Code Map
module core.rt.aa;
//! Creates a new associative array.
fn vrt_aa_new(value: TypeInfo, key: TypeInfo) void*;
//! Copies an existing associative array.
fn vrt_aa_dup(rbtv: void*) void*;
//! Check if a primitive key is in an associative array.
fn vrt_aa_in_primitive(rbtv: void*, key: u64, ret: void*) bool;
//! Check if an array key is in an associative array.
fn vrt_aa_in_array(rbtv: void*, key: void[], ret: void*) bool;
//! Check if a pointer key is in an associative array.
fn vrt_aa_in_ptr(rbtv: void*, key: void*, ret: void*) bool;
//! Insert a value in a primitive keyed associative array.
fn vrt_aa_insert_primitive(rbtv: void*, key: u64, value: void*);
//! Insert a value in an array keyed associative array.
fn vrt_aa_insert_array(rbtv: void*, key: void[], value: void*);
//! Insert a value in a pointer keyed associative array.
fn vrt_aa_insert_ptr(rbtv: void*, key: void*, value: void*);
//! Delete a value associated with a primitive key.
fn vrt_aa_delete_primitive(rbtv: void*, key: u64) bool;
//! Delete a value associated with an array key.
fn vrt_aa_delete_array(rbtv: void*, key: void[]) bool;
//! Delete a value associate with a pointer key.
fn vrt_aa_delete_ptr(rbtv: void*, key: void*) bool;
//! Get the keys array for a given associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_keys(rbtv: void*) void[];
//! Get the values array for a given associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_values(rbtv: void*) void[];
//! Get the number of pairs in a given associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_length(rbtv: void*) size_t;
//! The in operator for an array keyed associative array.
fn vrt_aa_in_binop_array(rbtv: void*, key: void[]) void*;
//! The in operator for a primitive keyed associative array.
fn vrt_aa_in_binop_primitive(rbtv: void*, key: u64) void*;
//! The in operator for a pointer keyed associative array.
fn vrt_aa_in_binop_ptr(rbtv: void*, key: void*) void*;
//! Rehash an associative array to optimise performance.
fn vrt_aa_rehash(rbtv: void*);
//! The get method for a pointer keyed associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_ptr(rbtv: void*, key: void*, _default: void*) void*;
//! The get method for a primitive key, primitive value associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_pp(rbtv: void*, key: u64, _default: u64) u64;
//! The get method for an array key, array value associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_aa(rbtv: void*, key: void[], _default: void[]) void*;
//! The get method for an array key, primitive value associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_ap(rbtv: void*, key: void[], _default: u64) u64;
//! The get method for a primitive key, array value associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_pa(rbtv: void*, key: u64, _default: void[]) void*;
Creates a new associative array.
Copies an existing associative array.
Check if a primitive key is in an associative array.
Check if an array key is in an associative array.
Check if a pointer key is in an associative array.
Insert a value in a primitive keyed associative array.
Insert a value in an array keyed associative array.
Insert a value in a pointer keyed associative array.
Delete a value associated with a primitive key.
Delete a value associated with an array key.
Delete a value associate with a pointer key.
Get the keys array for a given associative array.
Get the values array for a given associative array.
Get the number of pairs in a given associative array.
The in
operator for an array keyed associative array.
The in
operator for a primitive keyed associative array.
The in
operator for a pointer keyed associative array.
Rehash an associative array to optimise performance.
This is a no-op in the current implementation.
The get
method for a pointer keyed associative array.
The get
method for a primitive key, primitive value associative array.
The get
method for an array key, array value associative array.
The get
method for an array key, primitive value associative array.
The get
method for a primitive key, array value associative array.