module watt.math.introspection

Determine if floating points are special constants.

Code Map

//! Determine if floating points are special constants.
module watt.math.introspection;

//! Is the given value signalling NaN?
fn isnan(d: f64) i32 { }
//! Is the given value signalling NaN?
fn isnan(f: f32) i32 { }
//! Is the given value signalling infinity?
fn isinf(d: f64) i32 { }
//! Is the given value signalling infinity?
fn isinf(f: f32) i32 { }
fn isnan(d: f64) i32

Is the given value signalling NaN?


Non-zero if d is nan.

fn isinf(d: f64) i32

Is the given value signalling infinity?


Non-zero if d is infinite.