module watt.json.util

Useful functions when dealing with JSON.

The watt.json.sax parser doesn't process any of the output it gives. Use these functions to get data from what it gives you.

Code Map

//! Useful functions when dealing with JSON.
module watt.json.util;

//! Base Exception for the whole json package.
class JSONException : Exception
	this(msg: string, location: string) { }

//! Exception thrown when an error occurs during parsing.
class ParseException : JSONException
	this(msg: string, location: string) { }

fn canBeInteger(data: const(char)[], signed: bool) bool { }
//! Parse a u64 from a JSON number string.
fn parseUlong(data: const(char)[], l: u64) bool { }
//! Parse an i64 from a JSON number string. Returns true if a double was
//! parsed.
fn parseLong(data: const(char)[], l: i64) bool { }
//! Parse a double from a JSON number string.
fn parseDouble(data: const(char)[], d: f64) bool { }
//! Parse a double from a JSON number string, using a pre allocated
//! buffer, resizing it if needed.
fn parseDouble(data: const(char)[], d: f64, buffer: char[]) bool { }
fn parseBool(data: const(char)[]) bool { }
//! Unescape a JSON string and return it.
fn unescapeString(str: const(char)[]) const(char)[] { }
//! Unescape a JSON string and return it.
fn unescapeString(str: const(u8)[]) const(char)[] { }
//! Unescape a JSON string and return it, using a pre allocated buffer and
//! resizing it if needed.
fn unescapeString(str: const(char)[], buffer: char[]) const(char)[] { }
//! Escape a JSON string and return it.
fn escapeString(str: const(char)[]) const(char)[] { }
//! Escape a JSON string and return it, using a pre allocated buffer and
//! resizing it if needed.
fn escapeString(str: const(char)[], buffer: char[]) const(char)[] { }
class JSONException : Exception

Base Exception for the whole json package.

class ParseException : JSONException

Exception thrown when an error occurs during parsing.

fn canBeInteger(data: const(char)[], signed: bool) bool



If false, '-' will make this function return false.


true if data contains a non-digit character.

fn parseUlong(data: const(char)[], l: u64) bool

Parse a u64 from a JSON number string.


true if a double was parsed.

fn parseLong(data: const(char)[], l: i64) bool

Parse an i64 from a JSON number string. Returns true if a double was parsed.

fn parseDouble(data: const(char)[], d: f64) bool

Parse a double from a JSON number string.

Returns true if a double was parsed, false otherwise.

fn parseDouble(data: const(char)[], d: f64, buffer: char[]) bool

Parse a double from a JSON number string, using a pre allocated buffer, resizing it if needed.


true if a double was parsed.

fn parseBool(data: const(char)[]) bool


the boolean value of a string.

fn unescapeString(str: const(char)[]) const(char)[]

Unescape a JSON string and return it.

fn unescapeString(str: const(char)[], buffer: char[]) const(char)[]

Unescape a JSON string and return it, using a pre allocated buffer and resizing it if needed.

fn escapeString(str: const(char)[]) const(char)[]

Escape a JSON string and return it.

fn escapeString(str: const(char)[], buffer: char[]) const(char)[]

Escape a JSON string and return it, using a pre allocated buffer and resizing it if needed.