module diode.vdoc.parser
Code Map
module diode.vdoc.parser;
//! Parser for getting defgroup name and title.
class DocCommentDefGroup : vdoc.DocSink
groupName: string;
groupTitle: string;
this() { }
fn parseRaw(raw: string, defgroup: string, title: string) { }
fn defgroup(sink: scope (Sink), group: string, text: string) { }
fn start(sink: scope (Sink)) { }
fn end(sink: scope (Sink)) { }
fn briefStart(sink: scope (Sink)) { }
fn briefEnd(sink: scope (Sink)) { }
fn sectionStart(sink: scope (Sink), sec: vdoc.DocSection) { }
fn sectionEnd(sink: scope (Sink), sec: vdoc.DocSection) { }
fn paramStart(sink: scope (Sink), direction: string, arg: string) { }
fn paramEnd(sink: scope (Sink)) { }
fn p(sink: scope (Sink), state: vdoc.DocState, d: string) { }
fn link(sink: scope (Sink), state: vdoc.DocState, target: string, text: string) { }
fn content(sink: scope (Sink), state: vdoc.DocState, cnt: string) { }
fn ingroup(sink: scope (Sink), group: string) { }
//! Parse the given data and add the vdocRoot.
fn parse(vdocRoot: VdocRoot, data: string) { }
fn parse(vdocRoot: VdocRoot, data: string)
Parse the given data
and add the vdocRoot
fn parseGlobals(arr: Value[], v: json.Value)
Parse the global doccomments.
struct Info
Used to collect information during parsing.
class DocCommentDefGroup : vdoc.DocSink
Parser for getting defgroup name and title.