module volt.semantic.util

Code Map

module volt.semantic.util;

//! Turn a [|w|d]char into [ubyte|ushort|uint] type.
fn charToInteger(pt: ir.PrimitiveType) ir.PrimitiveType { }
//! Remove the given types storage modifiers. Only the given type is
//! modified, any sub types are left unchanged. If no modification is made
//! returns the given type. Will do a deep copy if modification is needed.
fn removeStorageFields(t: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
//! Resolves AutoType to the given type.
fn flattenAuto(atype: ir.AutoType, type: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
//! Turn stype into a flag, and attach it to type.
fn flattenOneStorage(stype: ir.StorageType, type: ir.Type, ct: ir.CallableType, ctIndex: size_t) { }
//! Implicitly convert types to bools in conditional statements, or error.
fn implicitlyCastToBool(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp) { }
//! Return a array of postfixes from a tree of postfixes, starting with the
//! innermost child.
fn collectPostfixes(postfix: ir.Postfix) ir.Postfix[] { }
//! Get a Store or Type from the child of a pre-proceassed postfix chain.
fn getIfStoreOrTypeExp(exp: ir.Exp, store: ir.Store, type: ir.Type) bool { }
fn propagateStorage(type: ir.Type) { }
//! Given a type, return a type that will have every storage flag that are
//! nested within it, by going into array and pointer bases, etc.
fn accumulateStorage(toType: ir.Type, seed: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
//! This handles implicitly typing null. Generic function used by assign
//! and other functions.
fn handleIfNull(ctx: Context, left: ir.Type, right: ir.Exp) bool { }
fn handleNull(ctx: Context, left: ir.Type, right: ir.Exp, rightType: ir.Type) { }
//! Get the this variable for this function.
fn getThisVarNotNull(n: ir.Node, ctx: Context) ir.Variable { }
fn getThisVarNotNull(n: ir.Node, ctx: Context, func: ir.Function) ir.Variable { }
//! Returns a expression that is the this variable, safely handles nested
//! functions as well.
fn getThisReferenceNotNull(n: ir.Node, ctx: Context, thisVar: ir.Variable) ir.Exp { }
fn addVarArgsVarsIfNeeded(lp: LanguagePass, func: ir.Function) { }
fn expsToTypes(exps: ir.Exp[]) ir.Type[] { }
//! Gets a default value (The .default -- 0, or null, usually) for a given
//! type.
fn getDefaultInit(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, t: ir.Type) ir.Exp { }
//! Handles ., like 'int.min' and the like.
fn typeLookup(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, type: ir.Type) bool { }
fn ifTypeRefDeRef(t: ir.Type) ir.Type { }
fn getSizeOf(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, type: ir.Type) ir.AccessExp { }
fn getCommonSubtype(loc: const(Location), types: ir.Type[]) ir.Type { }
//! Given a Node, if it's a Struct or a Union, resolve it.
fn resolveChildStructsAndUnions(lp: LanguagePass, rt: ir.Type) { }
fn stripEnumIfEnum(e: ir.Exp, wasEnum: bool) ir.Exp { }
fn charToInteger(pt: ir.PrimitiveType) ir.PrimitiveType

Turn a [|w|d]char into [ubyte|ushort|uint] type.

fn removeStorageFields(t: ir.Type) ir.Type

Remove the given types storage modifiers. Only the given type is modified, any sub types are left unchanged. If no modification is made returns the given type. Will do a deep copy if modification is needed.

const(const(char)[]) -> const(char)[].

fn flattenAuto(atype: ir.AutoType, type: ir.Type) ir.Type

Resolves AutoType to the given type.

Copies the storage from the auto type and returns the result.

fn flattenOneStorage(stype: ir.StorageType, type: ir.Type, ct: ir.CallableType, ctIndex: size_t)

Turn stype into a flag, and attach it to type.

fn implicitlyCastToBool(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp)

Implicitly convert types to bools in conditional statements, or error.

This is the conversion used for the if, while, do, and for statements.

fn collectPostfixes(postfix: ir.Postfix) ir.Postfix[]

Return a array of postfixes from a tree of postfixes, starting with the innermost child.

fn getIfStoreOrTypeExp(exp: ir.Exp, store: ir.Store, type: ir.Type) bool

Get a Store or Type from the child of a pre-proceassed postfix chain.

fn accumulateStorage(toType: ir.Type, seed: ir.Type) ir.Type

Given a type, return a type that will have every storage flag that are nested within it, by going into array and pointer bases, etc.

fn handleIfNull(ctx: Context, left: ir.Type, right: ir.Exp) bool

This handles implicitly typing null. Generic function used by assign and other functions.

fn getThisVarNotNull(n: ir.Node, ctx: Context) ir.Variable

Get the this variable for this function.

May return the this var field on the nested struct, use getThisReferenceNotNull if you want to safely get a expression pointing to the thisVar.

Never returns null.

fn getThisReferenceNotNull(n: ir.Node, ctx: Context, thisVar: ir.Variable) ir.Exp

Returns a expression that is the this variable, safely handles nested functions as well.

Never returns null.

fn getDefaultInit(loc: const(Location), lp: LanguagePass, t: ir.Type) ir.Exp

Gets a default value (The .default -- 0, or null, usually) for a given type.

fn typeLookup(ctx: Context, exp: ir.Exp, type: ir.Type) bool

Handles ., like 'int.min' and the like.

fn resolveChildStructsAndUnions(lp: LanguagePass, rt: ir.Type)

Given a Node, if it's a Struct or a Union, resolve it.