module battery.testing.regular
Code Map
module battery.testing.regular;
class Regular : Test
//! Commands from the test file to execute.
runs: string[][];
//! Expected results of commands.
retvals: i32[];
//! Temporary file name for this test.
tempName: string;
//! Directory name.
srcDir: string;
//! Test file name.
srcFile: string;
//! Actual test file's name.
testFileName: string;
cmdGroup: CmdGroup;
btj: BatteryTestsJson;
//! Construct a new Regular test. Params: srcDir: The directory that
//! contains the test. test: The name of the test. testFileName: The
//! filename of the primary test file. btj: The parsed battery.tests.json.
//! project: The Project for this test. cs: A Configuration containing the
//! tools and platform/arch information.
this(srcDir: string, test: string, testFileName: string, btj: BatteryTestsJson, project: TestProject, cs: Configuration) { }
fn parseCommand(line: string) bool { }
fn runTest(cmdGroup: CmdGroup) { }
fn getOutput() string { }
fn getError() string { }
class RequireExpression
enum Type
type: Type;
isNot: bool;
val: string;
next: RequireExpression;
err: string;
test: Regular;
this(val: string, test: Regular) { }
fn nextToken(s: string) RequireExpression { }
//! Is this entire chain true or false?
fn evaluate(arch: Arch, platform: Platform, requiresAliases: string[string]) bool { }
//! Is the underlying condition true or false, ignore next and isNot.
fn evaluateProject(arch: Arch, platform: Platform, requiresAliases: string[string]) bool { }