getVariableValue(var: ir.Variable, type: Type) LLVMValueRef { }
fn getVariableValue(var: ir.FunctionParam, type: Type) LLVMValueRef { }
fn makeByValVariable(var: ir.FunctionParam, v: LLVMValueRef) { }
fn makeThisVariable(var: ir.Variable, v: LLVMValueRef) { }
fn makeNestVariable(var: ir.Variable, v: LLVMValueRef) { }
fn addType(type: Type, mangledName: string) { }
fn getTypeNoCreate(mangledName: string) Type { }
//! Used to store defined Variables.
struct Store
value: LLVMValueRef;
type: Type;
valueStore: Store[u64];
typeStore: Type[string];
visitor: LlvmVisitor;
mTrapFunc: LLVMValueRef;
mPersonalityFunc: LLVMValueRef;
mTypeIdFunc: LLVMValueRef;
mPadFunc: LLVMValueRef;
mLandingType: LLVMTypeRef;
fn isBuiltinFunction(func: ir.Function) bool { }
//! Code handling control flow and toplevel contstructs.
module volt.llvm.toplevel;
//! Visits a module and turn it into code.
class LlvmVisitor : NullVisitor
struct Block
_case: ir.SwitchCase;
block: LLVMBasicBlockRef;
state: State;
mod: LLVMModuleRef;
b: LLVMBuilderRef;
this(lv: State) { }
fn compile(m: ir.Module) { }
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(var: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn enter(ret: ir.ReturnStatement) Status { }
fn enter(exps: ir.ExpStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ss: ir.SwitchStatement) Status { }
fn enter(t: ir.TryStatement) Status { }
fn handleTryNoEH(t: ir.TryStatement) { }
fn handleTryPosixEH(t: ir.TryStatement) { }
fn enter(ifs: ir.IfStatement) Status { }
fn enter(w: ir.WhileStatement) Status { }
fn enter(d: ir.DoStatement) Status { }
fn enter(f: ir.ForStatement) Status { }
fn enter(bs: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn visit(cs: ir.ContinueStatement) Status { }
fn visit(bs: ir.BreakStatement) Status { }
fn leave(gs: ir.GotoStatement) Status { }
fn leave(t: ir.ThrowStatement) Status { }
fn leave(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn doNewBlock(b: LLVMBasicBlockRef, bs: ir.BlockStatement, fall: LLVMBasicBlockRef) { }
fn handleScopeSuccessTo(loc: Location, to: State.PathState) { }
fn handleScopedFunction(func: ir.Function, llvmFunc: LLVMValueRef) { }
fn handleScopedFunctionPosixAndNone(func: ir.Function, llvmFunc: LLVMValueRef) { }
fn fillInLandingPad(landingPad: LLVMBasicBlockRef, setCleanup: bool, catchPath: State.PathState) { }
fn enter(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn leave(v: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn leave(f: ir.Function) Status { }
fn leave(i: ir.IfStatement) Status { }
fn leave(e: ir.ExpStatement) Status { }
fn leave(b: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn leave(r: ir.ReturnStatement) Status { }
module volta.util.sinks;
struct IntSink
enum MaxSize;
alias Sink = void delegate(scope (SinkArg));
alias SinkArg = scope (scope (T)[]);
fn length() size_t { }
fn sink(type: T) { }
fn append(arr: scope (scope (T)[])) { }
fn append(s: SinkStruct) { }
fn popLast() T { }
fn getLast() T { }
fn get(i: size_t) T { }
fn set(i: size_t, n: T) { }
fn setLast(i: T) { }
fn toSink(sink: Sink) { }
fn toArray() T[] { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
fn reset() { }
struct BoolSink
enum MaxSize;
alias Sink = void delegate(scope (SinkArg));
alias SinkArg = scope (scope (T)[]);
fn length() size_t { }
fn sink(type: T) { }
fn append(arr: scope (scope (T)[])) { }
fn append(s: SinkStruct) { }
fn popLast() T { }
fn getLast() T { }
fn get(i: size_t) T { }
fn set(i: size_t, n: T) { }
fn setLast(i: T) { }
fn toSink(sink: Sink) { }
fn toArray() T[] { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
fn reset() { }
struct NodeSink
enum MaxSize;
alias Sink = void delegate(scope (SinkArg));
alias SinkArg = scope (scope (T)[]);
fn length() size_t { }
fn sink(type: T) { }
fn append(arr: scope (scope (T)[])) { }
fn append(s: SinkStruct) { }
fn popLast() T { }
fn getLast() T { }
fn get(i: size_t) T { }
fn set(i: size_t, n: T) { }
fn setLast(i: T) { }
fn toSink(sink: Sink) { }
fn toArray() T[] { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
fn reset() { }
struct TypeSink
enum MaxSize;
alias Sink = void delegate(scope (SinkArg));
alias SinkArg = scope (scope (T)[]);
fn length() size_t { }
fn sink(type: T) { }
fn append(arr: scope (scope (T)[])) { }
fn append(s: SinkStruct) { }
fn popLast() T { }
fn getLast() T { }
fn get(i: size_t) T { }
fn set(i: size_t, n: T) { }
fn setLast(i: T) { }
fn toSink(sink: Sink) { }
fn toArray() T[] { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
fn reset() { }
struct ScopeSink
enum MaxSize;
alias Sink = void delegate(scope (SinkArg));
alias SinkArg = scope (scope (T)[]);
fn length() size_t { }
fn sink(type: T) { }
fn append(arr: scope (scope (T)[])) { }
fn append(s: SinkStruct) { }
fn popLast() T { }
fn getLast() T { }
fn get(i: size_t) T { }
fn set(i: size_t, n: T) { }
fn setLast(i: T) { }
fn toSink(sink: Sink) { }
fn toArray() T[] { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
fn reset() { }
struct VariableSink
enum MaxSize;
alias Sink = void delegate(scope (SinkArg));
alias SinkArg = scope (scope (T)[]);
fn length() size_t { }
fn sink(type: T) { }
fn append(arr: scope (scope (T)[])) { }
fn append(s: SinkStruct) { }
fn popLast() T { }
fn getLast() T { }
fn get(i: size_t) T { }
fn set(i: size_t, n: T) { }
fn setLast(i: T) { }
fn toSink(sink: Sink) { }
fn toArray() T[] { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
fn reset() { }
struct FunctionSink
enum MaxSize;
alias Sink = void delegate(scope (SinkArg));
alias SinkArg = scope (scope (T)[]);
fn length() size_t { }
fn sink(type: T) { }
fn append(arr: scope (scope (T)[])) { }
fn append(s: SinkStruct) { }
fn popLast() T { }
fn getLast() T { }
fn get(i: size_t) T { }
fn set(i: size_t, n: T) { }
fn setLast(i: T) { }
fn toSink(sink: Sink) { }
fn toArray() T[] { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
fn reset() { }
struct AttributeSink
enum MaxSize;
alias Sink = void delegate(scope (SinkArg));
alias SinkArg = scope (scope (T)[]);
fn length() size_t { }
fn sink(type: T) { }
fn append(arr: scope (scope (T)[])) { }
fn append(s: SinkStruct) { }
fn popLast() T { }
fn getLast() T { }
fn get(i: size_t) T { }
fn set(i: size_t, n: T) { }
fn setLast(i: T) { }
fn toSink(sink: Sink) { }
fn toArray() T[] { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
fn reset() { }
struct FunctionArraySink
enum MaxSize;
alias Sink = void delegate(scope (SinkArg));
alias SinkArg = scope (scope (T)[]);
fn length() size_t { }
fn sink(type: T) { }
fn append(arr: scope (scope (T)[])) { }
fn append(s: SinkStruct) { }
fn popLast() T { }
fn getLast() T { }
fn get(i: size_t) T { }
fn set(i: size_t, n: T) { }
fn setLast(i: T) { }
fn toSink(sink: Sink) { }
fn toArray() T[] { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
fn reset() { }
module volt.lowerer.alloc;
//! Creates a call to the allocDg delegate.
fn buildAllocVoidPtr(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, type: ir.Type, countArg: ir.Exp) ir.Exp { }
//! Creates a call to the allocDg delegate.
fn buildAllocTypePtr(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, type: ir.Type, countArg: ir.Exp) ir.Exp { }
//! Build calls to intrinsic functions and the like.
module volt.lowerer.callBuilder;
//! Call buildAndAddMemfoo, wrapping dst in an ExpReference.
fn buildAndAddMemfoo(loc: const(token.Location), bexp: ir.BlockStatement, memcpyFunction: ir.Function, dst: ir.Variable, src: ir.Exp, len: ir.Exp, base: ir.Type, target: TargetInfo) { }
//! Build a call with buildIntrinsicMemfoo and add it to a BlockStatement.
fn buildAndAddMemfoo(loc: const(token.Location), bexp: ir.BlockStatement, memcpyFunction: ir.Function, dst: ir.Exp, src: ir.Exp, len: ir.Exp, base: ir.Type, target: TargetInfo) { }
//! Build a call with buildIntrinsicMemfoo and add it to a StatementExp.
fn buildAndAddMemfoo(loc: const(token.Location), sexp: ir.StatementExp, memcpyFunction: ir.Function, dst: ir.Exp, src: ir.Exp, len: ir.Exp, base: ir.Type, target: TargetInfo) { }
//! Build a call to a memcpy/memmove function, or a function that takes
//! the same arguments.
fn buildIntrinsicMemfoo(loc: const(token.Location), memcpyFunction: ir.Function, dst: ir.Exp, src: ir.Exp, len: ir.Exp, target: TargetInfo) ir.Exp { }
//! Build a call to a memset function.
fn buildIntrinsicMemset(loc: const(token.Location), memsetFunction: ir.Function, dst: ir.Exp, val: ir.Exp, len: ir.Exp, target: TargetInfo) ir.Exp { }
module volt.semantic.context;
class Context
lp: LanguagePass;
extyper: Visitor;
isVarAssign: bool;
overrideType: ir.Type;
this(lp: LanguagePass, extyper: Visitor) { }
//! Setup the context from a empty state.
fn setupFromScope(_scope: ir.Scope) { }
//! Reset the context allowing it to be resued.
fn reset() { }
fn current() ir.Scope { }
fn parentFunction() ir.Function { }
fn currentFunction() ir.Function { }
//! Returns how many functions deep this context currently is.
fn functionDepth() u32 { }
fn withExps() ir.Exp[] { }
fn isNested() bool { }
fn isFunction() bool { }
fn lastIndexChild() ir.Exp { }
fn enter(m: ir.Module) { }
fn enter(s: ir.Struct) { }
fn enter(u: ir.Union) { }
fn enter(c: ir.Class) { }
fn enter(i: ir._Interface) { }
fn enter(e: ir.Enum) { }
fn enter(func: ir.Function) { }
fn enter(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) { }
fn enter(bs: ir.BlockStatement) { }
fn leave(m: ir.Module) { }
fn leave(s: ir.Struct) { }
fn leave(u: ir.Union) { }
fn leave(c: ir.Class) { }
fn leave(i: ir._Interface) { }
fn leave(e: ir.Enum) { }
fn leave(func: ir.Function) { }
fn leave(ti: ir.TemplateInstance) { }
fn leave(bs: ir.BlockStatement) { }
//! Keep track of with statements and switch withs.
fn pushWith(exp: ir.Exp) { }
//! Keep track of with statements and switch withs.
fn popWith(exp: ir.Exp) { }
fn enter(postfix: ir.Postfix) { }
fn leave(postfix: ir.Postfix) { }
fn enter(unary: ir.Unary) { }
fn leave(unary: ir.Unary) { }
fn enter(bin: ir.BuiltinExp) { }
fn leave(bin: ir.BuiltinExp) { }
module volt.semantic.implicit;
enum IgnoreConst;
//! Call checkAndDoConvert, but convert string literals into pointers, if
//! needed.
fn checkAndConvertStringLiterals(ctx: Context, type: ir.Type, exp: ir.Exp) { }
//! If exp will convert into type, call doConvert to do it, otherwise throw
//! an error, with the loc set to exp.loc.
fn checkAndDoConvert(ctx: Context, type: ir.Type, exp: ir.Exp) { }
//! Returns true if the given expression's type converts into type.
fn willConvert(ctx: Context, type: ir.Type, exp: ir.Exp, ignoreConst: bool) bool { }
//! Returns true if arg converts into param.
fn willConvert(ltype: ir.Type, rtype: ir.Type, ignoreConst: bool) bool { }
fn willConvertCallable(l: ir.Type, r: ir.Type, ignoreConst: bool) bool { }
fn willConvertInterface(l: ir.Type, rInterface: ir._Interface, ignoreConst: bool) bool { }
fn willConvertClassToInterface(lInterface: ir._Interface, rClass: ir.Class, ignoreConst: bool) bool { }
//! Change exp so its type is type. This function assumes that willConvert
//! returns true on the given expression.
fn doConvert(ctx: Context, type: ir.Type, exp: ir.Exp) { }
//! Base lifting class, only implements copying not lifting.
class Lifter
this() { }
fn lift(old: ir.Function) ir.Function;
fn lift(old: ir.Variable) ir.Variable;
fn lift(old: ir.Class) ir.Class;
fn lift(old: ir.Union) ir.Union;
fn lift(old: ir.Struct) ir.Struct;
fn lift(old: ir._Interface) ir._Interface;
fn lift(old: ir.Alias) ir.Alias;
fn lift(old: ir.FunctionParam) ir.FunctionParam;
fn lift(old: ir.TopLevelBlock) ir.TopLevelBlock;
fn lift(old: ir.Enum) ir.Enum;
fn liftedOrPanic(n: ir.Node, msg: string) ir.Node;
fn copyExp(n: ir.Exp) ir.Exp { }
fn copyType(n: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
fn copyStatement(parent: ir.Scope, n: ir.Node) ir.Node { }
fn copy(old: ir.QualifiedName) ir.QualifiedName { }
fn copyQualifiedName(old: ir.QualifiedName) ir.QualifiedName { }
fn copy(old: ir.Identifier) ir.Identifier { }
fn copy(old: ir.FunctionParam) ir.FunctionParam { }
fn copy(old: ir.IsExp) ir.IsExp { }
fn copy(old: ir.VaArgExp) ir.VaArgExp { }
fn copy(old: ir.StructLiteral) ir.StructLiteral { }
fn copy(old: ir.StringImport) ir.StringImport { }
fn copy(old: ir.AssocArray) ir.AssocArray { }
fn copy(old: ir.AAPair) ir.AAPair { }
fn copy(old: ir.Ternary) ir.Ternary { }
fn copy(old: ir.AccessExp) ir.AccessExp { }
fn copy(old: ir.Constant) ir.Constant { }
fn copy(old: ir.BinOp) ir.BinOp { }
fn copy(old: ir.IdentifierExp) ir.IdentifierExp { }
fn copy(old: ir.TypeExp) ir.TypeExp { }
fn copy(old: ir.ArrayLiteral) ir.ArrayLiteral { }
fn copy(old: ir.TokenExp) ir.TokenExp { }
fn copy(old: ir.ExpReference) ir.ExpReference { }
fn copy(old: ir.Postfix) ir.Postfix { }
fn copy(old: ir.PropertyExp) ir.PropertyExp { }
fn copy(old: ir.Unary) ir.Unary { }
fn copy(old: ir.Typeid) ir.Typeid { }
fn copy(old: ir.BuiltinExp) ir.BuiltinExp { }
fn copy(old: ir.RunExp) ir.RunExp { }
fn copy(parent: ir.Scope, old: ir.ReturnStatement) ir.ReturnStatement { }
fn copy(parent: ir.Scope, old: ir.BlockStatement) ir.BlockStatement { }
fn copy(old: ir.BreakStatement) ir.BreakStatement { }
fn copy(old: ir.ContinueStatement) ir.ContinueStatement { }
fn copy(old: ir.ExpStatement) ir.ExpStatement { }
fn copy(old: ir.AssertStatement) ir.AssertStatement { }
fn copy(old: ir.GotoStatement) ir.GotoStatement { }
fn copy(old: ir.ThrowStatement) ir.ThrowStatement { }
fn copy(old: ir.StorageType) ir.StorageType { }
fn copy(parent: ir.Scope, old: ir.TryStatement) ir.TryStatement { }
fn copy(parent: ir.Scope, old: ir.WithStatement) ir.WithStatement { }
fn copy(parent: ir.Scope, old: ir.IfStatement) ir.IfStatement { }
fn copy(parent: ir.Scope, old: ir.WhileStatement) ir.WhileStatement { }
fn copy(parent: ir.Scope, old: ir.DoStatement) ir.DoStatement { }
fn copy(parent: ir.Scope, old: ir.SwitchStatement) ir.SwitchStatement { }
fn copy(parent: ir.Scope, old: ir.ForeachStatement) ir.ForeachStatement { }
fn copy(parent: ir.Scope, old: ir.ForStatement) ir.ForStatement { }
fn copyAliasStaticIf(old: ir.AliasStaticIf) ir.AliasStaticIf { }
fn copy(old: ir.FunctionType) ir.FunctionType { }
fn copy(old: ir.PrimitiveType) ir.PrimitiveType { }
fn copy(old: ir.TypeReference) ir.TypeReference { }
fn copy(old: ir.AutoType) ir.AutoType { }
fn copy(old: ir.StaticArrayType) ir.StaticArrayType { }
fn copy(old: ir.AmbiguousArrayType) ir.AmbiguousArrayType { }
fn copy(old: ir.ArrayType) ir.ArrayType { }
fn copy(old: ir.DelegateType) ir.DelegateType { }
fn copy(ct: ir.CallableType, old: ir.CallableType) ir.CallableType { }
fn copy(old: ir.PointerType) ir.PointerType { }
fn copy(old: ir.TypeOf) ir.TypeOf { }
fn copy(old: ir.NullType) ir.NullType { }
//! Copies a Scope but not its stores.
fn copyScope(parent: ir.Scope, owner: ir.Node, old: ir.Scope) ir.Scope { }
fn copyStores(n: ir.Scope, old: ir.Scope) { }
fn copyStore(parent: ir.Scope, old: ir.Store) ir.Store { }
module volta.util.stack;
struct FunctionStack
enum MaxSize;
fn length() size_t { }
fn push(val: T) { }
fn pop() T { }
fn peek() T { }
fn clear() { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
struct ExpStack
enum MaxSize;
fn length() size_t { }
fn push(val: T) { }
fn pop() T { }
fn peek() T { }
fn clear() { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
struct ClassStack
enum MaxSize;
fn length() size_t { }
fn push(val: T) { }
fn pop() T { }
fn peek() T { }
fn clear() { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
struct AggregateStack
enum MaxSize;
fn length() size_t { }
fn push(val: T) { }
fn pop() T { }
fn peek() T { }
fn clear() { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
struct BinOpOpStack
enum MaxSize;
fn length() size_t { }
fn push(val: T) { }
fn pop() T { }
fn peek() T { }
fn clear() { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
struct BoolStack
enum MaxSize;
fn length() size_t { }
fn push(val: T) { }
fn pop() T { }
fn peek() T { }
fn clear() { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
struct StringStack
enum MaxSize;
fn length() size_t { }
fn push(val: T) { }
fn pop() T { }
fn peek() T { }
fn clear() { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
module volta.token.writer;
//! Small container class for tokens, used by the lexer to write tokens
//! to.
class TokenWriter
errors: LexerError[];
noDoc: bool;
magicFlagD: bool;
//! Create a new TokenWriter and initialize the first token to
//! TokenType.Begin.
this(source: Source) { }
//! Create a new TokenWriter that doesn't have a Source reference.
this() { }
//! Return the current source.
fn source() Source { }
//! Add the Return the last added token.
fn addToken(token: Token) { }
fn addEnd() { }
//! Remove the last token from the token list. No checking is performed,
//! assumes you know that you can remove a token.
fn pop() { }
//! Return the last added token.
fn lastAdded() Token { }
//! Returns this writer's tokens.
fn getTokens() Token[] { }
module volta.token.error;
enum LexStatus
alias NotPresent = LexStatus.NotPresent;
alias Succeeded = LexStatus.Succeeded;
alias Failed = LexStatus.Failed;
//! Describes a lexer failure.
class LexerError
enum Kind
//! No error.
//! Tried to lex something, but it failed.
//! Expected something that wasn't there.
//! Didn't expect something that we got.
//! Tried to use an unsupported feature.
//! Display the given string.
//! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! (Compiler Error)
kind: Kind;
loc: Location;
currentChar: dchar;
this(kind: Kind, loc: Location, currentChar: dchar) { }
fn errorMessage() string;
//! An error with a string.
class LexerStringError : LexerError
str: string;
this(kind: Kind, loc: Location, currentChar: dchar, str: string) { }
fn errorMessage() string { }
public import;
//! Class used by the parser to read lexed tokens.
class TokenStream
errSink: ErrorSink;
//! Takes the token array, initializes mTokens and sets the current token
//! to the first token.
this(tokens: Token[], errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Reset the stream.
fn reset() { }
//! Compares the current token's type against the given type.
fn opEquals(type: TokenType) bool { }
//! Compares from the current token and onwards type against the list of
//! types.
fn opEquals(types: scope (const(scope (TokenType)[])) i32 { }
//! Returns the current token.
fn peek() Token { }
//! Returns the current token. Thorws: CompilerPanic on mIndex == 0.
fn previous() Token { }
//! Returns the token @n steps ahead. Will clamp @n to stream length.
fn lookahead(n: size_t, eof: bool) Token { }
//! Returns the token @n step behind the current token. Will cause a
//! compiler panic if looking to far back.
fn lookbehind(n: size_t) Token { }
//! Returns the current position in the stream.
fn save() size_t { }
//! Restore the stream to the current index retrieved from save().
fn restore(index: size_t) { }
mTokens: Token[];
mIndex: size_t;
module volta.visitor.setExpLocationVisitor;
//! Set the loc field for expressions.
class SetExpLocationVisitor : visitor.NullVisitor
newLocation: location.Location;
this() { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, postfix: ir.Postfix) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, unary: ir.Unary) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, binop: ir.BinOp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, ternary: ir.Ternary) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, literal: ir.ArrayLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, aa: ir.AssocArray) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, _assert: ir.Assert) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, simport: ir.StringImport) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, tid: ir.Typeid) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, iexp: ir.IsExp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, fliteral: ir.FunctionLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, sliteral: ir.StructLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, uliteral: ir.UnionLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, cliteral: ir.ClassLiteral) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, _constant: ir.Constant) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, texp: ir.TypeExp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, sexp: ir.StatementExp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, vexp: ir.VaArgExp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, pexp: ir.PropertyExp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, bexp: ir.BuiltinExp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, aexp: ir.AccessExp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, rexp: ir.RunExp) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, cstring: ir.ComposableString) Status { }
fn visit(exp: ir.Exp, iexp: ir.IdentifierExp) Status { }
fn visit(exp: ir.Exp, eref: ir.ExpReference) Status { }
fn visit(exp: ir.Exp, texp: ir.TokenExp) Status { }
fn visit(exp: ir.Exp, storeExp: ir.StoreExp) Status { }
//! Code and classes for turning Volt Types into LLVM types.
module volt.llvm.type;
//! Base class for a LLVM backend types. Contains a refernce to the irType
//! for this type, the llvmType and the debugging info for this type.
class Type
irType: ir.Type;
llvmType: LLVMTypeRef;
diType: LLVMMetadataRef;
passByValAttr: bool;
passByValPtr: bool;
fn from(State, ir.Constant, Value) { }
fn from(State, ir.ArrayLiteral, Value) { }
fn from(State, ir.UnionLiteral, Value) { }
fn from(State, ir.StructLiteral, Value) { }
//! Void .
class VoidType : Type
static fn fromIr(state: State, pt: ir.PrimitiveType) VoidType { }
//! Integer but not void.
class PrimitiveType : Type
boolean: bool;
signed: bool;
floating: bool;
bits: u32;
fn from(state: State, cnst: ir.Constant, result: Value) { }
fn fromNumber(state: State, val: i64) LLVMValueRef { }
static fn fromIr(state: State, pt: ir.PrimitiveType) PrimitiveType { }
//! PointerType represents a standard C pointer.
class PointerType : Type
base: Type;
fn from(state: State, cnst: ir.Constant, result: Value) { }
static fn fromIr(state: State, pt: ir.PointerType) PointerType { }
//! Array type.
class ArrayType : Type
enum lengthIndex;
enum ptrIndex;
base: Type;
ptrType: PointerType;
lengthType: PrimitiveType;
types: Type[2];
fn from(state: State, cnst: ir.Constant, result: Value) { }
fn from(state: State, al: ir.ArrayLiteral, result: Value) { }
fn from(state: State, arr: LLVMValueRef[]) LLVMValueRef { }
static fn fromIr(state: State, at: ir.ArrayType) ArrayType { }
//! Static array type.
class StaticArrayType : Type
base: Type;
length: u32;
arrayType: ArrayType;
ptrType: PointerType;
fn from(state: State, al: ir.ArrayLiteral, result: Value) { }
static fn fromIr(state: State, sat: ir.StaticArrayType) StaticArrayType { }
//! Base class for callable types FunctionType and DelegateType.
class CallableType : Type
ret: Type;
ct: ir.CallableType;
params: Type[];
this(state: State, ct: ir.CallableType, llvmType: LLVMTypeRef, diType: LLVMMetadataRef) { }
//! Function type.
class FunctionType : CallableType
hasStructRet: bool;
llvmCallType: LLVMTypeRef;
diCallType: LLVMMetadataRef;
fn from(state: State, cnst: ir.Constant, result: Value) { }
static fn fromIr(state: State, ft: ir.FunctionType) FunctionType { }
//! Delegates are lowered here into a struct with two members.
class DelegateType : CallableType
enum voidPtrIndex;
enum funcIndex;
llvmCallPtrType: LLVMTypeRef;
fn from(state: State, cnst: ir.Constant, result: Value) { }
static fn fromIr(state: State, dgt: ir.DelegateType) DelegateType { }
//! Backend instance of a ir.Struct.
class StructType : Type
indices: u32[string];
types: Type[];
fn from(state: State, sl: ir.StructLiteral, result: Value) { }
static fn fromIr(state: State, irType: ir.Struct) StructType { }
//! Backend instance of a ir.Union.
class UnionType : Type
indices: u32[string];
types: Type[];
utype: ir.Union;
fn from(state: State, ul: ir.UnionLiteral, result: Value) { }
static fn fromIr(state: State, irType: ir.Union) UnionType { }
//! Looks up or creates the corresponding LLVMTypeRef and Type for the
//! given irType.
fn fromIr(state: State, irType: ir.Type) Type { }
//! Dispatcher function to Type constructors.
fn fromIrImpl(state: State, irType: ir.Type) Type { }
//! Populate the common types that hang off the state.
fn buildCommonTypes(state: State, V_P64: bool) { }
//! Does a smart copy of a type.
fn scrubStorage(type: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
//! Helper function for adding mangled name to ir types.
fn addMangledName(irType: ir.Type) string { }
//! Helper function to tell if a type is Void.
fn isVoid(type: Type) bool { }
module lib.llvm.c.Analysis;
enum LLVMVerifierFailureAction
fn LLVMVerifyModule(M: LLVMModuleRef, Action: LLVMVerifierFailureAction, OutMessage: const(char)**) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMVerifyFunction(Fn: LLVMValueRef, Action: LLVMVerifierFailureAction) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMViewFunctionCFG(Fn: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMViewFunctionCFGOnly(Fn: LLVMValueRef);
//! Code for generating constant expresions.
module volt.llvm.constant;
fn getConstantValue(state: State, exp: ir.Exp, result: Value) { }
//! Most of the expression to llvmbitcode generation code is in this
//! module.
module volt.llvm.expression;
//! Returns the value, without doing any checking if it is in reference
//! form or not.
fn getValueAnyForm(state: State, exp: ir.Exp, result: Value) { }
//! Interfaces that the rest of the LLVM Backend code uses.
module volt.llvm.interfaces;
public import lib.llvm.core;
public import;
public import volt.interfaces;
public import =
public import volt.llvm.debugInfo;
public import volt.llvm.type;
//! Represents a single LLVMValueRef plus the associated high level type.
class Value
type: Type;
value: LLVMValueRef;
//! Is this a reference to the real value?
isPointer: bool;
this() { }
this(val: Value) { }
//! Collection of objects used by pretty much all of the translation code.
//! It isn't called Module, Context or Builder because it will collide in
//! meaning with LLVM and language concepts.
class State
class PathState
prev: PathState;
landingBlock: LLVMBasicBlockRef;
continueBlock: LLVMBasicBlockRef;
breakBlock: LLVMBasicBlockRef;
scopeSuccess: LLVMValueRef[];
scopeFailure: LLVMValueRef[];
scopeLanding: LLVMBasicBlockRef[];
catchBlock: LLVMBasicBlockRef;
catchTypeInfos: LLVMValueRef[];
this() { }
struct SwitchState
def: LLVMBasicBlockRef;
cases: LLVMBasicBlockRef[i64];
struct FunctionState
func: LLVMValueRef;
di: LLVMMetadataRef;
//! Tracking for auto branch generation.
fall: bool;
//! Nested value
nested: LLVMValueRef;
path: PathState;
entryBr: LLVMValueRef;
block: LLVMBasicBlockRef;
swi: SwitchState;
indexVar: LLVMValueRef;
exceptionVar: LLVMValueRef;
resumeBlock: LLVMBasicBlockRef;
exitBlock: LLVMBasicBlockRef;
lp: LanguagePass;
target: TargetInfo;
irMod: ir.Module;
currentWorkingDir: string;
execDir: string;
identStr: string;
ehPersonality: ir.Function;
llvmTypeidFor: ir.Function;
context: LLVMContextRef;
builder: LLVMBuilderRef;
diBuilder: LLVMDIBuilderRef;
mod: LLVMModuleRef;
//! Cached llvm attributes.
attrSRet: LLVMAttributeRef;
//! Cached llvm attributes.
attrByVal: LLVMAttributeRef;
//! Cached llvm attributes.
attrUWTable: LLVMAttributeRef;
fnState: FunctionState;
//! Global and local constructors and destructors.
globalConstructors: LLVMValueRef[];
//! Global and local constructors and destructors.
globalDestructors: LLVMValueRef[];
//! Global and local constructors and destructors.
localConstructors: LLVMValueRef[];
//! Global and local constructors and destructors.
localDestructors: LLVMValueRef[];
//! Debug helper variables.
diCU: LLVMMetadataRef;
//! Cached type for convenience.
voidType: VoidType;
//! Cached type for convenience.
boolType: PrimitiveType;
//! Cached type for convenience.
byteType: PrimitiveType;
//! Cached type for convenience.
ubyteType: PrimitiveType;
//! Cached type for convenience.
intType: PrimitiveType;
//! Cached type for convenience.
uintType: PrimitiveType;
//! Cached type for convenience.
ulongType: PrimitiveType;
//! Cached type for convenience.
voidPtrType: PointerType;
//! Cached type for convenience.
sizeType: PrimitiveType;
//! Cached type for convenience.
voidFunctionType: FunctionType;
//! Cached type for convenience.
springType: FunctionType;
this() { }
fn func() LLVMValueRef { }
fn fall() bool { }
fn block() LLVMBasicBlockRef { }
fn path() PathState { }
fn switchDefault() LLVMBasicBlockRef { }
fn switchSetCase(val: i64, ret: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMBasicBlockRef { }
fn switchGetCase(val: i64, ret: LLVMBasicBlockRef) bool { }
fn findLanding() PathState { }
fn findCatch() PathState { }
fn findContinue() PathState { }
fn findBreak() PathState { }
//! LLVM intrinsic.
fn llvmTrap() LLVMValueRef;
//! Exception handling.
fn ehPersonalityFunc() LLVMValueRef;
//! Exception handling.
fn ehTypeIdFunc() LLVMValueRef;
//! Exception handling.
fn ehLandingType() LLVMTypeRef;
//! Exception handling.
fn ehResumeBlock() LLVMBasicBlockRef;
//! Exception handling.
fn ehExitBlock() LLVMBasicBlockRef;
//! Exception handling.
fn ehIndexVar() LLVMValueRef;
//! Exception handling.
fn ehExceptionVar() LLVMValueRef;
fn close();
fn onFunctionClose();
//! Build a complete module with this state.
fn compile(m: ir.Module);
//! Builds the given statement class at the current place, and any
//! sub-expressions & -statements.
fn evaluateStatement(node: ir.Node);
//! Builds a 'alloca' instructions and inserts it at the end of the entry
//! basic block that is at the top of the function.
fn buildAlloca(llvmType: LLVMTypeRef, name: string) LLVMValueRef { }
//! Returns the LLVMValueRef for the given expression, evaluated at the
//! current state.builder location.
fn getValue(exp: ir.Exp) LLVMValueRef { }
//! Returns the value, making sure that the value is not in reference form,
//! basically inserting load instructions where needed.
fn getValue(exp: ir.Exp, result: Value) { }
//! Returns the value in reference form, basically meaning that the return
//! value is a pointer to where it is held in memory.
fn getValueRef(exp: ir.Exp, result: Value) { }
//! Returns the value, without doing any checking if it is in reference
//! form or not.
fn getValueAnyForm(exp: ir.Exp, result: Value);
//! Returns the LLVMValueRef for the given constant expression, does not
//! require that state.builder is set.
fn getConstant(exp: ir.Exp) LLVMValueRef;
//! Returns the value, without doing any checking if it is in reference
//! form or not.
fn getConstantValueAnyForm(exp: ir.Exp, result: Value);
//! Makes a private mergable global constant. Used for strings, array
//! literal and storage for struct literals.
fn makeAnonGlobalConstant(t: LLVMTypeRef, val: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef { }
//! Return the LLVMValueRef for the given Function.
fn getFunctionValue(func: ir.Function, type: Type) LLVMValueRef;
//! Return the LLVMValueRef for the given Variable.
fn getVariableValue(var: ir.Variable, type: Type) LLVMValueRef;
fn getVariableValue(var: ir.FunctionParam, type: Type) LLVMValueRef;
fn makeByValVariable(var: ir.FunctionParam, v: LLVMValueRef);
fn makeThisVariable(var: ir.Variable, v: LLVMValueRef);
fn makeNestVariable(var: ir.Variable, v: LLVMValueRef);
fn addType(type: Type, mangledName: string);
fn getTypeNoCreate(mangledName: string) Type;
//! Builds a call instruction, and set the location for the call
//! automatically.
fn buildCallNeverInvoke(loc: Location, argFunc: LLVMValueRef, args: LLVMValueRef[]) LLVMValueRef;
//! Builds either a call or a invoke. If invoke automatically sets up a
//! catch basic block and sets the currentBlock to it.
fn buildCallOrInvoke(loc: Location, func: LLVMValueRef, args: LLVMValueRef[]) LLVMValueRef;
//! Builds either a call or a invoke. If invoke automatically sets up a
//! catch basic block and sets the currentBlock to it.
fn buildCallOrInvoke(loc: Location, func: LLVMValueRef, args: LLVMValueRef[], landingPad: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMValueRef;
//! Start using a new basic block, setting currentBlock.
fn startBlock(b: LLVMBasicBlockRef) { }
//! Helper function to swap out the currentContineBlock, returns the old
//! one.
fn replaceContinueBlock(b: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMBasicBlockRef { }
//! Helper function to swap out the currentBreakBlock, returns the old
//! one.
fn replaceBreakBlock(b: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMBasicBlockRef { }
//! Push a new Path, setting prev as needed.
fn pushPath() { }
//! Pop a PathState.
fn popPath() { }
module lib.llvm.c.TargetMachine;
enum LLVMCodeGenOptLevel
enum LLVMRelocMode
enum LLVMCodeModel
enum LLVMCodeGenFileType
alias LLVMTargetMachineRef = LLVMTargetMachine*;
alias LLVMTargetRef = LLVMTarget*;
struct LLVMTargetMachine
struct LLVMTarget
fn LLVMGetFirstTarget() LLVMTargetRef;
fn LLVMGetNextTarget(T: LLVMTargetRef) LLVMTargetRef;
fn LLVMGetTargetFromName(Name: const(char)*) LLVMTargetRef;
fn LLVMGetTargetFromTriple(Triple: const(char)*, T: LLVMTargetRef*, ErrorMessage: const(char)**) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMGetTargetName(T: LLVMTargetRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMGetTargetDescription(T: LLVMTargetRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMTargetHasJIT(T: LLVMTargetRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMTargetHasTargetMachine(T: LLVMTargetRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMTargetHasAsmBackend(T: LLVMTargetRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMCreateTargetMachine(T: LLVMTargetRef, Triple: const(char)*, CPU: const(char)*, Features: const(char)*, Level: LLVMCodeGenOptLevel, Reloc: LLVMRelocMode, CodeModel: LLVMCodeModel) LLVMTargetMachineRef;
fn LLVMDisposeTargetMachine(T: LLVMTargetMachineRef);
fn LLVMGetTargetMachineTarget(T: LLVMTargetMachineRef) LLVMTargetRef;
fn LLVMGetTargetMachineTriple(T: LLVMTargetMachineRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMGetTargetMachineCPU(T: LLVMTargetMachineRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMGetTargetMachineFeatureString(T: LLVMTargetMachineRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMGetTargetMachineData(T: LLVMTargetMachineRef) LLVMTargetDataRef;
fn LLVMSetTargetMachineAsmVerbosity(T: LLVMTargetMachineRef, VerboseAsm: LLVMBool);
fn LLVMTargetMachineEmitToFile(T: LLVMTargetMachineRef, M: LLVMModuleRef, Filename: const(char)*, codegen: LLVMCodeGenFileType, ErrorMessage: const(char)**) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMTargetMachineEmitToMemoryBuffer(T: LLVMTargetMachineRef, M: LLVMModuleRef, codegen: LLVMCodeGenFileType, ErrorMessage: const(char)**, OutMemBuf: LLVMMemoryBufferRef*) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMGetDefaultTargetTriple() const(char)*;
module volta.visitor;
public import volta.visitor.visitor;
//! Code that removes volt version constructs.
module volta.postparse.condremoval;
//! A pass that removes version and debug blocks, not static ifs.
class ConditionalRemoval : vi.NullVisitor
this(es: ErrorSink, ver: VersionSet) { }
fn enter(tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock) Status { }
fn enter(bs: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn enter(a: ir.Attribute) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.Condition) Status { }
fn visit(td: ir.TemplateDefinition) Status { }
fn evaluate(condstat: ir.ConditionStatement, ret: ir.Node[]) bool { }
fn evaluate(cond: ir.ConditionTopLevel, ret: ir.Node[]) bool { }
//! Code that flattens volt attributes onto ir nodes.
module volta.postparse.attribremoval;
//! A pass that turns Attributes nodes into fields on to Functions, Classes
//! and the like.
class AttribRemoval : NullVisitor, Pass
struct ContextSink
enum MaxSize;
alias Sink = void delegate(scope (SinkArg));
alias SinkArg = scope (scope (T)[]);
fn length() size_t { }
fn sink(type: T) { }
fn append(arr: scope (scope (T)[])) { }
fn append(s: SinkStruct) { }
fn popLast() T { }
fn getLast() T { }
fn get(i: size_t) T { }
fn set(i: size_t, n: T) { }
fn setLast(i: T) { }
fn toSink(sink: Sink) { }
fn toArray() T[] { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
fn reset() { }
target: TargetInfo;
errSink: ErrorSink;
this(target: TargetInfo, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module, func: ir.Function, bs: ir.BlockStatement) { }
fn close() { }
fn enter(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn enter(tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir.Import) Status { }
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(d: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn enter(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration) Status { }
fn enter(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn enter(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn enter(a: ir.Alias) Status { }
fn leave(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn leave(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn leave(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn leave(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn leave(i: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn leave(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn enter(attr: ir.Attribute) Status { }
fn leave(attr: ir.Attribute) Status { }
fn visit(td: ir.TemplateDefinition) Status { }
//! Helper class.
class Context
node: ir.Node;
stack: AttributeSink;
oldStack: AttributeSink;
this(node: ir.Node) { }
mCtxStack: ContextSink;
mAttrStack: AttributeSink;
fn ctxTop() Context { }
fn ctxPush(node: ir.Node, inherit: bool) { }
fn ctxPop(node: ir.Node) { }
fn attrTop() ir.Attribute { }
fn attrPush(attr: ir.Attribute) { }
fn attrPop(attr: ir.Attribute) { }
fn attrPushDown() { }
fn manipAttr(ns: NodeSink, attr: ir.Attribute) { }
fn manip(nodes: ir.Node[]) ir.Node[] { }
fn manip(ns: NodeSink, nodes: ir.Node[]) { }
fn manip(ns: NodeSink, n: ir.Node) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(i: ir.Import, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(func: ir.Function, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink, target: TargetInfo) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(d: ir.Variable, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink, target: TargetInfo) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(s: ir.Aggregate, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(i: ir._Interface, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(e: ir.Enum, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(a: ir.Alias, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(i: ir.Import, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(func: ir.Function, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink, target: TargetInfo) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(d: ir.Variable, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink, target: TargetInfo) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(s: ir.Aggregate, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(i: ir._Interface, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(e: ir.Enum, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(a: ir.Alias, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Module containing the ScopeReplacer class.
module volta.postparse.scopereplacer;
//! Module containing the ScopeReplacer class.
class ScopeReplacer : NullVisitor, Pass
errSink: ErrorSink;
this(errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module, func: ir.Function, bs: ir.BlockStatement) { }
fn close() { }
fn enter(ss: ir.ScopeStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ss: ir.ScopeStatement) Status { }
fn enter(rs: ir.ReturnStatement) Status { }
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn leave(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn leave(bs: ir.BlockStatement) Status { }
fn visit(td: ir.TemplateDefinition) Status { }
mFuncStack: FunctionSink;
mInScopeStatement: bool;
fn funcTop() ir.Function { }
fn funcPush(func: ir.Function) { }
fn funcPop(func: ir.Function) { }
fn handleTry(t: ir.TryStatement) ir.Node { }
fn handleScope(ss: ir.ScopeStatement) ir.Function { }
fn convertToFunction(kind: ir.ScopeKind, block: ir.BlockStatement, parent: ir.Function) ir.Function { }
//! Module containing the ImportResolver class.
module volta.postparse.importresolver;
alias GetMod = ir.Module delegate(ir.QualifiedName);
//! Resolves imports on a single module.
class ImportResolver : ScopeManager, Pass
this(errSink: ErrorSink, getMod: GetMod) { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn close() { }
fn enter(i: ir.Import) Status { }
//! Takes a import that maps the module to a symbol in the current scope.
fn handleRebind(i: ir.Import) { }
//! Handles a import with symbol aliases.
fn handleAliases(i: ir.Import) { }
//! Most common imports.
fn handleRegularAndStatic(i: ir.Import) { }
//! Used for adding in scopes from static imports
fn buildOrReturnScope(parent: ir.Scope, node: ir.Node, name: string, lowPriority: bool) ir.Scope { }
module lib.llvm.c.Core;
enum LLVMAttribute
enum LLVMOpcode
enum LLVMTypeKind
enum LLVMLinkage
enum LLVMVisibility
enum LLVMDLLStorageClass
enum LLVMCallConv
enum LLVMValueKind
enum LLVMIntPredicate
enum LLVMRealPredicate
enum LLVMLandingPadClauseTy
enum LLVMThreadLocalMode
enum LLVMAtomicOrdering
enum LLVMAtomicRMWBinOp
enum LLVMDiagnosticSeverity
enum LLVMAttributeIndex
alias LLVMBool = i32;
alias LLVMContextRef = LLVMContext*;
alias LLVMModuleRef = LLVMModule*;
alias LLVMTypeRef = LLVMType*;
alias LLVMValueRef = LLVMValue*;
alias LLVMMetadataRef = LLVMMetadata*;
alias LLVMAttributeRef = LLVMAttributeImpl*;
alias LLVMBasicBlockRef = LLVMBasicBlock*;
alias LLVMBuilderRef = LLVMBuilder*;
alias LLVMDIBuilderRef = LLVMDIBuilder*;
alias LLVMModuleProviderRef = LLVMModuleProvider*;
alias LLVMMemoryBufferRef = LLVMMemoryBuffer*;
alias LLVMPassManagerRef = LLVMPassManager*;
alias LLVMPassRegistryRef = LLVMPassRegistry*;
alias LLVMUseRef = LLVMUse*;
alias LLVMDiagnosticInfoRef = LLVMDiagnosticInfo*;
alias LLVMDiagnosticHandler = fn (LLVMDiagnosticInfoRef, void*) (void);
alias LLVMYieldCallback = fn (LLVMContextRef, void*) (void);
struct LLVMContext
struct LLVMModule
struct LLVMType
struct LLVMValue
struct LLVMMetadata
struct LLVMAttributeImpl
struct LLVMBasicBlock
struct LLVMBuilder
struct LLVMDIBuilder
struct LLVMModuleProvider
struct LLVMMemoryBuffer
struct LLVMPassManager
struct LLVMPassRegistry
struct LLVMUse
struct LLVMDiagnosticInfo
fn LLVMInitializeCore(R: LLVMPassRegistryRef);
fn LLVMShutdown();
fn LLVMCreateMessage(Message: const(char)*) const(char)*;
fn LLVMDisposeMessage(Message: const(char)*);
fn LLVMContextCreate() LLVMContextRef;
fn LLVMGetGlobalContext() LLVMContextRef;
fn LLVMContextSetDiagnosticHandler(C: LLVMContextRef, Handler: LLVMDiagnosticHandler, DiagnosticContext: void*);
fn LLVMContextGetDiagnosticHandler(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMDiagnosticHandler;
fn LLVMContextGetDiagnosticContext(C: LLVMContextRef) void*;
fn LLVMContextSetYieldCallback(C: LLVMContextRef, Callback: LLVMYieldCallback, OpaqueHandle: void*);
fn LLVMContextDispose(C: LLVMContextRef);
fn LLVMGetDiagInfoDescription(DI: LLVMDiagnosticInfoRef) char*;
fn LLVMGetDiagInfoSeverity(DI: LLVMDiagnosticInfoRef) LLVMDiagnosticSeverity;
fn LLVMGetMDKindIDInContext(C: LLVMContextRef, Name: const(char)*, SLen: u32) u32;
fn LLVMGetMDKindID(Name: const(char)*, SLen: u32) u32;
fn LLVMGetEnumAttributeKindForName(Name: const(char)*, SLen: size_t) u32;
fn LLVMGetLastEnumAttributeKind() u32;
fn LLVMCreateEnumAttribute(C: LLVMContextRef, KindID: u32, Val: u64) LLVMAttributeRef;
fn LLVMGetEnumAttributeKind(A: LLVMAttributeRef) u32;
fn LLVMGetEnumAttributeValue(A: LLVMAttributeRef) u64;
fn LLVMCreateStringAttribute(C: LLVMContextRef, K: const(char)*, KLength: u32, V: const(char)*, VLength: u32) LLVMAttributeRef;
fn LLVMGetStringAttributeKind(A: LLVMAttributeRef, Length: u32*) const(char)*;
fn LLVMGetStringAttributeValue(A: LLVMAttributeRef, Length: u32*) const(char)*;
fn LLVMIsEnumAttribute(A: LLVMAttributeRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMIsStringAttribute(A: LLVMAttributeRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMModuleCreateWithName(ModuleID: const(char)*) LLVMModuleRef;
fn LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext(ModuleID: const(char)*, C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMModuleRef;
fn LLVMCloneModule(M: LLVMModuleRef) LLVMModuleRef;
fn LLVMDisposeModule(M: LLVMModuleRef);
fn LLVMGetModuleIdentifier(M: LLVMModuleRef, Len: size_t*) const(char)*;
fn LLVMSetModuleIdentifier(M: LLVMModuleRef, Ident: const(char)*, Len: size_t);
fn LLVMGetDataLayoutStr(M: LLVMModuleRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMGetDataLayout(M: LLVMModuleRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMSetDataLayout(M: LLVMModuleRef, DataLayoutStr: const(char)*);
fn LLVMGetTarget(M: LLVMModuleRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMSetTarget(M: LLVMModuleRef, Triple: const(char)*);
fn LLVMDumpModule(M: LLVMModuleRef);
fn LLVMPrintModuleToFile(M: LLVMModuleRef, Filename: const(char)*, ErrorMessage: const(char)**) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMPrintModuleToString(M: LLVMModuleRef) char*;
fn LLVMSetModuleInlineAsm(M: LLVMModuleRef, Asm: const(char)*);
fn LLVMGetModuleContext(M: LLVMModuleRef) LLVMContextRef;
fn LLVMGetTypeByName(M: LLVMModuleRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMGetNamedMetadataNumOperands(M: LLVMModuleRef, Name: const(char)*) u32;
fn LLVMGetNamedMetadataOperands(M: LLVMModuleRef, Name: const(char)*, Dest: LLVMValueRef*);
fn LLVMAddNamedMetadataOperand(M: LLVMModuleRef, Name: const(char)*, Val: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMAddFunction(M: LLVMModuleRef, Name: const(char)*, FunctionTy: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetNamedFunction(M: LLVMModuleRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetFirstFunction(M: LLVMModuleRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetLastFunction(M: LLVMModuleRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetNextFunction(Fn: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetPreviousFunction(Fn: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetTypeKind(Ty: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMTypeKind;
fn LLVMTypeIsSized(Ty: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMGetTypeContext(Ty: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMContextRef;
fn LLVMDumpType(Val: LLVMTypeRef);
fn LLVMPrintTypeToString(Val: LLVMTypeRef) char*;
fn LLVMInt1TypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMInt8TypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMInt16TypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMInt32TypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMInt64TypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMInt128TypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMIntTypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef, NumBits: u32) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMInt1Type() LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMInt8Type() LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMInt16Type() LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMInt32Type() LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMInt64Type() LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMInt128Type() LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMIntType(NumBits: u32) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMGetIntTypeWidth(IntegerTy: LLVMTypeRef) u32;
fn LLVMHalfTypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMFloatTypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMDoubleTypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMX86FP80TypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMTokenTypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMFP128TypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMPPCFP128TypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMHalfType() LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMFloatType() LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMDoubleType() LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMX86FP80Type() LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMFP128Type() LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMPPCFP128Type() LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMFunctionType(ReturnType: LLVMTypeRef, ParamTypes: LLVMTypeRef*, ParamCount: u32, IsVarArg: LLVMBool) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMIsFunctionVarArg(FunctionTy: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMGetReturnType(FunctionTy: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMCountParamTypes(FunctionTy: LLVMTypeRef) u32;
fn LLVMGetParamTypes(FunctionTy: LLVMTypeRef, Dest: LLVMTypeRef*);
fn LLVMStructTypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef, ElementTypes: LLVMTypeRef*, ElementCount: u32, Packed: LLVMBool) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMStructType(ElementTypes: LLVMTypeRef*, ElementCount: u32, Packed: LLVMBool) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMStructCreateNamed(C: LLVMContextRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMGetStructName(Ty: LLVMTypeRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMStructSetBody(StructTy: LLVMTypeRef, ElementTypes: LLVMTypeRef*, ElementCount: u32, Packed: LLVMBool);
fn LLVMCountStructElementTypes(StructTy: LLVMTypeRef) u32;
fn LLVMGetStructElementTypes(StructTy: LLVMTypeRef, Dest: LLVMTypeRef*);
fn LLVMStructGetTypeAtIndex(StructTy: LLVMTypeRef, i: u32) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMIsPackedStruct(StructTy: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMIsOpaqueStruct(StructTy: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMGetElementType(Ty: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMArrayType(ElementType: LLVMTypeRef, ElementCount: u32) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMGetArrayLength(ArrayTy: LLVMTypeRef) u32;
fn LLVMPointerType(ElementType: LLVMTypeRef, AddressSpace: u32) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMGetPointerAddressSpace(PointerTy: LLVMTypeRef) u32;
fn LLVMVectorType(ElementType: LLVMTypeRef, ElementCount: u32) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMGetVectorSize(VectorTy: LLVMTypeRef) u32;
fn LLVMVoidTypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMLabelTypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMX86MMXTypeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMVoidType() LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMLabelType() LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMX86MMXType() LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMTypeOf(Val: LLVMValueRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMGetValueKind(Val: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueKind;
fn LLVMGetValueName(Val: LLVMValueRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMSetValueName(Val: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*);
fn LLVMDumpValue(Val: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMPrintValueToString(Val: LLVMValueRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMReplaceAllUsesWith(OldVal: LLVMValueRef, NewVal: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMIsConstant(Val: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMIsUndef(Val: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMIsAMDNode(Val: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMIsAMDString(Val: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetFirstUse(Val: LLVMValueRef) LLVMUseRef;
fn LLVMGetNextUse(U: LLVMUseRef) LLVMUseRef;
fn LLVMGetUser(U: LLVMUseRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetUsedValue(U: LLVMUseRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetOperand(Val: LLVMValueRef, Index: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetOperandUse(Val: LLVMValueRef, Index: u32) LLVMUseRef;
fn LLVMSetOperand(User: LLVMValueRef, Index: u32, Val: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMGetNumOperands(Val: LLVMValueRef) i32;
fn LLVMConstNull(Ty: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstAllOnes(Ty: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetUndef(Ty: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMIsNull(Val: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMConstPointerNull(Ty: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstInt(IntTy: LLVMTypeRef, N: u64, SignExtend: LLVMBool) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstIntOfArbitraryPrecision(IntTy: LLVMTypeRef, NumWords: u32, Words: const(u64)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstIntOfString(IntTy: LLVMTypeRef, Text: const(char)*, Radix: u8) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstIntOfStringAndSize(IntTy: LLVMTypeRef, Text: const(char)*, SLen: u32, Radix: u8) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstReal(RealTy: LLVMTypeRef, N: f64) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstRealOfString(RealTy: LLVMTypeRef, Text: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstRealOfStringAndSize(RealTy: LLVMTypeRef, Text: const(char)*, SLen: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstIntGetZExtValue(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef) u64;
fn LLVMConstIntGetSExtValue(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef) i64;
fn LLVMConstRealGetDouble(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, losesInfo: LLVMBool*) f64;
fn LLVMConstStringInContext(C: LLVMContextRef, Str: const(char)*, Length: u32, DontNullTerminate: LLVMBool) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstString(Str: const(char)*, Length: u32, DontNullTerminate: LLVMBool) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMIsConstantString(c: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMGetAsString(c: LLVMValueRef, Length: size_t*) const(char)*;
fn LLVMConstStructInContext(C: LLVMContextRef, ConstantVals: LLVMValueRef*, Count: u32, Packed: LLVMBool) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstStruct(ConstantVals: LLVMValueRef*, Count: u32, Packed: LLVMBool) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstArray(ElementTy: LLVMTypeRef, ConstantVals: LLVMValueRef*, Length: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNamedStruct(StructTy: LLVMTypeRef, ConstantVals: LLVMValueRef*, Count: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetElementAsConstant(C: LLVMValueRef, idx: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstVector(ScalarConstantVals: LLVMValueRef*, Size: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetConstOpcode(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef) LLVMOpcode;
fn LLVMAlignOf(Ty: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMSizeOf(Ty: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNeg(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNSWNeg(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNUWNeg(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFNeg(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNot(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstAdd(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNSWAdd(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNUWAdd(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFAdd(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstSub(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNSWSub(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNUWSub(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFSub(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstMul(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNSWMul(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNUWMul(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFMul(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstUDiv(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstSDiv(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstExactSDiv(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFDiv(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstURem(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstSRem(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFRem(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstAnd(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstOr(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstXor(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstICmp(Predicate: LLVMIntPredicate, LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFCmp(Predicate: LLVMRealPredicate, LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstShl(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstLShr(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstAShr(LHSConstant: LLVMValueRef, RHSConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstGEP(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ConstantIndices: LLVMValueRef*, NumIndices: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstInBoundsGEP(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ConstantIndices: LLVMValueRef*, NumIndices: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstTrunc(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstSExt(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstZExt(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFPTrunc(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFPExt(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstUIToFP(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstSIToFP(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFPToUI(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFPToSI(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstPtrToInt(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstIntToPtr(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstBitCast(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstAddrSpaceCast(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstZExtOrBitCast(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstSExtOrBitCast(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstTruncOrBitCast(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstPointerCast(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstIntCast(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef, isSigned: LLVMBool) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFPCast(ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, ToType: LLVMTypeRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstSelect(ConstantCondition: LLVMValueRef, ConstantIfTrue: LLVMValueRef, ConstantIfFalse: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstExtractElement(VectorConstant: LLVMValueRef, IndexConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstInsertElement(VectorConstant: LLVMValueRef, ElementValueConstant: LLVMValueRef, IndexConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstShuffleVector(VectorAConstant: LLVMValueRef, VectorBConstant: LLVMValueRef, MaskConstant: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstExtractValue(AggConstant: LLVMValueRef, IdxList: u32*, NumIdx: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstInsertValue(AggConstant: LLVMValueRef, ElementValueConstant: LLVMValueRef, IdxList: u32*, NumIdx: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMConstInlineAsm(Ty: LLVMTypeRef, AsmString: const(char)*, Constraints: const(char)*, HasSideEffects: LLVMBool, IsAlignStack: LLVMBool) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBlockAddress(F: LLVMValueRef, BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetGlobalParent(Global: LLVMValueRef) LLVMModuleRef;
fn LLVMIsDeclaration(Global: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMGetLinkage(Global: LLVMValueRef) LLVMLinkage;
fn LLVMSetLinkage(Global: LLVMValueRef, Linkage: LLVMLinkage);
fn LLVMGetSection(Global: LLVMValueRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMSetSection(Global: LLVMValueRef, Section: const(char)*);
fn LLVMGetVisibility(Global: LLVMValueRef) LLVMVisibility;
fn LLVMSetVisibility(Global: LLVMValueRef, Viz: LLVMVisibility);
fn LLVMGetDLLStorageClass(Global: LLVMValueRef) LLVMDLLStorageClass;
fn LLVMSetDLLStorageClass(Global: LLVMValueRef, Class: LLVMDLLStorageClass);
fn LLVMHasUnnamedAddr(Global: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMSetUnnamedAddr(Global: LLVMValueRef, HasUnnamedAddr: LLVMBool);
fn LLVMGetAlignment(V: LLVMValueRef) u32;
fn LLVMSetAlignment(V: LLVMValueRef, Bytes: u32);
fn LLVMAddGlobal(M: LLVMModuleRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMAddGlobalInAddressSpace(M: LLVMModuleRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*, AddressSpace: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetNamedGlobal(M: LLVMModuleRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetFirstGlobal(M: LLVMModuleRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetLastGlobal(M: LLVMModuleRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetNextGlobal(GlobalVar: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetPreviousGlobal(GlobalVar: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMDeleteGlobal(GlobalVar: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMGetInitializer(GlobalVar: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMSetInitializer(GlobalVar: LLVMValueRef, ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMIsThreadLocal(GlobalVar: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMSetThreadLocal(GlobalVar: LLVMValueRef, IsThreadLocal: LLVMBool);
fn LLVMIsGlobalConstant(GlobalVar: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMSetGlobalConstant(GlobalVar: LLVMValueRef, IsConstant: LLVMBool);
fn LLVMGetThreadLocalMode(GlobalVar: LLVMValueRef) LLVMThreadLocalMode;
fn LLVMSetThreadLocalMode(GlobalVar: LLVMValueRef, Mode: LLVMThreadLocalMode);
fn LLVMIsExternallyInitialized(GlobalVar: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMSetExternallyInitialized(GlobalVar: LLVMValueRef, IsExtInit: LLVMBool);
fn LLVMAddAlias(M: LLVMModuleRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef, Aliasee: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMDeleteFunction(Fn: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMHasPersonalityFn(Fn: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMGetPersonalityFn(Fn: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMSetPersonalityFn(Fn: LLVMValueRef, PersonalityFn: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMGetIntrinsicID(Fn: LLVMValueRef) u32;
fn LLVMGetFunctionCallConv(Fn: LLVMValueRef) u32;
fn LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(Fn: LLVMValueRef, CC: u32);
fn LLVMGetGC(Fn: LLVMValueRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMSetGC(Fn: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*);
fn LLVMAddFunctionAttr(Fn: LLVMValueRef, PA: LLVMAttribute);
fn LLVMAddAttributeAtIndex(F: LLVMValueRef, Idx: LLVMAttributeIndex, A: LLVMAttributeRef);
fn LLVMGetAttributeCountAtIndex(F: LLVMValueRef, Idx: LLVMAttributeIndex) u32;
fn LLVMGetAttributesAtIndex(F: LLVMValueRef, Idx: LLVMAttributeIndex, Attrs: LLVMAttributeRef*);
fn LLVMGetEnumAttributeAtIndex(F: LLVMValueRef, Idx: LLVMAttributeIndex, KindID: u32) LLVMAttributeRef;
fn LLVMGetStringAttributeAtIndex(F: LLVMValueRef, Idx: LLVMAttributeIndex, K: const(char)*, KLen: u32) LLVMAttributeRef;
fn LLVMRemoveEnumAttributeAtIndex(F: LLVMValueRef, Idx: LLVMAttributeIndex, KindID: u32);
fn LLVMRemoveStringAttributeAtIndex(F: LLVMValueRef, Idx: LLVMAttributeIndex, K: const(char)*, KLen: u32);
fn LLVMAddTargetDependentFunctionAttr(Fn: LLVMValueRef, A: const(char)*, V: const(char)*);
fn LLVMGetFunctionAttr(Fn: LLVMValueRef) LLVMAttribute;
fn LLVMRemoveFunctionAttr(Fn: LLVMValueRef, PA: LLVMAttribute);
fn LLVMCountParams(Fn: LLVMValueRef) u32;
fn LLVMGetParams(Fn: LLVMValueRef, Params: LLVMValueRef*);
fn LLVMGetParam(Fn: LLVMValueRef, Index: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetParamParent(Inst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetFirstParam(Fn: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetLastParam(Fn: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetNextParam(Arg: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetPreviousParam(Arg: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMAddAttribute(Arg: LLVMValueRef, PA: LLVMAttribute);
fn LLVMRemoveAttribute(Arg: LLVMValueRef, PA: LLVMAttribute);
fn LLVMGetAttribute(Arg: LLVMValueRef) LLVMAttribute;
fn LLVMSetParamAlignment(Arg: LLVMValueRef, Align: u32);
fn LLVMMDStringInContext(C: LLVMContextRef, Str: const(char)*, SLen: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMMDString(Str: const(char)*, SLen: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMMDNodeInContext(C: LLVMContextRef, Vals: LLVMValueRef*, Count: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMMDNode(Vals: LLVMValueRef*, Count: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMMetadataAsValue(C: LLVMContextRef, MD: LLVMMetadataRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMValueAsMetadata(Val: LLVMValueRef) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMGetMDString(V: LLVMValueRef, Length: u32*) const(char)*;
fn LLVMGetMDNodeNumOperands(V: LLVMValueRef) u32;
fn LLVMGetMDNodeOperands(V: LLVMValueRef, Dest: LLVMValueRef*);
fn LLVMBasicBlockAsValue(BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMValueIsBasicBlock(Val: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMValueAsBasicBlock(Val: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMGetBasicBlockName(BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMGetBasicBlockParent(BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetBasicBlockTerminator(BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMCountBasicBlocks(Fn: LLVMValueRef) u32;
fn LLVMGetBasicBlocks(Fn: LLVMValueRef, BasicBlocks: LLVMBasicBlockRef*);
fn LLVMGetFirstBasicBlock(Fn: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMGetLastBasicBlock(Fn: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMGetNextBasicBlock(BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMGetPreviousBasicBlock(BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMGetEntryBasicBlock(Fn: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(C: LLVMContextRef, Fn: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMAppendBasicBlock(Fn: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMInsertBasicBlockInContext(C: LLVMContextRef, BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMInsertBasicBlock(InsertBeforeBB: LLVMBasicBlockRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMDeleteBasicBlock(BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef);
fn LLVMRemoveBasicBlockFromParent(BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef);
fn LLVMMoveBasicBlockBefore(BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef, MovePos: LLVMBasicBlockRef);
fn LLVMMoveBasicBlockAfter(BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef, MovePos: LLVMBasicBlockRef);
fn LLVMGetFirstInstruction(BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetLastInstruction(BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMHasMetadata(Val: LLVMValueRef) i32;
fn LLVMGetMetadata(Val: LLVMValueRef, KindID: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMSetMetadata(Val: LLVMValueRef, KindID: u32, Node: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMGetInstructionParent(Inst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMGetNextInstruction(Inst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetPreviousInstruction(Inst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMInstructionRemoveFromParent(Inst: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMInstructionEraseFromParent(Inst: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMGetInstructionOpcode(Inst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMOpcode;
fn LLVMGetICmpPredicate(Inst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMIntPredicate;
fn LLVMGetFCmpPredicate(Inst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMRealPredicate;
fn LLVMInstructionClone(Inst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetNumArgOperands(Instr: LLVMValueRef) u32;
fn LLVMSetInstructionCallConv(Instr: LLVMValueRef, CC: u32);
fn LLVMGetInstructionCallConv(Instr: LLVMValueRef) u32;
fn LLVMAddInstrAttribute(Instr: LLVMValueRef, index: u32, LLVMAttribute);
fn LLVMRemoveInstrAttribute(Instr: LLVMValueRef, index: u32, LLVMAttribute);
fn LLVMSetInstrParamAlignment(Instr: LLVMValueRef, index: u32, Align: u32);
fn LLVMAddCallSiteAttribute(C: LLVMValueRef, Idx: LLVMAttributeIndex, A: LLVMAttributeRef);
fn LLVMGetCallSiteAttributeCount(C: LLVMValueRef, Idx: LLVMAttributeIndex) u32;
fn LLVMGetCallSiteAttributes(C: LLVMValueRef, Idx: LLVMAttributeIndex, Attrs: LLVMAttributeRef*);
fn LLVMGetCallSiteEnumAttribute(C: LLVMValueRef, Idx: LLVMAttributeIndex, KindID: u32) LLVMAttributeRef;
fn LLVMGetCallSiteStringAttribute(C: LLVMValueRef, Idx: LLVMAttributeIndex, K: const(char)*, KLen: u32) LLVMAttributeRef;
fn LLVMRemoveCallSiteEnumAttribute(C: LLVMValueRef, Idx: LLVMAttributeIndex, KindID: u32);
fn LLVMRemoveCallSiteStringAttribute(C: LLVMValueRef, Idx: LLVMAttributeIndex, K: const(char)*, KLen: u32);
fn LLVMGetCalledValue(Instr: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMIsTailCall(CallInst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMSetTailCall(CallInst: LLVMValueRef, IsTailCall: LLVMBool);
fn LLVMGetNormalDest(InvokeInst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMGetUnwindDest(InvokeInst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMSetNormalDest(InvokeInst: LLVMValueRef, B: LLVMBasicBlockRef);
fn LLVMSetUnwindDest(InvokeInst: LLVMValueRef, B: LLVMBasicBlockRef);
fn LLVMGetNumSuccessors(Term: LLVMValueRef) u32;
fn LLVMGetSuccessor(Term: LLVMValueRef, i: u32) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMSetSuccessor(Term: LLVMValueRef, i: u32, block: LLVMBasicBlockRef);
fn LLVMIsConditional(Branch: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMGetCondition(Branch: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMSetCondition(Branch: LLVMValueRef, Cond: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMGetSwitchDefaultDest(SwitchInstr: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMGetAllocatedType(Alloca: LLVMValueRef) LLVMTypeRef;
fn LLVMIsInBounds(GEP: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMSetIsInBounds(GEP: LLVMValueRef, InBounds: LLVMBool);
fn LLVMAddIncoming(PhiNode: LLVMValueRef, IncomingValues: LLVMValueRef*, IncomingBlocks: LLVMBasicBlockRef*, Count: u32);
fn LLVMCountIncoming(PhiNode: LLVMValueRef) u32;
fn LLVMGetIncomingValue(PhiNode: LLVMValueRef, Index: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetIncomingBlock(PhiNode: LLVMValueRef, Index: u32) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMGetNumIndices(Inst: LLVMValueRef) u32;
fn LLVMGetIndices(Inst: LLVMValueRef) const(u32)*;
fn LLVMCreateBuilderInContext(C: LLVMContextRef) LLVMBuilderRef;
fn LLVMCreateBuilder() LLVMBuilderRef;
fn LLVMPositionBuilder(Builder: LLVMBuilderRef, Block: LLVMBasicBlockRef, Instr: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMPositionBuilderBefore(Builder: LLVMBuilderRef, Instr: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder: LLVMBuilderRef, Block: LLVMBasicBlockRef);
fn LLVMGetInsertBlock(Builder: LLVMBuilderRef) LLVMBasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMClearInsertionPosition(Builder: LLVMBuilderRef);
fn LLVMInsertIntoBuilder(Builder: LLVMBuilderRef, Instr: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMInsertIntoBuilderWithName(Builder: LLVMBuilderRef, Instr: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*);
fn LLVMDisposeBuilder(Builder: LLVMBuilderRef);
fn LLVMSetCurrentDebugLocation(Builder: LLVMBuilderRef, L: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMGetCurrentDebugLocation(Builder: LLVMBuilderRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMSetInstDebugLocation(Builder: LLVMBuilderRef, Inst: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMBuildRetVoid(LLVMBuilderRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildRet(LLVMBuilderRef, V: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildAggregateRet(LLVMBuilderRef, RetVals: LLVMValueRef*, N: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildBr(LLVMBuilderRef, Dest: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildCondBr(LLVMBuilderRef, If: LLVMValueRef, Then: LLVMBasicBlockRef, Else: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSwitch(LLVMBuilderRef, V: LLVMValueRef, Else: LLVMBasicBlockRef, NumCases: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildIndirectBr(B: LLVMBuilderRef, Addr: LLVMValueRef, NumDests: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildInvoke(LLVMBuilderRef, Fn: LLVMValueRef, Args: LLVMValueRef*, NumArgs: u32, Then: LLVMBasicBlockRef, Catch: LLVMBasicBlockRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildLandingPad(B: LLVMBuilderRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef, PersFn: LLVMValueRef, NumClauses: u32, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildCleanupRet(B: LLVMBuilderRef, CatchPad: LLVMValueRef, BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildCatchRet(B: LLVMBuilderRef, CatchPad: LLVMValueRef, BB: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildCatchPad(B: LLVMBuilderRef, ParentPad: LLVMValueRef, Args: LLVMValueRef*, NumArgs: u32, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildCleanupPad(B: LLVMBuilderRef, ParentPad: LLVMValueRef, Args: LLVMValueRef*, NumArgs: u32, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildCatchSwitch(B: LLVMBuilderRef, ParentPad: LLVMValueRef, UnwindBB: LLVMBasicBlockRef, NumHandlers: u32, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildResume(B: LLVMBuilderRef, Exn: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildUnreachable(LLVMBuilderRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMAddCase(Switch: LLVMValueRef, OnVal: LLVMValueRef, Dest: LLVMBasicBlockRef);
fn LLVMAddDestination(IndirectBr: LLVMValueRef, Dest: LLVMBasicBlockRef);
fn LLVMGetNumClauses(LandingPad: LLVMValueRef) u32;
fn LLVMGetClause(LandingPad: LLVMValueRef, Idx: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMAddClause(LandingPad: LLVMValueRef, ClauseVal: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMIsCleanup(LandingPad: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMSetCleanup(LandingPad: LLVMValueRef, Val: LLVMBool);
fn LLVMAddHandler(CatchSwitch: LLVMValueRef, Dest: LLVMBasicBlockRef);
fn LLVMGetNumHandlers(CatchSwitch: LLVMValueRef) u32;
fn LLVMGetHandlers(CatchSwitch: LLVMValueRef, Handlers: LLVMBasicBlockRef*);
fn LLVMGetArgOperand(Funclet: LLVMValueRef, i: u32) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMSetArgOperand(Funclet: LLVMValueRef, i: u32, value: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMGetParentCatchSwitch(CatchPad: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMSetParentCatchSwitch(CatchPad: LLVMValueRef, CatchSwitch: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMBuildAdd(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNSWAdd(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNUWAdd(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFAdd(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSub(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNSWSub(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNUWSub(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFSub(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildMul(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNSWMul(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNUWMul(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFMul(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildUDiv(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSDiv(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildExactSDiv(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFDiv(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildURem(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSRem(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFRem(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildShl(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildLShr(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildAShr(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildAnd(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildOr(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildXor(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildBinOp(B: LLVMBuilderRef, Op: LLVMOpcode, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNeg(LLVMBuilderRef, V: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNSWNeg(B: LLVMBuilderRef, V: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNUWNeg(B: LLVMBuilderRef, V: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFNeg(LLVMBuilderRef, V: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNot(LLVMBuilderRef, V: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildMalloc(LLVMBuilderRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildArrayMalloc(LLVMBuilderRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildAlloca(LLVMBuilderRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildArrayAlloca(LLVMBuilderRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFree(LLVMBuilderRef, PointerVal: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildLoad(LLVMBuilderRef, PointerVal: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildStore(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, Ptr: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildGEP(B: LLVMBuilderRef, Pointer: LLVMValueRef, Indices: LLVMValueRef*, NumIndices: u32, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP(B: LLVMBuilderRef, Pointer: LLVMValueRef, Indices: LLVMValueRef*, NumIndices: u32, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildStructGEP(B: LLVMBuilderRef, Pointer: LLVMValueRef, Idx: u32, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildGlobalString(B: LLVMBuilderRef, Str: const(char)*, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildGlobalStringPtr(B: LLVMBuilderRef, Str: const(char)*, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMGetVolatile(MemoryAccessInst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMSetVolatile(MemoryAccessInst: LLVMValueRef, IsVolatile: LLVMBool);
fn LLVMGetOrdering(MemoryAccessInst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMAtomicOrdering;
fn LLVMSetOrdering(MemoryAccessInst: LLVMValueRef, Ordering: LLVMAtomicOrdering);
fn LLVMBuildTrunc(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildZExt(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSExt(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFPToUI(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFPToSI(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildUIToFP(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSIToFP(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFPTrunc(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFPExt(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildPtrToInt(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildIntToPtr(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildBitCast(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildAddrSpaceCast(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildZExtOrBitCast(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSExtOrBitCast(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildTruncOrBitCast(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildCast(B: LLVMBuilderRef, Op: LLVMOpcode, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildPointerCast(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildIntCast(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFPCast(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, DestTy: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildICmp(LLVMBuilderRef, Op: LLVMIntPredicate, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFCmp(LLVMBuilderRef, Op: LLVMRealPredicate, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildPhi(LLVMBuilderRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildCall(LLVMBuilderRef, Fn: LLVMValueRef, Args: LLVMValueRef*, NumArgs: u32, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSelect(LLVMBuilderRef, If: LLVMValueRef, Then: LLVMValueRef, Else: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildVAArg(LLVMBuilderRef, List: LLVMValueRef, Ty: LLVMTypeRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildExtractElement(LLVMBuilderRef, VecVal: LLVMValueRef, Index: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildInsertElement(LLVMBuilderRef, VecVal: LLVMValueRef, EltVal: LLVMValueRef, Index: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildShuffleVector(LLVMBuilderRef, V1: LLVMValueRef, V2: LLVMValueRef, Mask: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildExtractValue(LLVMBuilderRef, AggVal: LLVMValueRef, Index: u32, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildInsertValue(LLVMBuilderRef, AggVal: LLVMValueRef, EltVal: LLVMValueRef, Index: u32, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildIsNull(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildIsNotNull(LLVMBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildPtrDiff(LLVMBuilderRef, LHS: LLVMValueRef, RHS: LLVMValueRef, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFence(B: LLVMBuilderRef, ordering: LLVMAtomicOrdering, singleThread: LLVMBool, Name: const(char)*) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildAtomicRMW(B: LLVMBuilderRef, op: LLVMAtomicRMWBinOp, PTR: LLVMValueRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, ordering: LLVMAtomicOrdering, singleThread: LLVMBool) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildAtomicCmpXchg(B: LLVMBuilderRef, Ptr: LLVMValueRef, Cmp: LLVMValueRef, New: LLVMValueRef, SuccessOrdering: LLVMAtomicOrdering, FailureOrdering: LLVMAtomicOrdering, SingleThread: LLVMBool) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMIsAtomicSingleThread(AtomicInst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMSetAtomicSingleThread(AtomicInst: LLVMValueRef, SingleThread: LLVMBool);
fn LLVMGetCmpXchgSuccessOrdering(CmpXchgInst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMAtomicOrdering;
fn LLVMSetCmpXchgSuccessOrdering(CmpXchgInst: LLVMValueRef, Ordering: LLVMAtomicOrdering);
fn LLVMGetCmpXchgFailureOrdering(CmpXchgInst: LLVMValueRef) LLVMAtomicOrdering;
fn LLVMSetCmpXchgFailureOrdering(CmpXchgInst: LLVMValueRef, Ordering: LLVMAtomicOrdering);
fn LLVMCreateModuleProviderForExistingModule(M: LLVMModuleRef) LLVMModuleProviderRef;
fn LLVMDisposeModuleProvider(M: LLVMModuleProviderRef);
fn LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile(Path: const(char)*, OutMemBuf: LLVMMemoryBufferRef*, OutMessage: const(char)**) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithSTDIN(OutMemBuf: LLVMMemoryBufferRef*, OutMessage: const(char)**) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithMemoryRange(InputData: const(char)*, InputDataLength: size_t, BufferName: const(char)*, RequiresNullTerminator: LLVMBool) LLVMMemoryBufferRef;
fn LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithMemoryRangeCopy(InputData: const(char)*, InputDataLength: size_t, BufferName: const(char)*) LLVMMemoryBufferRef;
fn LLVMGetBufferStart(MemBuf: LLVMMemoryBufferRef) const(char)*;
fn LLVMGetBufferSize(MemBuf: LLVMMemoryBufferRef) size_t;
fn LLVMDisposeMemoryBuffer(MemBuf: LLVMMemoryBufferRef);
fn LLVMGetGlobalPassRegistry() LLVMPassRegistryRef;
fn LLVMCreatePassManager() LLVMPassManagerRef;
fn LLVMCreateFunctionPassManagerForModule(M: LLVMModuleRef) LLVMPassManagerRef;
fn LLVMCreateFunctionPassManager(MP: LLVMModuleProviderRef) LLVMPassManagerRef;
fn LLVMRunPassManager(PM: LLVMPassManagerRef, M: LLVMModuleRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMInitializeFunctionPassManager(FPM: LLVMPassManagerRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMRunFunctionPassManager(FPM: LLVMPassManagerRef, F: LLVMValueRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMFinalizeFunctionPassManager(FPM: LLVMPassManagerRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMDisposePassManager(PM: LLVMPassManagerRef);
fn LLVMStartMultithreaded() LLVMBool;
fn LLVMStopMultithreaded();
fn LLVMIsMultithreaded() LLVMBool;
module lib.llvm.c.BitWriter;
fn LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(M: LLVMModuleRef, Path: const(char)*) i32;
fn LLVMWriteBitcodeToFD(M: LLVMModuleRef, FD: i32, ShouldClose: i32, Unbuffered: i32) i32;
fn LLVMWriteBitcodeToFileHandle(M: LLVMModuleRef, Handle: i32) i32;
module volta.parser.expression;
class ExpOrOp
exp: intir.UnaryExp;
op: ir.BinOp.Op;
bin: ir.BinOp;
this(exp: intir.UnaryExp) { }
this(op: ir.BinOp.Op) { }
fn isExp() bool { }
fn parseExp(ps: ParserStream, exp: ir.Exp) ParseStatus { }
fn assignToExp(ps: ParserStream, assign: intir.AssignExp, exp: ir.Exp) ParseStatus { }
fn ternaryToExp(ps: ParserStream, tern: intir.TernaryExp, exp: ir.Exp) ParseStatus { }
fn gatherExps(bin: intir.BinExp) ExpOrOp[] { }
fn binexpToExp(ps: ParserStream, bin: intir.BinExp, exp: ir.Exp) ParseStatus { }
fn unaryToExp(ps: ParserStream, unary: intir.UnaryExp, exp: ir.Exp) ParseStatus { }
fn postfixToExp(ps: ParserStream, loc: const(Location), exp: ir.Exp, postfix: intir.PostfixExp, seed: ir.Exp) ParseStatus { }
fn primaryToExp(ps: ParserStream, primary: intir.PrimaryExp, exp: ir.Exp) ParseStatus { }
fn parseArgumentList(ps: ParserStream, outexps: ir.Exp[], endChar: TokenType) ParseStatus { }
fn parseIsExp(ps: ParserStream, ie: ir.IsExp) ParseStatus { }
fn parseFunctionLiteral(ps: ParserStream, fl: ir.FunctionLiteral) ParseStatus { }
//! ugly intir stuff ***
fn parseAssignExp(ps: ParserStream, exp: intir.AssignExp) ParseStatus { }
fn parseTernaryExp(ps: ParserStream, exp: intir.TernaryExp) ParseStatus { }
fn parseBinExp(ps: ParserStream, exp: intir.BinExp) ParseStatus { }
fn parseUnaryExp(ps: ParserStream, exp: intir.UnaryExp) ParseStatus { }
fn getLastSlice(pe: intir.PostfixExp) intir.PostfixExp { }
fn parseNewOrDup(ps: ParserStream, exp: intir.UnaryExp) ParseStatus { }
fn parseDupExp(ps: ParserStream, doubleDotDepth: i32, dupExp: intir.DupExp) ParseStatus { }
fn parseNewExp(ps: ParserStream, newExp: intir.NewExp) ParseStatus { }
fn parseCastExp(ps: ParserStream, exp: intir.CastExp) ParseStatus { }
fn parsePostfixExp(ps: ParserStream, exp: intir.PostfixExp, disableNoDoubleDotSlice: bool, depth: i32) ParseStatus { }
fn parsePrimaryExp(ps: ParserStream, exp: intir.PrimaryExp) ParseStatus { }
fn parseVaArgExp(ps: ParserStream, vaexp: ir.VaArgExp) ParseStatus { }
fn parseRunExp(ps: ParserStream, runexp: ir.RunExp) ParseStatus { }
//! Parse a volt expression in slice into exp.
fn parseInlineExp(loc: const(Location), ps: ParserStream, slice: string, exp: ir.Exp) ParseStatus { }
//! Parse a composable string expression.
fn parseComposableString(ps: ParserStream, exp: ir.Exp) ParseStatus { }
fn isComposableString(ps: ParserStream) bool { }
fn isUnambiguouslyParenType(ps: ParserStream) bool { }
fn isFunctionLiteral(ps: ParserStream) bool { }
module volt.semantic.templatelifter;
class TemplateLifter : Lifter
currentTemplateDefinitionName: string;
currentInstanceType: ir.Type;
this() { }
fn lift(old: ir.TopLevelBlock) ir.TopLevelBlock { }
fn lift(old: ir.Function) ir.Function { }
fn liftInPlace(old: ir.Function, f: ir.Function) { }
fn lift(old: ir.FunctionParam) ir.FunctionParam { }
fn lift(n: ir.Variable) ir.Variable { }
fn lift(old: ir.Import) ir.Import { }
fn lift(old: ir.Module) ir.Module { }
fn lift(old: ir.Aggregate) ir.Aggregate { }
fn lift(old: ir.Enum) ir.Enum { }
fn lift(en: ir.Enum, old: ir.EnumDeclaration) ir.EnumDeclaration { }
fn lift(old: ir.Alias) ir.Alias { }
fn lift(old: ir.Struct) ir.Struct { }
fn lift(old: ir.Union) ir.Union { }
fn lift(old: ir.Class) ir.Class { }
fn lift(old: ir._Interface) ir._Interface { }
fn liftedOrPanic(node: ir.Node, msg: string) ir.Node { }
fn copy(parent: ir.Scope, old: ir.BlockStatement) ir.BlockStatement { }
fn copy(old: ir.FunctionType) ir.FunctionType { }
fn copy(old: ir.TypeReference) ir.TypeReference { }
fn templateLift(_current: ir.Scope, lp: LanguagePass, ti: ir.TemplateInstance) { }
fn templateLiftFunction(_current: ir.Scope, lp: LanguagePass, ti: ir.TemplateInstance) { }
fn templateLiftAggregate(_current: ir.Scope, lp: LanguagePass, ti: ir.TemplateInstance) { }
module volta.parser.templates;
//! Returns: true if ps is at a template instantiation, false otherwise.
fn isTemplateInstance(ps: ParserStream) bool { }
//! Returns: true if ps is at a template definition, false otherwise.
fn isTemplateDefinition(ps: ParserStream) bool { }
//! Returns: true if the stream is at a point where we know it's a type,
//! false otherwise.
fn isUnambigouslyType(ps: ParserStream) bool { }
fn parseLegacyTemplateInstance(ps: ParserStream, ti: ir.TemplateInstance) ParseStatus { }
fn parseTemplateInstance(ps: ParserStream, ti: ir.TemplateInstance) ParseStatus { }
fn parseTemplateDefinition(ps: ParserStream, td: ir.TemplateDefinition) ParseStatus { }
module lib.llvm.c.BitReader;
fn LLVMParseBitcode(MemBuf: LLVMMemoryBufferRef, OutModule: LLVMModuleRef*, OutMessage: const(char)**) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMParseBitcodeInContext(ContextRef: LLVMContextRef, MemBuf: LLVMMemoryBufferRef, OutModule: LLVMModuleRef*, OutMessage: const(char)**) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMGetBitcodeModuleInContext(ContextRef: LLVMContextRef, MemBuf: LLVMMemoryBufferRef, OutM: LLVMModuleRef*, OutMessage: const(char)**) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMGetBitcodeModule(MemBuf: LLVMMemoryBufferRef, OutM: LLVMModuleRef*, OutMessage: const(char)**) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMGetBitcodeModuleProviderInContext(ContextRef: LLVMContextRef, MemBuf: LLVMMemoryBufferRef, OutMP: LLVMModuleProviderRef*, OutMessage: const(char)**) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMGetBitcodeModuleProvider(MemBuf: LLVMMemoryBufferRef, OutMP: LLVMModuleProviderRef*, OutMessage: const(char)**) LLVMBool;
module lib.llvm.c.ExecutionEngine;
alias LLVMGenericValueRef = LLVMGenericValue*;
alias LLVMExecutionEngineRef = LLVMExecutionEngine*;
alias LLVMMCJITMemoryManagerRef = LLVMMCJITMemoryManager*;
alias LLVMMemoryManagerAllocateCodeSectionCallback = fn (void*, uintptr_t, u32, u32, const(char)*) (uint8_t);
alias LLVMMemoryManagerAllocateDataSectionCallback = fn (void*, uintptr_t, u32, u32, const(char)*, LLVMBool) (uint8_t);
alias LLVMMemoryManagerFinalizeMemoryCallback = fn (void*, char**) (LLVMBool);
alias LLVMMemoryManagerDestroyCallback = fn (void*) (void);
struct LLVMGenericValue
struct LLVMExecutionEngine
struct LLVMMCJITMemoryManager
struct LLVMMCJITCompilerOptions
OptLevel: u32;
CodeModel: LLVMCodeModel;
NoFramePointerElim: LLVMBool;
EnableFastISel: LLVMBool;
fn LLVMLinkInInterpreter();
fn LLVMCreateGenericValueOfInt(Ty: LLVMTypeRef, N: u64, IsSigned: LLVMBool) LLVMGenericValueRef;
fn LLVMCreateGenericValueOfPointer(P: void*) LLVMGenericValueRef;
fn LLVMCreateGenericValueOfFloat(Ty: LLVMTypeRef, N: f64) LLVMGenericValueRef;
fn LLVMGenericValueIntWidth(GenValRef: LLVMGenericValueRef) u32;
fn LLVMGenericValueToInt(GenVal: LLVMGenericValueRef, IsSigned: LLVMBool) u64;
fn LLVMGenericValueToPointer(GenVal: LLVMGenericValueRef) void*;
fn LLVMGenericValueToFloat(TyRef: LLVMTypeRef, GenVal: LLVMGenericValueRef) f64;
fn LLVMDisposeGenericValue(GenVal: LLVMGenericValueRef);
fn LLVMCreateExecutionEngineForModule(OutEE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef*, M: LLVMModuleRef, OutError: const(const(char)*)*) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMInitializeMCJITCompilerOptions(Options: LLVMMCJITCompilerOptions*, SizeOfOptions: size_t);
fn LLVMCreateMCJITCompilerForModule(OutJIT: LLVMExecutionEngineRef*, M: LLVMModuleRef, Options: LLVMMCJITCompilerOptions*, SizeOfOptions: size_t, OutError: const(const(char)*)*) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMDisposeExecutionEngine(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef);
fn LLVMRunStaticConstructors(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef);
fn LLVMRunStaticDestructors(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef);
fn LLVMRunFunctionAsMain(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef, F: LLVMValueRef, ArgC: u32, ArgV: const(const(char)*)*, EnvP: const(const(char)*)*) i32;
fn LLVMRunFunction(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef, F: LLVMValueRef, NumArgs: u32, Args: LLVMGenericValueRef*) LLVMGenericValueRef;
fn LLVMFreeMachineCodeForFunction(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef, F: LLVMValueRef);
fn LLVMAddModule(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef, M: LLVMModuleRef);
fn LLVMRemoveModule(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef, M: LLVMModuleRef, OutMod: LLVMModuleRef*, OutError: const(const(char)*)*) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMFindFunction(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef, Name: const(char)*, OutFn: LLVMValueRef*) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMRecompileAndRelinkFunction(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef, Fn: LLVMValueRef) void*;
fn LLVMGetExecutionEngineTargetData(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef) LLVMTargetDataRef;
fn LLVMGetExecutionEngineTargetMachine(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef) LLVMTargetMachineRef;
fn LLVMAddGlobalMapping(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef, Global: LLVMValueRef, Addr: void*);
fn LLVMGetPointerToGlobal(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef, Global: LLVMValueRef) void*;
fn LLVMGetGlobalValueAddress(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef, Name: const(char)*) uint64_t;
fn LLVMGetFunctionAddress(EE: LLVMExecutionEngineRef, Name: const(char)*) uint64_t;
fn LLVMCreateSimpleMCJITMemoryManager(Opaque: void*, AllocateCodeSection: LLVMMemoryManagerAllocateCodeSectionCallback, AllocateDataSection: LLVMMemoryManagerAllocateDataSectionCallback, FinalizeMemory: LLVMMemoryManagerFinalizeMemoryCallback, Destroy: LLVMMemoryManagerDestroyCallback) LLVMMCJITMemoryManagerRef;
fn LLVMDisposeMCJITMemoryManager(MM: LLVMMCJITMemoryManagerRef);
//! Perform ABI modifications to functions and function calls, if needed.
module volt.llvm.abi.base;
enum NotCoerced;
enum Coerced;
alias CoercedStatus = bool;
//! If the target platform and this function needs it, modify to match the
//! ABI.
fn abiCoerceParameters(state: State, ft: ir.FunctionType, retType: LLVMTypeRef, params: LLVMTypeRef[]) { }
//! If the parameters for the given function were modified, modify the
//! call to match.
fn abiCoerceArguments(state: State, ct: ir.CallableType, params: LLVMValueRef[]) { }
//! Coerce the prologue section of the function.
fn abiCoercePrologueParameter(state: State, llvmFunc: LLVMValueRef, func: ir.Function, ct: ir.CallableType, val: LLVMValueRef, index: size_t, offset: size_t) CoercedStatus { }
fn buildGep(state: State, ptr: LLVMValueRef, a: u64, b: u64) LLVMValueRef { }
//! Common code generation code.
module volt.llvm.common;
//! Returns true if the C calling convention returns structs via
//! arguments.
fn shouldCUseStructRet(target: TargetInfo, irStruct: ir.Struct) bool { }
//! Turns a ArrayType Value into a Pointer Value. Value must be of type
//! ArrayType.
fn getPointerFromArray(state: State, loc: const(Location), result: Value) { }
//! Turns a StaticArrayType Value into a Pointer Value. Value must be of
//! type StaticArrayType.
fn getPointerFromStaticArray(state: State, loc: const(Location), result: Value) { }
//! Turns a StaticArrayType Value into a Array Value. Value must be of type
//! StaticArrayType.
fn getArrayFromStaticArray(state: State, loc: const(Location), result: Value) { }
//! Return the field from a aggregate at the given index.
fn getFieldFromAggregate(state: State, loc: const(Location), left: Value, index: u32, resultType: Type, result: Value) { }
//! Returns a member of aggregate type in value form. Note only value form.
fn getValueFromAggregate(state: State, loc: const(Location), left: Value, index: u32) LLVMValueRef { }
fn makeArrayValue(state: State, loc: Location, at: ArrayType, ptr: LLVMValueRef, len: LLVMValueRef, result: Value) { }
fn makeDelegateValue(state: State, loc: const(Location), dt: DelegateType, voidPtr: LLVMValueRef, funcPtr: LLVMValueRef, result: Value) { }
//! Common handle functions for both inline and constants.
fn handleConstant(state: State, asConst: ir.Constant, result: Value) { }
//! Common handle functions for both inline and constants.
fn handleArrayLiteral(state: State, al: ir.ArrayLiteral, result: Value) { }
//! Common handle functions for both inline and constants.
fn handleStructLiteral(state: State, sl: ir.StructLiteral, result: Value) { }
//! Common handle functions for both inline and constants.
fn handleUnionLiteral(state: State, ul: ir.UnionLiteral, result: Value) { }
//! Common handle functions for both inline and constants.
fn handleClassLiteral(state: State, cl: ir.ClassLiteral, result: Value) { }
module volta.parser.intir;
class IntExp
loc: Location;
this() { }
class AssignExp : IntExp
op: BinOp.Op;
left: TernaryExp;
right: AssignExp;
taggedRef: bool;
taggedOut: bool;
this() { }
class TernaryExp : IntExp
isTernary: bool;
condition: BinExp;
ifTrue: TernaryExp;
ifFalse: TernaryExp;
this() { }
class BinExp : IntExp
op: BinOp.Op;
left: UnaryExp;
right: BinExp;
this() { }
class UnaryExp : IntExp
op: Unary.Op;
unaryExp: UnaryExp;
postExp: PostfixExp;
newExp: NewExp;
castExp: CastExp;
dupExp: DupExp;
runExp: RunExp;
this() { }
class NewExp : IntExp
type: Type;
isArray: bool;
exp: TernaryExp;
hasArgumentList: bool;
argumentList: AssignExp[];
argumentLabels: string[];
this() { }
class DupExp : IntExp
name: PostfixExp;
beginning: AssignExp;
end: AssignExp;
shorthand: bool;
this() { }
class CastExp : IntExp
type: Type;
unaryExp: UnaryExp;
this() { }
class PostfixExp : IntExp
op: Postfix.Op;
primary: PrimaryExp;
postfix: PostfixExp;
arguments: AssignExp[];
labels: string[];
identifier: Identifier;
templateInstance: Exp;
this() { }
class PrimaryExp : IntExp
enum Type
op: Type;
type: Type;
exp: Exp;
_string: string;
keys: AssignExp[];
arguments: AssignExp[];
tlargs: AssignExp[];
isExp: IsExp;
functionLiteral: FunctionLiteral;
vaexp: VaArgExp;
this() { }
fn isLeftAssociative(operator: BinOp.Op) bool { }
fn getPrecedence(operator: BinOp.Op) i32 { }
//! Provides a solution for implementing structs passed by value.
module volt.llvm.abi.sysvamd64;
enum Classification
fn sysvAmd64AbiCoerceParameters(state: State, ft: ir.FunctionType, retType: LLVMTypeRef, params: LLVMTypeRef[]) { }
fn consumeRegisters(state: State, types: LLVMTypeRef[], integerRegisters: i32, floatRegisters: i32) { }
fn classifyType(state: State, type: LLVMTypeRef, structTypes: LLVMTypeRef[]) Classification { }
fn classifyStructType(state: State, type: LLVMTypeRef, structTypes: LLVMTypeRef[]) Classification { }
fn sysvAmd64AbiCoerceArguments(state: State, ct: ir.CallableType, args: LLVMValueRef[]) { }
fn sysvAmd64AbiCoercePrologueParameter(state: State, llvmFunc: LLVMValueRef, func: ir.Function, ct: ir.CallableType, val: LLVMValueRef, index: size_t, offset: size_t) CoercedStatus { }
//! Windows AMD64 ABI Implementation.
module volt.llvm.abi.winamd64;
fn winAmd64AbiCoerceParameters(state: State, ft: ir.FunctionType, retType: LLVMTypeRef, params: LLVMTypeRef[]) { }
fn winAmd64AbiCoerceArguments(state: State, ct: ir.CallableType, args: LLVMValueRef[]) { }
fn winAmd64AbiPrologueParameter(state: State, llvmFunc: LLVMValueRef, func: ir.Function, ct: ir.CallableType, val: LLVMValueRef, index: size_t, offset: size_t) CoercedStatus { }
//! Debug info generation code.
module volt.llvm.debugInfo;
fn diCreateDIBuilder(mod: LLVMModuleRef) LLVMDIBuilderRef { }
fn diDisposeDIBuilder(LLVMDIBuilderRef) { }
fn diSetPosition(state: State, loc: Location) { }
fn diUnsetPosition(state: State) { }
fn diCompileUnit(state: State) LLVMMetadataRef { }
fn diFinalize(state: State) { }
fn diUnspecifiedType(state: State, t: Type) LLVMMetadataRef { }
fn diBaseType(state: State, pt: ir.PrimitiveType) LLVMMetadataRef { }
fn diPointerType(state: State, pt: ir.PointerType, base: Type) LLVMMetadataRef { }
fn diStaticArrayType(state: State, sat: ir.StaticArrayType, type: Type) LLVMMetadataRef { }
fn diForwardDeclareAggregate(state: State, t: ir.Type) LLVMMetadataRef { }
fn diUnionReplace(state: State, diType: LLVMMetadataRef, p: Type, elms: ir.Variable[]) { }
fn diStructReplace(state: State, diType: LLVMMetadataRef, irType: ir.Type, elms: ir.Variable[]) { }
fn diStructReplace(state: State, diType: LLVMMetadataRef, p: Type, t: Type[2], names: string[2]) { }
fn diFunctionType(state: State, ret: Type, args: Type[], mangledName: string, diCallType: LLVMMetadataRef) LLVMMetadataRef { }
fn diFunction(state: State, irFn: ir.Function, func: LLVMValueRef, ft: FunctionType) LLVMMetadataRef { }
fn diGlobalVariable(state: State, var: ir.Variable, type: Type, val: LLVMValueRef) { }
fn diLocalVariable(state: State, var: ir.Variable, type: Type, val: LLVMValueRef) { }
fn diParameterVariable(state: State, var: ir.FunctionParam, type: Type, val: LLVMValueRef) { }
module lib.llvm.c.DebugInfo;
enum LLVMDIFlags
enum LLVMDWARFSourceLanguage
enum LLVMDWARFEmissionKind
alias LLVMDWARFTypeEncoding = u32;
fn LLVMDebugMetadataVersion() u32;
fn LLVMGetModuleDebugMetadataVersion(Module: LLVMModuleRef) u32;
fn LLVMStripModuleDebugInfo(Module: LLVMModuleRef) LLVMBool;
fn LLVMCreateDIBuilderDisallowUnresolved(M: LLVMModuleRef) LLVMDIBuilderRef;
fn LLVMCreateDIBuilder(M: LLVMModuleRef) LLVMDIBuilderRef;
fn LLVMDisposeDIBuilder(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef);
fn LLVMDIBuilderFinalize(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef);
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateCompileUnit(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Lang: LLVMDWARFSourceLanguage, FileRef: LLVMMetadataRef, Producer: const(char)*, ProducerLen: size_t, isOptimized: LLVMBool, Flags: const(char)*, FlagsLen: size_t, RuntimeVer: u32, SplitName: const(char)*, SplitNameLen: size_t, Kind: LLVMDWARFEmissionKind, DWOId: u32, SplitDebugInlining: LLVMBool, DebugInfoForProfiling: LLVMBool) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateFile(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Filename: const(char)*, FilenameLen: size_t, Directory: const(char)*, DirectoryLen: size_t) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateModule(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, ParentScope: LLVMMetadataRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, ConfigMacros: const(char)*, ConfigMacrosLen: size_t, IncludePath: const(char)*, IncludePathLen: size_t, ISysRoot: const(char)*, ISysRootLen: size_t) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateNameSpace(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, ParentScope: LLVMMetadataRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, ExportSymbols: LLVMBool) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateFunction(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, LinkageName: const(char)*, LinkageNameLen: size_t, File: LLVMMetadataRef, LineNo: u32, Ty: LLVMMetadataRef, IsLocalToUnit: LLVMBool, IsDefinition: LLVMBool, ScopeLine: u32, Flags: LLVMDIFlags, IsOptimized: LLVMBool) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateLexicalBlock(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, File: LLVMMetadataRef, Line: u32, Column: u32) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateLexicalBlockFile(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, File: LLVMMetadataRef, Discriminator: u32) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateImportedModuleFromNamespace(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, NS: LLVMMetadataRef, File: LLVMMetadataRef, Line: u32) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateImportedModuleFromAlias(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, ImportedEntity: LLVMMetadataRef, File: LLVMMetadataRef, Line: u32) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateImportedModuleFromModule(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, M: LLVMMetadataRef, File: LLVMMetadataRef, Line: u32) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateImportedDeclaration(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, Decl: LLVMMetadataRef, File: LLVMMetadataRef, Line: u32, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateDebugLocation(Ctx: LLVMContextRef, Line: u32, Column: u32, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, InlinedAt: LLVMMetadataRef) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDILocationGetLine(Location: LLVMMetadataRef) u32;
fn LLVMDILocationGetColumn(Location: LLVMMetadataRef) u32;
fn LLVMDILocationGetScope(Location: LLVMMetadataRef) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderGetOrCreateTypeArray(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Data: LLVMMetadataRef*, NumElements: size_t) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateSubroutineType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, File: LLVMMetadataRef, ParameterTypes: LLVMMetadataRef*, NumParameterTypes: u32, Flags: LLVMDIFlags) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateEnumerationType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, File: LLVMMetadataRef, LineNumber: u32, SizeInBits: u64, AlignInBits: u32, Elements: LLVMMetadataRef*, NumElements: u32, ClassTy: LLVMMetadataRef) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateUnionType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, File: LLVMMetadataRef, LineNumber: u32, SizeInBits: u64, AlignInBits: u32, Flags: LLVMDIFlags, Elements: LLVMMetadataRef*, NumElements: u32, RunTimeLang: u32, UniqueId: const(char)*, UniqueIdLen: size_t) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateArrayType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Size: u64, AlignInBits: u32, Ty: LLVMMetadataRef, Subscripts: LLVMMetadataRef*, NumSubscripts: u32) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateVectorType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Size: u64, AlignInBits: u32, Ty: LLVMMetadataRef, Subscripts: LLVMMetadataRef*, NumSubscripts: u32) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateUnspecifiedType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateBasicType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, SizeInBits: u64, Encoding: LLVMDWARFTypeEncoding, Flags: LLVMDIFlags) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreatePointerType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, PointeeTy: LLVMMetadataRef, SizeInBits: u64, AlignInBits: u32, AddressSpace: u32, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateStructType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, File: LLVMMetadataRef, LineNumber: u32, SizeInBits: u64, AlignInBits: u32, Flags: LLVMDIFlags, DerivedFrom: LLVMMetadataRef, Elements: LLVMMetadataRef*, NumElements: u32, RunTimeLang: u32, VTableHolder: LLVMMetadataRef, UniqueId: const(char)*, UniqueIdLen: size_t) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateMemberType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, File: LLVMMetadataRef, LineNo: u32, SizeInBits: u64, AlignInBits: u32, OffsetInBits: u64, Flags: LLVMDIFlags, Ty: LLVMMetadataRef) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateStaticMemberType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, File: LLVMMetadataRef, LineNumber: u32, Type: LLVMMetadataRef, Flags: LLVMDIFlags, ConstantVal: LLVMValueRef, AlignInBits: u32) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateMemberPointerType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, PointeeType: LLVMMetadataRef, ClassType: LLVMMetadataRef, SizeInBits: u64, AlignInBits: u32, Flags: LLVMDIFlags) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateObjCIVar(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, File: LLVMMetadataRef, LineNo: u32, SizeInBits: u64, AlignInBits: u32, OffsetInBits: u64, Flags: LLVMDIFlags, Ty: LLVMMetadataRef, PropertyNode: LLVMMetadataRef) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateObjCProperty(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, File: LLVMMetadataRef, LineNo: u32, GetterName: const(char)*, GetterNameLen: size_t, SetterName: const(char)*, SetterNameLen: size_t, PropertyAttributes: u32, Ty: LLVMMetadataRef) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateObjectPointerType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Type: LLVMMetadataRef) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateQualifiedType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Tag: u32, Type: LLVMMetadataRef) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateReferenceType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Tag: u32, Type: LLVMMetadataRef) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateNullPtrType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateTypedef(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Type: LLVMMetadataRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, File: LLVMMetadataRef, LineNo: u32, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateInheritance(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Ty: LLVMMetadataRef, BaseTy: LLVMMetadataRef, BaseOffset: u64, VBPtrOffset: u32, Flags: LLVMDIFlags) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateForwardDecl(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Tag: u32, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, File: LLVMMetadataRef, Line: u32, RuntimeLang: u32, SizeInBits: u64, AlignInBits: u32, UniqueIdentifier: const(char)*, UniqueIdentifierLen: size_t) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateReplaceableCompositeType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Tag: u32, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, File: LLVMMetadataRef, Line: u32, RuntimeLang: u32, SizeInBits: u64, AlignInBits: u32, Flags: LLVMDIFlags, UniqueIdentifier: const(char)*, UniqueIdentifierLen: size_t) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateBitFieldMemberType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, File: LLVMMetadataRef, LineNumber: u32, SizeInBits: u64, OffsetInBits: u64, StorageOffsetInBits: u64, Flags: LLVMDIFlags, Type: LLVMMetadataRef) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateClassType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, File: LLVMMetadataRef, LineNumber: u32, SizeInBits: u64, AlignInBits: u32, OffsetInBits: u64, Flags: LLVMDIFlags, DerivedFrom: LLVMMetadataRef, Elements: LLVMMetadataRef*, NumElements: u32, VTableHolder: LLVMMetadataRef, TemplateParamsNode: LLVMMetadataRef, UniqueIdentifier: const(char)*, UniqueIdentifierLen: size_t) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateArtificialType(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Type: LLVMMetadataRef) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDITypeGetName(DType: LLVMMetadataRef, Length: size_t*) const(char)*;
fn LLVMDITypeGetSizeInBits(DType: LLVMMetadataRef) u64;
fn LLVMDITypeGetOffsetInBits(DType: LLVMMetadataRef) u64;
fn LLVMDITypeGetAlignInBits(DType: LLVMMetadataRef) u32;
fn LLVMDITypeGetLine(DType: LLVMMetadataRef) u32;
fn LLVMDITypeGetFlags(DType: LLVMMetadataRef) LLVMDIFlags;
fn LLVMDIBuilderGetOrCreateSubrange(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, LowerBound: i64, Count: i64) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderGetOrCreateArray(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Data: LLVMMetadataRef*, NumElements: size_t) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateExpression(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Addr: i64*, Length: size_t) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateConstantValueExpression(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Value: i64) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateGlobalVariableExpression(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, Linkage: const(char)*, LinkLen: size_t, File: LLVMMetadataRef, LineNo: u32, Ty: LLVMMetadataRef, LocalToUnit: LLVMBool, Expr: LLVMMetadataRef, Decl: LLVMMetadataRef, AlignInBits: u32) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMTemporaryMDNode(Ctx: LLVMContextRef, Data: LLVMMetadataRef*, NumElements: size_t) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDisposeTemporaryMDNode(TempNode: LLVMMetadataRef);
fn LLVMMetadataReplaceAllUsesWith(TempTargetMetadata: LLVMMetadataRef, Replacement: LLVMMetadataRef);
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateTempGlobalVariableFwdDecl(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, Linkage: const(char)*, LnkLen: size_t, File: LLVMMetadataRef, LineNo: u32, Ty: LLVMMetadataRef, LocalToUnit: LLVMBool, Decl: LLVMMetadataRef, AlignInBits: u32) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderInsertDeclareBefore(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Storage: LLVMValueRef, VarInfo: LLVMMetadataRef, Expr: LLVMMetadataRef, DebugLoc: LLVMMetadataRef, Instr: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderInsertDeclareAtEnd(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Storage: LLVMValueRef, VarInfo: LLVMMetadataRef, Expr: LLVMMetadataRef, DebugLoc: LLVMMetadataRef, Block: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderInsertDbgValueBefore(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, VarInfo: LLVMMetadataRef, Expr: LLVMMetadataRef, DebugLoc: LLVMMetadataRef, Instr: LLVMValueRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderInsertDbgValueAtEnd(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Val: LLVMValueRef, VarInfo: LLVMMetadataRef, Expr: LLVMMetadataRef, DebugLoc: LLVMMetadataRef, Block: LLVMBasicBlockRef) LLVMValueRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateAutoVariable(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, File: LLVMMetadataRef, LineNo: u32, Ty: LLVMMetadataRef, AlwaysPreserve: LLVMBool, Flags: LLVMDIFlags, AlignInBits: u32) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMDIBuilderCreateParameterVariable(Builder: LLVMDIBuilderRef, Scope: LLVMMetadataRef, Name: const(char)*, NameLen: size_t, ArgNo: u32, File: LLVMMetadataRef, LineNo: u32, Ty: LLVMMetadataRef, AlwaysPreserve: LLVMBool, Flags: LLVMDIFlags) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMGetSubprogram(Func: LLVMValueRef) LLVMMetadataRef;
fn LLVMSetSubprogram(Func: LLVMValueRef, SP: LLVMMetadataRef);
//! DWARF enums and code.
module volt.llvm.dwarf;
enum DwAte