module volt.llvm.backend
Backend | LLVM Backend

Main module for the LLVM Backend.

Code Map

//! Main module for the LLVM Backend.
module volt.llvm.backend;

//! Layout strings grabbed from clang.
enum layoutWinLinux32;
//! Layout strings grabbed from clang.
enum layoutWinLinux64;
//! Layout strings grabbed from clang.
enum layoutOSX32;
//! Layout strings grabbed from clang.
enum layoutOSX64;
//! Layout strings grabbed from clang.
enum layoutAArch64Linux64;
//! Layout strings grabbed from clang.
enum layoutARMHFLinux32;
//! Bare metal layout, grabbed from clang with target "X-pc-none-elf".
enum layoutMetal32;
//! Bare metal layout, grabbed from clang with target "X-pc-none-elf".
enum layoutMetal64;

//! Main interface for the Driver to the llvm backend.
class LlvmBackend : Backend
	this(lp: LanguagePass, internalDebug: bool) { }
	fn close() { }
	fn supported() TargetType[] { }
	fn compileFile(m: ir.Module, type: TargetType, ehPersonality: ir.Function, llvmTypeidFor: ir.Function, execDir: string, currentWorkingDir: string, identStr: string) BackendFileResult { }
	fn compileHost(m: ir.Module, ehPersonality: ir.Function, llvmTypeidFor: ir.Function, execDir: string, currentWorkingDir: string, identStr: string) BackendHostResult { }
	fn compileState(m: ir.Module, ehPersonality: ir.Function, llvmTypeidFor: ir.Function, execDir: string, currentWorkingDir: string, identStr: string) VoltState { }

	lp: LanguagePass;
	target: TargetInfo;
	llvmTarget: LLVMTargetRef;
	llvmMachineTarget: LLVMTargetMachineRef;
	mDump: bool;

//! A llvm result that saves to bitcode files.
class BitcodeResult : BackendFileResult
	this(backend: LlvmBackend, state: VoltState) { }
	fn close() { }
	fn saveToFile(filename: string) { }

	mBackend: LlvmBackend;
	mContext: LLVMContextRef;
	mMod: LLVMModuleRef;

//! Backend results that procudes a object file.
class ObjectResult : BitcodeResult
	this(b: LlvmBackend, s: VoltState) { }
	fn saveToFile(filename: string) { }

//! Load a LLVMModuleRef into memory from file.
fn loadModule(ctx: LLVMContextRef, filename: string) LLVMModuleRef { }
//! Helper function to link several LLVM modules together.
fn linkModules(output: string, inputs: string[]) { }
//! Write the given module into a bitcode file.
fn writeBitcodeFile(target: TargetInfo, output: string, mod: LLVMModuleRef) { }
//! Read a bitcode file from disk, assemble and write the given it to the
//! given filename using the given target. The assemble type and file
//! format is decided by the given target.
fn writeObjectFile(target: TargetInfo, output: string, input: string) { }
//! Assemble and write the given module to the given filename using the
//! given target. The assemble type and file format is decided by the given
//! machine.
fn writeObjectFile(machine: LLVMTargetMachineRef, output: string, mod: LLVMModuleRef) { }
//! Create a target machine.
fn createTargetMachine(target: TargetInfo) LLVMTargetMachineRef { }
//! Used to select LLVMTarget.
fn getArchTarget(target: TargetInfo) string { }
//! Returns the llvm triple string for the given target.
fn getTriple(target: TargetInfo) string { }
//! Returns the llvm layout string for the given target.
fn getLayout(target: TargetInfo) string { }
class LlvmBackend : Backend

Main interface for the Driver to the llvm backend.

class BitcodeResult : BackendFileResult

A llvm result that saves to bitcode files.

class ObjectResult : BitcodeResult

Backend results that procudes a object file.

fn loadModule(ctx: LLVMContextRef, filename: string) LLVMModuleRef

Load a LLVMModuleRef into memory from file.



The context that the module will be created in.


The bitcode file to load the module from.

fn linkModules(output: string, inputs: string[])

Helper function to link several LLVM modules together.



The filename to write the result into.

fn writeBitcodeFile(target: TargetInfo, output: string, mod: LLVMModuleRef)

Write the given module into a bitcode file.



Layout and triple decided by the target.


The filename that the function writes the bitcode to.


The module to assemble and write out to the output file.


  • Will overwrite the modules triple and layout information.

fn writeObjectFile(target: TargetInfo, output: string, input: string)

Read a bitcode file from disk, assemble and write the given it to the given filename using the given target. The assemble type and file format is decided by the given target.



Decides assemble type and file format.


The filename to write the object file to.


The file to read the module from.

fn writeObjectFile(machine: LLVMTargetMachineRef, output: string, mod: LLVMModuleRef)

Assemble and write the given module to the given filename using the given target. The assemble type and file format is decided by the given machine.



Used to create the object file, createMachineTarget.


The filename to write the object file to.


The module to assemble and write out to the output file.

fn createTargetMachine(target: TargetInfo) LLVMTargetMachineRef

Create a target machine.



The target for which to create a LLVMTargetMachineRef.

fn getArchTarget(target: TargetInfo) string

Used to select LLVMTarget.



The target to get the arch string for.

fn getTriple(target: TargetInfo) string

Returns the llvm triple string for the given target.



The target to get the triple string for.

fn getLayout(target: TargetInfo) string

Returns the llvm layout string for the given target.



The target to get the layout string for.

enum layoutWinLinux32

Layout strings grabbed from clang.

enum layoutWinLinux64

Layout strings grabbed from clang.

enum layoutOSX32

Layout strings grabbed from clang.

enum layoutOSX64

Layout strings grabbed from clang.

enum layoutAArch64Linux64

Layout strings grabbed from clang.

enum layoutARMHFLinux32

Layout strings grabbed from clang.

enum layoutMetal32

Bare metal layout, grabbed from clang with target "X-pc-none-elf".

enum layoutMetal64

Bare metal layout, grabbed from clang with target "X-pc-none-elf".