module volt.util.mangledecoder

Code Map

module volt.util.mangledecoder;

//! Take the first n characters from s, advance s by n characters, and
//! return the result.
fn take(s: string, n: size_t) string { }
fn takeDigit(mangledString: string) i32 { }
fn takeNameSegment(mangledString: string, loc: Location) ir.Identifier { }
fn takeName(mangledString: string, loc: Location) ir.QualifiedName { }
fn mangledToDeclaration(mangledString: string, loc: Location) ir.Declaration { }
fn mangledToVariable(mangledString: string, loc: Location) ir.Variable { }
fn mangledToType(mangledString: string, loc: Location) ir.Type { }
fn mangleToCallable(mangledString: string, loc: Location) ir.CallableType { }
fn take(s: string, n: size_t) string

Take the first n characters from s, advance s by n characters, and return the result.