Syntax Snippets

Top Levels

Declare a module. The name is used by import.

module packagename.modulename;

Import a module. Makes all public symbols in module available.

import packagename.modulename;

Declare a struct.

struct StructName {

Declare a class.

class ClassName {

Declare a class, inheriting from a parent class, and implementing an interface.

class ClassName : ParentClass, AnInterface {

Declare an interface.

interface AnInterface {

Declare an interface that inherits from an interface.

interface AnInterface : ParentInterface {

Declare a union.

union UnionName {

Declare a named enum.

enum EnumName {

Declare a named enum with an explicit base type.

enum EnumName : string {
	EnumChild1 = "child1",
	EnumChild2 = "child2",


A variable with a primitive type.

var: i32;

A variable with a pointer to a primitive type.

var: i32*;

A variable with an array of a primitive type.

var: i32[];

A variable with a static array of a primitive type.

var: i32[100];

A variable with an associative array type associating strings with a primitive type.

var: i32[string];

A variable with a function that takes a string and returns a bool type.

var: fn(string) bool;

A variable with a delegate that takes a string and returns a bool type.

var: dg(string) bool;

A variable with a const primitive type, that is being assigned to.

var: const(i32) = 32;

A variable with an inferred type.

var := 32;

An alias to a primitive type.

alias myInt = i32;

A function that takes no arguments and returns void.

fn aFunction() {

A function that takes an argument and returns it.

fn aFunction(arg: i32) i32 {
	return arg;

A function with an argument that has a default value.

fn aFunction(arg: string = "hello") {

A function using homogenous variadics.

fn aFunction(arg1: i32, strings: string[]...) {

A function using variadics.

fn aFunction(arg1: i32, ...) {

An enum declaration.

enum A = 32;

An enum declaration with an explicit type.

enum size_t A = 32;


A return statement.

return 12;

A block statement.

	// More code here.

An if statement.

if (condition) {
	// ...
} else if (somethingElse) {
	// ...
} else {
	// ...

An auto if assignment.

if (var := couldBeNull()) {
	// var is not null
} else {
	// var was null, not in this scope

A while loop.

while (condition) {
	// ...

A do-while loop.

do {
	// ...
} while (condition);

A for statement.

for (i: size_t = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
	// ...

A foreach statement.

foreach (e; arr) {
	// ...

A reverse foreach statement. Iterates from the end to the beginning.

foreach_reverse (e; arr) {
	// ...

A switch statement.

switch (var) {
case 1:
	// ...
case 2, 3, 4:
	// ...
case 5 .. 10:
	// ...
	// ...

A continue statement. Jump to the start of the current loop.


A break statement. Exit the current loop or case statement.


Goto statements. Only in switch statements. Jump to a case.

goto case 5;
goto default;

With block.

with (AnEnum) {
	var := EnumValue;

Try, catch, finally blocks.

try {
} catch(e: ExceptionA) {
	// ...
} catch(e: ExceptionB) {
	// ...
} finally {
	// ...

A throw statement.

throw new Exception("exception message");

Scope statements.

scope (success) {
	// do a thing when this function exits normally
scope (failure) {
	// do a thing when this function exits via a throw statement
scope (exit) {
	// do a thing when this function exits normally or via a throw statement

An assert statement.

assert(errorIfThisIsFalse, "an optional message");

Binary Expressions


var := 2 + 3;  // 5


var := 2 - 3;  // -1


var := 2 * 3;  // 6


var := 4 / 2;  // 2


var := 5 % 3;  // 2


var := "hello, " ~ "world";  // "hello, world"

Logical or.

var := a || b;

Logical and.

var := a && b;

Binary or.

var := a | b;

Binary and.

var := a & b;

Binary xor.

var := a ^ b;


var := a == b;


var := a != b;

AA lookup.

pointerToElement := key in aa;

Reference equality.

var := ptra is ptrb;

Ternary expression.

var := condition ? resultIfTrue : resultIfFalse;

Unary Expressions

Address of operator.

var := &var2;

Prefix increment.


Prefix decrement.


Negative value.

var := -var2;


var := !var2;

Bitwise complement.

var := ~var2;

New expressions.

var := new i32;  // type is i32*
var2 := new ClassName(constructorArg);  // type is ClassName
var3 := new i32[](5);  // type is i32[]. with a length of 5

Duplication expression;

var: i32[];
// ...
var2 := new var1[..];

Type cast.

obj := cast(Object)var;

Postfix Expressions

Identifier lookup

var := anAggregate.field;





Function/delegate call.


Function/delegate call with explicit named parameters.


Function call with ref parameter.

aFunction(ref arr);

Function call with out parameter.

aFunction(out arr);

Array index.

var := var2[0];

Slice expression.

var := var2[0 .. 32];

Dollar slice expression. Shorthand for the array length.

var := var2[0 .. $-1];

Method call.


Other Expressions

Array literal.

var := [1, 2, 3];

Associative array literal.

var := ["key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"];

String import from file.

var := import("story.txt");

Typeid expression, retrieves TypeInfo.

var := typeid(var2);


Template struct

struct S!(T, val: i32) {
	var: T = val;

Template instantiation.

struct SInstance = mixin S!(i32, 32);