Code Map
module volt.semantic.cfg;
//! A single node in the execution graph.
class Block
//! Where execution could come from.
parents: Block[];
children: Block[];
//! For handling super calls in ctors.
superCall: bool;
//! Running this block ends execution of its function (e.g. return).
terminates: bool;
//! For handling switches, did this case have a goto or break?
_goto: bool;
_break: bool;
//! For loop bodies; did a break block occur while this was the top of the
//! breakBlock stack?
broken: bool;
this() { }
this(parent: Block) { }
this(parents: Block[]) { }
fn addParent(parent: Block) { }
fn addChild(child: Block) { }
fn addParents(parents: Block[]) { }
fn canReachEntry() bool { }
fn canReachWithoutBreakGoto() bool { }
fn canReachWithoutSuper() bool { }
fn hitsBreakBeforeTarget(target: Block) bool { }
//! Builds and checks CFGs on Functions.
class CFGBuilder : ScopeManager, Pass
lp: LanguagePass;
blocks: BlockStack;
breakBlocks: BlockStack;
currentSwitchStatement: ir.SwitchStatement;
currentSwitchBlocks: Block[];
currentCaseIndex: i32;
classStack: ClassStack;
this(lp: LanguagePass) { }
fn block(b: Block) Block { }
//! Returns the last block added.
fn block() Block { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn close() { }
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn leave(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(rs: ir.ReturnStatement) Status { }
fn enter(exp: ir.Exp, se: ir.StatementExp) Status { }
fn enter(es: ir.ExpStatement) Status { }
fn visit(exp: ir.Exp, eref: ir.ExpReference) Status { }
//! Generate blocks from an if statement.
fn enter(ifs: ir.IfStatement) Status { }
fn enter(fs: ir.ForStatement) Status { }
fn enter(fes: ir.ForeachStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ws: ir.WhileStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ds: ir.DoStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ls: ir.LabelStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ss: ir.SwitchStatement) Status { }
fn visit(cs: ir.ContinueStatement) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn leave(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn enter(gs: ir.GotoStatement) Status { }
//! Generate blocks from a try statement.
fn enter(ts: ir.TryStatement) Status { }
fn enter(ts: ir.ThrowStatement) Status { }
fn enter(as: ir.AssertStatement) Status { }
fn visit(bs: ir.BreakStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ws: ir.WhileStatement) Status { }
fn leave(ds: ir.DoStatement) Status { }
fn leave(fs: ir.ForStatement) Status { }
fn leave(fs: ir.ForeachStatement) Status { }
struct BlockStack
enum MaxSize;
fn length() size_t { }
fn push(val: T) { }
fn pop() T { }
fn peek() T { }
fn clear() { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
//! Returns true if the given block can reach the entry without dgt
//! returning true.
fn canReachWithout(block: Block, dgt: bool delegate(Block)) bool { }
fn canReachChildBefore(block: Block, dgt: bool delegate(Block), target: Block) bool { }
A single node in the execution graph.
Where execution could come from.
For handling super calls in ctors.
Running this block ends execution of its function (e.g. return).
For handling switches, did this case have a goto or break?
For loop bodies; did a break block occur while this was the top of the breakBlock stack?
Returns true if the given block can reach the entry without dgt returning true.
Builds and checks CFGs on Functions.
Returns the last block added.
Generate blocks from an if statement.
Generate blocks from a try statement.
Returns true if the given expression evaluates as a constant true.
Returns true if the given expression evaluates as a constant false.
Convenience function for building blocks for loops.
Build a do loop. Could be done in enter(DoStatement)
, but this is neater.
Sanity check function.