module deqp.tests.runner

Contains code and classes for running tests and reading back results.

Code Map

//! Contains code and classes for running tests and reading back results.
module deqp.tests.runner;

//! A group of tests to be given to the testsuit.
class Group
	drv: Driver;
	opts: PrintOptions;
	suite: Suite;
	start: u32;
	end: u32;
	filePrefix: string;
	fileCtsLog: string;
	fileConsole: string;
	fileTests: string;
	tests: Test[];
	timeStart: i64;
	timeStop: i64;
	//! Return value from runner.
	retval: i32;

	this(drv: Driver, suite: Suite, tests: Test[], offset: u32, filePrefix: string, opts: PrintOptions) { }
	fn run(launcher: Launcher) { }
	fn writeTestsToFile() { }

struct GroupSink
	enum MinSize;
	enum MaxSize;

	alias Sink = void delegate(scope (SinkArg));
	alias SinkArg = scope (scope (T)[]);

	fn length() size_t { }
	fn sink(type: T) { }
	fn append(arr: scope (scope (T)[])) { }
	fn append(s: SinkStruct) { }
	fn popLast() T { }
	fn getLast() T { }
	fn get(i: size_t) T { }
	fn set(i: size_t, n: T) { }
	fn setLast(i: T) { }
	fn toSink(sink: Sink) { }
	fn toArray() T[] { }
	fn borrowUnsafe() T[] { }
	fn reset() { }

fn dispatch(drv: Driver, suites: Suite[], opts: PrintOptions) { }
class Group

A group of tests to be given to the testsuit.

retval: i32

Return value from runner.

class Scheduler

Schedules tests in a slightly more optimized way.

struct Current

Struct holding states for scheduling tests from a Suite.

fn runSingle(test: string)

Start a single test of the extact name.

fn runStartsWith(str: string, batchSize: size_t)

Schedule tests starting with the given string, in smaller batches then normal.

fn runRest(batchSize: size_t)

Schedule all remaining tests.