Node |
Base class for all IR nodes. |
QualifiedName |
A series of identifiers and dots referring to a declared item. |
Identifier |
A single string that could be a part of an ir.QualifiedName or
stand-alone node inside of the ir, referencing a declared item. |
Type |
Base class for all types. |
PrimitiveType |
PrimitiveTypes are types that are entirely well known to the compiler
ahead of time. Consisting mostly of integral types, the only abstract
one is Void, which indicates no type or (in the case of arrays and
pointers) any type. |
TypeReference |
A TypeReference is generated for user defined types, and a pass fills
in the information so it can act as a cache, and not require multiple
lookups. |
PointerType |
A pointer is an abstraction of an address. You can dereference a
pointer (get the thing it's pointing to), perform pointer arithmetic
(move to the next possible address that could contain the same type),
or reseat a pointer (change what it points to). You can also slice a
pointer to get an array. |
NullType |
The NullType represents the Type of a null. |
ArrayType |
An ArrayType represents a slice of memory. It contains a pointer, that
contains elements of the base type, and a length, which says how many
elements this slice shows. This is lowered into a struct before the
backend gets it. |
AmbiguousArrayType |
A type that is either an AAType or a StaticArrayType, but we cannot
tell which yet. |
StaticArrayType |
A StaticArray is a list of elements of type base with a statically
(known at compile time) number of elements. Unlike C, these are passed
by value to functions. |
AAType |
An AAType is an associative array -- it associates keys with values. |
FunctionType |
A FunctionType represents the form of a function, and defines how it is
called. It has a return type and a number of parameters. |
DelegateType |
A DelegateType is a function pointer with an additional context
pointer. |
StorageType |
A StorageType changes how a Type behaves. |
AutoType |
For representing inferred types. auto a = 3; const b = 2; |
AliasStaticIf |
A special kind of type that allows an alias to have multiple
configurations. |
Store |
A container class for a various things that can be stored in a Scope. |
Scope |
A single scope containing declared items and their identifiers. |
Module |
The toplevelest node. |
Import |
An Import adds a module to the search path of identifiers inside the
module it's in. |
Attribute |
Attributes apply different behaviours and access levels to one or more
top level nodes. These are lowered onto the object by the attribremoval
pass. |
Named |
Named is a base class for named types, like Enum, Struct, Class and so
on. This is slightly different from Aggregate since Enum is not a
Aggregate, but is a named type. |
Aggregate |
Aggregate is a base class for Struct, Union & Class. |
Class |
Java style class declaration. Classes enable polymorphism, and are
always accessed through opaque references (to prevent slicing -- look
it up!) |
_Interface |
Java style interface declaration. An interface defines multiple
functions that an implementing class must define. A class can inherit
from multiple interfaces, and can be treated as an instance of any one
of them. |
Union |
C style union. Structs are a POD data type, and should be binary
compatible with the same union as defined by your friendly
neighbourhood C compiler. |
Struct |
C style struct. Structs are a POD data type, and should be binary
compatible with the same struct as defined by your friendly
neighbourhood C compiler. |
Enum |
C style Enum. Enums create symbols that are associated with compile time
constants. By default, they are enumerated with ascending numbers,
hence the name. |
Unittest |
Unittest code to be run on if selected by user. |
Condition |
Node represention a compile time conditional compilation. |
ConditionTopLevel |
Node represention a compile time conditional compilation, at the
toplevel. Uses Condition to specify the if it should be compiled. |
MixinFunction |
Node represention of a function mixin. |
MixinTemplate |
Node represention of a template mixin. |
Statement |
Base class for all statements. |
BlockStatement |
A block statement is a group of zero or more statements. Why these
exist depends on where they live. |
ReturnStatement |
The return statement returns execution to the caller of the current
function, and optionally returns a value. |
AsmStatement |
The asm statement contains inline assembly. It's a list of tokens so
different backends can parse it however they want. It all still has to
lex as valid Volt, of course. |
AssertStatement |
The assert statement aborts if condition is flase, optionally
displaying message. isStatic determines whether condition is checked at
compile time or not. |
IfStatement |
If exp is true, execution flows to thenState. If exp is false,
execution flows to elseState, if it exists, otherwise it skips to the
end of the if statement. |
WhileStatement |
The while statement keeps executing the statements in block, as long as
condition evaluates in true. |
DoStatement |
Like a while statement, executes block while condition is true. Unlike
the while statement, at least one execution of block is guaranteed. |
ForStatement |
The for statement is a while statement that evaluates init first
(optionally introducing Variables into the for's scope), and running
increment at the end of each block's execution. Other than that, it
keeps executing block while test evaluates to true. |
ForeachStatement |
The foreach statement loops over elements in an aggregate. Arrays and
AAs have builtin support, but users can define iteration solutions for
their own types too. |
LabelStatement |
A label statement associates a string with a position in the statement
stream. Goto can then be used to jump to that position and anger
Dijkstra. |
ExpStatement |
An ExpStatement wraps an Expression in a Statement. |
SwitchStatement |
A switch statement jumps to various case labels depending on the value
of its condition. |
ContinueStatement |
The continue statement restarts a loop (while, dowhile, for, foreach). |
BreakStatement |
The break statement halts execution of a loop or a switch statement. |
GotoStatement |
The goto statement jumps to a label, or controls flow inside a switch
statement. |
WithStatement |
All lookups inside of a WithStatement first check exp before performing
a regular lookup. Ambiguities are still errors. |
SynchronizedStatement |
A synchronized statement ensures that only one thread of execution can
enter its block. An explicit mutex may be provided. |
TryStatement |
The try statement allows the resolution of throw statements, by
rerouting thrown exceptions into various catch blocks. |
ThrowStatement |
A throw statements halts the current functions execution and unwinds
the stack until it hits a try statement with an appropriate catch
statement or, failing that, it halts execution of the entire program. |
ScopeStatement |
ScopeStatements are executed on various conditions. Exits are always
executed when the given scope is left. Successes are executed when the
scope is left normally. Failures are executed when the scope is left by
way of an Exception. |
PragmaStatement |
Pragma statements do magical things. pragma(lib, "SDL"), for instance,
tells the compiler to link with SDL without the user having to specify
it on the command line. What pragmas are supported vary from compiler
to compiler, the only thing specified is that complying implementations
must die on unknown pragmas by default. |
ConditionStatement |
A ConditionStatement provides for conditional compilation of
statements. If condition is true, then it is as if block was where the
ConditionStatement was. Otherwise, the _else block replaces it (if
present). |
MixinStatement |
The mixin statement mixes in a mixin function, mixin template or a
string. |
Exp |
Base class for all expressions. |
LiteralExp |
Base class for literal expressions. |
Ternary |
A ternary expression is a shorthand if statement in the form of an
expression. |
BinOp |
A BinOp is an operation the operates on two expressions with a given
operation. |
Unary |
A Unary operation is prepended to the back of an expression. |
Postfix |
A postfix operation is appended to an expression. |
PropertyExp |
A looked up postfix operation is appended to an expression. |
Constant |
A Constant is a literal value of a given type. |
ArrayLiteral |
Represents an array literal. Contains a list of expressions with (if
semantically sound) a common type. |
AssocArray |
Represents an associative array literal -- a list of key/value pairs. |
IdentifierExp |
Represents a single identifier. Replaced with ExpReference in a pass. |
Assert |
An Assert checks that a condition is true, and dies with an optional
message if not. |
StringImport |
A StringImport creates a string literal from a file on disk at compile
time. |
Typeid |
The typeid expression returns the typeinfo of a given type or
expression. |
IsExp |
The is expression is a bit of a swiss army knife. It can be simply used
to determine whether a given type is well-formed, or if a given type is
a certain other type, or can be converted into another type. |
FunctionLiteral |
A function literal can define a normal function, or a delegate (a
function with context). There are multiple ways to define these but the
long hand way is int function(int a, int b) { return a + b; } Defines a
function that takes two integers and returns them added up. int
delegate(int a, int b) { return a + b + c; } Is the same, except it has
access to the outer scope's variables. |
ExpReference |
An ExpReference replaces chained postfix look ups with the result of
the lookup. A cache that is inserted later, in other words. |
TypeExp |
A TypeExp is used when a primitive type is used in an expression. This
is currently limited to .max/min and (void*).max/min. |
StoreExp |
A StoreExp is used when a NamedType is used in an expression within a
WithStatement, like so: with (Class.Enum) { int val = DeclInEnum; }. |
StatementExp |
A StatementExp is a internal expression for inserting statements into a
expression. Note that this is not a function and executes the
statements just as if they where inserted in the BlockStatement that
the StatementExp is in. Meaning any ReturnStatement will return the
current function not this StatementExp. |
TokenExp |
Expression that corresponds to what was once special tokens. FUNCTION,
VaArgExp |
Expression that assists in working with varargs. |
AccessExp |
An expression that represents a simple identifier.identifier lookup. |
RunExp |
An expression that forces the compiler to evaluate another expression
at compile time. |
ComposableString |
A string that contains expressions to be formatted inline. |
Declaration |
Base class for all declarations. |
Variable |
Represents an instance of a type. |
Alias |
An Alias associates names with a Type. Once declared, using that name
is as using that Type directly. |
Function |
A function is a block of code that takes parameters, and may return a
value. There may be additional implied context, depending on where it's
defined. |
FunctionSet |
Represents multiple functions associated with a single name. |
FunctionParam |
Represents a parameter to a function. |
TemplateInstance |
Creates a concrete instance of a template. |