module diode.vdoc.processor

Code to process vdoc objects raw doccomments.

Code Map

//! Code to process vdoc objects raw doccomments.
module diode.vdoc.processor;

//! Main class for processing vdoc objects.
class Processor : DocCommentParser
	groups: Parent[string];

	this(root: VdocRoot) { }

//! A single parameter result.
class DocCommentParam
	arg: string;
	dir: string;
	doc: string;

	this() { }

//! Helper class for DocComments.
class DocCommentParser : DocSink
	//! For lookups.
	root: VdocRoot;
	//! The full comment content.
	full: StringSink;
	//! String sink for params, briefs and more.
	temp: StringSink;
	//! Current param.
	param: DocCommentParam;
	//! The result of the processing.
	results: DocCommentResult;
	//! ` directive been processed.
	hasBrief: bool;

	this(root: VdocRoot) { }
	fn parseRaw(raw: string) { }
	fn ingroup(sink: scope (Sink), group: string) { }
	fn sectionStart(sink: scope (Sink), sec: DocSection) { }
	fn sectionEnd(sink: scope (Sink), sec: DocSection) { }
	fn paramStart(sink: scope (Sink), direction: string, arg: string) { }
	fn paramEnd(sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn briefStart(sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn briefEnd(sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn p(sink: scope (Sink), state: DocState, d: string) { }
	fn link(sink: scope (Sink), state: DocState, target: string, text: string) { }
	fn content(sink: scope (Sink), state: DocState, d: string) { }
	fn defgroup(sink: scope (Sink), group: string, text: string) { }
	fn start(sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn end(sink: scope (Sink)) { }

//! Results from a doccomment parsing.
struct DocCommentResult
	//! The main content for this doccomment.
	content: string;
	//! Brief doccomment.
	brief: string;
	//! The groups this comment is in.
	ingroups: string[];
	//! Return documentation.
	ret: string;
	//! Params for functions.
	params: DocCommentParam[];
	//! See also sections.
	sa: string[];
	//! Throws sections.
	_throw: string[];
	//! Side-Effect sections.
	se: string[];
	//! The doccomment content form the return command.
	returnContent: string;

//! Processes the given VdocRoot.
fn process(vdocRoot: VdocRoot) { }
fn process(vdocRoot: VdocRoot)

Processes the given VdocRoot.

Setting various fields and adding objects to groups.

class Processor : DocCommentParser

Main class for processing vdoc objects.

struct DocCommentResult

Results from a doccomment parsing.

content: string

The main content for this doccomment.

brief: string

Brief doccomment.

ingroups: string[]

The groups this comment is in.

ret: string

Return documentation.

params: DocCommentParam[]

Params for functions.

sa: string[]

See also sections.

_throw: string[]

Throws sections.

se: string[]

Side-Effect sections.

returnContent: string

The doccomment content form the return command.

class DocCommentParam

A single parameter result.

class DocCommentParser : DocSink

Helper class for DocComments.

root: VdocRoot

For lookups.

full: StringSink

The full comment content.

temp: StringSink

String sink for params, briefs and more.

param: DocCommentParam

Current param.

results: DocCommentResult

The result of the processing.

hasBrief: bool

Has a `@