module core.rt.thread

Code to support spawning new threads.

The runtime has to be aware of new threads in order to make GC work, so all new threads should be spawned through this interface.

Code Map

//! Code to support spawning new threads.
module core.rt.thread;

//! An opaque data type representing a thread.
struct vrt_thread

//! An opaque data type representing a mutex.
struct vrt_mutex

//! Construct a new thread.
fn vrt_thread_start_fn(func: fn () (void)) vrt_thread*;
//! Construct a new thread.
fn vrt_thread_start_dg(dlgt: void delegate()) vrt_thread*;
//! Did the last operation signal an error?
fn vrt_thread_error(t: vrt_thread*) bool;
//! Get an error message for the last function that set the error on t.
fn vrt_thread_error_message(t: vrt_thread*) string;
//! Wait for this thread to complete.
fn vrt_thread_join(t: vrt_thread*);
//! Cause the calling thread to sleep for ms milliseconds.
fn vrt_sleep(ms: u32);
//! Create a new mutex.
fn vrt_mutex_new() vrt_mutex*;
//! Release any resources acquired by mutex creation.
fn vrt_mutex_delete(mutex: vrt_mutex*);
//! The calling thread tries to gain ownership of mutex.
fn vrt_mutex_trylock(mutex: vrt_mutex*) bool;
//! The calling thread tries to gain ownership of mutex.
fn vrt_mutex_lock(mutex: vrt_mutex*) bool;
//! Release the lock the calling thread has on mutex.
fn vrt_mutex_unlock(mutex: vrt_mutex*);
struct vrt_thread

An opaque data type representing a thread.

fn vrt_thread_start_fn(func: fn () (void)) vrt_thread*

Construct a new thread.

Invokes func in a new thread.

Sets/clears the error on the vrt_thread struct.


A pointer to a new vrt_thread struct.

fn vrt_thread_start_dg(dlgt: void delegate()) vrt_thread*

Construct a new thread.

Invokes dlgt in a new thread.

Sets/clears the error on the vrt_thread struct.


A pointer to a new vrt_thread struct.

fn vrt_thread_error(t: vrt_thread*) bool

Did the last operation signal an error?

fn vrt_thread_error_message(t: vrt_thread*) string

Get an error message for the last function that set the error on t.

fn vrt_thread_join(t: vrt_thread*)

Wait for this thread to complete.

Sets/clears the error on t.

fn vrt_sleep(ms: u32)

Cause the calling thread to sleep for ms milliseconds.

struct vrt_mutex

An opaque data type representing a mutex.

fn vrt_mutex_new() vrt_mutex*

Create a new mutex.

The mutex is not owned by any thread.

fn vrt_mutex_delete(mutex: vrt_mutex*)

Release any resources acquired by mutex creation.

Behaviour is undefined if the mutex is locked.

fn vrt_mutex_trylock(mutex: vrt_mutex*) bool

The calling thread tries to gain ownership of mutex.

If ownership could not be gained immediately, this function immediately returns false. Otherwise true is returned, and the thread gains ownership of the mutex.

fn vrt_mutex_lock(mutex: vrt_mutex*) bool

The calling thread tries to gain ownership of mutex.

This function blocks until ownership is gained, or an error occurs. If this returns true, the calling thread gains ownership of the mutex.

fn vrt_mutex_unlock(mutex: vrt_mutex*)

Release the lock the calling thread has on mutex.

If the calling thread does not have the lock on mutex, behaviour is undefined.