module vrt.gc.arena
Code Map
module vrt.gc.arena;
//! An Arena is an instance of the GC.
struct Arena
freeSlabs: Slab*[13];
freePtrSlabs: Slab*[13];
freeFinSlabs: Slab*[13];
freePtrFinSlabs: Slab*[13];
usedSlabs: Slab*;
stackBottom: void*;
hits: HitStack;
removes: HitStack;
fn setup() { }
fn shutdown() { }
fn getStats(stats: Stats) { }
fn allocEntry(typeinfo: TypeInfo, count: size_t) void* { }
fn collect() { }
fn totalSize() size_t { }
static fn allocArena() Arena* { }
mNextCollection: size_t;
mMultiplicationFactor: f64;
//! Prune the a free slab list, checking usedSlots and following
//! slab->next.
fn pruneFreeSlabs(s: Slab*) Slab* { }
//! Prune the used slab list, checking usedSlots and freeSlots also
//! following slab->next.
fn pruneUsedSlabs(s: Slab*) Slab* { }
fn free(ptr: void*) { }
fn free(large: Large*) { }
fn free(ptr: void*, s: Slab*) { }
fn scanStack() bool { }
fn scanSlab(s: Slab*, ptr: const(const(void)*)) bool { }
fn scanLarge(l: Large*) bool { }
fn scanRange(range: const(const(void)*)[]) bool { }
fn scan(ptr: void*) bool { }
fn scanHit(ptr: void*, slab: Slab*) bool { }
fn scanHit(ptr: void*, large: Large*) bool { }
fn alloc(n: size_t, hasFinalizer: bool, hasPointer: bool) void* { }
fn maybeTriggerCollection() { }
fn allocSmall(n: size_t, hasFinalizer: bool, hasPointer: bool) void* { }
fn getFreeSlab(order: u8, kind: Extent.Kind) Slab* { }
fn pushFreeSlab(slab: Slab*) { }
fn popFreeSlab(slab: Slab*) { }
fn allocLarge(n: size_t, hasFinalizer: bool, hasPointer: bool) void* { }
fn allocSlab(order: u8, hasFinalizer: bool, hasPointer: bool) Slab* { }
fn __vrt_push_registers(bool delegate()) bool;
struct Arena
An Arena is an instance of the GC.
fn pruneFreeSlabs(s: Slab*) Slab*
Prune the a free slab list, checking usedSlots and following slab->next.
fn pruneUsedSlabs(s: Slab*) Slab*
Prune the used slab list, checking usedSlots and freeSlots also following slab->next.
struct NodeMemCounter
Helper struct for stats counting.