module charge.gfx.gfx

Source file for misc gfx things.

Code Map

//! Source file for misc gfx things.
module charge.gfx.gfx;

//! Holds information about a renderer, this derived from looking at
//! extensions and various string that the rendering API exposes.
struct RendererInfo
	glVendor: string;
	glVersion: string;
	glRenderer: string;
	isGL: bool;
	isAMD: bool;
	isNVIDIA: bool;
	isINTEL: bool;
	isMESA: bool;
	isConfidentInDetection: bool;

//! Has gfx been loaded.
global gfxLoaded: bool;
//! Cached information about the current rendderer, set at init by the
//! core.
global gfxRendererInfo: RendererInfo;
global gfxLoaded: bool

Has gfx been loaded.

global gfxRendererInfo: RendererInfo

Cached information about the current rendderer, set at init by the core.

struct RendererInfo

Holds information about a renderer, this derived from looking at extensions and various string that the rendering API exposes.