module deqp.driver

This file the main control logic for the dEQP runnering program.

Code Map

//! This file the main control logic for the dEQP runnering program.
module deqp.driver;

//! Settings for the dEQP runner program are grouped here.
class Settings
	resultsFile: string;
	testNamesFiles: string[];
	ctsBuildDir: string;
	noRerunTests: bool;
	noPassedResults: bool;
	invokeWithGDB: bool;
	gdbCommand: string;
	printOpts: PrintOptions;
	batchSize: u32;
	randomize: u32;
	threads: u32;
	tempDir: string;
	regressionFiles: string[];
	deqpSurfaceType: string;
	deqpLogImages: string;
	deqpWatchdog: string;
	deqpVisibility: string;
	deqpConfig: string;
	deqpSurfaceWidth: string;
	deqpSurfaceHeight: string;
	deqpExtraArgs: string[];
	testsGL3: string[];
	testsGL31: string[];
	testsGL32: string[];
	testsGL33: string[];
	testsGL4: string[];
	testsGL41: string[];
	testsGL42: string[];
	testsGL43: string[];
	testsGL44: string[];
	testsGL45: string[];
	testsGL46: string[];
	testsGLES2: string[];
	testsGLES3: string[];
	testsGLES31: string[];

	this() { }

//! This does not represent a graphics driver but code that houses logic
//! for driving the dEQP process from start to finish.
class Driver
	enum Version;

	settings: Settings;
	launcher: Launcher;
	results: Results;
	temporaryFiles: bool[string];

	this() { }
	//! Main function, called from main.
	fn run(args: string[]) i32 { }
	//! Run all of the gathered tests.
	fn runTests() { }
	//! Fuzzyish logic for test rerunning.
	fn getRerunMask() u32 { }
	//! Rerun tests that have failed in a batch.
	fn rerunTests() { }
	//! Write out results into a format that is easy to parse.
	fn writeResults() { }
	//! Remove temporary files.
	fn removeTemporaryFiles() { }
	//! Adds the file to the lists of files to be removed after close.
	fn removeOnExit(file: string) string { }
	//! Don't remove the file on exit, this function allows you to regret
	//! adding a file to the remove list with removeOnExit.
	fn preserveOnExit(file: string) string { }
class Settings

Settings for the dEQP runner program are grouped here.

class Driver

This does not represent a graphics driver but code that houses logic for driving the dEQP process from start to finish.

fn run(args: string[]) i32

Main function, called from main.

fn runTests()

Run all of the gathered tests.

fn getRerunMask() u32

Fuzzyish logic for test rerunning.

fn rerunTests()

Rerun tests that have failed in a batch.

fn writeResults()

Write out results into a format that is easy to parse.

fn removeTemporaryFiles()

Remove temporary files.

fn removeOnExit(file: string) string

Adds the file to the lists of files to be removed after close.

fn preserveOnExit(file: string) string

Don't remove the file on exit, this function allows you to regret adding a file to the remove list with removeOnExit.