module power.experiments.viewer

Code Map

module power.experiments.viewer;

//! Helper class if you want to draw a module and some text.
class Viewer : scene.Simple
	aa: gfx.AA;
	isDragging: bool;
	camPosition: math.Point3f;
	camRotation: math.Quatf;
	cullPosition: math.Point3f;
	cullRotation: math.Quatf;
	//! Text rendering stuff.
	textVbo: gfx.DrawBuffer;
	textBuilder: gfx.DrawVertexBuilder;
	textState: gfx.BitmapState;

	this(m: scene.Manager) { }
	fn renderScene(t: gfx.Target, viewInfo: gfx.ViewInfo) { }
	fn updateText(text: string) { }
	fn printInfo() { }
	fn close() { }
	fn logic() { }
	fn render(t: gfx.Target, viewInfo: gfx.ViewInfo) { }
	fn dropControl() { }
	fn keyDown(ctl.Keyboard, keycode: i32) { }
	fn keyUp(ctl.Keyboard, keycode: i32) { }
	fn mouseMove(m: ctl.Mouse, x: i32, y: i32) { }
	fn mouseDown(m: ctl.Mouse, button: i32) { }
	fn mouseUp(m: ctl.Mouse, button: i32) { }

	mTimeText: gfx.TimeTracker;
	mLockCull: bool;
	mCamHeading: f32;
	mCamPitch: f32;
	distance: f32;
	mCamUp: bool;
	mCamFore: bool;
	mCamBack: bool;
	mCamLeft: bool;
	mCamRight: bool;
class Viewer : scene.Simple

Helper class if you want to draw a module and some text.

textVbo: gfx.DrawBuffer

Text rendering stuff.