JSON Output

The Volt compiler can be instructed to output info about the modules it compiled. Simply use the -jo switch when invoking the compiler:

volt -jo outputfile.json main.volt

The above will compile main.volt as usual, but will output information in the file outputfile.json, structured as a JSON object. The purpose of this document is to briefly overview the structure of the file.


No matter how many modules (.volt files) are compiled, all of the information will be contained in a JSON object. This object will have two fields: target and modules. The target field contains an object that describes the platform that these modules were being compiled for, while the modules field contains an array of objects containing data about each module compiled.


The target is the system that is being compiled for. This does not have to match the system that the code was compiling it (the 'host').

// An example of the target object.
"target": {
	"arch": "x86_64",
	"platform": "msvc",
	"isP64": true,
	"ptrSize": 8,
	"alignment": {
		"int1": 1,
		"int8": 1,
		"int16": 2,
		"int32": 4,
		"int64": 8,
		"float32": 4,
		"float64": 8,
		"ptr": 8,
		"aggregate": 8

arch is a string that denotes the CPU architecture of the target. Some Possible Values: "x86": The 32 bit Intel x86 architecture. "x86_64": The 64 bit Intel x86 architecture. Often known as amd64.

platform is the operating environment of the target. Some Possible Values "mingw": Windows, using the MinGW compiler suite as a linker. "msvc": Windows, using the Microsoft VisualC++ linker. "linux": Linux. "osx": Mac OS X. "metal": A Swedish progrock OS. You've probably never heard of it.

isP64 is a boolean value that if present means pointers are 64 bits in size.

ptrSize is the size of a pointer, in bytes.

alignment is an object containing alignment information for the target. int1 through int64 contain the alignment of their respective integer values. float32 and float64 contain the alignment of 32 bit floating point values, and 64 bit doubles, respectively. ptr is the alignment of pointer values, and aggregate is the alignment of structs.

Common Fields

These fields appear in most objects, and serve the same purpose in each. If these fields appear in the examples of an object, it means that they can appear in that object, and their purpose will not be documented redundantly.

kind is a string that each object has that 'tags' the language structure that that object is documenting. For each type the specific string will be in its example.

name is the user displayable name of the given object. For user defined types, it will be the name of that type, etc.

mangledName is the 'mangled' name that is used in object files and the like.

If doc is present, it contains a string with the raw doccomment attached to that language structure. This string will contain comment notation, newlines, etc, and will need to be cleaned if it is to be displayed.

If children is present, it is a list of child language structures. A Modules children would contain a struct that was in that module, and that struct's children would contain the variables that make up its fields, and so on.

access is the access level of the given language structure. This can be "public", "private", or "protected".


    "kind": "module",
	"name": "...",
	"children": [{...}]


    "kind": "struct",
    "name": "...",
    "mangledName": "...",
    "doc": "...",
    "access": "...",
    "children": [{...}]


    "kind": "union",
    "name": "...",
    "mangledName": "...",
    "doc": "...",
    "access": "...",
    "children": [{...}]


    "kind": "class",
    "name": "...",
    "mangledName": "...",
    "parent": "...",
    "parentFull": "...",
    "interfaces": ["..."],
    "interfacesFull": ["..."],
    "doc": "...",
    "access": "...",
    "isAbstract": true,
    "isFinal": true,
    "children": [{...}]

If present, parent is a string containing the name of this classes parent class. parentFull is the same, but the fully qualified name.

If present, interfaces is an array of strings of interfaces this class implements. interfacesFull is the same, but the fully qualified names.

isAbstract is a boolean value that is present when the given class is an abstract class.

isFinal is a boolean value that is present when the given class is an final class.


    "kind": "interface",
    "name": "...",
    "mangledName": "...",
    "parents": ["..."],
    "parentsFull": ["..."],
    "doc": "...",
    "access": "...",
    "children": [{...}]

If present, parents is a list string containing the name of this interface's parent interfaces. parentsFull is the same, but the fully qualified names.


    "kind": "alias",
    "name": "...",
    "doc": "...",
    "type": "..."

type is a string of the name of the type that this alias points to.


    "kind": "import",
    "access": "...",
    "isStatic": true,
    "name": "...",
    "bind": "...",
    "aliases" [[...]]

This object corresponds to an import statement.

A public import will have its access value set to "public".

isStatic is a boolean value that is present if the given import is a static import.

bind is a string that corresponds to the left-hand-side of an import bind: import = package.mod;

aliases is a list of lists of strings. Each element corresponds to an import alias. Given the statement

import mod : a = b, c

would result in the following aliases array:

`[["a", "b"], ["c"]]`


    "kind": "...",  // See comments below.
    "name": "...",
    "mangledName": "...",
    "doc": "...",
    "linkage": "...",
    "args": [{...}],
    "hasBody": true,
    "access": "...",
    "isScope": true,
    "isOverride": true,
    "isAbstract": true,
    "isFinal": true,
    "forceLabel": true

kind is either "fn" for a regular function, "member" for a member function, "ctor" for a constructor, or "dtor" for a destructor.

linkage is either "c", "c++", "d", "volt", "pascal", or "windows", denoting what the linkage of this function is.

args is a list of objects that document the types and names of the arguments to this function.

isScope is present if this function is scoped.

isOverride is present if this function is overriding another function.

isAbstract is present if this function is marked as an abstract function.

isFinal is present if this function marked as final.

forceLabel is present if this function must be called with explicit parameter labels.

hasBody is present if this function has a defined body.


    "kind": "var",
    "name": "...",
    "mangledName": "...",
    "type": "...",
    "doc": "...",
    "access": "...",
    "linkage": "...",
    "storage": "...",
    "isExtern": true

type is a string with the type of this variable.

linkage is either "c", "c++", "d", "volt", "pascal", or "windows", denoting how this variable is mangled.

storage is either "field", "function", "nested", "local", or "global", depending on where this variable exists.

isExtern is present if the variable is marked as extern.


    "kind": "enum",
    "name": "...",
    "mangledName": "...",
    "doc": "...",
    "access": "...",
    "children": [{...}]

Enum Declaration

    "kind": "enumdecl",
    "name": "...",
    "type": "...",
    "doc": "...",
    "value": "...",
    "access": "...",
    "isStandalone": true

value, if present, contains a string containing the value of this enum.

isStandalone is present if this is a standalone enum, and not the child of a regular enum. (e.g., it is of the form enum Name = 32;)