module charge.gfx.shader

Source file for Shader base class.

Code Map

//! Source file for Shader base class.
module charge.gfx.shader;

class Shader
	name: string;
	id: GLuint;

	this(name: string, vert: string, frag: string, attr: string[], tex: string[]) { }
	this(name: string, vert: string, geom: string, frag: string) { }
	this(name: string, comp: string) { }
	this(name: string, id: GLuint) { }
	fn close() { }
	fn bind() { }
	fn unbind() { }
	fn float4(name: const(char)*, count: i32, value: f32*) { }
	fn float4(name: const(char)*, value: f32*) { }
	fn float3(name: const(char)*, count: i32, value: f32*) { }
	fn float3(name: const(char)*, value: f32*) { }
	fn float2(name: const(char)*, count: i32, value: f32*) { }
	fn float2(name: const(char)*, value: f32*) { }
	fn float1(name: const(char)*, count: i32, value: f32*) { }
	fn float1(name: const(char)*, value: f32) { }
	fn int4(name: const(char)*, value: i32*) { }
	fn int3(name: const(char)*, value: i32*) { }
	fn int2(name: const(char)*, value: i32*) { }
	fn int1(name: const(char)*, value: i32) { }
	fn matrix3(name: const(char)*, count: i32, transpose: bool, mat: math.Matrix3x3f) { }
	fn matrix4(name: const(char)*, count: i32, transpose: bool, mat: math.Matrix4x4f) { }
	fn sampler(name: const(char)*, value: i32) { }

//! Closes and sets reference to null.
fn destroy(obj: Shader) { }
fn makeShaderC(name: string, comp: string) GLuint { }
fn makeShaderVF(name: string, vert: string, frag: string, attr: string[], texs: string[]) GLuint { }
fn makeShaderVGF(name: string, vert: string, geom: string, frag: string) GLuint { }
fn createAndCompileShaderC(name: string, comp: string) GLuint { }
fn createAndCompileShaderVF(name: string, vert: string, frag: string) GLuint { }
fn createAndCompileShaderVGF(name: string, vert: string, geom: string, frag: string) GLuint { }
fn compileShader(shader: GLuint, source: string) { }
fn compileShaderLog(name: string, shader: GLuint, source: string, type: string) { }
fn getInfoLog(shader: GLuint, program: bool) string { }
fn getStatus(shader: GLuint, program: bool) bool { }
fn printDebug(name: string, shader: GLuint, program: bool, type: string) bool { }
fn destroy(obj: Shader)

Closes and sets reference to null.