module volta.postparse.attribremoval
Code that flattens volt attributes onto ir nodes.
Code Map
//! Code that flattens volt attributes onto ir nodes.
module volta.postparse.attribremoval;
//! A pass that turns Attributes nodes into fields on to Functions, Classes
//! and the like.
class AttribRemoval : NullVisitor, Pass
struct ContextSink
enum MaxSize;
alias Sink = void delegate(scope (SinkArg));
alias SinkArg = scope (scope (T)[]);
fn length() size_t { }
fn sink(type: T) { }
fn append(arr: scope (scope (T)[])) { }
fn append(s: SinkStruct) { }
fn popLast() T { }
fn getLast() T { }
fn get(i: size_t) T { }
fn set(i: size_t, n: T) { }
fn setLast(i: T) { }
fn toSink(sink: Sink) { }
fn toArray() T[] { }
fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
fn reset() { }
target: TargetInfo;
errSink: ErrorSink;
this(target: TargetInfo, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module) { }
fn transform(m: ir.Module, func: ir.Function, bs: ir.BlockStatement) { }
fn close() { }
fn enter(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn enter(tlb: ir.TopLevelBlock) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir.Import) Status { }
fn enter(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn enter(d: ir.Variable) Status { }
fn enter(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration) Status { }
fn enter(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn enter(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn enter(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn enter(i: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn enter(e: ir.Enum) Status { }
fn enter(a: ir.Alias) Status { }
fn leave(func: ir.Function) Status { }
fn leave(s: ir.Struct) Status { }
fn leave(u: ir.Union) Status { }
fn leave(c: ir.Class) Status { }
fn leave(i: ir._Interface) Status { }
fn leave(m: ir.Module) Status { }
fn enter(attr: ir.Attribute) Status { }
fn leave(attr: ir.Attribute) Status { }
fn visit(td: ir.TemplateDefinition) Status { }
//! Helper class.
class Context
node: ir.Node;
stack: AttributeSink;
oldStack: AttributeSink;
this(node: ir.Node) { }
mCtxStack: ContextSink;
mAttrStack: AttributeSink;
fn ctxTop() Context { }
fn ctxPush(node: ir.Node, inherit: bool) { }
fn ctxPop(node: ir.Node) { }
fn attrTop() ir.Attribute { }
fn attrPush(attr: ir.Attribute) { }
fn attrPop(attr: ir.Attribute) { }
fn attrPushDown() { }
fn manipAttr(ns: NodeSink, attr: ir.Attribute) { }
fn manip(nodes: ir.Node[]) ir.Node[] { }
fn manip(ns: NodeSink, nodes: ir.Node[]) { }
fn manip(ns: NodeSink, n: ir.Node) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(i: ir.Import, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(func: ir.Function, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink, target: TargetInfo) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(d: ir.Variable, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink, target: TargetInfo) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(s: ir.Aggregate, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(i: ir._Interface, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(e: ir.Enum, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttributes(a: ir.Alias, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(i: ir.Import, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(func: ir.Function, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink, target: TargetInfo) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(ed: ir.EnumDeclaration, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(d: ir.Variable, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink, target: TargetInfo) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(s: ir.Aggregate, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(i: ir._Interface, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(e: ir.Enum, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
//! Applies a single attribute.
fn applyAttribute(a: ir.Alias, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink) { }
fn applyAttributes(i: ir.Import, attrs: AttributeSink, errSink: ErrorSink)
Loops over all attributes and applies them.
fn applyAttribute(i: ir.Import, attr: ir.Attribute, errSink: ErrorSink)
Applies a single attribute.
class AttribRemoval : NullVisitor, Pass
A pass that turns Attributes nodes into fields on to Functions, Classes and the like.
class Context
Helper class.