module lib.sdl2.gesture

Code Map

module lib.sdl2.gesture;

alias SDL_GestureID = Sint64;

//! \brief Begin Recording a gesture on the specified touch, or all
//! touches (-1)
fn SDL_RecordGesture(touchId: SDL_TouchID) i32;
//! \brief Save all currently loaded Dollar Gesture templates
fn SDL_SaveAllDollarTemplates(src: SDL_RWops*) i32;
//! \brief Save a currently loaded Dollar Gesture template
fn SDL_SaveDollarTemplate(gestureId: SDL_GestureID, src: SDL_RWops*) i32;
//! \brief Load Dollar Gesture templates from a file
fn SDL_LoadDollarTemplates(touchId: SDL_TouchID, src: SDL_RWops*) i32;
fn SDL_RecordGesture(touchId: SDL_TouchID) i32

\brief Begin Recording a gesture on the specified touch, or all touches (-1)

fn SDL_SaveAllDollarTemplates(src: SDL_RWops*) i32

\brief Save all currently loaded Dollar Gesture templates

fn SDL_SaveDollarTemplate(gestureId: SDL_GestureID, src: SDL_RWops*) i32

\brief Save a currently loaded Dollar Gesture template

fn SDL_LoadDollarTemplates(touchId: SDL_TouchID, src: SDL_RWops*) i32

\brief Load Dollar Gesture templates from a file