module diode.vdoc.filter

Code handle vdoc filters.

Code Map

//! Code handle vdoc filters.
module diode.vdoc.filter;

//! Helper class for Filters.
class FilterValue : Value
	html: bool;
	named: Named;

	this(named: Named, html: bool) { }

//! Filter for brief.
class FilterBrief : FilterValue
	this(named: Named) { }
	fn toText(n: ir.Node, sink: scope (Sink)) { }

//! Filter for brief.
class FilterProto : FilterValue
	this(named: Named) { }
	fn toText(n: ir.Node, sink: scope (Sink)) { }

//! Filter for formating of content of DocComments into HTML.
class FilterContent : FilterValue
	this(named: Named, html: bool) { }
	fn toText(n: ir.Node, sink: scope (Sink)) { }

//! Filter for formating of full DocComments into HTML.
class FilterFull : FilterValue
	this(named: Named) { }
	fn toText(n: ir.Node, sink: scope (Sink)) { }

fn handleDocCommentFilter(d: Driver, e: Engine, root: VdocRoot, v: Value, filter: string, type: string) Value { }
//! Print the brief as regular text.
fn drawBriefText(named: Named, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
//! Print the raw content as markdown.
fn drawContentMD(named: Named, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
//! Print the content as html as processed by markdown.
fn drawContentHTML(named: Named, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
//! Print the full content as HTML.
fn drawFullHTML(named: Named, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
//! Print extra function doccomments, like return and parameters.
fn drawFullFunctionHTML(func: Function, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
//! Print the content as html as processed by markdown.
fn drawProtoHTML(named: Named, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
fn drawProtoNameHTML(sink: scope (Sink), name: string) { }
fn drawProtoPrefixAndNameHTML(sink: scope (Sink), prefix: string, name: string) { }
fn drawProtoAggr(named: Named, sink: scope (Sink), prefix: string) { }
fn drawProtoVar(named: Named, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
fn drawProtoFunc(named: Named, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
fn drawBriefText(named: Named, sink: scope (Sink))

Print the brief as regular text.

fn drawContentMD(named: Named, sink: scope (Sink))

Print the raw content as markdown.

fn drawContentHTML(named: Named, sink: scope (Sink))

Print the content as html as processed by markdown.

fn drawFullHTML(named: Named, sink: scope (Sink))

Print the full content as HTML.

fn drawFullFunctionHTML(func: Function, sink: scope (Sink))

Print extra function doccomments, like return and parameters.

fn drawProtoHTML(named: Named, sink: scope (Sink))

Print the content as html as processed by markdown.

class FilterValue : Value

Helper class for Filters.

class FilterBrief : FilterValue

Filter for brief.

class FilterProto : FilterValue

Filter for brief.

class FilterContent : FilterValue

Filter for formating of content of DocComments into HTML.

class FilterFull : FilterValue

Filter for formating of full DocComments into HTML.