module vrt.gc.util
Code Map
module vrt.gc.util;
//! assert(foo) -> if (!foo) { throw new ... } -> code explosion Avoid real
//! asserts, and use this function instead, in GC code.
fn gcAssert(b: bool, loc: const(char)[]) { }
fn isPowerOfTwo(n: size_t) bool { }
fn nextHighestPowerOfTwo(n: size_t) size_t { }
fn sysconf(i32) ptrdiff_t;
fn getPageSize() size_t { }
fn roundUpToPageSize(n: size_t) size_t { }
fn makeRange(range: const(const(void)[])) const(const(void)*)[] { }
fn makeRangeNoAlign(range: const(const(void)[])) const(const(void)*)[] { }
fn gcAssert(b: bool, loc: const(char)[])
assert(foo) -> if (!foo) { throw new ... } -> code explosion Avoid real asserts, and use this function instead, in GC code.