module watt.http.curl

A libcurl implementation of HTTP requests.

Code Map

//! A libcurl implementation of HTTP requests.
module watt.http.curl;

//! Curl implementation of HttpInterface.
class Http : HttpInterface
	this() { }
	fn isEmpty() bool { }
	fn perform() { }
	fn loop(cb: Status delegate()) { }

//! Curl implementation of RequestInterface.
class Request : RequestInterface
	this(http: Http) { }
	fn getData() void[] { }
	fn getString() string { }
	fn completed() bool { }
	fn errorGenerated() bool { }
	fn errorString() string { }
	fn bytesDownloaded() size_t { }
	fn contentLength() size_t { }

fn request_progress(clientp: void*, dltotal: curl_off_t, dlnow: curl_off_t, ultotal: curl_off_t, ulnow: curl_off_t) i32 { }
class Http : HttpInterface

Curl implementation of HttpInterface.

class Request : RequestInterface

Curl implementation of RequestInterface.

fn myRead(buffer: void*, size: size_t, nitems: size_t, instream: void*) size_t

Data going from this process to the host.

fn myWrite(buffer: void*, size: size_t, nitems: size_t, outstream: void*) size_t

Data coming from the host to this process.