module diode.vdoc.brief

Code to generate brief comments from full vdoc doccomments.

Code Map

//! Code to generate brief comments from full vdoc doccomments.
module diode.vdoc.brief;

//! A Markdown visitor that removes most of the special formating.
class PlainText : Visitor
	this(lineLimit: size_t) { }
	fn visit(n: Text, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn visit(n: Code, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn visit(n: Softbreak, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn visit(n: Linebreak, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn enter(n: Link, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn leave(n: Link, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn enter(n: BlockQuote, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn enter(n: Item, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn enter(n: List, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn enter(n: Heading, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn leave(n: Paragraph, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn enter(n: Document, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn enter(n: Image, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn enter(n: Paragraph, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn enter(n: Strong, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn enter(n: Emph, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn leave(n: Document, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn leave(n: Strong, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn leave(n: Emph, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn leave(n: Image, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn leave(n: Heading, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn leave(n: Item, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn leave(n: List, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn leave(n: BlockQuote, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn visit(n: HtmlBlock, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn visit(n: CodeBlock, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn visit(n: ThematicBreak, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	fn visit(n: HtmlInline, sink: scope (Sink)) { }

	//! Have we stopped processing text.
	mStopped: bool;
	//! Used to insert spaces between words and instead of softbreaks.
	mWriteSpace: bool;
	//! The current link that has not yet been flushed to the sink.
	mNewLink: Link;
	//! Link that has been flushed to the sink, and should be closed.
	mAppliedLink: Link;
	//! The current length of the line we are writing.
	mLineLength: size_t;
	//! Limit for the number of characters on a line.
	mLineLimit: size_t;

	//! Write a string to the sink, will compact whitespace and insert newlines
	//! when the line will break the mLineLimit.
	fn writeText(str: string, sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	//! Flushes spaces and links to the sink.
	fn flushThings(sink: scope (Sink)) { }
	//! Inserts a newline and resets link.
	fn insertNewLine(sink: scope (Sink)) { }

fn generateAutoBrief(str: string) string { }
class PlainText : Visitor

A Markdown visitor that removes most of the special formating.

Stops outputing after the first text paragraph has been processed or any other block is encountred paragraph.

mStopped: bool

Have we stopped processing text.

mWriteSpace: bool

Used to insert spaces between words and instead of softbreaks.

mNewLink: Link

The current link that has not yet been flushed to the sink.

mAppliedLink: Link

Link that has been flushed to the sink, and should be closed.

mLineLength: size_t

The current length of the line we are writing.

mLineLimit: size_t

Limit for the number of characters on a line.

this(lineLimit: size_t)



The number of characters that we should limit the lines we write to the sink to.

fn writeText(str: string, sink: scope (Sink))

Write a string to the sink, will compact whitespace and insert newlines when the line will break the mLineLimit.

fn flushThings(sink: scope (Sink))

Flushes spaces and links to the sink.

fn insertNewLine(sink: scope (Sink))

Inserts a newline and resets link.