Post Parsing Passes
These are the passes that the LanguagePass runs after parsing is done.
See also
The input for post parse is often generated by Parsing.
After post parse Semantic Passes are run.
volta.postparse.missing | Module containing the MissingDeps class. |
volta.postparse.gatherer | Module that deals with gatherering symbols into scopes. |
volta.postparse.condremoval | Code that removes volt version constructs. |
volta.postparse.attribremoval | Code that flattens volt attributes onto ir nodes. |
volta.postparse.scopereplacer | Module containing the ScopeReplacer class. |
volta.postparse.importresolver | Module containing the ImportResolver class. |
MissingDeps | Looks for missing dependancies via imports. |
Gatherer | Populate the scopes with Variables, Aliases, Functions, and Types. Adds Scopes where needed as well. |
ConditionalRemoval | A pass that removes version and debug blocks, not static ifs. |
AttribRemoval | A pass that turns Attributes nodes into fields on to Functions, Classes and the like. |
ScopeReplacer | Module containing the ScopeReplacer class. |
ImportResolver | Resolves imports on a single module. |