module watt.text.source

A class for dealing with a file from the perspective of a compiler.

Code Map

//! A class for dealing with a file from the perspective of a compiler.
module watt.text.source;

//! A container for iterating over UTF-8 source code.
class Source
	alias eof = empty;

	//! The location of the current character front.
	loc: Location;

	//! Sets this Source to s and the current location and validate it as a
	//! utf8 source.
	this(s: string, filename: string) { }
	//! Have we reached EOF, if we have current = dchar.default.
	fn empty() dchar { }
	//! Returns the current utf8 char.
	fn front() dchar { }
	//! Returns the following utf8 char after front.
	fn following() dchar { }
	//! Advance the source one character.
	fn popFront() { }
	//! Advance the source n character.
	fn popFrontN(n: size_t) { }
	//! Used to skip whitespace in the source file, as defined by
	//! watt.text.ascii.isWhite.
	fn skipWhitespace() { }
	//! Skips till character after next end of line or eof.
	fn skipEndOfLine() { }
	//! Return the unicode character n chars forwards. lookaheadEOF set to true
	//! if we reached EOF, otherwise false.
	fn lookahead(n: size_t, lookaheadEOF: bool) dchar { }
	//! Return the index of the current character.
	fn save() size_t { }
	//! Slices the source from the given mark to (but not including) the
	//! current character. Use save for indicies.
	fn sliceFrom(mark: size_t) string { }
	//! Slice the source from a to b.
	fn slice(a: size_t, b: size_t) string { }

//! A simple container for iterating over UTF-8 source code.
struct SimpleSource
	alias eof = empty;

	//! Have we reached EOF, if we have front = dchar.default.
	empty: bool;

	//! Setup this simple source and return the full source.
	fn source(src: string) string { }
	//! Return the full source.
	fn source() string { }
	//! Returns the current utf8 char.
	fn front() dchar { }
	//! Returns the following utf8 char after front.
	fn following() dchar { }
	//! Advance the source one character.
	fn popFront() { }
	//! Advance the source n character.
	fn popFrontN(n: size_t) { }
	//! Return the unicode character n chars forwards. lookaheadEOF set to true
	//! if we reached EOF, otherwise false.
	fn lookahead(n: size_t, lookaheadEmpty: bool) dchar { }
	//! Used to skip whitespace in the source file, as defined by
	//! watt.text.ascii.isWhite.
	fn skipWhitespace() { }
	//! Return the index of the current character.
	fn save() size_t { }
	//! Slices the source from the given mark to (but not including) the
	//! current character. Use save for indicies.
	fn sliceFrom(mark: size_t) string { }
	//! Slices two points.
	fn slice(a: size_t, b: size_t) string { }
	//! Decodes a single utf8 code point at index in the given source.
	fn decodeChar(index: size_t) dchar { }

//! Struct representing a location in a source file.
struct Location
	//! The file from pointed to this locatiom.
	filename: string;
	//! Line number starting at 1.
	line: size_t;
	//! Column starting at 1.
	column: size_t;
	//! Length in characers.
	length: size_t;

	//! Format into a location string.
	fn toString() string { }
	//! Difference between two locations. end - begin == begin ... end
	fn opSub(begin: Location) Location { }
	//! See difference.
	fn spanTo(end: Location) { }

	//! Difference between two locations. end - begin == begin ... end
	static fn difference(end: Location, begin: Location, _default: Location) Location { }
class Source

A container for iterating over UTF-8 source code.

Assumes the given source is valid UTF-8.

loc: Location

The location of the current character front.

alias eof

See also

  • empty.

this(s: string, filename: string)

Sets this Source to s and the current location and validate it as a utf8 source.


  • UtfException if the source is not valid utf8.


  • Puts all the other fields into known good states.

fn empty() dchar

Have we reached EOF, if we have current = dchar.default.

fn front() dchar

Returns the current utf8 char.


  • None.

fn following() dchar

Returns the following utf8 char after front.


  • None.

fn popFront()

Advance the source one character.


  • UtfException if the source is not valid utf8.


  • eof set to true if we have reached the EOF.

  • mSrc.mChar is set to the returned character if not at EOF.

  • mSrc.mNextIndex advanced to the end of the given character.

  • mSrc.mLastIndex points to the index of the current character.

fn popFrontN(n: size_t)

Advance the source n character.


  • UtfException if the source is not valid utf8.


  • eof set to true if we have reached the EOF.

  • mSrc.mChar is set to the current character if not at EOF.

  • mSrc.mNextIndex advanced to the end of the given character.

  • mSrc.mLastIndex points to the index of the current character.

fn skipWhitespace()

Used to skip whitespace in the source file, as defined by watt.text.ascii.isWhite.


fn skipEndOfLine()

Skips till character after next end of line or eof.


fn lookahead(n: size_t, lookaheadEOF: bool) dchar

Return the unicode character n chars forwards. lookaheadEOF set to true if we reached EOF, otherwise false.

If n is 0, this is the same as calling front.


Unicode char at n or dchar.default at EOF.


  • UtfException if the source is not valid utf8.


  • None.

fn save() size_t

Return the index of the current character.


  • None.

fn sliceFrom(mark: size_t) string

Slices the source from the given mark to (but not including) the current character. Use save for indicies.


  • None.

fn slice(a: size_t, b: size_t) string

Slice the source from a to b.

struct SimpleSource

A simple container for iterating over UTF-8 source code.

Assumes the given source is valid UTF-8.

alias eof

See also

  • empty.

empty: bool

Have we reached EOF, if we have front = dchar.default.

fn source(src: string) string

Setup this simple source and return the full source.

fn source() string

Return the full source.

fn front() dchar

Returns the current utf8 char.


  • None.

fn following() dchar

Returns the following utf8 char after front.


  • None.

fn popFront()

Advance the source one character.


  • UtfException if the source is not valid utf8.


  • eof set to true if we have reached the EOF.

  • mChar is set to the current character if not at EOF.

  • mNextIndex advanced to the end of the given character.

  • mLastIndex points to the index of the current character.

fn popFrontN(n: size_t)

Advance the source n character.


  • UtfException if the source is not valid utf8.


  • eof set to true if we have reached the EOF.

  • mChar is set to the current character if not at EOF.

  • mNextIndex advanced to the end of the given character.

  • mLastIndex points to the index of the current character.

fn lookahead(n: size_t, lookaheadEmpty: bool) dchar

Return the unicode character n chars forwards. lookaheadEOF set to true if we reached EOF, otherwise false.

If n is 0, this is the same as calling front.


Unicode char at n or dchar.default at empty.


  • UtfException if the source is not valid utf8.


  • None.

fn skipWhitespace()

Used to skip whitespace in the source file, as defined by watt.text.ascii.isWhite.


fn save() size_t

Return the index of the current character.


  • None.

fn sliceFrom(mark: size_t) string

Slices the source from the given mark to (but not including) the current character. Use save for indicies.


  • None.

fn slice(a: size_t, b: size_t) string

Slices two points.

fn decodeChar(index: size_t) dchar

Decodes a single utf8 code point at index in the given source.


Unicode char at index or dchar.default if out of bound.


  • None.

struct Location

Struct representing a location in a source file.

Useful for error messages.

filename: string

The file from pointed to this locatiom.

line: size_t

Line number starting at 1.

column: size_t

Column starting at 1.

length: size_t

Length in characers.

fn toString() string

Format into a location string.

fn opSub(begin: Location) Location

Difference between two locations. end - begin == begin ... end

See also

  • watt.text.source.Location.difference

fn difference(end: Location, begin: Location, _default: Location) Location

Difference between two locations. end - begin == begin ... end

On mismatch of filename or if begin is after end _default is returned.

fn spanTo(end: Location)