module core.rt.aa

Code Map

module core.rt.aa;

//! Creates a new associative array.
fn vrt_aa_new(value: TypeInfo, key: TypeInfo) void*;
//! Copies an existing associative array.
fn vrt_aa_dup(rbtv: void*) void*;
//! Check if a primitive key is in an associative array.
fn vrt_aa_in_primitive(rbtv: void*, key: u64, ret: void*) bool;
//! Check if an array key is in an associative array.
fn vrt_aa_in_array(rbtv: void*, key: void[], ret: void*) bool;
//! Check if a pointer key is in an associative array.
fn vrt_aa_in_ptr(rbtv: void*, key: void*, ret: void*) bool;
//! Insert a value in a primitive keyed associative array.
fn vrt_aa_insert_primitive(rbtv: void*, key: u64, value: void*);
//! Insert a value in an array keyed associative array.
fn vrt_aa_insert_array(rbtv: void*, key: void[], value: void*);
//! Insert a value in a pointer keyed associative array.
fn vrt_aa_insert_ptr(rbtv: void*, key: void*, value: void*);
//! Delete a value associated with a primitive key.
fn vrt_aa_delete_primitive(rbtv: void*, key: u64) bool;
//! Delete a value associated with an array key.
fn vrt_aa_delete_array(rbtv: void*, key: void[]) bool;
//! Delete a value associate with a pointer key.
fn vrt_aa_delete_ptr(rbtv: void*, key: void*) bool;
//! Get the keys array for a given associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_keys(rbtv: void*) void[];
//! Get the values array for a given associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_values(rbtv: void*) void[];
//! Get the number of pairs in a given associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_length(rbtv: void*) size_t;
//! The in operator for an array keyed associative array.
fn vrt_aa_in_binop_array(rbtv: void*, key: void[]) void*;
//! The in operator for a primitive keyed associative array.
fn vrt_aa_in_binop_primitive(rbtv: void*, key: u64) void*;
//! The in operator for a pointer keyed associative array.
fn vrt_aa_in_binop_ptr(rbtv: void*, key: void*) void*;
//! Rehash an associative array to optimise performance.
fn vrt_aa_rehash(rbtv: void*);
//! The get method for a pointer keyed associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_ptr(rbtv: void*, key: void*, _default: void*) void*;
//! The get method for a primitive key, primitive value associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_pp(rbtv: void*, key: u64, _default: u64) u64;
//! The get method for an array key, array value associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_aa(rbtv: void*, key: void[], _default: void[]) void*;
//! The get method for an array key, primitive value associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_ap(rbtv: void*, key: void[], _default: u64) u64;
//! The get method for a primitive key, array value associative array.
fn vrt_aa_get_pa(rbtv: void*, key: u64, _default: void[]) void*;
fn vrt_aa_new(value: TypeInfo, key: TypeInfo) void*

Creates a new associative array.

fn vrt_aa_dup(rbtv: void*) void*

Copies an existing associative array.

fn vrt_aa_in_primitive(rbtv: void*, key: u64, ret: void*) bool

Check if a primitive key is in an associative array.

fn vrt_aa_in_array(rbtv: void*, key: void[], ret: void*) bool

Check if an array key is in an associative array.

fn vrt_aa_in_ptr(rbtv: void*, key: void*, ret: void*) bool

Check if a pointer key is in an associative array.

fn vrt_aa_insert_primitive(rbtv: void*, key: u64, value: void*)

Insert a value in a primitive keyed associative array.

fn vrt_aa_insert_array(rbtv: void*, key: void[], value: void*)

Insert a value in an array keyed associative array.

fn vrt_aa_insert_ptr(rbtv: void*, key: void*, value: void*)

Insert a value in a pointer keyed associative array.

fn vrt_aa_delete_primitive(rbtv: void*, key: u64) bool

Delete a value associated with a primitive key.

fn vrt_aa_delete_array(rbtv: void*, key: void[]) bool

Delete a value associated with an array key.

fn vrt_aa_delete_ptr(rbtv: void*, key: void*) bool

Delete a value associate with a pointer key.

fn vrt_aa_get_keys(rbtv: void*) void[]

Get the keys array for a given associative array.

fn vrt_aa_get_values(rbtv: void*) void[]

Get the values array for a given associative array.

fn vrt_aa_get_length(rbtv: void*) size_t

Get the number of pairs in a given associative array.

fn vrt_aa_in_binop_array(rbtv: void*, key: void[]) void*

The in operator for an array keyed associative array.

fn vrt_aa_in_binop_primitive(rbtv: void*, key: u64) void*

The in operator for a primitive keyed associative array.

fn vrt_aa_in_binop_ptr(rbtv: void*, key: void*) void*

The in operator for a pointer keyed associative array.

fn vrt_aa_rehash(rbtv: void*)

Rehash an associative array to optimise performance.

This is a no-op in the current implementation.

fn vrt_aa_get_ptr(rbtv: void*, key: void*, _default: void*) void*

The get method for a pointer keyed associative array.

fn vrt_aa_get_pp(rbtv: void*, key: u64, _default: u64) u64

The get method for a primitive key, primitive value associative array.

fn vrt_aa_get_aa(rbtv: void*, key: void[], _default: void[]) void*

The get method for an array key, array value associative array.

fn vrt_aa_get_ap(rbtv: void*, key: void[], _default: u64) u64

The get method for an array key, primitive value associative array.

fn vrt_aa_get_pa(rbtv: void*, key: u64, _default: void[]) void*

The get method for a primitive key, array value associative array.