module volta.util.string

Code Map

module volta.util.string;

//! Convert a CRuntime to lower case string.
fn cRuntimeToString(cRuntime: CRuntime) string { }
//! Convert Platform to lower case string.
fn platformToString(platform: Platform) string { }
//! Convert Arch to lower case string.
fn archToString(arch: Arch) string { }
fn isHex(d: dchar) bool { }
fn unescapeString(errSink: ErrorSink, loc: const(Location), s: const(char)[]) immutable(void)[] { }
//! Generate a hash. djb2 algorithm stolen from
fn hash(array: u8[]) u32 { }
//! Returns a string that is s, with all '' removed. "134_hello" =>
//! "134hello" "" => ""
fn removeUnderscores(s: string) string { }
fn cRuntimeToString(cRuntime: CRuntime) string

Convert a CRuntime to lower case string.

fn platformToString(platform: Platform) string

Convert Platform to lower case string.

fn archToString(arch: Arch) string

Convert Arch to lower case string.

fn hash(array: u8[]) u32

Generate a hash. djb2 algorithm stolen from

This needs to correspond with the implementation in vrt.string in the runtime.

fn removeUnderscores(s: string) string

Returns a string that is s, with all '' removed. "134_hello" => "134hello" "" => ""