module voxel.svo.buffers

Code Map

module voxel.svo.buffers;

//! Generates a index buffer for cubes using bitRakes' tri-strip cube.
//! Modified to fit OpenGL. Its still a bit DXy so backsides of triangles
//! are out.
fn createIndexBuffer(numVoxels: u32) GLuint { }
//! Returns a buffer with a triangle list for drawing quads.
fn createIndexBufferQuads(numVoxels: u32) GLuint { }
fn createIndexBuffer(numVoxels: u32) GLuint

Generates a index buffer for cubes using bitRakes' tri-strip cube. Modified to fit OpenGL. Its still a bit DXy so backsides of triangles are out.

|  E __/|\__ A  |  H __/|
| __/   |   \__ | __/   |
|/   D  |  B   \|/   I  |
        |  C __/|
        | __/   |  Cube = 8 vertices
        |/   J  |  =================
        4-------5  Single Strip: 3 2 1 0 4 2 6 3 7 1 5 4 7 6
        |\__ K  |  12 triangles:     A B C D E F G H I J K L
        |   \__ |
        |  L   \|         Left  D+E
        6-------7        Right  H+I
        |\__ G  |         Back  K+L
        |   \__ |        Front  A+B
        |  F   \|          Top  F+G
        2-------3       Bottom  C+J
fn createIndexBufferQuads(numVoxels: u32) GLuint

Returns a buffer with a triangle list for drawing quads.

They share the same last vertex index. Its still a bit DXy so backsides of triangles are out.

|  C __/|\__ B  |
| __/   |   \__ |
|/   D  |  A   \|
4-------0-------1   Half cube = 4 vertices
        |  E __/|   =================
        | __/   |   16 indicies: 0 2 1 2 3 1 4 6 2 0 4 2 0 1 4 1 5 4
        |/   F  |   6 triangles:     A     B     C     D     E     F

     /|       |
    / |       |
   6  |       |
   |  0-------1
   | /       /
   |/       /