module vrt.vacuum.format

Code Map

module vrt.vacuum.format;

enum INT_MAX;
enum ALT_FORM;
enum LONG_MAX;

struct SinkImpl
	//! Add str to this sink.
	fn sink(str: scope (SinkArg)) { }
	//! Get the contents of this sink as a string.
	fn toString() string { }
	//! Get the contents of this sink as a mutable array of characters.
	fn toChar() char[] { }
	//! Safely get the backing storage from the sink without copying.
	fn toSink(sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	//! Clear this sink.
	fn reset() { }

global hexDigits: string;

//! Turns a size into a human readable output.
fn vrt_format_readable_size(sink: scope (Sink), size: u64) { }
fn vrt_format_u64(sink: scope (Sink), i: u64) { }
fn vrt_format_i64(sink: scope (Sink), i: i64) { }
fn vrt_format_hex(sink: scope (Sink), i: u64, padding: size_t) { }
fn vrt_format_f32(sink: scope (Sink), f: f32, width: i32) { }
fn vrt_format_f64(sink: scope (Sink), f: f64, width: i32) { }
fn vrt_format_dchar(sink: scope (Sink), c: dchar) { }
fn vrt_sink_init_1024(store: void[1024]) scope (Sink) { }
fn vrt_sink_getstr_1024(store: void[1024]) string { }
fn vrt_format_readable_size(sink: scope (Sink), size: u64)

Turns a size into a human readable output.