IR Statement Nodes

IR Nodes

Statements make things happen. They control the flow of execution, and can control lookup of symbols in certain scopes. This is in contrast to expressions, which compute values...and sometimes control flow. But the latter is mostly the domain of statements, and allows Volt to be a Turing complete language. Which is sometimes useful, we're told.


Condition Node represention a compile time conditional compilation.
Statement Base class for all statements.
BlockStatement A block statement is a group of zero or more statements. Why these exist depends on where they live.
ReturnStatement The return statement returns execution to the caller of the current function, and optionally returns a value.
AsmStatement The asm statement contains inline assembly. It's a list of tokens so different backends can parse it however they want. It all still has to lex as valid Volt, of course.
AssertStatement The assert statement aborts if condition is flase, optionally displaying message. isStatic determines whether condition is checked at compile time or not.
IfStatement If exp is true, execution flows to thenState. If exp is false, execution flows to elseState, if it exists, otherwise it skips to the end of the if statement.
WhileStatement The while statement keeps executing the statements in block, as long as condition evaluates in true.
DoStatement Like a while statement, executes block while condition is true. Unlike the while statement, at least one execution of block is guaranteed.
ForStatement The for statement is a while statement that evaluates init first (optionally introducing Variables into the for's scope), and running increment at the end of each block's execution. Other than that, it keeps executing block while test evaluates to true.
ForeachStatement The foreach statement loops over elements in an aggregate. Arrays and AAs have builtin support, but users can define iteration solutions for their own types too.
LabelStatement A label statement associates a string with a position in the statement stream. Goto can then be used to jump to that position and anger Dijkstra.
ExpStatement An ExpStatement wraps an Expression in a Statement.
SwitchStatement A switch statement jumps to various case labels depending on the value of its condition.
ContinueStatement The continue statement restarts a loop (while, dowhile, for, foreach).
BreakStatement The break statement halts execution of a loop or a switch statement.
GotoStatement The goto statement jumps to a label, or controls flow inside a switch statement.
WithStatement All lookups inside of a WithStatement first check exp before performing a regular lookup. Ambiguities are still errors.
SynchronizedStatement A synchronized statement ensures that only one thread of execution can enter its block. An explicit mutex may be provided.
TryStatement The try statement allows the resolution of throw statements, by rerouting thrown exceptions into various catch blocks.
ThrowStatement A throw statements halts the current functions execution and unwinds the stack until it hits a try statement with an appropriate catch statement or, failing that, it halts execution of the entire program.
ScopeStatement ScopeStatements are executed on various conditions. Exits are always executed when the given scope is left. Successes are executed when the scope is left normally. Failures are executed when the scope is left by way of an Exception.
PragmaStatement Pragma statements do magical things. pragma(lib, "SDL"), for instance, tells the compiler to link with SDL without the user having to specify it on the command line. What pragmas are supported vary from compiler to compiler, the only thing specified is that complying implementations must die on unknown pragmas by default.
ConditionStatement A ConditionStatement provides for conditional compilation of statements. If condition is true, then it is as if block was where the ConditionStatement was. Otherwise, the _else block replaces it (if present).
MixinStatement The mixin statement mixes in a mixin function, mixin template or a string.


ScopeKind Used by ScopeStatement and other nodes.