charge.gfx.buffer | Vertex buffers. |
charge.gfx.gfx | Source file for misc gfx things. |
charge.gfx.shader | Source file for Shader base class. |
charge.gfx.texture | Source file for Texture(s). |
charge.gfx.timetracker | Source file for TimeTrackers and trackers. |
charge.gfx.counters | GPU profiling counters. |
charge.gfx.draw | Super simple 2D drawing helper. |
charge.gfx.bitmapfont | Simple bitmap font. |
charge.gfx.aa | Helper class for rendering a AA view to another target. |
charge.gfx | Include everything from gfx. |
charge.gfx.helpers | Helper classes to keep track of framebuffers and blit textures. |
charge.gfx.timer | Source file for timers. |
charge.gfx.sync | Source file for syncing with the gpu. | | Source file for Target(s), that is FBOs and DefaultTarget. |
charge.gfx.simple | Simpler object rendering code, shader, buffer and builder. |
charge.gfx.compiler | Source file for Shader Compiler code. |
Target | Base target class, allows you to bind and unbind targets. |
DefaultTarget | The default fbo in OpenGL, glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0). |
ExtTarget | Target for a FBO made outside of charge, takes ownership of the fbo. |
Framebuffer | A simple color + depth framebuffer. |
FramebufferMSAA | A simple color + depth framebuffer, with MSAA textures. |
SimpleBuffer | VBO used for simple drawing operations. |
SimpleVertexBuilder | Building simple vertex buffers. |
ViewInfo | Information about a single view to be rendered, passed alongside a Target. |
SimpleVertex | Vertex format, vec3f32 position, vec2f32 coordinate and vec4!u8 color. |