module vrt.gc.manager.gigaman
GigaMan reserves a gigabyte of memory and allocates slabs from that using a buddy allocator.
Code Map
//! GigaMan reserves a gigabyte of memory and allocates slabs from that
//! using a buddy allocator.
module vrt.gc.manager.gigaman;
struct GigaMan
fn setup(totalArenaSize: size_t) { }
fn treeVisit(dlg: scope (RBTree.VisitDg)) { }
fn remove(ln: LinkedNode*) { }
fn treeInsert(n: UnionNode*, compare: scope (RBTree.CompDg)) { }
fn getExtentFromPtr(ptr: void*) Extent* { }
fn totalSize() size_t { }
fn prepareForCollect() { }
fn shutdown() { }
fn allocSlabStruct(associatedPtr: void*, associatedSz: size_t) Slab* { }
fn allocLargeStruct(associatedPtr: void*, associatedSz: size_t) Large* { }
fn freeSlabStructAndMem(slab: Slab*, shutdown: bool) { }
fn freeLargeStructAndMem(large: Large*, shutdown: bool) { }
fn freeInternalStruct(slab: Slab*) { }
//! Allocates a chunk of memory from the OS.
fn allocMemoryFromOS(n: size_t) void* { }
fn freeMemoryToOS(ptr: void*, n: size_t) { }
fn setLowestPointer() { }
fn setHighestPointer() { }
fn compareExtent(n1: Node*, n2: Node*) i32 { }
fn alwaysHit(Node*, Node*) i32 { }
//! Does n contain an empty Slab?
fn emptySlab(n: Node*) bool { }
static fn allocGC(sz: size_t) void* { }