module battery.frontend.llvmVersion

Functions for retrieving and processing the LLVM version.

Code Map

//! Functions for retrieving and processing the LLVM version.
module battery.frontend.llvmVersion;

enum IdentifierPrefixLegacy;
enum IdentifierPrefix;

fn addVersionIdentifiers(ver: semver.Release, prj: battery.Project) bool { }
//! Given an LLVM version, return a list of identifiers to set while
//! compiling code.
fn identifiers(ver: semver.Release) string[] { }
fn identifiers(ver: semver.Release) string[]

Given an LLVM version, return a list of identifiers to set while compiling code.

So if you pass a version of 3.9.1, this function will return an array containing LLVMVersion3, LLVMVersion3_9, and LLVMVersion3_9_1. If you pass it a version of greater then 7, like say 8.1.0. The extra identifiers LLVMVersion7AndAbove and LLVMVersion8AndAbove will be returned.