module charge.math.quat

Source file for Quatf.

Code Map

//! Source file for Quatf.
module charge.math.quat;

struct Quatf
	x: f32;
	y: f32;
	z: f32;
	w: f32;

	//! Return the inverse rotation of this rotation.
	fn inverse() Quatf { }
	//! Return a new quat which is this rotation rotated by the given
	//! rotation.
	fn opMul(quat: Quatf) Quatf { }
	//! Return a copy of the given vector but rotated by this rotation.
	fn opMul(vec: Vector3f) Vector3f { }
	//! Normalize the rotation, often not needed when using only the inbuilt
	//! functions.
	fn normalize() { }
	fn length() f32 { }
	fn ptr() f32* { }

	static fn opCall() Quatf { }
	static fn opCall(w: f32, x: f32, y: f32, z: f32) Quatf { }
	//! Convert from Euler (and Tait-Bryan) angles to Quaternion.
	static fn opCall(heading: f32, pitch: f32, roll: f32) Quatf { }